The Satanic Obelisk Used in Freemasonry
(too old to reply)
2004-08-20 01:25:43 UTC


Luxor Temple

The Temple of Luxor is located in southern Thebes along the east bank
of the Nile River. The Temple was built by Amenhotep III and dedicated
to Amon-Re, king of the gods, his consort Mut, and their son Khons.
The Temple was later added to by Tutankhamen, Horemheb and Ramses II.
Thebes was capital of the ancient Egyptian empire during its peak.

Karnak Temple

Obelisk from the Great Temple at Karnak located in Northern Thebes.
Originally obelisks were erected in pairs at the entrances to ancient
Egyptian temples. They were cut from a single stone, usually red
granite. One pair of obelisks at Karnak erected by Thutmose I is 80
feet high and weighs 143 tons.

The above photo (this one in Jonesboro, LA) is
typical of a Masonic grave site. The Obelisk
(asherah) is used as the headstone
of the deceased Masonic Lodge member!

The Obelisk in the Bible is called “Asherah” in Hebrew, the KJV uses
the word “groves”!

The Strongs Concordance defines it as:
'asherah, ash-ay-raw'; or 'asheyrah, ash-ay-raw'; Strongs 842, from
Hebrew 833 ('ashar); happy; Asherah (or Astarte) a Phoenician goddess;
also an image of the same :- grove. Compare Hebrew 6253 (`Ashtoreth).

The word “asherah” is from the root `ashar, to be straight, erect or
Asherah (KJV - groves) is found in the scriptures 40 times, always
referring to idol worship.

The Companion Bible, appendix 42, defines "asherah" as follows:
It was an upright pillar connected with Baal-worship, and is
associated with the goddess Ashtoreth, being the representation of the
productive principal of life, and Baal being the representative of the
generative principal. The image, which represents the Phoenician
Ashtoreth of Paphos, as the sole object of worship in her temple, was
an upright block of stone, anointed with oil, and covered with an
embroidered cloth.

The above Masonic
grave stone has the
"embroidered cloth",
carved in stone, upon
the obelisk!

Some Masonic grave stones have the embroidered cloth, in stone,
covering the Asherah image. The Companion Bible defines this stone
idol as the image of the “Phallus”, or “images of men” as seen in
Ezekiel 16:17.

Such stones are to be found all over the Semitic world, the Companion
Bible continues, even the Mahommedan sacred stone (Kaaba) at Mecca
remains an object of reverence.

Asherah - the obelisk, is an abomination unto the Lord!

2 Chron. 34:3-4
For in the eighth year of his reign, while he (Josiah) was yet
young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the
twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high
places, and the groves (asherah), and the carved images, and the
molten images. [4] And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his
presence; and the images, that were on high above them, he cut down;
and the groves (asherah), and the carved images, and the molten
images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strowed it upon
the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

2 Chron. 34:7
And when he had broken down the altars and the groves (asherah),
and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the
idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem.

2 Kings 17:9-11
And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not
right against the Lord their God, and they built them high places in
all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city.
[10] And they set them up images and groves (asherah) in every high
hill, and under every green tree: [11] And there they burnt incense in
all the high places, as did the heathen whom the Lord carried away
before them; and wrought wicked things to provoke the Lord to anger:

1 Kings 18:19 Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto
mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the
prophets of the groves ['asherah] four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s

I don't believe that any True Christian would want this object placed
over their grave site, replacing the cross of Jesus Christ, by which
our sins were nailed to give us victory over death, hell and the

Below are some study resources for a deeper study!

(From Dakes Annotated Bible)

Hebrew: 'asherah (HSN-842), a pillar or image of wood. It was set up
with the image of Baal and worshiped as the wife of Baal by lewd rites
and sensual practices.
'Asherah (HSN-842) is always rendered grove in the KJV, but retained
as a proper name in the English Revised Version (1885) The word comes
from the root yashar (HSN-3474), "to be straight, upright, erect." The
pillar was set upright in the ground like a totem pole. It was either
a living tree with the top cut off and the trunk fashioned into a
certain shape (Deut. 16:21), or a log fashioned into an idol and set
erect in the ground (1 Kings 14:15; 1 Kings 16:33; Isaiah 17:8).
Though usually made of wood (Judges 6:26), it was perhaps in some
cases made of stone. Such poles could be cut down (Exodus 34:13),
plucked up (Micah 5:14), burnt (Deut. 12:3), and broken in pieces (2
Chron. 34:4).

That they were not groves of trees is clear from 2 Kings 17:10, where
they are forbidden to be set up under any green tree. Worshiped as a
symbol of the tree of life, the idol came to be associated with
procreation. As such, 'Asherah (HSN-842) became an object of impure,
perverse worship by crowds of devotees involved in demonized, obscene
orgies. The worship centered in the Canaanite nations and then spread
into other
nations. Relics of it are found among all heathen peoples. The first
mention of the idol in the Bible stamps it as a special object of
God's hatred; it was at this idol that God revealed His name as
Jealous (Exodus 34:13-14; cp. 1 Kings 14:15; 1 Kings 15:13; 1 Kings
16:32-33; 2 Chron. 36:14). It led to the destruction of all Canaanite
nations and, with other things, caused Israel to be banished among
other nations. The true nature of this form of idolatry is made clear
in Jeremiah 5:7; Jeremiah 7:30-31; Jeremiah 19:4-5; Jeremiah 32:34-35;
Hosea 4:12-14; Amos 2:7-9, and in other passages where grove is found
(Exodus 34:13; Deut. 7:5; Deut. 12:3; Deut. 16:21; Judges 3:7; Judges
6:25-30; 1 Kings 14:15,23; 1 Kings 15:13; 1 Kings 16:33; 1 Kings
18:19; 2 Kings 13:6; 2 Kings 17:10,16; 2 Kings 18:4; 2 Kings 21:3,7; 2
Kings 23:4-15; 2 Chron. 14:3; 2 Chron. 15:16; 2 Chron. 17:6; 2 Chron.
19:3; 2 Chron. 24:18; 2 Chron. 31:1; 2 Chron. 33:3,19; 2 Chron.
34:3-7; Isaiah 17:8; Isaiah 27:9; Jeremiah 17:2; Micah 5:14).
(From Dakes Annotated Bible)

(From Vine’s complete expository dictionary)

'asherah (842), “Asherah, Asherim (pl.).” This noun, which has an
Ugaritic cognate, first appears in the Bible in passages anticipating
the settlement in Palestine. The word’s most frequent appearances,
however, are usually in historical literature. Of its 40 appearances,
4 are in Israel’s law code, 4 in Judges, 4 in prophetic books, and the
rest are in 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles.

'Asherah refers to a cultic object representing the presence of the
Canaanite goddess Asherah. When the people of Israel entered
Palestine, they were to have nothing to do with the idolatrous
religions of its inhabitants. Rather, God said, “But ye shall destroy
their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves ['asherim]
…” (Exod. 34:13). This cult object was manufactured from wood (Judg.
6:26; 1 Kings 14:15) and it could be burned (Deut. 12:3). Some
scholars conclude that it was a sacred pole set up near an altar to
Baal. Since there was only one goddess with this name, the plural
('asherim) probably represents her several “poles.”
'Asherah signifies the name of the goddess herself: “Now therefore
send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets
of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves
['asherah] four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table” (1 Kings
18:19). The Canaanites believed that 'asherah ruled the sea, was the
mother of all the gods including Baal, and sometimes was his deadly
enemy. Apparently, the mythology of Canaan maintained that 'asherah
was the consort of Baal, who had displaced El as their highest god.
Thus her sacred objects (poles) were immediately beside altars to
Baal, and she was worshiped along with him.
(From W.E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger and William White, Vine’s complete
expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words [computer file],
electronic ed., Logos Library System, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson) 1997,

The above definition of “asherah”, as an object of idol worship, is
confirmed also in Smith’s Bible Dictionary, New Naves Topical Bible
and Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
M. Epling
2004-08-20 07:05:03 UTC
who was Adam S. Hibler? Do you know? He was buried and guess what he has as
a tombstone? Do some research on him and tell me if he was a mason.

Basilica of St. Peter

The present Church of St. Peter stands upon the site where at the beginning
of the first century the gardens of Agrippina lay. Her son, Caius Caligula,
built a circus there, in the spina of which he erected the celebrated
obelisk without hieroglyphics which was brought from Heliopolis and now
stands in the Piazza di S. Pietro.

Also, thee is a town in Pa, named : Obelisk, PA. What does that mean about
Pa now!!! It must be a devil worshiping town.

First Methodist Church, New Orleans has one as a steeple.


Acton Congregational Church


Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Luxor Temple
The Temple of Luxor is located in southern Thebes along the east bank
of the Nile River. The Temple was built by Amenhotep III and dedicated
to Amon-Re, king of the gods, his consort Mut, and their son Khons.
The Temple was later added to by Tutankhamen, Horemheb and Ramses II.
Thebes was capital of the ancient Egyptian empire during its peak.
Karnak Temple
Obelisk from the Great Temple at Karnak located in Northern Thebes.
Originally obelisks were erected in pairs at the entrances to ancient
Egyptian temples. They were cut from a single stone, usually red
granite. One pair of obelisks at Karnak erected by Thutmose I is 80
feet high and weighs 143 tons.
The above photo (this one in Jonesboro, LA) is
typical of a Masonic grave site. The Obelisk
(asherah) is used as the headstone
of the deceased Masonic Lodge member!
The Obelisk in the Bible is called "Asherah" in Hebrew, the KJV uses
the word "groves"!
'asherah, ash-ay-raw'; or 'asheyrah, ash-ay-raw'; Strongs 842, from
Hebrew 833 ('ashar); happy; Asherah (or Astarte) a Phoenician goddess;
also an image of the same :- grove. Compare Hebrew 6253 (`Ashtoreth).
The word "asherah" is from the root `ashar, to be straight, erect or
Asherah (KJV - groves) is found in the scriptures 40 times, always
referring to idol worship.
It was an upright pillar connected with Baal-worship, and is
associated with the goddess Ashtoreth, being the representation of the
productive principal of life, and Baal being the representative of the
generative principal. The image, which represents the Phoenician
Ashtoreth of Paphos, as the sole object of worship in her temple, was
an upright block of stone, anointed with oil, and covered with an
embroidered cloth.
The above Masonic
grave stone has the
"embroidered cloth",
carved in stone, upon
the obelisk!
Some Masonic grave stones have the embroidered cloth, in stone,
covering the Asherah image. The Companion Bible defines this stone
idol as the image of the "Phallus", or "images of men" as seen in
Ezekiel 16:17.
Such stones are to be found all over the Semitic world, the Companion
Bible continues, even the Mahommedan sacred stone (Kaaba) at Mecca
remains an object of reverence.
Asherah - the obelisk, is an abomination unto the Lord!
2 Chron. 34:3-4
For in the eighth year of his reign, while he (Josiah) was yet
young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the
twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high
places, and the groves (asherah), and the carved images, and the
molten images. [4] And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his
presence; and the images, that were on high above them, he cut down;
and the groves (asherah), and the carved images, and the molten
images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strowed it upon
the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.
2 Chron. 34:7
And when he had broken down the altars and the groves (asherah),
and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the
idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem.
2 Kings 17:9-11
And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not
right against the Lord their God, and they built them high places in
all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city.
[10] And they set them up images and groves (asherah) in every high
hill, and under every green tree: [11] And there they burnt incense in
all the high places, as did the heathen whom the Lord carried away
1 Kings 18:19 Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto
mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the
prophets of the groves ['asherah] four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's
I don't believe that any True Christian would want this object placed
over their grave site, replacing the cross of Jesus Christ, by which
our sins were nailed to give us victory over death, hell and the
Below are some study resources for a deeper study!
(From Dakes Annotated Bible)
Hebrew: 'asherah (HSN-842), a pillar or image of wood. It was set up
with the image of Baal and worshiped as the wife of Baal by lewd rites
and sensual practices.
'Asherah (HSN-842) is always rendered grove in the KJV, but retained
as a proper name in the English Revised Version (1885) The word comes
from the root yashar (HSN-3474), "to be straight, upright, erect." The
pillar was set upright in the ground like a totem pole. It was either
a living tree with the top cut off and the trunk fashioned into a
certain shape (Deut. 16:21), or a log fashioned into an idol and set
erect in the ground (1 Kings 14:15; 1 Kings 16:33; Isaiah 17:8).
Though usually made of wood (Judges 6:26), it was perhaps in some
cases made of stone. Such poles could be cut down (Exodus 34:13),
plucked up (Micah 5:14), burnt (Deut. 12:3), and broken in pieces (2
Chron. 34:4).
That they were not groves of trees is clear from 2 Kings 17:10, where
they are forbidden to be set up under any green tree. Worshiped as a
symbol of the tree of life, the idol came to be associated with
procreation. As such, 'Asherah (HSN-842) became an object of impure,
perverse worship by crowds of devotees involved in demonized, obscene
orgies. The worship centered in the Canaanite nations and then spread
into other
nations. Relics of it are found among all heathen peoples. The first
mention of the idol in the Bible stamps it as a special object of
God's hatred; it was at this idol that God revealed His name as
Jealous (Exodus 34:13-14; cp. 1 Kings 14:15; 1 Kings 15:13; 1 Kings
16:32-33; 2 Chron. 36:14). It led to the destruction of all Canaanite
nations and, with other things, caused Israel to be banished among
other nations. The true nature of this form of idolatry is made clear
in Jeremiah 5:7; Jeremiah 7:30-31; Jeremiah 19:4-5; Jeremiah 32:34-35;
Hosea 4:12-14; Amos 2:7-9, and in other passages where grove is found
(Exodus 34:13; Deut. 7:5; Deut. 12:3; Deut. 16:21; Judges 3:7; Judges
6:25-30; 1 Kings 14:15,23; 1 Kings 15:13; 1 Kings 16:33; 1 Kings
18:19; 2 Kings 13:6; 2 Kings 17:10,16; 2 Kings 18:4; 2 Kings 21:3,7; 2
Kings 23:4-15; 2 Chron. 14:3; 2 Chron. 15:16; 2 Chron. 17:6; 2 Chron.
19:3; 2 Chron. 24:18; 2 Chron. 31:1; 2 Chron. 33:3,19; 2 Chron.
34:3-7; Isaiah 17:8; Isaiah 27:9; Jeremiah 17:2; Micah 5:14).
(From Dakes Annotated Bible)
(From Vine's complete expository dictionary)
'asherah (842), "Asherah, Asherim (pl.)." This noun, which has an
Ugaritic cognate, first appears in the Bible in passages anticipating
the settlement in Palestine. The word's most frequent appearances,
however, are usually in historical literature. Of its 40 appearances,
4 are in Israel's law code, 4 in Judges, 4 in prophetic books, and the
rest are in 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles.
'Asherah refers to a cultic object representing the presence of the
Canaanite goddess Asherah. When the people of Israel entered
Palestine, they were to have nothing to do with the idolatrous
religions of its inhabitants. Rather, God said, "But ye shall destroy
their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves ['asherim]
." (Exod. 34:13). This cult object was manufactured from wood (Judg.
6:26; 1 Kings 14:15) and it could be burned (Deut. 12:3). Some
scholars conclude that it was a sacred pole set up near an altar to
Baal. Since there was only one goddess with this name, the plural
('asherim) probably represents her several "poles."
'Asherah signifies the name of the goddess herself: "Now therefore
send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets
of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves
['asherah] four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table" (1 Kings
18:19). The Canaanites believed that 'asherah ruled the sea, was the
mother of all the gods including Baal, and sometimes was his deadly
enemy. Apparently, the mythology of Canaan maintained that 'asherah
was the consort of Baal, who had displaced El as their highest god.
Thus her sacred objects (poles) were immediately beside altars to
Baal, and she was worshiped along with him.
(From W.E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger and William White, Vine's complete
expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words [computer file],
electronic ed., Logos Library System, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson) 1997,
The above definition of "asherah", as an object of idol worship, is
confirmed also in Smith's Bible Dictionary, New Naves Topical Bible
and Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
Ed King
2004-08-20 11:44:30 UTC
Post by M. Epling
who was Adam S. Hibler? Do you know? He was buried and guess what he has as
a tombstone? Do some research on him and tell me if he was a mason.
EVERYBODY is a Mason in Steve's little pea brain. They're all out to get him.
But he'll convert them all with his insults, profanity and his Geneva Bible.
A few heavy thumps aside the head with the latter along with him pretending
to be somebody else and they'll become.... Oh, wait: Steve doesn't even HAVE
a religion. He hates every denomination of Protestant we've mentioned, hates
Catholics of all kinds, and certainly hates Jews. We have yet to hear from
him about Muslims although his Geneva Bible fixation kinda precludes that and
I seem to recall he's made a few remarks about Bhuddists.

Wonder what religion he's attempting to convert people to anyway.... Perhaps
we could ask some of his claimed MANY converts?
Post by M. Epling
Basilica of St. Peter
The present Church of St. Peter stands upon the site where at the beginning
of the first century the gardens of Agrippina lay. Her son, Caius Caligula,
built a circus there, in the spina of which he erected the celebrated
obelisk without hieroglyphics which was brought from Heliopolis and now
stands in the Piazza di S. Pietro.
But wait: remember that this is the guy who - while hating Catholics - was
quoting a website wherein they were <supposedly> Catholics who said that the
Pope wasn't Catholic and was a Freemason too.

Of COURSE that's a Masonic obelisk at the Church of St. Peter. Silly boy.
Post by M. Epling
Also, thee is a town in Pa, named : Obelisk, PA. What does that mean about
Pa now!!! It must be a devil worshiping town.
Indeed. If you don't believe in 'The Religion of Steve' (whatever it may be -
both now and in the future) then you're worshipping the devil AND a
Post by M. Epling
First Methodist Church, New Orleans has one as a steeple.
Methodists are heretics. Didn't he say that?
Post by M. Epling
Acton Congregational Church
CONGREGATIONALISTS? I thought he said they had NO religion - or perhaps that
was on the website of one of those whom he's quoted here. Regardless, that's
in Massachusetts where you KNOW they have no religion! <ROFL>

I keep asking Steve if he's going to go join Brian and 'walk the cross' but
Steve is pretty silent when it comes to showing some actual proof of his good
works. Awfully quiet indeed - which makes me think he's not much more than a
high school student (probably one who's at least a year behind) and got back
from camp somewhere to hang around the house until school starts again. It
fits the profile: undefined but fanatical religious beliefs, lies heaped upon
lies, slander of all types, and the childish insistence on not using my name.
Yeppers: that's our Steve.

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-08-20 14:53:23 UTC
All lies, Edwin is not worthy or any reasoning, he believes his own
made up stories about people.
Post by Ed King
Post by M. Epling
who was Adam S. Hibler? Do you know? He was buried and guess what he has as
a tombstone? Do some research on him and tell me if he was a mason.
EVERYBODY is a Mason in Steve's little pea brain. They're all out to get him.
But he'll convert them all with his insults, profanity and his Geneva Bible.
A few heavy thumps aside the head with the latter along with him pretending
to be somebody else and they'll become.... Oh, wait: Steve doesn't even HAVE
a religion. He hates every denomination of Protestant we've mentioned, hates
Catholics of all kinds, and certainly hates Jews. We have yet to hear from
him about Muslims although his Geneva Bible fixation kinda precludes that and
I seem to recall he's made a few remarks about Bhuddists.
Wonder what religion he's attempting to convert people to anyway.... Perhaps
we could ask some of his claimed MANY converts?
Post by M. Epling
Basilica of St. Peter
The present Church of St. Peter stands upon the site where at the beginning
of the first century the gardens of Agrippina lay. Her son, Caius Caligula,
built a circus there, in the spina of which he erected the celebrated
obelisk without hieroglyphics which was brought from Heliopolis and now
stands in the Piazza di S. Pietro.
But wait: remember that this is the guy who - while hating Catholics - was
quoting a website wherein they were <supposedly> Catholics who said that the
Pope wasn't Catholic and was a Freemason too.
Of COURSE that's a Masonic obelisk at the Church of St. Peter. Silly boy.
Post by M. Epling
Also, thee is a town in Pa, named : Obelisk, PA. What does that mean about
Pa now!!! It must be a devil worshiping town.
Indeed. If you don't believe in 'The Religion of Steve' (whatever it may be -
both now and in the future) then you're worshipping the devil AND a
Post by M. Epling
First Methodist Church, New Orleans has one as a steeple.
Methodists are heretics. Didn't he say that?
Post by M. Epling
Acton Congregational Church
CONGREGATIONALISTS? I thought he said they had NO religion - or perhaps that
was on the website of one of those whom he's quoted here. Regardless, that's
in Massachusetts where you KNOW they have no religion! <ROFL>
I keep asking Steve if he's going to go join Brian and 'walk the cross' but
Steve is pretty silent when it comes to showing some actual proof of his good
works. Awfully quiet indeed - which makes me think he's not much more than a
high school student (probably one who's at least a year behind) and got back
from camp somewhere to hang around the house until school starts again. It
fits the profile: undefined but fanatical religious beliefs, lies heaped upon
lies, slander of all types, and the childish insistence on not using my name.
Yeppers: that's our Steve.
Ed King
http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 17:05:43 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
All lies, Edwin is not worthy or any reasoning, he believes his own
made up stories about people.
Brilliant refutation there, Steve. Positively masterful.

