Did you know? Jeffrey Epshteen spent time in jail. Read why!
(too old to reply)
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-04-21 13:36:38 UTC
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 19:55:58 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
<jew forgery b'rissed>
And Topaz called David Duke one of his greatest leaders!
And you called uppity ape Chrissie Morton one of your greatest

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-04-21 16:33:31 UTC
On Sun, 21 Apr 2024 06:57:39 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface'
SHEIN18 minutes ago
ReplyPermalinkOn Sat, 20 Apr 2024 19:55:58 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
<jew forgery b'rissed>
And Topaz called David Duke one of his greatest leaders!
And you called uppity ape Chrissie Morton one of your greatest
Chris greatly influenced my own political views since April 26, 1996!
Nature abhors a vacuum. ANYONE can influence someone with a BLANK
mind like yours.
He also dominated and humiliated you and your fellow dreckvolk!
Apes are INELIGIBLE to dominate or humiliate Humans, gook! In fact, I
kicked his fat nigger ass off Usenet more than TWENTY years ago!
- -
Great picture!
Hideous picture of a slant eyed COVID-spreading mongoloid!
Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
We kept dominating and humiliating Boedicia, just as we continue to
dominate and humiliate you!
Boedicea got it spot on when she described your posting abilities
Chris wrote this about you and your fellow dreckvolk on December 1,
What is a Nazi?
A Nazi is above all else
Well, at least the ape got THAT right!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