<Long Dr. Evil laugh>
2004-08-20 14:54:13 UTC

Esoteric "Christianity"
By Carl Teichrib - August, 2004

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It was a four hour visit, but it seemed like all day.

For a number of months I had been dialoging with a local gentleman who
claimed to have had a deep spiritual experience. Shaken and changed by
this supernatural event, this gentleman declared that the "veil had
been opened" and that he had entered the "Holy of Holies" within his
own soul. He claimed that through this experience he had been given a
true understanding of who God is, and that he now knew the hidden
secrets of God's heart - "the oracles of God."

This type of alternative spiritual view wasn't new to me. I had come
across similar views through my studies in the New Age Movement.
However, it still caused consternation when, sitting at my dining room
table, this dynamic individual was now actively trying to persuade me
of the validity of his experience and spiritual position. More than
that, his ultimate aim was to lead me into a similar experience so
that I too could come "face to face with Jesus" within my own soul.

It was an exhausting afternoon - his experience versus whatever I
understood the Bible to say. "We don't need the Bible, just put it on
the shelf" was something he repeated on many occasions. Why? During
our discussions, both at this particular meeting and at subsequent
others, I was told that "truth" already resided in the soul. Moreover,
God was revealing this new soul-reality by doing "a new thing" through
fantastic (mystical) experiences. After my guest departed it felt like
a spiritual whirlwind had ripped through my house. But something good
came out of this episode; it made me think.

Throughout the course of our time together, my guest continuously
referred to "fearing God" - not that we were to fear God, but just the
opposite. The claim was simple: in order to know God fully, man must
shed any fear of God, for the fear of the Lord breeds pride, lust, and
anger. This fear of God, my guest explained, was the root of pride and

Scripture, however, paints an opposite picture:

2 Chronicles 19:7 - "Now let the fear of the LORD be upon you. Judge
carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or
partiality or bribery."

Job 28:28 - "The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil
is understanding."

Psalm 19:9 - "The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The
ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous."

Psalms 111:10 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all
who follow his precepts have good understanding."

Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

Matthew 10:28 - "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but
cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy
both soul and body in Hell."

And in the song of Mary found in the first chapter of Luke, Mary tells
us in verse 50, "And His mercy is on those who fear Him. From
generation to generation."

Now my guest also had a verse - even while exclaiming that the Bible
was no longer relevant - "there is no fear in love; but perfect love
casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has
not been made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18).

Is this a contradiction? No. The context of 1 John 4:18 centers around
love, salvation, and punishment for sin. One commentator writes,

"We must here distinguish between the fear of God and being afraid of
him. The fear of God is often mentioned and commanded as the substance
of religion. Such fear is consistent with love, yea, with perfect
love. But then there is a being afraid of God, which arises from a
sense of guilt; and so fear here may be rendered dread: There is no
dread in love." (Matthew Henry)

The bottom line is this: as Christians, we must revere God without
holding onto the fear that comes with judgment - as our penalty for
sin has been paid in full by Jesus Christ. This is the basis for our
confidence before the throne of grace; assurance through Christ's
sacrifice, coupled with an intense reverence for a God who is
terrifyingly awesome and infinitely powerful.

But by equating the "fear of God" with pride and sin, my guest was
saying something far different. Yes, I understood that his position
didn't jive with Scripture, but something larger was nagging at me.
And then it hit me: my guest had literally reversed the truth.

Why is the lion considered the King of the Jungle and a "beast of
pride"? Simply because he has no rival and doesn't fear anything. Why
did Lucifer fall - because he feared God with humility and trembling?
Just the opposite. Scripture tells us that the pride of Satan
(Lucifer) was his downfall (Ezek. 28:17 and 2 Timothy 3:6). Pride

"I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of
God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost
heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the
clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:13-14).

This is akin to spitting in God's face and declaring "I no longer fear
you. I will become as you are, or better." To say "I no longer fear
God" is the ultimate act of pride and arrogance; it places the
creature as equal to or above the Creator.

But who was telling my guest that to fear God was the root of pride?
In later conversations, he explained that the spirit within his soul
guided him into all knowledge. When I asked him which spirit it was
that had control of his soul, and directly challenged whether or not
it was an agent of Satan masquerading as an angel of light, he sharply
replied that "as long as you have no fear, it doesn't matter which
spirit it is."

This is very dangerous ground. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
an occult society that had its start back in 1887, teaches that "Fear
is failure and the forerunner of failure...Therefore fear not the
Spirits, but be firm and courteous with them..." (Israel Regardie, The
Golden Dawn, "Fourth Knowledge Lecture"). Yet, God's Word tells us
that we are not to believe every spirit, but rather to test them to
see if they are from God (1 John 4:1).

Please understand, this is nothing to fool around with. In 2
Corinthians 11 we find that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of
light." Furthermore, 1 Peter 5 tells us that "your enemy the devil
prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
Obviously, the realm of "spirits" isn't something to be taken lightly.

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, a New Age text written in
response to a mystical vision, also links fear and spirituality,

"When man comes to himself and comprehends the fact that he is son of
God, and knows that in himself lies all the powers of God, he is a
master mind and all the elements will hear his voice and gladly do his
will. Two sturdy asses bind the will of man; their names are Fear and
Unbelief. When these are caught and turned aside, the will of man will
know no bounds; then man has but to speak and it is done." (The
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Chapter 92)

Notice the connection between suppressing spiritual fear and rising to
a god-like state ("in himself lies all the powers of God"). After all,
becoming God is what this is all about, isn't it?

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ states: "Now, men and birds
and beasts and creeping things are deities, made flesh" (Chapter 28).
John Randolph Price, author of The Planetary Commission, says it even
more dramatically,

"Nothing can touch me but the direct action of God and God is my
Omnipotent Self. I can do all things through the Strength of the
Christ I AM. I AM STRENGTH!" (capitals in original, p.133).

Annie Besant, past leader of the Theosophical Society and one of the
"mothers" of the New Age Movement taught that "Man is not to be
compelled; he is to be free. He is not a slave, but a God in the
making." (Esoteric Christianity, p.220).

During the numerous follow-up conversations that ended up happening
with my guest, it became evident that he followed this
self-deification line to a remarkable degree. It's the same line that
Satan used in the Garden of Eden, the same line that caused man to
fall: "You will not surely die...For God knows that when you eat of it
[the forbidden fruit] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like
God..." (Genesis 3:4-5).

Today, just as in the past, we as Christians are in a vulnerable
position. The short book of Jude describes this problem very simply,

"For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have
secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the
grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our
only Sovereign and Lord" (Jude 4)

This fits in our modern age as much as it did during the early church.
My mystically-oriented guest was very "evangelistic" with his message,
and ended up going from church-to-church proclaiming this new gospel -
sometimes using very blunt tactics, but more often using provocative
statements and questions in order to open doors and seed confusion.

Romans 11:34 rhetorically asks, "Who has known the mind of the Lord?"
In this day and age, many men and women are now claiming that they
know the mind of the Lord, the secrets of God, and the hidden thoughts
of the Almighty. They come equipped with new prophecies, teachings,
and doctrines; often validated by fantastic experiences, signs and
wonders, and great proclamations of "thus saith the Lord."

Dear reader, be aware! Be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing, be
aware of experienced-based teachings which counter or twist God's Holy
Word, be aware of those who proclaim an "esoteric" version of
Christianity - rightfully teaching that Jesus was divine, but adding
to it the message of an internalized "Jesus spirit" and/or
self-deification. Jesus said in Matthew 24, "Watch out that no one
deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the
Christ,' and will deceive many."


Carl Teichrib is a highly respected freelance researcher and a wise
and authoritative writer on issues pertaining to globalization. Some
of his earlier articles are:

Re-zoning the World: The Merging of the Americas in a New Global Order

A Short Guide to Occult Symbols

A New World Agenda - Canada's Role In Sustainable Development

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Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-20 16:37:02 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Esoteric "Christianity"
You're not a Christian, blasphemyboi, otherwise you wouldn't be pissin' on
Jesus' name. Hell, isn't it? HTH :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
2004-08-20 21:52:31 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:37:02 -0400, "Sovereign Sockpuppet©"
Post by Sovereign Sockpuppet©
"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
google cant find any of these four alleged posts
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-20 22:33:21 UTC
Post by Quintal
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:37:02 -0400, "Sovereign Sockpuppet©"
Post by Sovereign Sockpuppet©
"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
google cant find any of these four alleged posts
Heh... thats because google groups will have archived my siggy so many times that you'll never find them. Use a real newsreader... and learn to count. HTH :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 17:09:04 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Esoteric "Christianity"
By Carl Teichrib - August, 2004

This article had NOTHING in it about Masonry at all. If you want to stay
in the program, you're going to have start producing.
2004-08-20 18:02:16 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:09:04 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Esoteric "Christianity"
By Carl Teichrib - August, 2004
This article had NOTHING in it about Masonry at all. If you want to stay
in the program, you're going to have start producing.
Yes it did, Masons teach this stuff.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 18:29:29 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:09:04 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Esoteric "Christianity"
By Carl Teichrib - August, 2004
This article had NOTHING in it about Masonry at all. If you want to stay
in the program, you're going to have start producing.
Yes it did, Masons teach this stuff.
Well, no. They don't. I mean it. You're just asking for trouble if you
keep ignoring your responsibility to keep posting nonsense stuff ABOUT
Freemasons. Come on. Show a little initiative.
2004-08-20 19:09:23 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:29:29 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:09:04 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Esoteric "Christianity"
By Carl Teichrib - August, 2004
This article had NOTHING in it about Masonry at all. If you want to stay
in the program, you're going to have start producing.
Yes it did, Masons teach this stuff.
Well, no. They don't. I mean it. You're just asking for trouble if you
keep ignoring your responsibility to keep posting nonsense stuff ABOUT
Freemasons. Come on. Show a little initiative.
LOL, I will continue to epose the Freemason lies, Warn someone who
cares about your lies.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 19:47:43 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
LOL, I will continue to epose the Freemason lies, Warn someone who
cares about your lies.
I warned YOU, didn't I? That's just about the whole list. :)
Ed King
2004-08-20 23:19:14 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
LOL, I will continue to epose the Freemason lies,
<ROFL> Bring it on!

You make yourself look more and more foolish with each and every post.
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Warn someone who cares about your lies.
That's ok. They can see the difference the minute you type a sentence.

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-08-21 18:20:19 UTC
LOL, I will continue to epose the Freemason lies.
Oh, epouse away, k00kboy.

But you'll have to find a "Freemason lie" first.

We'll wait.

Holbrook #30, A. F. & A. M.
Forest Grove, OR
2004-08-20 14:54:57 UTC


Jahbulon as identified by the Masonic Ritual is a combination of 3
dieties! It is a mix of "Jehovah" with 2 Pagan dieties!

Here is an actual scanned copy from the "Duncan's Masonic Ritual and
Monitor or guide to the three symbolic degrees of the Ancient York
Rite and to the degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent
Master, and the Royal Arch" by Malcom C. Duncan, David McKay Company,
Inc. New York.

Please note that they are saying that the Early Eastern Church
mistakenly represented the Greek letters as “Jesus, the first and the

But the Royal Arch Degree has “seen it in its true light; but they
have corrected the error unlearnedly. It ought to have been….”

Then they spell out the blasphemous name JAH BUL ON confirming
this word to the combination of the names of the Syrian God, the
Chaldea God and the Egyptian God.

Are these other God's the same God of the Christian faith?

JAH- representing the name JAHOVAH, the blessed name of the Lord in
the Old Testament. The name "Jesus" means "Jehovah is Salvation."
BUL- representing the name BAAL or BEL, an Old Testament demon god.
(1 Kings 16:29-33)

ON- represents the name of the Egyptian Sun god, another demon god.
(Gen. 41:45, 50)

They have mixed the name of the Lord with DEMON GODS!

... and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be
heard out of thy mouth. Exodus 23:13

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they
sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should
have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and
the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of
the table of devils. (1 Cor 10:20-21 KJV)

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the
temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and
walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the
Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (2 Cor
6:14-17 KJV)

JAH BUL ON the Masonic replacement for the name Jesus Christ,
is ANTICHRIST! The Mason (who claims to be a Christain) is
forbidden by oath, to evangelize his Mason "brothers" and proclaim
Jesus Christ as Lord! The name of Jesus Christ is an offense to those
who are perishing. So they devise a name by which the Christian and
the Pagans can both use without offending each other!

Personally, I don't believe that any Mason is a "saved" Christian, but
rather someone who thinks they are saved, never really having
surrendered their heart to Jesus. They do not have the Holy Spirit to
give them the discearnment to know what is right and what is wrong in
the eyes of the living God. The Holy Spirit will not allow a child of
God to partake in these rituals, swear these death oaths, or declare a
blasphemous name for God. Without the Holy Spirit indwelling, the
person is NOT saved and still a subject of God's wrath on judgment

Romans 8:14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of

Romans 8:8-9
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. [9] But ye
are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of
God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is
none of his.

Jahbalon Jahbelon Jahbolon Jehbalon Jehbulon Jehbolon Jahbulaum
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 17:09:55 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Jahbulon as identified by the Masonic Ritual is a combination of 3
dieties! It is a mix of "Jehovah" with 2 Pagan dieties!
Here is an actual scanned copy from the "Duncan's Masonic Ritual and
Really? WHERE?
2004-08-20 21:53:58 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 14:54:57 GMT, JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Jahbulon as identified by the Masonic Ritual is a combination of 3
dieties! It is a mix of "Jehovah" with 2 Pagan dieties!
seems to be a common masonic practice to build names out of three
other names
SOL-OM-ON is the sun in three languages : latin, sanskrit, egyptian

(i heard that from william cooper)
David Simpson
2004-08-21 06:30:27 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 21:53:58 GMT, Quintal
Post by Quintal
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 14:54:57 GMT, JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Jahbulon as identified by the Masonic Ritual is a combination of 3
dieties! It is a mix of "Jehovah" with 2 Pagan dieties!
seems to be a common masonic practice to build names out of three
other names
SOL-OM-ON is the sun in three languages : latin, sanskrit, egyptian
(i heard that from william cooper)
Funny how Latin had not been invented when Solomon was alive.
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Paraphrasing Robert Heinlein,
2004-08-20 14:57:25 UTC

Freemasonry and Shriners


You CANNOT keep a secret without telling a lie! If a Mason should
tell the truth, he has broken his oath, and if they should keep the
terms of their oath, he is subject to death! The Mason, when
confronted with direct questions about the Lodge, must say nothing, or
lie to protect the secrets of his idol and in doing so, places his
soul in danger of hell! More often than not, their pride gets in the
way, and they will respond and lie. One Mason whom I confronted,
helped me to correctly pronounce their Blasphemous replacement name of
God, "Jahbulon" , and then, 15 minutes later he denied that he ever
heard of the word. (This man eventually left the Lodge)

Rev. 21:8
..... and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the
lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Who is your "Worshipful Master?" And who is your "Worshipful Grand
In each Lodge, every initiate bows his knee to another Mason whom he
addresses as "Worshipful Master" as he swears his death oath of
secrecy. In their ritual in which Hiram Abiff is glorified (shown
later on this page to be Lucifer), they identify him as their
"Worshipful Grand Master".

“Worshipful” is defined in the Webster's Dictionary as “worthy of
being worshiped”
“Grand” in definition includes “to swell up, pride, most important”
"Master" is defined as "one who rules others, has control, authority"

These men act in direct disobedience to Jesus who said:

"No one can serve two Masters; for he Will hate the one and love the
other.. (Matt. 6:24)
"Neither be ye called Masters; for ONE is your Master, even Christ.”
(Matt. 23:10)

(Rev. 19:10)

They have also exalted some men in the Lodge (Shriners) as the
"Imperial Grand Potentate", a designation which belongs to Jesus
Christ alone.

Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and ONLY
Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; (1 Tim. 6:15)

The Masonic Lodge is the Father of many occultic religions which have
spun from the rituals of the Lodge such as "The Order of the Golden
Dawn", the "Rosicrucians", "Ordo Templi Orientis", the "Order of the
Trapeziod", the "Illuminati", and the Mormon Church (or "Latter day
Saints"). You can learn more about these occults in the review of
Albert Pikes “Morals and Dogmas” and the Occults of Freemasonry!

In Matt. 5:33-37 Jesus says NOT to make Oaths.

Matt 5:33-37
“Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old
time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord
thine oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven;
for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool:
neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither
shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair
white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:
for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” (from the devil)

Yet the Master Mason makes a solemn oath on the Bible to
"Acknowledge and obey all due signs and summons sent to me from a
Master Masons' Lodge... all this I most solemnly and sincerely
swear... So help me God"

In Making the above oath, the Mason has sworn the Master Mason's Lodge
as his LORD AND MASTER! He has SWORN to OBEY EVERY order the Lodge
gives him! You CANNOT serve TWO MASTERS! A TRUE Christian has
committed his life to OBEY Jesus!

Jesus said this oath comes from Satan (evil) in Matthew 5:37 shown
above! "...for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil."

The Mason has SINNED by making this oath, forsaking the words of Jesus
Christ, and puts himself in danger of breaking up 4 of the 10
Commandments! The Mason, unknowingly has placed himself and his
family under a devils CURSE that only Repentance can break. Your words
hold a lot of value, and every single word you speak, will one day
stand before the judgment seat of God!

Matthew 12:36
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak,
they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Above picture is from the Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor! Here
the Candidate is blindfolded, has a rope around his neck, half naked,
kneeling before the Worshipful Master, with his hands on the Bible, he
then proclaims a curse upon himself before God! This ritual is
Satanic! He enters the Lodge Blinded and remains spiritually blinded
as long as he remains in the Lodge!

" they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind,
both shall fall into the ditch." Matthew 15:14

(Duncan's Masonic Ritual can be purchased at Amazon.com, Barnes and
Noble or Books-A-Million.)

Fox News 2004 - Man accidently shot to death during Masonic

I met one man who had his fingers chopped off, accidentally, during a
Masonic initiation. They asked him to write everything he knew about
the Lodge (which is forbidden). The initiation ritual at his lodge,
used a sword, in which they would slam on the table to frighten the
initiate, so that he would never think about writing their secrets
again. The man with the sword got TOO close and cut off his fingers.
Each Lodge uses their own method of creating this "fear" during the
ritual. The Fox News link above, reports of one that used a gun! Of
course, this would be an appropriate way of killing a man, and making
it look like an accident, especially if the investigating officer is
also one of the Lodge members! Regardless, their inititaion ritual can
create, fear, injury or even death!


The initiate can break up to 4 Commandments of God simply by taking
the oath to become a Mason.

"...binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat
cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the
rough sands of the seas... So help me God..”

1. “Thou shalt not Kill” This includes your own body. Suicide is
murder. Thus breaking the 6th Commandment.
2 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in Vain" If you say the
oath is not taken seriously, you have used God's name in vain, even
kissing the Bible. Thus you have broken the 3rd Commandment.
3. Breaking the 2nd Commandment, the Square and Compass are reverenced
as "Idols" on the alter.
4 Breaking the 1st Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other God's
before Me." The God of Freemasonry is NOT THE GOD OF THE BIBLE.

Every Mason who swears this blood oath has placed his family under a
curse! For an illustration of this curse by Chick tracts, click here!

Prayer to break Masonic Curses

Southern Baptists view of Freemasonry

Assemblies of God view of Freemasonry


The Royal Arch candidate is given the "Lost name of God" which they
claim is "JAH-BUL-ON." Then the High Priest of the Royal Arch says
this is "the divine Logos, or “Word” referred to in John 1:1-5.” If
you are a Christian, you know John 1:1-5 "The Word" is Jesus Christ,
the Author of Life, NOT the Blasphemous name JAH-BUL-ON. Nor the
Destroyer, "Abaddon" of the Scottish Rite.

JAH- representing the name JAHOVAH
BUL- representing the name BAAL or BEL, an Old Testament Demon god.
(1 Kings 16:29-33)
ON- represents the name of the Egyptian Demon Sun god. (Gen. 41:45,

Henry Wilson Coil in Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia (95:516) and the
Masonic Ritual and Monitor (58:226) admit that “Bul” or "Bel” refers
to the Assyrian or Canaanite deity BAAL and that "ON" refers to the
Egyptian deity OSIRIS.

In the Scottish Rite (17°) they declare God's name to be “Abaddon".
Abaddon is a Hebrew word (Strongs Concordance #11) that means
"destroyer" which is a demon and is referred to in Rev. 9:11. Who
would be foolish enough to consider a Demon to be God!

Click here " JAH-BUL-ON " for visual copy of "Duncan's Ritual and
Monitor" page 250 which clearly shows BUL and ON to be the demon gods
of other nations.

SHRINERS OATH in the name of another god!

The full name of the Shriners is the "Ancient Arabic Order of the
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine".

Every Shriner who has confessed an oath to "Allah" which is the great
Shahada, or “confession,” which faithful Muslims around the world
declare daily, has denied the Lord Jesus Christ by commiting idolatry!
Please read this study on the idol called Allah.
To read the Shriners oath click here!

This Shriner symbol shown above, is the symbol of "Islam", the worship
of the moon god, (Allah) represented by the crescent moon, and the
godess (Al-lat, Al-uzza and Manat) represented by the star. In the
crescent moon, you will also notice the face of the Sphinx, (a lions
body with a face of a man) which literally means "the strangler"
(Websters). In Greek mythology, the sphinx at Thebes strangles all
those who passby that are unable to guess its riddle. The scimiter or
sword used through the centuries to behead the Christians who would
not deny Jesus and confess "Allah" as God (and Muhammad as God's
prophet), hangs over the crescent moon! Review some of the Islamic
nations flags and you will see this symbol of the crescent moon often,
sometimes with the star. The Encarta Encyclopedia identifies the red
hat, called a "Fez" (or tarboosh) as "a Muslim symbol". Fez, Morocco
is where the Muslims, in the 8th century, murdered every person who
refused to bow their knee to Allah and Muhammad. The red hat
represents the blood of the martyrs who refused to comit this
idolatry! The first Shriner temple organized in Sept., 1872, was named
"Mecca", the "holy" city of the Muslim religion and birthplace of
Muhammad. Mecca is the very center of the Islam faith. Every day,
Muslims around the world, face towards Mecca, and bow down to pray to
their idol.

Each Temple or Shrine, has a "Potentate" and a "High Priest and
Prophet". I must ask, "High priest and prophet of WHICH god"? As far
as I have seen, each Shrine is named after a Muslim or Egyptian city
or place of worship! Is the name of Jesus Christ ever invoked upon in
prayer within the Shrine? I understand it is not!

If you are in the Shrine and claim to be a Christian, you have
unknowingly (or maybe knowingly) forsaken the living God into a
confession of serving the idol God of the Muslims, and proudly wear
the symbols of the worlds most feared terrorists and most horrible
enemies of the Christian faith!

It is interesting to me, how a man feels that he must comit to, and
Serve another God, in order to do good works, help children and build
burn centers! As Albert Pike wants to promote, that Lucifer (the god
of Islam, and the god of the Masonic Lodge) is the "God of light and
God of Good", and Adoney, the God the Christian faith, is the "God of
Darkness, and Evil"!


Albert Pike, the highest Mason in his day, in "Morals and Dogma” Pg.
321, calls Lucifer "the Light-bearer."

Pike is quoted as giving this instruction to a council of very high
level Freemasons:

"The MASONIC RELIGION should be, by all of us of the high degree,
maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN doctrine If Lucifer were
not God, would Adonay (sic) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and
hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and
his priests calumniate him?

Yes, LUCIFER IS GOD, and unfortunately Adonay is also god...
Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure
philosophical religion is the BELIEF IN LUCIFER, THE EQUAL OF ADONAY
but Lucifer, God of Light and God of GOOD, is struggling for humanity
against Adonay, the GOD OF DARKNESS AND EVIL.” (de Larive, A.C., La
Femme et l'enfant dans la Franc, Maconnerei Universelle, Paris, 1889,
p. 588)

God's word says in Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good, and
good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness.”

Masonic scholar, Manly P Hall writes:
“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block
is the proper application of the dynamo of the living power, he has
IN HIS HANDS and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove
his ability to properly apply this energy. ("The Lost Keys to
Freemasonry", p.48)

Each degree is teaching Luciferian Doctrine. Who is really behind this
“Religion" of Freemasonry as Albert Pike so correctly states it? Yes,
the very author of evil himself...Lucifer.

God has a charge against the Masons in Matt. 23:25-29 . Verse 28 says
"you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full
of hypocrisy and lawlessness."

Who is Albert Pike? Click here!

The initiate, from the first degree, is being indoctrinated
unknowingly, in a search for "the light", which is finally revealed to
be Lucifer as they prepare to swear the oath in the 33° ! The
following is a quote from an e-mail debate I had with a 32° Mason.
This man, who claimed to be a Christian, is now ready to make his 33°
sworn oath to Lucifer as God, thinking that it is another name for

Did you know that the ancient Christians also called Jesus lucifer?
Bet you didn't. :-) I'll give you a hint. Consult the Latin
translation of 2 Peter 1:19. You will see there that Peter speaks of
lucifer arising in our hearts.
D. C. P., 32°, K.T.

Until the initiate has been indoctrinated to accept Lucifer "the
light-bearer" as God, the initiate cannot go forward from the 32° to
the 33°. At this point, they are convinced that Lucifer is NOT Satan!
As you will note on my page Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike makes a
strong argument that Satan, the spirit of Darkness, does NOT equate
with Lucifer! He argues that Lucifer IS the one "who bears the light!"

“LUCIFER, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name given to the
Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who
bears the light … doubt it not!” (Morals and Dogma pg 321)

This is the light of which the Masonic initiate is led to in his quest
for "light" through the progressive rituals of the Lodge from one
degree to the next, although he is not aware of the end of his quest
in his early degrees as the secret society cannot reveal these secrets
or true meaning of the symbols, until the initiate reaches the next or
highest degrees.

Albert Pike writes: "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or
portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the
initiate, but he is intentionally mislead by false interpretations. It
is NOT INTENDED that he shall understand them, but it is intended that
he shall IMAGINE he understands them. (Pike, p 819)


A candidate is blindfolded, a rope is put around his neck and led to
the door of the lodge he knocks. A voice responds: "Who comes here?"
The guide responds: Mr. (initiates name), who has long been in
darkness, and now seeks to be brought to light..

Albert Pike has already claimed:
"...the true and pure philosophical religion is the BELIEF IN LUCIFER,
THE EQUAL OF ADONAY but Lucifer, God of Light and God of GOOD..."

If the candidate is a Christian, he has just insulted Jesus who said
in John 8:12 “I AM THE LIGHT of the world He who follows ME shall NOT
walk in DARKNESS, but have the LIGHT OF LIFE"

The initiate continues to be deceived as he progresses in the Lodge
and begins to partake in rituals that glorify a man named Hiram Abiff,
a biblically disguised name for Lucifer!

HIRAM ABIFF who is he?

Hiram Abiff is the Masonic "Christ Figure"! He is the "hero" idolized
by every Mason as you will learn in the Hiram legend I will discuss
next! In the scriptures, He is the King of Tyre (2 Chron 2:3,11) and
in Ezekiel 28:12-19 we find that the King of Tyre is revealed as
Lucifer himself.

Hiram Abiff, a Biblically disguised name for Lucifer, in the "Duncan's
Ritual and Monitor", is glorified as the "greatest man in the world"
(page 88) and on page 114 he is defined as "your Worshipful Grand
Master". In pages 112-115, the Master Mason, or Third Degree
candidate, places a curse upon himself by an oath as guilty for the
death of Hiram.

Every Christian, by authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the
destruction of Lucifer! Every Christian, who goes through this
ritual, is ritualistically REPENTING for destroying, or having
anything to do with the destruction of Lucifer, and spiritually place
themselves in agreement with Lucifer! You cannot serve TWO masters!

(Rom 16:20 KJV) And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your
feet shortly.

(Ezek 28:7-9 KJV)
Behold, therefore I will bring strangers (Christians) upon thee,
the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords (the
Word of God) against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile
thy brightness.
They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the
deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas.
Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I am God? but
thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee.
(Parenthasis added)

The Mason, who now becomes possessed by this "Spirit of Hiram" through
this ritual and oath which I will quote below, but not knowing it,
begin to quench the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their
church's. Pastors can feel the oppression when a Mason sits in the pew
as he preaches, and he feels the hindrance of their spirit as though
they are challenged by that spirit to proclaim the truth of the
gospel, or even to rebuke the sins of the Masonic Lodge. There is a
FEAR to confront Masons, by a demon spirit that has now taken them
captive. Ask any Pastor who loves the Lord Jesus and has tried to
confront the sins of the Masons in his church. You should try to
confront a Mason, and you will learn exactly what I am speaking about!

I trust and believe that is why the presence and power of the Holy
Spirit is forbidden in denominations that freely accept Masons into
their congregations, and allow them into their pulpits as Elders,
Deacons and Pastors! The Masonic devil infiltrating the church's,
although they appear to be Christian outwardly, are actually working
with the powers of darkness to drive the power and presence of the
Holy Spirit out of God's church's, turning these church's into dead
sepultures! These lifeless church's claim to know God, but they freely
excuse sin and deny God's power to deliver one from sin. They refuse
to believe in the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that these
gifts can operate in the church today, and they buy the excuse that
the powers of these gifts passed away with the apostles. This
anti-christ spirit drives the spirit of Christ out!

Titus 1:16
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being
abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

2 Tim. 3:4-5
In the Last days.....Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of
pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Every Christian who Takes the following oath puts himself under a
curse when he proclaims:

"Oh! that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by its
roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea ... ere I had been
accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Mastor, Hiram
Abiff." (Duncan's Ritual and Monitor page 112).

Then the Mason excersises a ritual of Raising Hiram Abiff FROM THE

"K. S. -- You twelve Fellow Crafts will now go and assist in RAISING
THE BODY." (page 116)

The ritual is SATANIC! Wherewith Jesus, the ONLY one to ever rise from
the dead, has in this ritual, been replaced by the Lodge member with
Lucifer through the name of Hiram Abiff! Needless to say, Hiram is
not, nor was "a good man"! He was, like all men, a sinful man. Jesus
declared that there is "none good but God" and that "ALL have sinned
and come short of the glory of God" (Matt. 19:17; Rom. 3:10,12, 23)

There is no evidence in scripture, that Hiram ever believed in the God
of Israel (which has always been a requirment for salvation) and may
be in the very heart of Hell today as a sinful man whom never repented
of his wicked deeds and a worshipper of pagan gods (idols)! ALL we
know from scripture, is that he was hired to build the Temple in

The fabricated stories of the Lodge to glorify such a man, was
skillfully designed to entice the Lodge member to exalt Lucifer
through a name that they could not recognize as the very enemy of our
souls himself! To blatantly use the name of Lucifer, would have run
away many Lodge members in their earlier degrees long before they
could ever be indoctrinated to accept that Lucifer is the "Light
bearer" as Albert Pike declares!

For the actual scanned copies of the above pages in the Masonic Manual
showing this accursed ritual and the scriptures of the Curse of Hiram,
click Curse of Hiram Ritual


In Masonic ritual, the initiates are taught that Hiram was killed
before he could finish building King Solomons Temple. They claim that
Hiram possessed secrets by which they could "earn a Masters wage".
Knowing that the Temple was near completion, 15 Fellow Crafts entered
a conspiracy to gain these secrets or take his life. In refusing to
give this "Masters Word", three "ruffians" named "Jubela, Jubelo, and
Jubelum", killed Hiram. Hiram, they claim, is eventually buried near
the "Holy of Holies" of the Temple. In the Master Mason (3rd degree)
ritual, the Masonic initiate partakes in a ritual of raising Hiram
from the dead using the secret grip of the Master Mason and the 5
points of fellowship while speaking a "substitute" word for the "lost
Masters Word", which I will abreviate M__ H__ B__. (Duncans Ritual
pages 119-123)

While many Masons actually believe this whole story to be true, I
would like to end this myth with scripture! The scriptures declare
that, 13 years after the Temple was completed, King Solomon gave Hiram
20 cities (it appears these cities were for payment or a bonus to
Hiram for his work. Yet Hiram dispised them and was not pleased with
this gift or payment)!

1 Kings 9:1
And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished the building of the
house of the Lord, and the king's house, and all Solomon's desire
which he was pleased to do,

1 Kings 9:10-12
And it came to pass at the end of twenty years, when Solomon had
built the two houses, the house of the Lord, and the king's house,
[11] (Now Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished Solomon with cedar
trees and fir trees, and with gold, according to all his desire,) that
then king Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.
[12] And Hiram came out from Tyre to see the cities which Solomon had
given him; and they pleased him not.

(For those who wish to dig into this more, King Solomon began the
building of the Temple in his 4th year of reign (1 Kng 6:1), and it
was completed in the 11th year, which was 7 years in the building of
it (1 Kngs 6:14, 37-38). At the end of 20 years (1 Kings 9:10), which
is 13 years after the completion of the Temple, Solomon gives Hiram
the cities)

Although the Temple was completed in 7 years, it then took another 13
years for Solomon to build his own house (1 Kng 7:1) 1 Kngs chapter 8
gives the detailed dedication ceremony for the Temple and in chapter 9
Solomon gives Hiram the cities as payment.

SO THEN, 13 years AFTER the temple was completed, Solomon gives Hiram
20 cities!

Sorry Hiram, I guess you didn't get your "Masters wage" you desired
from Solomon!

(1 Kings 9:27 again makes mention of Hiram sending Navy servants to
Solomon, long after the Temple was completed)

In the Masonic Ritual, the Lodge members play out the role of killing
Hiram (who is played by one of their members). They then proceed in
the ritual of raising him from the dead as the Hiram actor plays dead,
then raised from the dead!


Let me ask you, CAN YOU PREACH the gospel of JESUS CHRIST AT YOUR
MEETINGS? Can you tell your Muslim or Hindu "brother" that he MUST be
born again by faith in Jesus Christ to enter heaven? (John 3:3)

Of course NOT, it's forbidden! Yet the scripture says:

(2 Tim 4:5 KJV) "... do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of
thy ministry."

"Masonry, around whose alters the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem,
the Brahmin, the followers of Confucious and Zoroaster, can assemble
as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above all the
Baalim." (Morals and Dogma, pg 226, Albert Pike)

2 Cor. 6:14-17 condemns this theology by Albert Pike! Pike's doctrine
is similar to the cult called "Uniterianism", which teaches that ALL
religions have the truth needed to be saved by doing good works! But
God declares that these false religions are temples of devils and that
we should seperate ourselves from them!

2 Cor. 6:14-17
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? [15] And what concord hath Christ with
Belial (Baal)? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
[16] And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are
the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them,
and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
people. [17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,
saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive


What does it mean? Albert Mackay, 33° explains its deeper meaning:

“The point within the circle is an...important symbol in
Freemasonry, but it has been debased in the lectures (given in lodges)
that the sooner that the interpretation is forgotten by the Masonic
student, the better will it be. The symbol is really a beautiful but
somewhat abstruse allusion to the OLD SUN-WORSHIP, and introduces us
for the first time to the modification of it, known among the ANCIENTS
AS THE WORSHIP OF THE PHALLUS. (Albert Mackey, The Manual of the
Lodge, Clark Maynard Co., New York, 1870, p. 156)

Webster's Dictionary defines "Phallus" - “A representation or image of
the penis as the reproductive organ, worshipped as a symbol of
generative power, as in the Dionysiac festivals of ancient Greece.

The Washington Monument, built by the masons, in truth, is an
obscenity and idol of pagan worship! You will find this obscenity over
many graves of deceased masons, who, although they claimed to be
Christian, forsook the cross and traded it in for an obelisk!

The Obelisk in the Bible is called “Asherah” in Hebrew, the KJV uses
the word “groves”!

For a deeper study with photos and Biblical history of the symbol,
click Obelisk.


The initiation rites and rituals of the Masonic Lodge come from
the ancient Egyptian pagan gods Osiris and Isis. Osiris and Isis is a
Romeo and Juliet type legend in which Osiris is cut into pieces and
his lover Isis searches and finds all of his pieces except his genital
organ. Without this part, she could not restore him to life. The story
is symbolized in the “Hiramic Legend.”

Albert Pike makes mention of Osiris and Isis on p.476 (Morals and
Dogmas) We have therefore, in the 24th degree (Masonic Ritual),
recited the principal incidents in the legend of Osiris and Isis …

On page 22 he writes: “Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, STILL
FOLLOWS the ancient manner of teaching. Her ceremonies are like the

Then Albert Mackey writes: “.. the secret worship of the pagan
gods. Each of the pagan gods had besides the public and open, A SECRET
WORSHIP paid to him, to which none were admitted but those who had
Mackey, Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p.497)

Admittedly, the very initiation into the Masonic lodge, according to
Albert Mackey 33°, and its symbols, touches the ceremonies of ancient
pagan worship.

Shown below, is the pentagram of the Order of the Eastern Star
(O.E.S.), and the same pantagram of Satanism (the Baphomet also known
as the Goat of Mendes)! Notice any similarities?

Order of the Eastern Star! Baphomet of Satanism and

Another symbol is the Sun (Osiris). In the Temple, the Lodge members
face east to worship the Sun-God "On" identified in the square and
compass with a capital "G". Higher degree masons (or Past Worshipful
Masters) get the emblem with the Sun God (Osiris) instead of the "G",
showing Osiris himself.

These symbols shown, the later two which were on the car of a Mason,
replaces the Sun God "Osiris" in the place of the "G", identifying the
God of freemasonry! Albert Pike reveals what they are: "Osiris and
Isis were the Sun and Moon … and is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges …
Osiris was invoked as the God that resides in the Sun" (Morals and
Dogma, pg 476-477)

The scriptures reveal that these men in the Lodge, who face to the
East in their Lodges (Temples), are acting out the same abominations
as the men of Judah who were commiting idolatry in God's house in Old
Testament times!

Ezekiel 8:16-17
And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house, and,
behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and
the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the
temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they
worshipped the SUN toward the east.
[17] Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a
light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations
which they commit here?

The All-Seeing Eye of Osiris in the Lodge!

Another symbol is the white apron, which covers the Lodge members
private parts, even as Adam and Eve covered themselves with leaves to
cover their shame and nakendness. It is symbolic of MAN'S attempt to
hide his sins by his OWN good works, rather than trusting Jesus! It
is, according to the scriptures, the blood of Jesus Christ that
removes our shame, not an apron with pagan symbols of foreign God's
sown on!


The Bible never calls God "the Great Architect of the Universe”, He is
the CREATOR, and His name is JESUS!

Albert Pike writes: "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or
portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the
initiate, but he is intentionally mislead by false interpretations. It
is NOT INTENDED that he shall understand them, but it is intended that
he shall IMAGINE he understands them. (Pike, p 819)

How do you like being intentionally LIED to! Do you REALLY know what
the symbols you wear and stick on your car or your lapel mean? For
example Tubal-Cain (the putter with two golf balls) is a joke on
you. It's a “2 ball cane” with a strong sexual connotation.

1 Corinthians 10:21 "You cannot partake of the Lord's table and the
table of demons”

Ever wonder what this symbol means on the back of your Dollar Bill? It
actually shows how high the Masonic Lodge actually goes past the 32


The Masonic Lodge can make you rich as they purpose to favor each
other and do business with one another! The "Fraternal" brothers are
obligated by oath to help one another in every way! It has a "Form of
Godliness" and an appearance of "Good Works". Leave the Masonic Lodge,
and these "Good men" will threaten, slander and bankrupt the former
member and destroy his reputation! They don't have the mind of Christ,
but the evil wisdom of the world (James 3:14:18)

Here is a recent threat that was sent to me from a Mason! I suppose he
thinks he is a "Good Man" while making godless threats in hopes of
creating a devilish fear, revealing the spirit of the Lodge, the
spirit of fear! When I tried to write him the same day, he, being
cowardice, had used a phony email address and my message was returned

"Shut this site down or suffer the consequences!" Here is the
address he sent it from: ***@hotmail.com 1/24/04

I questioned him what consequences he proposes! Bodily harm? murder?
And yet they claim to be "Good men"?

In conclusion:

The Masonic initiate cannot mention the name of Jesus to his Muslim
fraternal brother! But be warned:


Mark 8:34-38 And when he had called the people unto him with his
disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let
him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever
shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole
world, and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this
adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be
ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy


(2 Tim 3:2 -5 KJV) For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers
of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such
turn away.


(Mat 23:27-28 KJV) Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful
outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within
ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

Don't be deceived by the "outward appearance" of the Shriner with the
crippled boy photos and the Shriner hospitals, which are only a
coverup to their wicked deeds done behind closed doors!


2 Cor. 6:14-17 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial (Baal)? or what part hath he
that believeth with an infidel (unbeliever)?
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are
the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them,
and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith
the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

"Masonry, around whose alters the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem,
the Brahmin, the followers of Confucious and Zoroaster, can assemble
as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above all the
Baalim." (Morals and Dogma, pg 226, Albert Pike)

The Muslim worships the Meccan moon god idol, "Allah!" The Hindu
worships 300,000,000 million idol gods! Yet the Christian Mason,
forbidden by oath to evangelize his fellow Mason, disregards the
scripture by fellowshipping with "Unbelievers, unrighteousness,
darkness, Belial or Baal, idols!" The scripture says you MUST come
out from among them and be separate! Your allegiance should be to
Jesus Christ and your Christian Church ... NOT the Masonic Lodge!


In June, 1986, a daily newspaper in Florida, the Orlando Sentinel
published a report on the Shrine hospital program. 98% of the money
the Shriners raise in these circuses wasn't going to the hospitals. It
went to the Shriners for their parties. Ninety-eight percent of the
money they raise at these hospital gatherings went toward the parties
they are so well known for. Ninety-eight percent went to their little
cars and their little boats and their temples, their little hats and
stuff. Two percent went to the hospitals.

If you would like to know where your "Shriner" money is going, look at
their "Shrines" (Temples), Harley Davidsons, go carts, jewlery, and
the cars they drive! Are they any different than the covetous
prosperity preachers that use an honorable and charitable cause in
order to fatten their own pocketbook?


What in the world are you doing in the Masonic Lodge?
Have you really researched to find out what you are involved with?
IGNORANCE is No excuse when you stand before the throne of God.
According to Albert Pike and Albert Mackey, you are in training to be
LUCIFER'S disciple. Even Aleister Crowley a master SATANIST and
antichrist, was a Mason (Masonry Beyond the Light page 204).

William Schnoebelen (former 32° Mason now Christian), as a former
witch, was encouraged to become a Mason in order to perfect his
witchcraft! http://www.withoneaccord.org/

The only way to break the curse of your oath, is to REPENT! Ask the
Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you, and get OUT! Stop paying your dues,
destroy your Mason symbols and literature!

By oath, the fellow Mason can murder (see footnote at bottom) another
Mason who leaves the Lodge. Yet, Jesus said "Do not fear them!"

Mat 10:26-28 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered,
that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I
tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the
ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the
soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body
in hell.

The Masonic Lodge is truly and knowingly deceiving you. You are
obligated to do your own research to find out what you are part of!

"For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink IN MY NAME, because you
belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose
his reward." (Mark 9:41)

Don't let Freemasonry receive the glory for your good deeds! In
heaven, there are no rewards for your good deeds done in the name of
Freemasonry. Jesus gets ALL the GLORY! Period

Hosea 4:6
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou
hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be
no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will
also forget thy children.”

Every Mason who takes the blood oath has placed his family under a
curse! If you repent, Jesus will break the curse by HIS blood!

I have met many Masons through the years whom have testified of tragic
and horrible deaths in their immediate family!

Please don't stop here! Dig deeper at this web site for more detailed
knowledge about FREEMASONRY

For more information read:

"Masonry Beyond the Light” by William Schnoebelen (former 32°
Mason), 1991, Chick Publications P.O. Box 662, Chino, CA 91708-0662.
Tel. (909) 987-0771; Fax. (909)941-8128 or visit his web site at:

“ Facts on The Masonic Lodge" by John Ankerberg & John Weldon, 1989,
Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402

"Freemasonry" by Jack Harris (former Worshipful Mastor), 1983,
Whitaker House, 30 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068

Footnote on Masonic murders: A detailed description of the kidnapping
and execution of Captain William Morgan was recorded by Rev. Charles
Finney in the book The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of
Freemasonry, written in 1879, copyrighted, sold and transferred to the
Ezra A. Cook and Co. in Chicago, Illinois, March 14,1879. The book is
available in the Library of Congress in Wash. D.C. (Also found in
"Freemasonry" by Jack Harris pg 116-128)

After Morgans murder, 45,000 Masons quit the Lodge.

President John Quincy Adams, President of the U.S from 1825-1829 also
referenced the Murder of Morgan in a speech where he spoke out against
the Masonic Lodge! President Adams speech gives the complete details
of the conspiracy of 6 Lodges and 69 Masons, some in high ranking
governmental positions in State and Military offices, working together
for the planned execution of one of their own members who revealed the
secrets of the Lodge.

"A more perfect agent for the devising and execution of conspiracies
against church or state could scarcely have been conceived."
"Freemasons, so far from thinking themselves to be violating, were
literally following the injunction which they felt to be laid upon
them in their oaths. The law of Masonry was to them more than that of
civil government or of the Deity, even when it was known directly to
conflict with them." "The men who actually participated in the murder
have gradually dropped off (disappeared by help of foreign Masons),
until it may be said that not a single individual remains within the
United States. But they lived and died secure from every danger of
legal punishment. The oath of Masonry came in conflict with the duty
to society and to God, and succeeded in setting it aside."
( Above quotes from President John Quincy Adams speech)

Rev. D. L. Moody boldly spoke out against Freemasonry!

Masons are still willing to kill today to guard their dark secrets.

Masons are running Pastors out of the pulpit when they speak out
against Freemasonry!

Here is an excellent Sermon preached by a Pastor to his congregation
when he resigned from the Lodge!

The Masonic Lodge boasts in Pastors who would perfer to leave the
Christian church than resign from the lodge! On this Masonic web page,
they give testimony to such a man, a Methodist Pastor Moses F. Shinn,
who left the ministry to embrace the Masonic Lodge!

Freemasonry and Southern Baptists.

Freemasonry and the Occult

Satanist Aleister Crowley was a Mason
2004-08-20 15:56:10 UTC

What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?

Question: "What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?"

Answer: Free Masonry, Eastern Star, and other similar "secret"
organizations appear to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of
them even promote believe in God and good character. However, beneath
this outward appearance, these secret societies hide anti-Biblical and
anti-Christian beliefs and practices. The following is a comparison
of what the Bible says with the "official" position of Free Masonry:

Salvation from Sin:

The Bible’s View: Jesus became the sinner’s sacrifice before God when
He shed His blood and died as the propitiation (payment) for the sins
of the whole world (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8, John 3:16).

Mason’s View: The very process of joining the Lodge requires
Christians to deny everything Christ accomplished on their behalf. A
person will be saved and go to heaven as a result of his good works
and personal self-improvement.

The View of the Bible:

The Bible’s View: The supernatural and plenary inspiration of the
Scriptures—that they are inerrant and that their teachings and
authority are absolute, supreme, and final. The Bible is the Word of
God (2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Thessalonians 2:13).

Mason’s View: The Bible is an important book. It is not the exclusive
Word of God, nor is it God’s sole revelation of himself to humankind,
but only one important book among many religious sourcebooks. It is a
good guide for morality. The Bible is used primarily as a symbol of
God’s will, which can also be captured in other sacred texts, like the

The Doctrine of God:

The Bible’s View: There is one God. The various names of God refer to
the God of Israel and reveal certain attributes of God. To worship
other Gods or to call upon other deities is idolatry (Exodus 20:3).
Paul spoke of idolatry as a heinous sin (1 Corinthians 10:14) and John
said that idolaters will perish in hell (Revelation 21:8).

Mason’s View: All members must believe in a deity. Different religions
(Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.) acknowledge the same God, only
call Him different names. Freemasonry invites people of all faiths,
even if they use different names for the ‘Nameless One of a hundred
names,’ they are yet praying to the one God and Father of all.

The Doctrine of Jesus and the Trinity:

The Bible’s View: Jesus was God in human form (Matthew 1:18-24, John
1:1). Jesus is the second person of the trinity (Matthew 28:19, Mark
1:9-11). While on earth, He was fully human (Mark 4:38, Matthew 4:2)
and fully divine (John 20:28, John 1:1-2, Acts 4:10-12). Christians
should pray in Jesus’ name and proclaim Him before others, regardless
of offense to non-Christians (John 14:13-14, 1 John 2:23,

Acts 4:18-20).

Mason’s View: There is no trinity, therefore there is no doctrine of
the deity of Jesus Christ. A mason cannot invoke the name of Jesus
when praying, or mention His name in the Lodge. Suggesting that Jesus
is the only way to God contradicts the principle of toleration. The
name of Jesus has been omitted from many biblical verses that are used
in Masonic writings. Jesus is on the same level as other religious

Human Nature and Sin:

The Bible’s View: All humans are born with a sinful nature, are
totally depraved, and need a Savior from sin (Romans 3:23, Romans
5:12, Psalm 51:5, Ephesians 2:1). The Bible denies that humanity,
since the Fall, has within itself the capacity for moral perfection (1
John 1:8-10, Romans 1:18-25).

Mason’s View: Through symbols and emblems, Masons teach that man is
not sinful, just “rude and imperfect by nature”. Human beings are able
to improve their character and behavior in various ways, including
acts of charity, moral living, and voluntary performance of civic
duty. Humanity possesses the capability of moving from imperfection
toward total perfection. Moral and spiritual perfection lies within
men and women.

When a Christian takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is swearing on the

1. Masonry makes a man swear, in God’s name, to doctrines that God
has pronounced false and sinful.

2. That salvation can be gained by man’s good works.

3. To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally
revered prophets.

4. Masonry makes Christian men swear that they will remain silent in
the Lodge and not talk of Christ.

5. Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the
Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says
Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are
indwelt by the Light of the World—Jesus Christ.

6. By demanding that Christians take the Masonic oath, Masonry leads
Christians into blasphemy and taking the name of the Lord in vain.

7. Masonry makes Christians falsely swear that the G.A.O.T.U. [Great
Architect of the Universe], whom Masonry believes is the true God of
the universe, is present in all other religions.

8. Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true
worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of

9. By swearing the Masonic oath and participating in the doctrines
of the Lodge, Christians are perpetuating a false gospel to other
Lodge members, who look only to Masonry’s plan of salvation to get to

10. By taking the Masonic obligation, he is agreeing to allow the
pollution of his mind, spirit, and body by those who serve false gods
and believe false doctrines.

As you can see, Masonry denies and contradicts the clear teaching of
Scripture and numerous issues. Masonry also requires people to engage
in activities which the Bible condemns. As a result, a Christian
should not be a member of any secret society or organization that has
any connection with Free Masonry.

Recommended Resource: The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge by
Ankerberg & Weldon.
2004-08-20 15:58:11 UTC

The Masonic Order Satan's little helpers?

Welcome to Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft. We hope your visit is a
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site index to navigate. Site Index The Masonic Order

A little background

Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and Eve.
They claim that the fig leaves were symbolic to the aprons that are
worn in their initiation ceremonies. Also they claim that freemasons
built Solomon's Temple and the tower of Babel.

Also Known as "The Order of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons,
Symbolic Craft, Craft Masonry"

The True Origin

The lodge is traced back to London, England in 1717. It is believed
that James Anderson set up the constitution.

In 1717, Anderson along with George Payne and Theopholips Desaguliers,
came together to form the first Grand Lodge. It is said that the lodge
was birthed in a Tavern! Good place to start a Godly organization
isn't it?

The lodge comes to America!

The first official lodge was St. John's, Boston Mass. July 30, 1733.
The first American born lodge was founded in Savannah, Georgia in
1734. During the 1800's, several thousand lodges sprang up all over
the country. It pulled political strings back then just as it does

Many famous people were and are masons, including 15 Presidents and 19
vice-presidents. There are hundreds of masons in high government
positions today!!

In the 1800's, a man named William Morgan opposed the masons and
started passing out anti-mason tracts, telling about the secrets and
rituals. He disappeared in 1826 and was never heard from again.

Categories and Levels

The Blue Lodge

All masons must undergo an initation to enter the Blue lodge. The Blue
lodge has three degrees:

Entered Apprentice --- Fellow Craft --- Master Mason

To achieve each of these levels, one must go through rituals and swear
an oath. One such oath is as follows:

"I promise and swear, that I will not write, print, stamp, stain, hew,
cut, carve, indent, paint, or engrave any secrets on anything movable
or immovable.. binding myself under no less penalty then to have my
throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the roots, and my body buried
in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark.. where the tide ebbs
and flows twice in twenty four hours; so help me God, and keep me
steadfast in the due performance of the same"

Now the word is, they have toned the oath down a bit, but they are
still told never to tell of the goings on and never tell any secret.
Once this is done the mason receives his degree as Master Mason and
has his ring and other trinkets to be identified by other masons. From
here a mason may choose to go on further in one of two branches. The
York Rite or The Scottish Rite.

The York Rite

Also called the American Rite, this is the most popular one to follow.
The York is perhaps the oldest form of the craft. There are ten
degrees in in York Rite.
It is split into three categories:

The Royal Arch Chapter, The Council of Royal and Select Masters and
The Commandery of Knights Templar.

These ten include the three from the Blue Lodge and the others are as

Mark Master(4th) Past Master(5th)
Most Excellent Master(6th)

Royal Arch Master(7th) Royal Master(8th)
Select Master(9th)

Super Excellent Master(10th)

Select Master has three degrees which one can enter:

Order of the Red Cross Order of the
Knights of Malta

Order of the Knights Templar. Knights Templar is the highest in the
York Rite.

As in the Blue lodge, one must swear an oath of secrecy and obedience.
Notice how each one of these titles uses "Master", the tile that is
given to the Lord Jesus Christ. Members of the Craft are nothing more
the glory hunters wanting to puff up their Pride! This was and is one
of satan's flaws and as we continue, you will see the comparison. No
one but God may be worshiped.

The Scottish Rite

It is also known as Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

There are four different lodges or chapters

The lodge of Perfection The Grand Council of the prince of

The Grand Chapter of Rose- Croix The Grand Consistories of Divine

Here are Two titles that go with the above. They puff up one's ego.

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime

There are twenty-nine additional degrees in this branch. I will not
list them at this time. However, the highest is the 33rd. It is called
Knight Commander.

Other Orders

Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Also Known
as the Shriners. This is the most well known branch. The Shriners
operate three children's hospitals in Boston, Galveston and

The Order of the Eastern Star. This is for women who are related to a
Mason in some way. There are five degrees Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha
and Electa

Daughters of the Eastern Star. Set up for Girls age 14-20 who have a
father as a mason and a mother as an eastern star.

The Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. This is part of the
eastern star and the officer is called, the Supreme Worthy High

The Order of DeMolay. This one takes they name of Jacques DeMolay,
14th century leader of the Nights Templar. Members are male 14-20.

The International Order of Job's Daughters.

The International Order of Rainbow for Girls.

The Order of Amaranth

Lesser Orders

Daughters of Mokanna Daughters of the Nile Knights of
the Red Cross

Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America National

Social Order of the Beauceant of the World Order of the

Tall Cedars of Lebanon of the USA True Kindred Odd Fellows

Masonic Fraternities

Acacia The Square and Compass Sigma Mu Sigma

Order of the Golden Key Tau Kappa Epsilon

Prince Hall Freemasonry was born as a result of Black Masons who were
barred from the white lodges.

No one but Jesus is worthy to be called Master!! Masons are
instructed to lie for a fellow brother in a court case. If the case is
murder, it is left up to the individual to decide how to act. Is this
Godly? Many police officers, judges, mayors, lawyers etc. are
involved. How can some one who claims to be a Christian turn a head
while corruption is all around them? I will tell you how, they are not
Christians, they are of Satan!!

I may at a later date put several pages of information up, but for the
time being, check the links to get more in-depth info of the satanic
connection. If you are a Christian, I mean a true believer, and you
are involved in Freemasonry, you had better get out now and renounce
all the oaths you have taken.

Visit http://cuttingedge.org/fmcorner.html for the best info on
masons bar none
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-20 16:35:59 UTC
<***@nospam.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

I was reading a website that said that mason haters all shoot PCP and molest
alter boys. I guess at least the little girls are safe around you, as you
cannot muster an erection for the opposite sex, why else would you hang
around a newsfroup that is obviously populated primarily by men.

Kkk0nfession is good for the soul, blasphemyboi :) HTH :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
David Simpson
2004-08-21 06:34:53 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:35:59 -0400, "Sovereign Sockpuppet©"
Post by M. Epling
I was reading a website that said that mason haters all shoot PCP and molest
alter boys.
Why does he want to "alter" boys before molesting them?
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Paraphrasing Robert Heinlein,
2004-08-20 21:23:21 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
The Masonic Order Satan's little helpers?
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?
He sold his soul to Santa.

What do you call Santa's helpers?
Subordinate Clauses.
2004-08-20 15:58:48 UTC

Current updates

I will try to keep this page updated periodically so you can follow my

Journal year 2004

July 26th

The city of Dayton has agreed to drop the arrest charges, and the
Chief of Police will give us a letter of apology! Thank you Jesus! We
are waiting for the paperwork to be completed! Michael, Ricky and I
have been getting out with the crosses. We put the signs on the
crosses exposing the Masonic Lodge (which is very strong in
Chattanooga). Two weeks ago, I had one get out and yell at me "YOUR
WRONG, YOUR SIGN IS WRONG!" My sign reads "Only Jesus is Worshipful
Master, Masons Repent!" So I asked the man "WHICH PART OF MY SIGN IS
then got onto my knees and told him, as I demonstrated it, that when
he swore the oath to have his tongue ripped out, his throat slit from
ear to ear, and be buried in the low tide of the seas if he revealed
any of the Masonic secrets, that he put a curse upon his life. He then
wanted to argue that in the court of law, you must swear to tell the
truth on the Bible (This is always their argument for defense). When I
continued to tell him that Jesus said Not to call any man Master, for
only Jesus is to be called Master the man drove off angry that we were
confronting his idol.

On Friday night, we went to "Nightfall", which is a weekly drunken
party in Chattanooga as they block off the main streets downtown for a
big party. The 3 of us had lots of people to witness to as they came
to ask questions or argue as we passed out tracts. Michael had his
cross with the sign attached which is shown below in a photo. It
always draws a crowd who want to dispute over what the sign says.

As we took the crosses out again last Saturday exposing the Masons,
some of which gave us the common Masonic hand signal, (the middle
finger). A young man walked passed me and I asked him if he was saved.
He was not! As I shared the gospel message to him, he received it
openly, and began to understand the message. He prayed with me to
receive Christ Jesus as Lord!

Ricky has had about 3 houses in his neighborhood that have recently
been filled with drunks and drug addicts. Cars coming to buy drugs
drive through the neighborhood often and the whole thing got pretty
intense. So we began to pray that they would either turn to Jesus or
move out of the neighborhood. One idea the Lord gave Ricky, was to
expose the sin, so he put up the sign shown above, nailed to the
cross. The first night, someone left the little sign and had painted
"HYPOCRITES" on it. So we painted over their sign and started painting
scripture verses on it. Then the neighbors left little messages on the
windshield wiper of the truck, basically with more scriptures trying
to tell us we were hypocrites. So we took their little messages and
also nailed them to the cross. They really hated this and finally
after about a week, someone came and took their little messages away.
We have remained friendly to the neighbors, and one by one, some of
them are coming to talk about their sin problems as we continue to
point them to Christ. The message is getting around the other blocks
of the neighborhood and creating a big stir. A man on another block
confessed that he thought the sign was put up for him personally as he
was under very great conviction for his drinking problem!

June 22 Riverbend

A quick update on our arrest (for attempting to carry our crosses in
Dayton, TN). We have had our court date again postponed until Aug.
24th. The city is working with us on an agreement to settle out of
court, and our attorney believes that we will never have to go to

Michael and I with the crosses on Market Street at Riverbend!

I had numerous conversations with people throughout the week,
convincing them through the scriptures that Jesus Christ is the Son of
God, and that they must be saved by repenting from their sins and
calling upon the name of Jesus as LORD. In the end, the Lord blessed
me with 3 salvations.

Last night, just after I prayed with a young man to receive Christ on
the walking bridge (which goes over the River), I noticed another man
in his late 30's who looked very clearly to be depressed. I went over
to talk with the gentleman, and learned that he had been saved over 20
years ago, but had been struggling with a sex sin. Because of this
sin, he is now looking at spending the next 20 years in prison. He
said "They will kill me in prison! They kill people like me! I'M NOT
GOING TO PRISON!" By implication, he was telling me that he would
rather kill himself than go to prison. I spent several hours
comforting the man, rebuilding his faith in the Lord, and encouraging
him NOT to give up the spiritual fight. I then encountered the fruit
of a grievous and deadly, damnable doctrine of the Seventh Day
Adventist church.

As he was insisting that it would be better for him to kill himself,
than to spend the next 20 years in prison, I asked him "Tell me
something! Would it be better to spend 20 years in prison, or eternity
in the fires of hell!" He replied "I'm a Seventh Day Adventist, I
don't believe in hell!" I then realized, that Satan was using this
false teaching of the SDA church to convince this man, that he could
kill himself and put his suffering to an end, rather than surrender to
Jesus Christ, and allow the will of God to be done in his life.
I then took the man through the scriptures and persuaded him that hell
was NOT a place of rest, but a place where their torment is forever
(Rev. 14:10-11). At this point, it was vital that I convince him that
he cannot find rest by committing suicide! Then this man wanted to
argue with me about which day is the Sabbath day!

I spent much time with him, taking him through the scriptures and
showing him that JESUS IS THE SABBATH (rest), and that those whom have
believed and put their trust in Jesus, have "entered" God's rest
(Hebrews chapter 4).

Matthew 11:28-30
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. [30] For
my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

I then proceeded to take him through Hebrews chapter 4, Romans 14, and
Colossians 2:16-17 and when I revealed to him that the Sabbath was a
"SHADOW" of Christ, and that Jesus was the "true" REST (Sabbath), he
began to understand! He quieted down, and I laid my hand upon his
shoulder in the midst of this party, and prayed a long prayer of
deliverance, and the rest, the Sabbath rest of Jesus Christ to fall
upon him. I could feel the very presence of the Lord as I prayed and I
knew that the Spirit of God was resting upon this man.

I embraced the man with a Jesus hug before he left, and could see that
he had been uplifted by the Lord in this 2 + hour conversation! Soon
afterwards, the fireworks display ending the week long party began to
explode. Many other eventful and fruitful conversations took place as
the Gospel was preached here at Riverbend! We even met a man that was
in the Masonic Lodge, who told us that Jesus and John the Baptist were
both in the Masonic Lodge. These men are very deceived!

Fireworks close out the Riverbend party!

6/15 Riverbend - Bonnaroo

The past 4 days, we have been witnessing at Riverbend and on Saturday
we went to Bonneroo, which is a "Woodstock" type gathering of youth at
a rock concert indulging in alchohol, free sex and drugs (last nights
news reported that, after they all left, they found the bodies of a
male and a female, both overdosed on drugs). The event took place just
north of Eagle Mountain in a rural, country, area with over 90,000
youth living in tents and cars. Riverbend is the yearly Chattanooga
gathering of rock groups playing in the downtown area of the city.

A sea of tents and cars at Bonnaroo!

At Riverbend, the first night, the Lord blessed me with the salvation
of a young man, who was with his friend that was already saved. He
openly prayed with me to receive Christ on the street corner in front
of the Riverbend entrance.

At Bonnaroo, we walked the crosses right down the road that seperates
the two tent camps. Michael's sign got them stirred up and many came
to argue and ended up hearing the gospel message.

Michael and Ricky holding the signs and crosses! Some thought it was
funny and had their pictures taken with the sign. Others got very
angry and cursed us.


There is nothing more to report at this time. We are still waiting for
the June 22nd court date. We have not heard anything more from the
city attorney or the district attorney. We found the two brothers who
were shown in the Chattanooga Times Free Press paper that were also
run out of town. If we do not hear from the city, I trust that we
will, with the help of the other brothers who were run out of town,
have to persue a cival rights case against the city. The brother from
the news article, said that Chief Walker blew smoke in his face when
ordering him to put away his signs and leave. He even boasted to the
brother that he had arrest two other men. The brother said "If you
arrested those two men for doing what I am doing, then this city is
looking at a BIG law suit." How prophetic!

5/19 Meeting with attorneys

Our court case had been postponed until June 22. Today, Michael and I
sat down with the District attorney and the City Attorney with our own
attorney. I cannot give much detail of what was discussed at this

Afterwards, we went to the jailhouse to get some information for our
attorney, and a young man who was just released from jail, wept tears
as he got on his knees and prayed with us to receive Jesus Christ as
Lord. He had thanked us for preaching the gospel and said that he
wanted to turn his life back to Christ. So far, we have had one
salvation as a result of our arrest.

Here is the recent press release.

5/12 Update on arrest at Gay Day in Dayton, TN

Yesterday, Michael received a call from an attorney who volunteered to
take our case. I went to their web site and they have us mentioned on
their home page which had a link to the Tennessean with an article
about us. Apparently, the attorney read the article in the Tennessean
and that is what led him to call us. Here are some news articles on
the arrest.





Channel 3 http://www.wrcbtv.com/

The Herald News from Dayton

Channel 3 News called and wanted to interview us again. They came to
the job site (we are working building decks) and interviewed us. The
story was the top story on the 5 PM news. Their investigation showed
that the ordinances we infringed and are being charged for, were
vague. When they asked the people at the courthouse about the
vagueness of the ordinances, they replied that it was the officers
discression as to whether someone has broken them. When they tried to
reach the Chief for comment, he would not respond.

5/8 Dayton, TN

Arrested for Christ

Chief Walker taking Brian and Michael, handcuffed, to jail.

Saturday morning, Michael and I were both arrested and charged by the
Dayton city police with disorderly conduct, interfering with a special
event and refusing to disperse.

The event was Gay Pride Day in Rhea County, Dayton, Tennessee. Dayton
is famous for the Scopes trial, where a trial over the teaching of
evolution took place in 1925. More recently, Dayton has been in the
news when the County Commission had approved a motion in March that
prohibits gays from living in the county. Pressure from the gays
forced them to rescind the action two days later. Now they are
flaunting their sin in the public park.

Michael had brought his family with us, as we had only purposed to
hold our crosses on Hwy 27, outside of the event, which was taking
place at the city park. We had parked the van in a storefront parking
lot. There were police everywhere, the newspaper reporting over 100
were on duty for the event. Michael walked over to the police and
asked if we could park here and they said it was ok. They continued
saying, “you cannot hand out tracts!”

It was evident that the city was making every provision to accommodate
the homosexuals in their town. Three other brothers drove up and said
that they had signs, but were ordered by the police to put them away
and leave. We pulled the crosses out of the van and two officers came
over and said that we could not hold signs. At this point, our crosses
were leaning against the van. We argued the point that we have a
constitutional right to carry our cross in their town, and that in
every city we have visited in America, we have had the freedom to
carry our crosses. So the officer called the Chief of police, Chief
Kenneth Walker. The Chief drove up, and ordered us, pointing to my van
“Get into that vehicle and get out of here.” We told him “No, we are
going to carry our crosses in your town” and pleaded our case with the
right to do so. Michael had his video camera turned on, which was
pointed at the Chief and the Chief pushed his arm down. Michael said
“That was assault and battery what you just did” and he said to the
officers (there were about 7 or 8 standing around us) “did any of you
see what he just did?” One of them replied “I didn't see anything”,
and Michael turned to the 3 brothers that were with us and they said
“yes, we saw it!” The Chief continued saying that we have no permit. I
informed him that my recorder was turned on and that I was recording
all that is being said.

Again the Chief argued that we have to have a permit, and Michael
insisted that we don't have to have a permit, the Supreme Court has
ruled that a highway is a highway and we have the right to carry our
crosses on the highway. When Michael stated that we have attorneys
that will come in and nail them if they hinder us, the Chief took
Michaels arm and pulled it down behind him and handcuffed him. He then
took my arm and did the same. As I prayed for the Chief that the Lord
would forgive him, he tightened the handcuff on my right arm tighter
and tighter, an unseen gesture of showing his displeasure in me. It
was clear that he was mad at us and as the handcuff became so tight
that it was cutting of my blood circulation I cried out that it was
hurting me very badly. Another officer (who told me that he had seen
us with the crosses in Dayton before, and seemed to be very nice) came
over with some compassion and loosened the cuff on my wrist.

This compassionate officer loosened the handcuff on my right arm after
the Chief tightened it until it cut off my blood circulation, and then
walked away.

They put us in a “paddy wagon” and took us to jail where they booked
us, fingerprinted and photographed us. One of the brothers came to the
jail and paid our bond to get us out of jail, but we still have a
court date set for next Friday at 9 AM. As we came out of the jail,
Channel 3 news was there with the cameras and interviewed us. The
evening news on channel 3 gave our side of the story. The Tennessean
was also there to interview:

“According to authorities, yesterday's event was produced without any
incidents. The only arrests were outside the park. Two men wanted to
preach while holding 10-foot-tall crosses. They were charged by city
police with disorderly conduct, interfering with a special event and
refusing to disperse”


Another reporter, for the Baptist church, had come and also
interviewed us. Two AP photographers had taken photos of us being
arrested and told him about the event so he came over to get the

We are pursuing an attempt to find a Christian lawyer to defend us and
have written to the ACLJ (Jay Sekulow) for help. This is the first
time Michael or I have been arrested and we would like to have this
removed from our records.

It is clear, that we “must work while it is day, for night cometh when
no man can work!” (John 9:4)

Our country is making way for freedoms of the sinners, while those who
proclaim the gospel are being told “You have NO freedoms!”

Please keep us in your prayers as we go through this ordeal. Our hope
is to make it to Greece in June. Pray that the court thing is
completed and cleaned for our trip.

I send you all my love in Christ Jesus our Lord,

3/25 Chattanooga, TN

Michael Siemer and I drove to Chattanooga a few days ago, where we
hope to prepare for a mission trip to Greece... Lord willing!

Upon arrival, I had to laugh at this sign which has been put up on
Billboards by the Seventh Day Adventist cult around Chattanooga. After
we confronted the SDA's several years ago, and exposed their error on
the evening news (Michael was intrerviewed by the news as we stood
outside of the SDA college at Collegedale, TN) they responded by
showing the world their true colors! What the sign says is this:
Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast. That means that every
Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ, but worships him on Sunday,
will be cast into the Lake of Fire! It simply proves one thing about
the SDA church... Jesus is NOT their salvation.... Sabbath keeping IS
their salvation! They are sending a book to every house they can, with
heretical, false teachings to convince the reader that Sunday worship
is the Mark of the Beast! You can study more on this at my web page on
the SDA church!

SDA cult has put this sign around Chattanooga, exposing their folly!

3/21 Gainsville, FL

Brian and Michael on UF campus

Michael Siemer and I traveled to the UF campus in Gainesville the 17th
and again on the 19th. From 12 noon until 7 PM, non-stop, we had
college students asking questions about the Bible. I prayed with
several young men, one of whom I spent nearly 4 hours ministering to,
answering questions. He was seeking the truth and, although he didn't
pray to receive Christ, he thanked me and had heard the full gospel
message. At one point, while I was talking with this fellow, 2 Mormons
stopped to listen in on the conversation. They stayed and listened for
about an hour and finally left. I made sure that I confronted the lies
of the Mormon doctrines as I proclaimed the gospel to the young man.
It was a VERY fruitful day of proclaiming God's Word.

Michael and his daughter Mary witnessing to a Wiccan (witch).

On the 19th, Michael brought his daughter Mary. At age 14, she is very
sharp and able to confront these college kids with the truth of the
gospel. We were able to preach the gospel to Jews, Muslims, athiests,
agnostics, wiccans and others. Again, it was non-stop ministry as we
had students asking questions about the Bible for over 6 hours.

2/28 New Orleans - Mardi Gras

Prayer and sounding of the shoffar at the I-10 overpass, and Bourbon
Street revilers!

I was especially blessed to have the opportunity to meet a man named
Lee, who found my web site about Mardi Gras and read every page on my
web site, as well as the web sites of Lance and Michael and Richard.
He wanted to do a documentary on the street preaching at Mardi Gras.
After Lance and I met with him, we found that he had a very sincere
heart and felt the Lord was well pleased to let him join us and film
some of the events. Lee is not yet a Christian, but I do believe that
he is being drawn by the Spirit of God to become a son of the living
God. Lee said that this Mardi Gras outreach of such a large variety of
street ministries was much bigger than he thought, and wants to return
to get more coverage next year before completing the documentary.

Michael Siemer and Lee with his camera! Lance and myself on a
prayer walk around the French Quarter!

The first night after we arrived in New Orleans, Lance, Feather and I
went out and scouted out Bourbon Street. Lance had one man, who was
greatly being drawn by the spirit of God. He was near tears as Lance
shared the gospel, but the man's friends pulled him away before Lance
could lead him to Jesus. We met up with another brother in Christ who
had a cross made of PVC. He told us the police were being very strict
this year not allowing wooden crosses on Bourbon Street. They will
ONLY allow crosses made out of PVC. So we all built crosses using PVC.
Michael's had a sound system inside for preaching, which he painted to
give a wood like appearance. Lance used Foam-it (an expanding foam) on
the exterior to create a wood like texture, and then spray painted it
to look like wood. It was effective as a curious policeman came over
to check out the cross, thinking it was wood, and after touching the
foam the officer hesitated and said “Hey, that looks real!” and then
walked away!

Lance then put his banners on the cross to lift up the name of Jesus.
One of the banners said “Be Holy for the Lord is Holy”! I thought it
amusing when people using cell phones, trying to give a locator for
their friends to find them, would shout over the noise “LOOK FOR THE

Lance's PVC cross on Bourbon Street with the banner attached!
Michael's cross with sound system, and my PVC cross (white one)

The PVC cross aroused the anger of some of the revilers. A young man
who said he was raised Amish (a group of Christians that life a simple
live without many of today's modern conveniences) started beating my
told him he needed to be saved and even explained to him that the
police forbid us to use wooden crosses on Bourbon Street. He was very
drunk so he didn't really hear me and continued to beat on my cross
violently, pulling down on the cross beam which I feared might break
the cross so I grabbed a brother who was witnessing to another man and
asked him to get the police. That sobered up the drunk and he begged
me not to have him arrested. Now he listened as I explained why we had
PVC crosses instead of wood. He wasn't willing to turn his life over
to Christ and finally walked on.

The next day, I added an extension to the bottom of the cross so that
it was high above the heads of everyone and no one could pull down on
the cross beam. It worked out to the advantage as the cross could be
seen one or two blocks down the street because of its height.

Prayer walk
Lance and I took one day to prayer walk the French Quarter with
Francis and Chris. Lance and I were passing out tracts wearing our
robes and carrying the cross. Lance was a good distance ahead of me
when I noticed about 7men in suits standing together. I thought they
were business men visiting the city and went to hand them a tract.
Then I noticed that they had salvation tracts in their hands.

"Wow! Praise the Lord!" I said. "You guys are brothers in Christ
aren't you!"

I was sure they were my brothers in Christ and was rejoicing that they
were co-laboreres in the fields and that we were working together for
Christ until one finally said "We're on a different page than you!"
Then I thought "Maybe they are Jehovah's Witnesses!"

So I said "If your page isn't Jesus, then your on the wrong page!" At
this, they began to walk away! But 2 of them were still here, off to
the other side of the walkway so I turned to them and asked "What page
are you guys on anyway?" One of them replied "We don't agree with our
method!" They hated our way of presenting the gospel by our physical
appearances and never once looked at our hearts!

Brian on the Riverwalk near where we met the men!

I said "So what is it that you don't agree with?" Although they wanted
to come against our robes and crosses, knowing that no scripture would
condemn this, they chose to use Lance's hair to judge us. "You guys
have long hair!" he retorted! I had my head covering on and said "I'm
bald!" So they looked at Lance and said "He has long hair!" I
countered "It's NOT a sin to have long
hair!" The man replied "It's a SHAME!" I asked the man "Would you like
to go with me to 1 Corinthians and discuss this?" The man said "NO!"
and they walked away! Here is the verse these judgmental men refused
to read with me:

1 Cor. 11:16
But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom,
neither the churches of God.

Paul used the hair covering as an illustration in this chapter, and
used the worldly example that, by nature it's a shame for a man to
have long hair, illustrating that a woman should have a man as her
covering, and man should not have a covering because Jesus is HIS
covering, not having ANYTHING AT ALL to do with hair. The vow of a
Nazarite (Num. 6:5) forbids the man to cut his hair during the time of
the vow, Samson was forbidden by God to have his hair cut, and there
are other examples in the Bible. Paul completes the whole discourse by
saying "But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom,
neither the churches of God." The "hair" issue was NOT a custom in the
church's of God!

Picture of Lance.

They could NOT walk in LOVE toward Lance because he was an offense to
them, because of his hair!? Neither could they walk in love towards
me? These men had the letter of the law, they were Pharisees, they
were NOT walking in LOVE!

2 Cor. 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new
testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter
killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

1 Cor. 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
and have not charity (love), I am become as sounding brass, or a
tinkling cymbal.

Then, they turned and walked away from me. No greetings of love, no
fellowship of the saints, they didn't even invite me to their church,
not even a smile. They had HARD HEARTS. The 2nd guy then turned to me
as he was walking away and with one last statement to find accusation
he looked at my Bible and asked "What version of the Bible is that!" I
said "King James!" And he walked on. I then asked loudly, "What if it
was a SPANISH version, or PORTUGUESE!" I knew by his question that
they are “King James Only” adherents, condemning those who would read
ANY other version! I once heard of a missionary who came to Honduras
to preach “King James ONLY” to a people that don't speak English! My
heart sank as these "brothers" were offended at me, and refused to
even acknowledge me as their brother in Christ! I was an outcast to
them! SCUM!

When I caught up to Lance, who had stopped to watch and wait for me,
he said they wouldn't even talk to him. But he found one of their
tracts on the ground, it was an Independent Baptist Church. I've had
similar experiences in various places where I have met these brothers
in Christ. In Chattanooga, they have made up tracts attacking the
gifts of the Holy Spirit, another doctrine which they have
misunderstood, and gave 10 reasons why it was the work of Satan. I
sent them a doctrinal reply refuting ALL 10 reasons, and showing that
the writer of that tract was near, if not already, guilty of Blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit! They never replied to my letter. Instead of
giving literature to save the lost, they focused their attention to
attacking the body of Christ!

Luke 11:17
But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom
divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided
against a house falleth.

Only moments later, Lance met a backslidder, who joyfully prayed with
him to restore his life to Jesus Christ!

Monday rally
On Monday, the night of the Praise Rally, I decided that I would
return to the church after the rally instead of staying out on the
streets until 3 AM as we had the past five nights. My feet were very
sore and Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras day), is a long 7 to 10 hour day on
our feet so I returned to the camp to rest. One of the brothers who
returned with us joined me in the coffee shop at the church and began
asking questions about a variety of false teachings of the Catholic
church, and the Seventh Day Adventists. We ended up on the topic of
the gifts of the Holy Spirit and as I shared the wonderful power of
the gifts that God has for us to empower the believer to be a witness
for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8), he expressed a hunger for the laying on
of hands and the impartation of the gifts of the spirit. Several other
spirit filled sisters and I prayed for him as he wept and cried out to
the Lord for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, which God graciously
and faithfully gave to him. (Luke 11:11-13) He was truly refreshed
when we finished praying for him.

Ministry team preparing to go out to the streets!
On Bourbon Street!

Tuesday (Mardi Gras day), was a foggy, rainy day. We made it out to
the streets around 2-3 PM. Michael and part of our group went to
Jackson Square to contend with the annual God mockers that gather each
year, waiting for us, to make mockery of us. Lance, his daughters,
Talitha, Feather and I went to Bourbon Street to hand out tracts. It
was refreshing for me to have a year where we didn't have to contend
with these mockers who only want to harass the Christians in Jackson
Square but rather we were in a position where we could reach the lost
sheep who were wandering the streets.

Although each one of us have testimonies of souls that turned to Jesus
and were saved, others came to ask questions of which we could only
plant seed for a future harvest! One woman, a backslider, asked me to
pray for her. She stayed with me for a while as I ministered to her,
encouraging her in the Lord, and finally she said “I think I will
leave this party and go home!” At the end of the night as we prepared
to head back to the church, a man prayed to receive Jesus Christ into
his heart, and learning that his friends had abandoned him, we offered
to take him home. So we completed this years ministry with a soul
being saved from the fire, and delivering him safely to his doorsteps
of home.

12/31 - 2/16 Baton Rouge Louisiana

In the past month and a half, I've been working with Lance at a small
church in Baton Rouge. The neighborhood is unique, as it is off the
main road, a dead end about 5 miles out of town. We've had a number of
new, young, Christians to disciple during this time, holding a morning
bible study.

Review the year 2003
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-20 16:33:38 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Tripod is not a news venue, blasphemyboi. It's a free webhost that any
homeless drunk with a knowledge of HTML can set up when he manages to
stumble into a libary and find a computer; and that's probably a pretty
accurate portrayal of your bumbling misadventures, because you apparently
can't speak without plagiarizing boilerplate. Heh...

Thou Shalt not Steal, blasphemyboi.
Thou Shalt not Take Thy Lord's Name in Vain, blasphemyboi.

HTH :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 17:16:57 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Current updates
Journal year 2004
July 26th
The city of Dayton has agreed to drop the arrest charges,
Phew! Good thing.

2004-08-20 18:16:27 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:16:57 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Current updates
Journal year 2004
July 26th
The city of Dayton has agreed to drop the arrest charges,
Phew! Good thing.
Yea, good thing because all he was doing was handing out tracts
exposing Satanist Freemasons, you people will not win in the end, Hell
awaits the Freemasons one day.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 18:35:29 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Yea, good thing because all he was doing was handing out tracts
exposing Satanist Freemasons,
This is a lie, at least according to published news reports of the
arrest. Your loser buddies were preparing to engage in "disorderly
conduct", by disrupting a peaceful public event. Fortunately, cooler
heads prevaled and the agitators were taken away in handcuffs.
2004-08-20 19:08:06 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:35:29 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Yea, good thing because all he was doing was handing out tracts
exposing Satanist Freemasons,
This is a lie, at least according to published news reports of the
arrest. Your loser buddies were preparing to engage in "disorderly
conduct", by disrupting a peaceful public event. Fortunately, cooler
heads prevaled and the agitators were taken away in handcuffs.
LOL, the cop was a Mason, most Police are Freemasons, there is no
justice anymore, thus there will be peace when all we are doing is
handing out tracts, we have a right and will continue.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 19:54:44 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
LOL, the cop was a Mason, most Police are Freemasons, there is no
Oo, oo, good one! Adding those to the list... (unless, of course, you
can PROVE your assertion that "mot Police are Freemasons").
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
justice anymore, thus there will be peace when all we are doing is
handing out tracts, we have a right and will continue.
In English, please?

Usenet, being a largely unmoderated forum, is often beset by individuals
who, for any number of reasons (but typically some form of mental
illness) feel compelled to incessantly subject the masses to their
particular "message".

Here, in alt.freemasonry, we are all too familiar with one such person,
who goes by the handle of "Steve", plus an ever changing list of other
sock-puppet names. He does this "nym-shifting" in order to neutralize
the filters that many users employ to cut down on his kind of noise.

Steve is notorious for his maniacal hatred of Freemasonry. Despite his
claims that he is performing his Christian duty, in trying to "save"
these "lost souls", his actual mission appears to be little more than
spreading hatred and slander.

To bring the alt.freemasonry newcomer quickly up to speed, we offer...

The ever-growing list of utterly undefended lies told by "Steve" (and
his many sock-puppet identities):

Lie: "Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: "Freemasons worship Satan"

Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Members of the fraternity are
taught to worship their own God in their own way.

Lie: "Shriners are all pedophiles"

Fact: I don't know where to start on this one...

Lie: "I have done as much charitable work as the Shriners have..."

Fact: We're still waiting for Steve to provide the details on this one.

Lie: "I have saved many souls..."

Fact: Likewise, no details.

Lie: "Also they claim that freemasons built Solomon's Temple and the
Tower of Babel."

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: "The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to deny
everything Christ accomplished on their behalf."

Fact: The "process" requires the initiate to make no denials whatsoever.

Lie: "Masonry makes a man swear, in God?s name, to doctrines that God
has pronounced false and sinful."

Fact: There is nothing in the Masonic obligation that is in conflict
with the teachings of any recognized religion.

Lie: "That salvation can be gained by man?s good works."

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim. Freemasonry is not a religion and
be such, offers no plan for "salvation".

Lie: "To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally
revered prophets. "

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: " Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the
Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says
Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are
indwelt by the Light of the World?Jesus Christ."

Fact: Freemasonry requires its initiates to swear no such thing.

Lie: " Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true
worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of

Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Are we beginning to see a pattern

Lie: "...most Police are Freemasons..."

Fact: Steve can't even begin to support this obviously false assertion.
Since it is folly to even attempt to prove a negative using logic, we
submit that simple arithmetic, using the number of Freemasons world-
wide, the average age of lodge members, the average retirement age,
and/or a few other readily available factors would make it pretty darned
obvious that it is mathematically impossible for "most Police.." to be
2004-08-20 20:12:39 UTC
Faternal Order of Police, you can't get more Masonic than that, we
need to have Sheriff's and Deputies and rid ourselves of the FOP

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:54:44 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
LOL, the cop was a Mason, most Police are Freemasons, there is no
Oo, oo, good one! Adding those to the list... (unless, of course, you
can PROVE your assertion that "mot Police are Freemasons").
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
justice anymore, thus there will be peace when all we are doing is
handing out tracts, we have a right and will continue.
In English, please?
Usenet, being a largely unmoderated forum, is often beset by individuals
who, for any number of reasons (but typically some form of mental
illness) feel compelled to incessantly subject the masses to their
particular "message".
Here, in alt.freemasonry, we are all too familiar with one such person,
who goes by the handle of "Steve", plus an ever changing list of other
sock-puppet names. He does this "nym-shifting" in order to neutralize
the filters that many users employ to cut down on his kind of noise.
Steve is notorious for his maniacal hatred of Freemasonry. Despite his
claims that he is performing his Christian duty, in trying to "save"
these "lost souls", his actual mission appears to be little more than
spreading hatred and slander.
To bring the alt.freemasonry newcomer quickly up to speed, we offer...
The ever-growing list of utterly undefended lies told by "Steve" (and
Lie: "Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and
Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.
Lie: "Freemasons worship Satan"
Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Members of the fraternity are
taught to worship their own God in their own way.
Lie: "Shriners are all pedophiles"
Fact: I don't know where to start on this one...
Lie: "I have done as much charitable work as the Shriners have..."
Fact: We're still waiting for Steve to provide the details on this one.
Lie: "I have saved many souls..."
Fact: Likewise, no details.
Lie: "Also they claim that freemasons built Solomon's Temple and the
Tower of Babel."
Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.
Lie: "The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to deny
everything Christ accomplished on their behalf."
Fact: The "process" requires the initiate to make no denials whatsoever.
Lie: "Masonry makes a man swear, in God?s name, to doctrines that God
has pronounced false and sinful."
Fact: There is nothing in the Masonic obligation that is in conflict
with the teachings of any recognized religion.
Lie: "That salvation can be gained by man?s good works."
Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim. Freemasonry is not a religion and
be such, offers no plan for "salvation".
Lie: "To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally
revered prophets. "
Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.
Lie: " Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the
Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says
Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are
indwelt by the Light of the World?Jesus Christ."
Fact: Freemasonry requires its initiates to swear no such thing.
Lie: " Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true
worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of
Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Are we beginning to see a pattern
Lie: "...most Police are Freemasons..."
Fact: Steve can't even begin to support this obviously false assertion.
Since it is folly to even attempt to prove a negative using logic, we
submit that simple arithmetic, using the number of Freemasons world-
wide, the average age of lodge members, the average retirement age,
and/or a few other readily available factors would make it pretty darned
obvious that it is mathematically impossible for "most Police.." to be
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 20:47:34 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Faternal Order of Police, you can't get more Masonic than that, we
need to have Sheriff's and Deputies and rid ourselves of the FOP
So you saw the word's "Fraternal", "Order", and "Grand Lodge", and just
automatically assumed that the FOP was a Masonic organization. An
honest, if easily avoidable, mistake.

The FOP is not affiliated in any way with Freemasonry. Unless, of
course, you have some kind of, you know..., PROOF?
2004-08-20 21:27:50 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Faternal Order of Police, you can't get more Masonic than that, we
need to have Sheriff's and Deputies and rid ourselves of the FOP
You really seem to be getting angry don't you?

It's either "Sheriff's" and "Deputy's" or "Sheriffs" and "Deputies"
2004-08-20 21:33:00 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Faternal Order of Police, you can't get more Masonic than that, we
need to have Sheriff's and Deputies and rid ourselves of the FOP
You really seem to be getting angry don't you?
It's either "Sheriff's" and "Deputy's" or "Sheriffs" and "Deputies"
But 'Faternal' is OK?
Version: PGP 8.1
2004-08-20 21:35:52 UTC
Post by Nena
But 'Faternal' is OK?
"Faternal" is, I presume, a proper noun and as such it can be spelt anyway
their organisation deems correct.
2004-08-20 21:58:35 UTC
Post by JB
Post by Nena
But 'Faternal' is OK?
"Faternal" is, I presume, a proper noun and as such it can be spelt anyway
their organisation deems correct.
I see. I thought is should be 'Fraternal" meanig 'of brother', 'brotherly'.
Ed King
2004-08-20 23:43:19 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Faternal Order of Police, you can't get more Masonic than that, we
need to have Sheriff's and Deputies and rid ourselves of the FOP
You really seem to be getting angry don't you?
It's either "Sheriff's" and "Deputy's" or "Sheriffs" and "Deputies"
But you're talking to someone who claims he went to college, my

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-08-21 18:30:15 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Faternal Order of Police, you can't get more Masonic than that
Phi Kappa Alpha. Yet another masonic fraternity? Is that why you could
never be a member, or is it something else that disqualified you?

Holbrook #30, A. F. & A. M.
Forest Grove, OR
2004-08-20 16:03:02 UTC

Exposing the Masons

Here is an excerpt from my journal notes on the work the Lord had
given to me to expose this cult. In Jonesboro, LA, I placed an
envelope on every church door in the county, with information exposing
this cult. NO Pastor has ANY excuse for not informing their church of
the dangers of the curse of the oath, and the worship of another god
(idolatry), and replacing Jesus by calling a man their Worshipful
Mastor in the Masonic Lodge.

If your a Christian, and you wish to expose this cult in your town,
please write and I will give you some help on how to do so!

Jonesboro, Louisiana


Walked the cross in Jonesboro. During the day, many people stopped by
to give me their approval, many of whom are Christian. I did have a
long talk with an unsaved man who would not convert to Jesus, but I
asked him to come to church Sunday and I think he was seriously
considering it.

A woman stopped to give me some water. She loved the Lord and said she
was in tears when she saw me. They had been talking about me at her
church last night. She had done much study about the Masonic Lodge in
the past and she rejoiced that I was speaking out against it. She
asked me to come to their church service tonight which started at 7PM.
I told her that I had made a commitment but if things changed, I would
try to be there. I wanted to see the movie “Who is this Jesus” by Dr.
James Kennedy tonight.

So in the evening, I went to Charles and Ileenes home to have dinner
and see the movie. Well, they could not get it so they called a friend
who was going to tape it for us to see on another day. I decided I
would go to the church service. I got to my van and the van wouldn't
start. After some 15 minutes I put my head on the steering wheel and
said “Well Lord, I guess I wasn't supposed to go to the church
tonight.” Charles came out to help and finally, I put it in neutral
and it started. The park was not engaged completely. I later learned
that the woman who invited me to the church was very ill and knew that
I would be there tonight so she came to church anyway, asking some
friends to pray for her.

When I arrived at the Brown Grove Baptist church, (see the picture
below) they all seemed to know who I was and I took a seat. There were
several churches gathered together here and the place was packed. The
guest preacher had just began his sermon. I listened to him preach a
message of walking in holiness after you are saved. When he was
finished, my host sat next to me and she said “Do you want to speak?”
I really didn't but I said “Well, sure.” She instructed “When the
woman up front asks for the guests to stand up, just say whatever you
want!” But the woman never gave the invitation, which was very
abnormal. So my host stood up and said “Maybe all of you have seen
this man who carries the cross around town. He has been to Spain and
France and many other places. I would like to introduce you to Brian
O'Connell.” So she told me to go up front. I later learned that there
where over 40 ministers in the front who were all Masons. As I walked
forward, I asked where I should speak from. They pointed to the podium
on the lower floor.

So I walked up to the microphone and introduced myself and gave my
testimony. I shared how I came to this city and that there was a heavy
darkness over this whole area. Several said “Amen!” I then said “Some
of you may not like me for saying this, but if your in the Masonic
Lodge, you have put a curse on you and your home, and the only thing
that can break the curse is the blood of Jesus. If you will repent, he
will set you free!” One or two who knew about the Lodge said “Amen!”
Every minister dropped his head in shame. Some looked at me in anger.
I said “The best alter call we could have tonight, is that every
Mason, and every woman in the Eastern Star, will come forward and
break the curse by repenting. And I assure you, the Lord will pour out
His Spirit upon this place!”
No one moved!

The Pastor looked around at his superiors for someone to silence me.
Non did! The angels of the Lord held them at bay! Then he himself
stood at the upper podium, hoping to find an opportunity to interrupt.
But it was too late. The truth had been spoken. There was a
surprisingly small group who applauded me for the testimony and rebuke
against the Masons.

As I went to my seat, a woman hugged me. She too knew about the lodge
and its secrets and was against it. The Pastor NEVER said a word about
me or my rebuke. He simply went on with the service as if I never
existed. That's OK! I'm not looking for his approval, but the approval
of my heavenly Master, Jesus Christ.

After the service, of the 40 ministers, only one came to greet me. He
said he was not Mason and wanted to know more about it since he had
spoken against it to a fellow deacon who got mad and walked out on
him. Others church members and guests came over to greet me who had
either left the Lodge or had learned about the errors of the Lodge. My
host wanted me to meet some other people and as we were walking out I
noticed a Deacon of this church with a Shriners pin on his lapel. I
gave him my Mason tract. He began to question me. I asked him “What is
the name of your Worshipful Master?” He looked at me confused. “What
are you talking about?” he said. So I repeated myself and he became
confused. It was clear that he didn't know whether I was asking him
for the name of his Lodge Worshipful Master or the Lord Jesus Christ.
He finally blurted out “Jesus Christ!” as he caught on.

When I asked him about JAH BUL ON, he denied that he had any knowledge
of this word and he said he had never heard that word before. This is
interesting since two weeks ago, another Mason helped to correct me on
it's proper annunciation, helping me to say it correctly. I told the
Shriner “God's word says that all liars will have their part in the
lake of fire. Whether or not your telling me the truth is between you
and God!”

Mason cornerstone shown in this church wall

The man then told me that if it wasn't for the Shriners, I wouldn't be
here. I looked back at him and said “I'm still here because of Jesus
Christ, NOT the Masons!” He then began to argue so I started to pray
to the Lord for conviction upon this man. As I was praying he kept
grabbing my arm wanting to defend his satanic cult. I then dropped to
my knees as I continued to pray. The man stepped back about 15 feet.
He was obviously NOT a man of prayer as he was offended at my pleading
with the Lord for this mans soul. I got up to walk out and from his
distance he pointed at me and said “WHO ARE YOU!” I replied “My name
is Brian O'Connell, and I am a born again Christian who is in love
with Jesus Christ the Lord!”

I then walked out with my host and several other women who could not
believe what they had witnessed tonight. They all rejoiced with me and
prayed for the Lord's protection over me. They knew that tonight, all
hell was breaking loose in this church. My prayer is that all hell
would flee and heavens gates will be opened upon this place.

Closeup of the Masonic Corner stone with the Mason Idol engraved
built into
the wall of a Baptist church (as well as other denominations) in
Jonesboro, Louisiana.

This blasphomous Masonic corner stone attempts to replace Jesus
Christ! It appears on most Baptist churches in South Louisiana.

Ephes. 2:19-22
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but
fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; [20] And
are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus
Christ himself being the chief corner stone; [21] In whom all the
building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the
Lord: [22] In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of
God through the Spirit.

Pastor prayer meeting!
1/10/2002 Thursday

When I arrived home, to Crystal River in October, my prayer was “Lord,
in the name of your son Jesus Christ, I ask that you would expose the
Masonic Lodge to this community, and that many men would repent of it
and turn away from it!”

I was invited to attend a “Ministerial Pastors prayer meeting” and
afterwards we had lunch. During the meal, I met a Pastor who shared
with me that he had been a former Mason. He was in the “Knights
Templars” of the Masonic Lodge and shared that he had drank wine from
a Human Skull. The Pastor also said that the 63rd degree was called
“The Luciferian Degree.”

After the meal, the Pastors discussed various things. At one point, a
brother introduced me and asked me to share what happened at the
Inverness Christmas parade. I shared my testimony and then I spoke
boldly against the Masonic Lodge, pleading with the Pastors to speak
out against it. Afterwards, 2 other Pastors spoke to me favorably,
both of whom were former 32nd degree Masons. One said that his church
was full of Masons, and that he had been trying to expose it to these
men. Many Pastors took my literature to read, including a letter by
Charles Finney, a noted 1800 evangelist, who spoke boldly against the
Masonic Lodge, and my Mason tract. Several had received my letter
which I sent to 77 church's county wide, exposing the Lodge!

I rejoice that the Lord has heard my prayer.

I also prayed to the Lord, that if he should want me to return next
year to walk the cross in the parade, He would have to do something
with the Chief of Police in Inverness.

The Chief of Police arrested Richard last year while walking the cross
in the parade, after Richard told a Mason he needed to repent. The
Chief of Police this year ordered his men to stop me from walking the
cross in the parade, and passing out my tracts exposing the Masons.
Since then, the Chief of Police has been on national news for an
incident with a local restaurant owner who failed to produce
hamburgers the officer had ordered. During a dispute over the burgers,
the restaurant owner touched the plain clothed officers arm and asked
him to leave the premises. The Police Chief had the owner arrested for
battery. The county is in an uproar over this action and wants the
officer removed from his position. I pray this man will repent and
surrender his life to Jesus Christ. My God is greater than the Masonic
Lodge! While his fraternal brothers are daily writing articles in the
newspaper, trying to appease the public, they simply do NOT have the
power and strength of my Lord and God Jesus Christ, whom this man has
offended! (2-4-2002 update: I learned recently that the Inverness
Chief of Police has been removed from his office)

Pray for his salvation!

Masons Proselytizing Pastors
12/30 Sunday

After the evening service, I went to the gas station to fill up with
fuel. A Pastor whom I had known for several years pulled up and asked
me if I had some information on Masons. He said he had a friend who
had recently become Mason and that this friend was soliciting him to
join the Masons also. He knew it was a demonic cult and was looking
for further information about the Lodge. I gave him my tract and web
site information. He said that while he was working as assistant
pastor at a local church, 3 men invited him and the Senior Pastor out
to lunch. They propositioned them to become Masons with a promise of
building them a church, filling it with 500 hundred people and
assuring them of $500 a week. They even told this man also that they
would make him Pastor of his own church with the same benefits right
outside of Dunnellon. Shortly after this offer, this man had some
differences with the Senior Pastor and he left. Since then, this man
tells me, the Senior Pastor was given a Cadillac by the Masons.

I've held this sign at street corners throughout
Citrus county to bring conviction on these men
whom have forsaken their faith in Jesus Christ!

I have heard about these schemes by the Masons but this is the first
time I had been given a personal testimony from a Pastor whom had been
approached by Masons attempting to “buy the church”! Once the Masonic
Lodge “builds” the church by buying out the Pastor, the Pastor becomes
a servant of the Masonic Lodge and a “worshipful master” that is Not
Jesus Christ!

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Last year, after sending out an e-mail with the details of the Parade
in Inverness and our assault on the Masonic Lodge cult, a Pastor of a
local church asked me to remove him from my mailing list. I suspect he
too had been bought out by this cult.

Although the Masonic Lodge claims they do NOT solicit members, and the
only way “to become one you must ask one”, it is very evident that
there is an active evangelism program targeting certain individuals!

The Masonic Lodge is Satan's most strategic plan to corrupt the church
and destroy it from within. They are making disciples of those within
the church, ultimately leading them away from Christ.

Acts 20:29-30
For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves
enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves
shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples
after them.

Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?

Psalm 127:1
Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build
it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.


You can visit my web site on Freemasonry at

12/8/2001 Inverness, Florida Christmas Parade

Article in last years (Dec. 2000) Citrus Chronicle.

Last year, Richard and I walked the Inverness Parade with the crosses.
Near the end of the Parade, as Richard passed out tracts, a man
threatened him with physical violence. The man was a Mason and
Richard replied that the man needed to repent. The man angrily stormed
away and returned with a police officer, who in turn arrested Richard.

I was not aware that Richard was under arrest and crossed the
street, thinking that Richard was witnessing to the officer as Richard
himself is a former sheriff and often witnesses to police. Several men
watching the parade had come over to confront the officer that Richard
had done no wrong. The officer then threatened these men with arrest
if they did not leave, so they did. I asked this officer if I could
speak to the chief of police at which he then said that he was the
chief of police. The man released Richard with the order that we speak
to NO one. As we walked up the street, a man asked us what that was
all about. As we spoke to the man, the officer threatened us with an
order Not to speak to anyone!

After the parade, I was informed that this man was a Mason
himself! I have not searched to prove this statement, but in my spirit
I was cautious that this year they would try to stop me from walking
the cross in this parade.

The end of my gospel tracts include a link to my web site which
exposes the Masons and Shriners, with the words “for more information
on cults such as Masons/Shriners….”

Last week I walked the Crystal River Parade with no hindrances
whatsoever! But my suspicion of the Masonic influence on the chief of
Police was confirmed at the Inverness Parade when immediately two
officers asked me aside and said that I could NOT walk the cross in
the parade, and that I could not solicit the people with my tracts. I
told the officers that I had the same right to walk along the curb as
these people do, as I pointed to many other spectators who were
walking past along the curb as I was when stopped. I continued to
inform them that these were gospel tracts and that soliciting was
asking people for things or selling, so I was NOT soliciting! Nothing
is for sale, or asked for. I continued to say “as I walk and people
reach out for a tract, then I give them one.”

I then left the officers to continue to walk the cross and hand
out tracts. The officers followed me and asked me to stop again,
repeating that I could not walk the cross down the street and hand out
my tracts. One officer said that if I didn't stop walking with the
cross and passing out the tracts I would have to speak to the judge on
Monday, which was a threat of arrest. I replied “Then I will talk to
the judge on Monday” as I was determined to walk the cross even if it
meant imprisonment. I told the one officer, “The reason your chief of
police doesn't want me walking this parade is because he is offended
that I am speaking against Masonry!” He looked surprised and said “I
don't know what your talking about!” After the parade someone told me
that he was a Mason too. I cannot confirm this to be true! But I do
suspicion there are many Masons on this police force.

I turned to continue and they followed me again, this time stepping
in front of me not allowing me to pass. With a cruiser officer and a
motorcycle officer now present, I consented that I would stay on the
sidewalk instead of walking along the curb. They let me go! But at
certain points, the crowd was thick all the way between the street and
the wall of a building so I stepped out to the street to get around
the crowd and as I did so, the motorcycle officer who was following
me, parked his motorcycle quickly and said “THAT'S IT!” He was about
to arrest me and I said “Officer, I could NOT get around the people
who were obstructing my passage! There is NO room on the sidewalk” and
I continued to walk on looking for a place to get back onto the

After this, I was able to stay on the sidewalk behind the crowd
and finished the parade rout. Officers at each intersection warned me
“They don't want you handing out your literature” I kindly reply
“Thank you!” and continued handing out the tracts. I believe that,
with the help of about 10-15 precious saints that came to help me pass
out the tracts, we placed about 4-5,000 tracts in the hands of the
spectators, and placed about an equivalent amount into the hands of
those who attended the Crystal River Parade last week.

I praise the Lord our God who gave me the ability to continue to
walk the cross when my knees were shaking and I felt great fear as I
knew that I was pressing on into the resistance of Satan who does not
want me to expose the Masonic Lodge in this community. I suspect that
unless Christians rise up to fight this injustice, that one day we
will find ourselves in the darkness when no man can work.

John 9:4
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the
night cometh, when no man can work.

This scripture sure came true today, as I have walked the cross in the
parade now for about 7 years. Now, the night is coming, UNLESS the
saints rise up and do something about it, we will no longer have the
freedom to speak and lift up the name of Jesus Christ without
imprisonment or death! We will no longer be able to speak against
cults and lies! We will no longer be able to say “REPENT!”

You can visit my web site on Freemasonry at

In Christ Jesus our Lord,

For more on my travels in the year 2001, go to Year 2001 in Review.

January 2002 Letter sent to Pastors

Dear Pastor,
My name is Brian O’Connell. I carry a cross as a form of street
evangelism leading souls to Christ Jesus as Lord! I have traveled to
several other countries as a Missionary!

There is an antichrist spirit growing WITHIN the Christian church’s
which I would like to expose. There is a strong chance that it might
even be within YOUR church! It is called Freemasonry!

Ephes. 5:11-12
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but
rather reprove them. [12] For it is a shame even to speak of those
things which are done of them in secret.

I have included some information for your research on this topic, and
a web site which is noted on the Masonic tract for deeper research. I
am also including a letter with the words of the noted evangelist of
the 1800’s, Charles Finney. Their secret is out!
As a Pastor of the church of Jesus Christ, you are accountable to
bring your sheep out of bondage and expose the truth! If you are a
“hireling” you can run and let the wolf devour the sheep for which
Christ died to save! You stand accountable.

Some of you reading this letter are in this “fraternity” yourselves.
Masons have bought many Pastors with money, a church building, cars
and increased congregations. I pray you will repent and receive the
Lord’s forgiveness. Please note what God’s word says about this:

Psalm 127:1
Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

If Freemasonry is building your church… it is all in vain!

Every Mason whom has taken the blood oath, has placed a curse upon
their families. I have met many Masons in my travels that have had
tragic deaths in their family. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can
break the curse of the oath. They offend God by calling a man in their
lodge “Worshipful Master”, and they have changed the name of God from
Jesus Christ, to JAH-BAL-ON, a blasphemous name of combining Jehovah,
Baal and On (Osiris). On is the city of the worship of the Egyptian
sun god.
The Shriner makes a confession to “Allah” as God. Allah is a demon God
(idol) worshipped by Muslims. The 33rd degree Mason (of which many
masons don’t even know about) confesses Satan as God in their
initiation! Reinterpreting the scriptures, each degree up to the 33rd
degree prepares the initiate for his complete denial of Jesus Christ.

The presence of this antichrist spirit within the church puts out the
fire of the Holy Spirit. Any Pastor who attempts to expose Freemasonry
in his church, will come into great opposition from his “antichrist”
Masonic members. I believe that if all the Pastors of our community
work together to expose Freemasonry, the Masons will NOT be able to
slander and run our Pastors out of the pulpit! I pray it will backfire
upon the Masonic secret darkness!

Luke 8:17
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any
thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Please take the time to research this “brotherhood” and expose it to
your members, and community! I am sending this letter to some 100
church Pastors. So rest assured this attack on the church has been
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-20 16:30:15 UTC
<***@nospam.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

<boilerplate snipped>

Exposing the blashemers is much simpler and too the point. Just look at
your alias of choice, witchboi :) HTH :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
2004-08-20 17:59:44 UTC

A Short Guide to Occult Symbols

by Carl Teichrib,

a Canadian researcher and authority on globalization and the occult.

<http://www.crossroad.to/index.html> Home -
<http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles.html> Articles -
<http://www.crossroad.to/Books/symbols.html> Symbols and their Meaning
<http://www.crossroad.to/cgi-local/birdcast.cgi> Email this page

<http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/2002/carl-teichrib/8owl.htm> The
Old Owl



Queen of Heaven


Symbols are employed as tools to communicate the spiritual attributes
of the
New Age movement and the occult. And while most of these symbols are
centuries old, their meanings have remained the same. In fact, as the
extension of ancient occult teachings, the New Age movement has placed
mystical symbolism squarely in the face of our modern culture.

What makes this especially disturbing is that while the "marks" of
can be found throughout society, yet we no longer recognize their
implications. However, just because the average person doesn't know
meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. As
P. Hall stated, "They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant
an awful power.."

Occult symbols have never lost their meaning. Today, New Agers and
practitioners of the occult still employ their use, just as mystics
throughout the ages.

According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, "symbol" can be defined as
mark or character taken as the conventional sign of some object, idea,
function, or process." The New Age movement and the occult-which, in
ways, are one and the same-have greatly employed the use of symbolism.
find it disturbing that while the historical and contemporary "marks"
occultism can be found throughout our modern culture, we no longer
their spiritual significance. However, just because the average person
longer knows the meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their
significance. The fact remains that these symbols have never lost
meaning, and occultists today still recognize their power and


See also Symbols and their

<http://www.crossroad.to/index.html> Home -
<http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles.html> Articles -
<http://www.crossroad.to/Books/symbols.html> Symbols and their Meaning
<http://www.crossroad.to/cgi-local/birdcast.cgi> Email this page
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 18:28:08 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
A Short Guide to Occult Symbols
What makes this especially disturbing is that while the "marks" of
can be found throughout society, yet we no longer recognize their
implications. However, just because the average person doesn't know
meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. As
P. Hall stated, "They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant
an awful power.."
So, Steve, you're saying that symbols, even little black-and-white
diagrams, have powerful magic in them? Wow! So magic is REAL then?

I can see it now...
Harry Potter, wielder of the White Magic and leader of all "good"

What would Harry Potter do?
Gene Goldman
2004-08-21 01:12:37 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
If your a Christian, and you wish to expose this cult in your town,
please write and I will give you some help on how to do so!
Try learning to write English first. If you think your (sic) helping
anyone with such illiterate nonsense, "your" mistaken.
|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart. - Goldman 3:16

Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
Regular 1,765 degree Mason
Most Wonderful Grand High Exhaulted Imperial Omnipotent Mystic Regal
Stomper, and Wearer of the Official Purple Underwear
ICQ #503060
"Are you guys ready? Let's Roll!!"
Todd Beamer, Flight 93

"In theory, Communism works! - Russian saying.

Version: 3.1
GCM/CC/TW/O d--(++) s:,s++ a+ C+(++++) U--- P! L-- E! W++ N+++ o-- K-
w++++ O---- M--(+) V? PS+++ Y+ PGP-- t* 5 X- R* tv+++ b++ DI+++ D G e*
h---- r+++ y++++
Remember: Your Masonry may be different from someone else's.
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.

Any Mason may use the contents for any valid Masonic purpose, permission
may be granted to others upon request.

Objects in this post are funnier than they appear
Be seeing you

And in case I don't see ya' - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!
2004-08-21 05:24:36 UTC
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 01:12:37 GMT, Gene Goldman
Post by Gene Goldman
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
If your a Christian, and you wish to expose this cult in your town,
please write and I will give you some help on how to do so!
Try learning to write English first. If you think your (sic) helping
anyone with such illiterate nonsense, "your" mistaken.
Satanist Genie, learn to renounce Freemasonry, or prepare to burn in
2004-08-21 05:45:29 UTC
http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/rael.htm <----- Click on
link to see Edwin King's ugly picture...LOL

Rael and The Masonic New World Order
by Parker (10th April 2003)

Masonic Cult Leader Rael

On the 13th of December 1973, French journalist Rael (real name Claude
Vorilhon) was taking a hike in the mountains and claims he was
contacted by a visitor from another planet, and asked to establish an
Embassy to welcome these aliens back to Earth. The UFO which landed
which bore the following symbol

Masonic/Satanic Hexagram with Swastika

This symbol is the first clue linking the Rael cult to Freemasonry.
The hexagram and the swastika have been used by Freemasonry for a very
long time.

Theosophy Logo

Above is the logo for the Theosophical Society which was founded by
Freemasons Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott (an
associate of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science Masonic
cult) in New York in 1875. Notice the hexagram and the swastika in the
logo above. Blavatsky was a Satanist/Luciferian as revealed in her
wicked writings which are held in high regard by Occultists,
Freemasons, Satanists, Luciferians and Black Magicians. See my page Do
Freemasons Worship Lucifer/Satan for quotes from her works. Hitler
kept a copy of her greatest work 'The Secret Doctrine' by his bedside
and this is where he got his swastika symbol and Aryan race ideas
from. The Theosophical society is a branch of the Illuminati and is
still controlled by Freemasons today. So the first point I have made
is that a Masonic founded and controlled cult called the Theosophical
Society used the symbolism of the hexagram and swastika almost 100
years before Rael merged the two symbols into one.

The alien then proceded to tell Claude the 'truth' about the creation
of mankind by this alien race in a lab. This alien bestowed the name
Rael to Claude. The name Rael is really a satanic merging of Ra the
pagan, egyptian sun god and god of light (Lucifer/Satan) and El which
is short for Elohim the God of the Bible. Rael then founded the
Raelian Religion and wrote several books starting from 1974,
proclaiming the Alien message given to him. If you were watching the
news several months ago you could not have missed the story on the Ufo
cult that claimed to have cloned the first human successfully. It made
global news as the cult was offering independant scientific evidence
that this had actually occured. But at the last moment this offer was
pulled back and no evidence whatsoever has surfaced even though the
cult claims more cloned babies have been born since. This was nothing
more then a very good publicity stunt to attract new followers. The
Raelian webpage is now declaring a 10% increase in numbers from 55,000
to 60,000 followers due to the publicity they recieved globally.
Global news correctly labeled the Raelians as a Ufo cult that
encourages a lot of sex between members. This is a big selling point
for the cult as a lot of people today are sex obsessed. As time
permits I will go much deeper into the Raelian philosophy but for now
this article will concentrate on it's ties to Freemasonry and the New
World Order. If you are a Raelian then please don't blind yourself to
the truths which I am to present. If you exit this page you will never
realise the sinister doctrines of your Raelian religion and you will
go deeper into spiritual bondage.


The phrase 'New World Order' was placed by Freemasons on every US one
dollar bill written in latin. For evidence of this go to The Masonic
Seal Of America. To define the New World Order briefly it is a Global
Government, Global Money System and Global Religion controlled at the
top by one man. Everyone on earth is controlled to some extent by
either government, money and/or religion. The Illuminati have
conspired for centuries to infiltrate and gain the top positions in
all three areas. If they control all three areas then they will have
control over everyone on earth.Total control will not be possible
until all three areas go global. This plan was revealed by female
Freemason Alice Bailey (a disciple of Blavatsky) in her book called
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle which was channeled through an evil
spirit named Djwhal Khul.

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle - Alice Bailey
VI. The Planetary Life - A Center in the Solar System excerpts from
pages 94-95

"Only in the final root-race of men upon our planet will the essential
central Triangle make its appearance and function openly in the third
planetary Center, that of Humanity. One point of this future triangle
will emerge out of the field of world governments, of politics and of
statesmanship; another will appear out of the world religions, and a
third out of the general field of world economics and finance. Then,
some senior disciples from each of the three hierarchical departments
will appear and will attempt the experiment of this centralizing and
embodiment of the three qualities of the central Triangle. They will
then discover, by direct action, when and if mankind is ready for such
an experiment of direct control and if it has developed the needed
sense of responsibility - a responsibility which will produce
cooperation. At the close of the age, the three major Centers will be
in complete, unified and synchronized activity, activity, with Sanat
Kumara in Shamballa over-shadowing and informing His Representatives
in the hierarchical and human Centers; then the central Triangle in
each Center will not be only actively functioning, but they will be
working together in the closest rapport, thus forming symbolically a
"Star with nine points, ever revolving"; then the massed energies of
the three major Centers will dominate the other four centers,
controlling the manifestation of the Life Expression in all the
kingdoms of nature."

Here you have a Masonic script for Global takeover. Alice Bailey and
her 32nd Degree Freemason husband Foster Bailey were members of the
Illuminati and founded Lucifer trust and renamed it later to Lucis
trust which stands for Lucifer/Isis. In another article I will go into
further detail on the Masonic Lucis Trust.

Rael has officially and publicly called for the creation of a New
World Order. To quote from the Raelian website called Subversions (go
there before it is changed)

"In a world where order is chaos, where wise men are viewed as fools
and where fools are ruling the world and viewed as wise men, there is
a need to create a real new world order. A new world order where the
mental confusion will disappear, where peace and love will prevail and
where the Human Rights will be really fully respected."

Clearly revealed is the cult leaders desire to establish a Masonic New
World Order. There is actually two Masonic references in that quote
above. The most obvious being 'New World Order' and the second being
'Order is Chaos' which is very similar to the latin Masonic phrase
'Ordo Ab Chao' which means 'Order out of Chaos'. A jewel with this
inscription is given to all 33rd Degree Freemasons. (see below) Notice
that this Masonic star has nine points and refer to the Alice Bailey
quote above that mentions when control of global government, religion
and money is established it shall form a nine pointed star. 33rd
Degree Freemasons are qualified to control these areas and the Ordo Ab
Chao jewel signifies this. I believe Rael is cryptically communicating
his 33rd Degree Masonic status to his fellow brothers around the world
in a similar way that Kenneth Copeland and Robert Schuller cryptically
signalled to the world they are 33rd Degree Freemasons by use of
Masonic buzzwords and symbolism. It is a trademark of most proud
Masons to leave key symbols veiled into pictures and also to use
various keywords in speeches or secret handshakes. Proof of this can
be found in Masonry's most common definition of itself as being
'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and
illustrated by Symbols.' This is taken directly from the second degree
initiation ritual.

'Ordo Ab Chao' 33rd Degree Masonic Jewel

Now that we have revealed the Raelian leaders objective let us ask the
question.... Does the New World Order that Rael is hoping to help
build seek a Global Government, Global Religion and a Global Money
System? Is it organised under Alice Balieys Masonic blueprint to
control these 3 centres? To once again quote from the official Raelian
webpage under the heading 'The Aims Of The Raelian Movement'

"By establishing a world currency, a non corrupt world government
whose global vision can put science at the service of humanity, we
could eradicate all famine, disease and suffering and eventually
eradicate money itself, to finally bring about the world of active
fulfillment and leisure which we were designed for."

In his primary book entitled "The Message Given To Me By
Extra-Terrestrials" by Rael he states on page 254

"Humanity must unite to form a world government as it is written in
the First Message."

"Until it becomes possible to abolish money, create a new world
currency to replace national curriencies. Therein lies the solution to
the monetary crisis."

The Raelian ideal to abolish money is very sinister. It means a
cashless society where cash will be replaced by smart cards then
replaced by Implanted RFID Bio Microchips in the right hand or
forehead as revealed over 1900 years ago in the Bible. I am still
working on my Mark Of the Beast page which will fully document this
Masonic plan. These microchips will be administered by an syringe
injection and I believe Rael is preparing his followers to recieve the
Mark Of The Beast by stating on page 204 of the same book

"Yahweh said to me: "Now allow us to make a small injection in your
forehead" One of the robots came towards me and with the help of a
small apparatus similar to a syringe, made an injection in my forehead
which I hardly felt as it was so light."

And of course obviously Rael wants his Masonic religion to become the
Global Religion. So here we have uncovered Rael's plan organised under
a Masonic blueprint to enslave humanity under the dark fallen angel
named Lucifer and his army of darkness.


On the official Raelian website at the page entitled THE KEYS: WHY IS

"By improving the level of individual consciousness, we improve the
level of consciousness of humanity, and we therefore increase its
chances of entering the Golden Age."

In an interview with Rael entitled Is Rael For Real? he states

Q: What does the Raelian Revolution offer to its followers?

A: A scientific explanation of the origin of life on Earth. This is a
plan to bring our humanity to the Golden Age and a modern way to deal
with important issues of life. It is time to replace the Judeo
Christian taboos and prejudices that killed and tortured so many

In Rael's book 'Let's Welcome our Fathers from Space', Rael records a
message he received from the Elohim (aliens) . Regarding the Age of
Apocalypse that humanity has entered, the message states, "Either
humanity will develop an interplanetary consciousness, and the whole
of mankind will enter the Golden Age, or the planet will
self-destroy,... It's your move." (136-7)

On the official Raelian webpage entitled RAEL SUPPORTS THE AUCTIONING

"At the dawn of the 3rd millennium, it is time to let the golden age
set in, by sweeping away the old taboos from the Judeo-Christian

Golden Age is a Masonic buzzword for the New World Order. 33rd Degree
Freemason and founder of the Masonic cult called Jehovah's Witnesses,
Charles Taze Russell frequently talked about this New Age--calling it
a "Golden Age" to come. He preached a sermon on it entitled "Must We
Abandon Hope of a Golden Age." He even established a paper called The
Golden Age which is now called Awake.

But is this teaching of the "Golden Age to come" exclusively Charles
Russell's and the Jehovah's Witnesses? No!

"...the 17,500 [Masonic] lodges of the U.S. and Canada...are to act as
harbringers of that'New Order of the Ages,' that Great Golden Age that
is to come...May the Masonic Order become reorientated to make its
peculiar contribution to that Glorious Objective."
Lynn Perkins, Faith, Truth, Destiny, Decrees, Works-A Declaration of
Faith in the Rebirth of Spiritual Masonry, p 71 (1973)

But this hope of a "Golden Age to come" does not originate with the
Masons either. It is an ancient Egyptian and Babylonian term
specifying the time which "men and gods could live together happily."
Hence we see that this great push towards a New World Order for the
Ages, is nothing more than the ancient Plan for a One World System.

The Unholy Book Of The Illuminati:- The Kabalah

In the primary Raelian book entitled "The Message Given To Me By
Extra-Terrestials" the aliens gave the following message on page 100

"The Cabbala is the book closest to the truth but almost all religious
books make allusions to us more or less clearly, especially in the
countries where the creators had their bases:.......the Mormons.

33rd Degree Freemason, Lucifer worshipper, founder of the KKK, member
of the Illuminati and one of the most powerful and influential
Freemasons of all time, Albert Pike stated in his greatest work
entitled 'Morals and Dogma'

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return
to it. Everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the
Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is
borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it
their secrets and their symbols. The Kabalah alone consecrates the
Alliance of the Universal Reason and the Divine Word. One is filled
with admiration, on penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Kabalah, at
seeing the doctrine so logical, so simple and at the same time so
absolute" pages 744-745

Both the cults of Freemasonry and Rael absolutely adore the Kabalah.
It is because they are united. Rael is a closet 33rd Degree Freemason.
The Kabalah is a Jewish occult book found in the satanic Talmud. It is
used by Satanists, Freemasons and the Illuminati. On the same page of
the quote above from the Raelian book the aliens state the following
phrase "Humanity: A Disease of the Universe" This is how we are viewed
and the Illuminati will go to the most of extreme measures to execute
all those they do not wish to enslave under their evil grasp. Also
note the Raelian quote above which mentions the Mormons. I have viewed
a Raelian video which shows several Prophets of the aliens and Joseph
Smith, a Freemason and founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints is shown to be a prophet. Mormonism is a child abusing and
murdering satanic cult which is a branch of the Illuminati. I will
prove this in a future article.


The Freemasons placed a pyramid on the US one dollar bill with the
capstone not yet placed upon the top of the pyramid. This symbolism is
to signify that the plan is not complete until the eye of Lucifer
decends onto the Pyramid thus completing it. For documentation
supporting this see my page The Masonic Seal Of America Freemasons
have long adored the Egyptian pyramids and have conducted satanic
rituals inside them including child sacrafice and rape. Masonic
founded and controlled cults such as the Mormons and the Jehovah's
Witnesses also promoted the pyramid as a work of God. On the cover of
Rael's book entitled "The True Face Of God" which is the new name for
his book entitled "The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestials" is a
pyramid with a capstone which is slightly larger then it should be
thus emphasizing the capstone making the pyramid complete according to
Masonic symbolism.

Notice the Capstone


On the official Raelian webpage entitled Benefits To Humanity Rael

"Jerusalem, the "city of peace", has always been the privileged point
of contact between the Elohim and humanity. Solomon's Temple was the
original embassy welcoming Yahweh and the embassy which is now being
prepared will be the Third Temple. Peace in that region will be
assured as people understand the origin of their religious beliefs and
see their own individual prophet acting in harmony with the others.
Humanity's future world government will no doubt establish itself
close by,"

Well known and highly respected conspiracy author, Jim Keith stated in
his book 'Saucers Of The Illuminati' on page 57

"Illuminati, whose most visible proponents currently are the
Freemasons....One of the secrets, perhaps the core secret of the
Illuminati and of thier related societies....is that the overall goal
of this secret society is the rebuilding of the destroyed Temple of
Solomon in Jerusalem."

Clearly revealed is Rael's goal in perfect harmony with Freemasonry.
Rael wants his followers to donate $20 Million dollars to build this
embassy/temple and has already recieved $7 Million. According to Rael
already several Jewish rabbis have declared him to be the Messiah. Jim
Keith was recently assassinated along with his publisher Ron Bonds by
Freemasons. I will be doing a article on this soon and will list
around 50+ names of people killed by the Freemasons. To prove the
Freemasons have a goal to rebuild a third temple in Jerusalem see the
image below taken from Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries and
notice the text "Let The Temple Of The Lord Be Built" with the
illuminated Eye in the Pyramid and Masonic square and compass. I will
go into further details on this later.

Secret Goal Of Freemasonry Revealed


In this article I have established many common reference points
between the Raelian cult and Freemasonry.

Raelian main logo using symbolism common to Freemasonry
Rael's name being a mixture of Egyptian paganism and Judaism which is
exactly what Freemasonry combines
The Raelian call for a New World Order under previously published
Masonic guidelines
The use of the words Order and Chaos which is similar to Freemasonry's
Order out of Chaos
The Raelian plan to abolish money according to the Masonic plan
The use of the Masonic phrase 'Golden Age'
The importance placed upon the Kabalah, called the book closest to the
truth, which is the foundation of Freemasonry
The Raelian claim of Freemason Joseph Smith as a true prophet
Masonic capstone symbolism on Raelian book cover
Raelian plan to rebuild Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem which is a long
running plan of Illumined Freemasons
Here you have 10 points. This list will grow. I have more intel coming
in that is very disturbing and I will share it as soon as it is
analysed. I have only been researching the Raelian Masonic cult for a
few months now so I have a lot more study to do. Rael's Masonic Cult
is not the only UFO cult that is run by Freemasons calling for a New
World Order. I will document another one soon. Please email me at
***@softhome.net and ask to be added to my email list.
2004-08-21 06:01:20 UTC


Part 1 of 2

Subtitle: Now, from their own words and symbols, Freemasonry is
proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be Satanic to the core! You
can be deceived no longer.

Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic
books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and
most of them were formerly very, very secret. We further have taken
the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the
Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians:
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the
world." Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform
to Scripture is from a "false prophet".

This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is
at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior
Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons
"deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons
are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy:
"Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that
meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may
find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have
been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles. Finally,
remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry
is identical to the ancient Mysteries", which means that all their
teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient,
Pagan, Satanic Mysteries! [p. 624, teachings of the 28th Degree]

Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may
finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which
Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never,
ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray
that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the
knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.

Now, for the first time ever, we shall conclusively prove that
Freemasonry is actually a worship of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer; of
course, since Lucifer and Satan are Biblically the same person,
Freemasonry is really the worship of Satan. We shall prove this by
quoting their own sources, and depicting their own symbols. In
symbols, Freemasonry reveals more about itself than it ever does in
its writings; yet, we shall start with their writings, for there you
shall find the "smoking gun" proof that Masons worship Lord Satan.
Once you comprehend this truth, you shall understand why they have
been so anxious all these centuries to keep the lid of secrecy tightly
screwed down, for if people really understood that Masonry is a
worship of Satan, no one would join, and the citizens of most
communities would rise up as one to demand that the organization be
completely outlawed. Thus, you have secrets within secrets , just as
we have quoted above; further, you have a continuous public relations
campaign promoting the lie that Freemasonry is not a religion, and is
just a good works social organization.

Now, let us inform you, with their own words, that Freemasons really
worship Satan, at the higher levels.


"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to
the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he
who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds
feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" [Albert Pike,
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, p. 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff; Red Emphasis added]

What a revelation! From the first degree, the first Initiation, the
Mason is urged mightily to "seek the Light"! The average Mason is
continually saying that he is "seeking the Light", and will spend his
entire life "moving toward the Light". Almost every person in Western
Civilization will assume that this "Light" is the revelation of the
God of the Bible; indeed, this statement is held up continuously to
try to convince us that Masonry is Christian. Yet, here, Albert Pike
is saying that Lucifer is the One who bears the Light of Freemasonry!
Lucifer is the Light-bearer of Freemasonry .

Pike's sentence immediately preceding this one confirms not only that
Lucifer is the Light-bearer, but that Masons of previous degrees have
been led to believe that the opposite was true. Since the wording of
this sentence is a little arcane [understood only by those with
special knowledge], I asked former Illuminist Satanist Doc Marquis,
for his explanation. But, we are getting a little ahead of ourselves
now; let us examine this sentence.

"The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the
Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God Alone, and
despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer." [Ibid.]

At first glance, this sentence seems to contradict the one we first
quoted above, where Pike identifies Lucifer as the Masonic
Light-bearer. However when you understand the esoteric explanation
from Doc Marquis, your understanding clears up completely.

First, Pike identifies the Apocalypse as being the Book of Revelation
written by the Apostle John. Then, Pike states that other, similar
books from other religions, are just as 'inspired' as Revelation,
mentioning Plato, Philo, the Sephar Yezirah, and the Sohar. Pike says
all three of these books -- Apocalypse [Revelation], the Sephar
Yezirah, and the Sohar, are all identically "inspired". Since these
latter two books are of non-Christian faiths, Pike is saying that the
contents of Revelation are no big deal. Therefore, it is no big deal
that the Book of Revelation denigrates the "pomp and works" of Satan,
since the God of that book is known to hate Satan.

Then, Pike says that these three books "are the completest embodiment
of Occultism". [Ibid.] Now, we understand that Pike views the God of
the Apocalypse as being the opposite but equal to Satan, just as
typical Occultists believe and teach!

Secondly, Doc Marquis provides the esoteric, occultic, explanation.
Pike is also saying in this sentence that, in the previous 18 degrees,
Masons believed that God was the Light-bearer, but now, in this 19th
Degree, Pike is giving them new revelation. This insight completely
squares with stated Masonic policy of deliberately misleading Masons
in the lower degrees until they were really ready for the "truth".
This is the truth -- Masonry worships Lucifer .


Pike then gives concrete evidence of Freemason's worship of
Satan/Lucifer on the very front of the cover of Morals and Dogma !
Below the round seal of "God", Pike writes a phrase written in Latin,
which proves to be a typical Satanic phrase. One look at this phrase
would alert any Satanist that the contents of this book are Satanic!
A Satanist would also understand immediately that all of Freemasonry
is Satanic.

What is this phrase? "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS" The literal meaning is "God
and My Right"

Doc Marquis says this statement is a very typical one within Satanism.
It has two meanings, one within the other. First, this phrase means
that the Freemason can depend upon their God to determine their Right
and Justice. Secondly, since the God of Freemasonry is Lucifer,
Masons are saying that they are "using occult methods", through
Lucifer, to achieve their Rights and Justice. Marquis says that this
phrase is very powerful and very dangerous within Satanism. The
second a Satanist sees this phrase in Latin on Pike's book, he knows
the material within is Satanism, without reading a word!


"The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their
knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion ,
which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can
only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to
use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the
key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the
dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The
seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step
onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.
He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who
with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a
plowshare." [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The Lost Keys of
Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff , Forward by Reynold E.
Blight, 33rd Degree, K.T., Illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32nd
Degree, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond,
Virginia, p. 48; Emphasis Added]

This statement is the most bold and concise anyone can create in the
English language! It boldly states that, once the Mason learns to
control his emotion, and to properly apply the "dynamo of living
power", he can be assured of being able to control the "seething
energies of Lucifer" in his hands. Further, he admits that Masonry is
the Craft, the old name for Witchcraft! Further, all Satanists are
assured that, if they will join the coven and learn the Craft, he will
control the supernatural power of Satan, just as Manly P. Hall is
promising here.

This is most powerful proof that Freemasonry is Satanism, because its
language is direct and clear, not cluttered with deliberately
confusing arcane language that only an insider can understand.
Further, note that Hall and Reynold E. Blight are 33rd Degree Masons,
while the Illustrator is 32nd Degree. Macoy Publishing Company is
also one of the most respected of all Masonic Publishing Houses.


But, the revelations from this paragraph are not finished yet. Note
that Hall makes reference to Tubal-Cain, above. Let us review this
sentence, as it also reveals Satanism. The Mason must "follow in the
footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength
of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare." In the Masonic
Quiz Book, the candidate is asked this question: "Who was Tubal
Cain?" Answer: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans." [William P.
Peterson, Editor, Masonic Quiz Book: "Ask Me Brother", Chicago,
Illinois, Charles T. Power Company, 1950, p. 18, 88, 131, 213; also
found in John Yarker, The Arcane Schools: A Review of their Origin and
Antiquity: With a General History of Freemasonry and Its Relation to
the Theosophic Scientific and Philosophic Mysteries, Belfast, Ireland,
William Tait, 1909, p. 30; also found in A. R. Chambers, Editor,
Questions and Answers, 1972, p. 237; also found in Malcom Duncan,
Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry , New York, David McKay Company, Inc.,
n.d. 3rd Edition, p. 94.]

In fact, in the Third Degree of Master Mason, Tubal-Cain is the
password given.

Other than identifying Freemasonry with paganism in this sentence,
what is the meaning of the Vulcan of the pagans? This question is very
important, because Manly P. Hall advises the Mason that, once he has
the seething energies of Lucifer in his hands, he is to walk in
Tubal-Cain's footsteps. Hall makes it sound like Tubal-Cain is one
of the Greek gods, does he not? And, we know conclusively that
Tubal-Cain is Vulcan of the Pagans. Let us review who Vulcan of the
pagans is, by looking within occult sources.

"Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts and
light. The festival in honor of him was called the Vulcania in which
human sacrifices were offered." [Percival George Woodcock, Short
Dictionary of Mythology, New York, Philosophical Library, p. 152].
"According to Diel, he bears a family relationship to the Christian
devil." [J.E. Cirlot, translated by Jack Sage, A Dictionary of Symbols
, New York, Dorset Press, 1991, p. 362]. "It is fascinating to know
that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil ."
[Woodcock, op. cit., p. 150-151; Emphasis added]

Wow! In one fell swoop, we learn that Manly P. Hall tells the Mason
that he can have the seething energies of Lucifer in his hands, and
then tells him to follow in the footsteps of the "Christian devil", to
whom "human sacrifices " are offered!


By now, even the most hardened of skeptics should be convinced that
Freemasonry is Lucifer/Satan worship. However, for those who may
still need more convincing, let us consider the Infernal Names by
which Masonry masks its many references to Satan. In the Satanic
Bible, we see 77 names by which pagans have referred to Satan over the
centuries. Let us quickly review some of the "Infernal Names" of
Satanism found within Masonry. [Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey, p. 144-46]

We shall list the Freemason teaching on each of these names, and then
the explanation.

Baphomet -- "The Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the
igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was
adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the
hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes
." [Pike, op. cit., p. 734, teaching of the 28th Degree; Emphasis

We find it absolutely incredible that the Freemasons should portray
the Holy Spirit with the Satanic symbol, Baphomet !

This symbol was created by one of the foremost Satanists and
Freemasons of all time, Eliphas Levi. Over the centuries, it has been
recognized as one of the most evil of all symbols. As you look
closely at Baphomet, you will see the emphasis is on sex, as this
Being is androgynous -- both male and female -- you can see it has the
breasts of a woman, and an erect phallus. In fact, two serpents are
shown coiled around the erect phallus, a phallus that looks
suspiciously large. This Being has the head of the "Horned Goat"
another title for Satan. In the book, Masonic and Occult Symbols
Illustrated, Dr. Burns says, "In a book on witchcraft, The Complete
Book of Witchcraft and Demonology ... the caption states that he is
'the horned god of the witches, symbol of sex incarnate'." [p. 51]
If you look carefully, you will see Baphomet making the sign of the
Devil's triad with his right hand. "Baphomet is also known as the
Sabbatic goat, in whose form Satan is to be worshipped at the Witches'
Sabbath". [Frank Gaynor, Dictionary of Mysticism, New York,
Philosophical Library, 1953, p. 24]

Then, we discovered that Baphomet is officially approved as a symbol
of the Church of Satan [The Occult Emporium, Winter , 1993-1994, p.
54] and that it is worn by the Priest of Satan [Ibid., 1990-1991, p.

Since Albert Pike linked Baphomet with the Goat of Mendes , we will
show this obviously Satanic symbol, as well.
Look carefully at this very Satanic Pentagram, because Freemasonry
makes huge use of Pentagrams. Look at the pentagrams we show below.
This Pentagram is used by the Eastern Star, which is the Freemason
division for women! Once again, Masonry utilizes a very evil Satanic
symbol for the Order that trains its young, impressionable girls. Why
didn't Masonry at least utilize the "Good Star" with one point up,
rather than the most evil 5-pointed star, this Goats Head of Mendes?
Truly, their use of this symbol tells us exactly that they are evil
through and through, even to their own young girls.

We discovered this symbol at a Wiccan site for jewelry. They were
chortling over the fact that the Masonic Ring Emblem was really a
disguised Pentagram! As you can see, the figure on the left is the
typical Masonic Ring symbol, with the compass, square, and rule. The
figure on the right depicts the full figure from which the Ring symbol
was taken. If you look closely, you can see two 5-pointed stars. One
of them is colored darker than the other. The darker shade Pentagram
is the 2-points-up Evil Pentagram depicting Satan, while the other,
lighter shaded Pentagram is the 1-point-up Good Star, depicting
Lucifer. [See the Lucifer-Satan Pentagram explanation, below].

From this depiction, you can see that the Masonic Ring symbol is just
a disguised Pentagram, with both the "Good" and "Evil" stars
represented! In other words, this Wiccan site is trumpeting to the
world that Freemasonry serves both the good Lucifer and the evil

Thoth -- "The first HERMES was the Intelligence or Word of God. Moved
with compassion for a race living without law ... God sent to man
Osiris and Isis, accompanied by THOTH, the incarnation or terrestrial
repetition of the first HERMES; who taught men the arts, science, and
the ceremonies of religion; and then ascended to Heaven or the Moon."
[Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 255, 17th Degree, Knights of the East and
West; Emphasis was in the original].

The founder of the House of Theosophy, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,
whose books were all written by her demonic Guiding Spirits in a form
we call Automatic Writing, ties Thoth together for us nicely. "...
Hermes, the god of wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Set, Set, and
Sat-an; and that he was, furthermore, when viewed under his bad
aspect, Typhon, the Egyptian Satan , who was also Set." [Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled , Vol. I: Science, New York, Trow's
Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1877, p. 554, xxxiii. Colored
Emphasis added]

I find it highly interesting that Blavatsky, like Anton LaVey in the
Satanic Bible, had no trouble tying the Infernal Name, Thoth, with
Satan, and especially the Egyptian Satan ! Remember Pike's words,
quoted in the very beginning, that "Masonry is identical to the
ancient Mysteries"! This statement means that the Freemasons believe
the same as all the Ancient Mysteries and worship the same god, Satan,
albeit under different names.

Since Blavatsky mentioned another of the Infernal Names, Typhon, and
has identified him as the Egyptian Satan, let us review Albert Pike
once again, as we discover that Freemasonry reveres Typhon as well.

Typhon -- "Osiris was the son of Helios (Phra) the 'divine offspring
congenerate with the dawn' and at the same time an incarnation of
Kneph or Agathodaemon, the Good Spirit, including all his possible
manifestations, either physical or moral. He represented in a
familiar form the beneficent aspect of all higher emanations and in
him was developed the conception of a Being purely good, so that it
became necessary to set up another power as his adversary, called
Seth, Baby, or Typhon to account for the injurious influences of
Nature." [Pike, op. cit., p. 588, Teachings of the 28th Degree, Knight
of the Sun, or Prince Adept].

Once again, we can see the occult, Satanic doctrine that all of Nature
is composed of good and evil, black and white, opposites that are
equal but opposite. Folks, this is pure Satanism, and Albert Pike has
just espoused it, explaining that nature could not allow the
all-loving, all-good Osiris to exist without an evil counterpart. In
fact, Satanism and Freemasonry both share the same, very revealing,
symbol to depict this situation. Quoting from Masonic sources, we
provide you with this picture.

In these symbols, the left-hand Pentagram surrounded by the magic
circle is Lucifer -- the good god -- with the one point upward and two
down; the right-hand Pentagram, again surrounded by the magic circle,
is Satan -- the evil god -- with the two points up and the one down.
These symbols depict exactly what Albert Pike is talking about in the
paragraph above! He says that the evil god, whom he calls Seth or
Typhon [Typhon is listed in The Satanic Bible as Infernal Names for
Satan] is the adversary of the good god, Osiris; therefore, Pike is
saying Osiris is Lucifer , a finding consistent with the rest of the
Occult realm.

[Above symbols taken from: Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries Of
Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi, Chicago, DeLaurence,
Scott, and Company, Inc., 1966 Edition, 1909, p. 223 -- NOTE: Waite is
a Freemason author!; also shown in D. Duane Winters, A Search For
Light In A Place of Darkness: A Study of Freemasonry , p. 69.]

With this symbol in mind, we find it highly interesting that the
Masonic street layout for Washington, D.C., which we cover in great
detail in NEWS1081, is laid out in the form of the "evil Pentagram on
the right, the symbol for Satan, also known as the Goats Head of
Mendes ! Therefore, the Masonic Plan for the United States is one of
evil, even in their own minds, not good. We will print out this
street layout for you now, but we encourage you to read the full
details in NEWS1081.

Pan -- "... Satan is not a black god, but negation of God ... this is
not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent
evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent
this Force ... under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan;
thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent,
and the Light-bearer ..." [Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 102]

Since The Satanic Bible lists Pan as one of the Infernal Names of
Satan, we need to look further into the Occult for more information on
Pan. However, we now know that, from Pan came the he-goat of the
Sabbat, brother of the Serpent, and the Light-bearer, [Lucifer] ,
because Albert Pike, the #1 Freemason of all history, has just told

Time and space constraints prohibit us from going any further into
this most interesting, and revealing, study of Freemasonry. We hope
and pray that this material, plus the prompting of the Holy Spirit,
has revealed to you the truth of the religious nature of Masonry.
Truly, this organization is one of the most deceptive in world
history. Listen to New Age author, Bill Cooper, describe Freemasonry.
Cooper was a member of Demolay during his youth, and later, spent over
20 years in Naval Intelligence. He is most familiar with the
organizations which are driving the world into the New World Order and
the appearance of its Messiah, the Biblical Antichrist.

"I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and
terrible organizations upon this earth. The Masons are major players
in the struggle for world domination. The 33rd Degree is split into
two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the
other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever." [Behold
A Pale Horse , p. 78]

Over the years since I read Cooper's book, I have verified the vast
majority of the information contained therein. Even the former
Illuminist Witch, Doc Marquis, keeps this book on his shelf. If you
want to speak to Doc about the veracity of this information, you may
call him at Christians Exposing The Occult , P.O. Box 632436,
Nacogdoches, TX 75963-2436, or call him at 409-552-7313. Doc even
has many of the super secret books, called Esoteric books, of
Freemasonry, including many written in code. Doc verifies Cooper's
statement, above.

Now that you know the truth about Freemasonry, you must come to a
personal decision. Now that you know you have been mislead by your
own superiors in The Craft, you must decide whether to follow Jesus
Christ or Freemasonry. Your eternal destination is at stake. You
should be able to hear the words of Joshua ringing in your ears. "And
if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD , choose you this day whom
ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on
the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose
land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
[Joshua 24:15] As we have demonstrated, Freemasonry is "identical to
the Mysteries "; therefore, Masonry is identical to the Egyptian gods
from which the God of the Bible freed the Israelites, and identical to
the gods of the Amorites, against whom Joshua was railing.

Once again, listen to the challenge of Joshua: "... choose you this
day whom ye will serve". Hopefully, your answer will be the same as
Joshua: "... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD ."

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have
been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to
immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly
forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are
spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were
already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate
and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order --
Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

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Subtitle: Using their own writings and symbols, and cross-checking
Satanic writings and symbols, we conclusively prove Masonry to be
Luciferian. Show this material to your pastor or church leadership!

Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic
books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and
most of them were formerly very, very secret. We further have taken
the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the
Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians:
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the
world." Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform
to Scripture is from a "false prophet".

This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is
at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior
Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons
"deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons
are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy:
"Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that
meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may
find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have
been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles. Finally,
remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry
is identical to the ancient Mysteries ", which means that all their
teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient,
Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may
finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which
Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never,
ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray
that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the
knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.

Once you understand, without a shadow of a doubt, that Freemasonry is
a worship of Lucifer by the top 5% of all Masons then you can begin to
spot evidences of Satanism in so many, many places. We shall continue
our study proving that Masonry is Satanic, a study begun in free11 ,
"Masonry Shown Conclusively to Be Worship of LUCIFER, SATAN". If you
have not yet read this article, please stop right now and read it as

In this article, we shall concentrate our study on Masonic symbols,
since "a picture is worth 1,000 words" and since all occultists place
such a huge emphasis on communicating, through symbols, with other
Adepts while hiding the truth from the Initiates and the "profane",
i.e., people who are not members at all. A Satanic book entitled,
"Magic Symbols", by Frederick Goodman, states that "The true magic
symbol is an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is
usually cunningly hidden behind a form which most people think they
can understand immediately." [p. 6]

Let us examine a few of these Masonic symbols to discover their
"cunningly hidden " meanings, and then we shall compare them with
known Satanic symbols so you can easily see from whence Freemasonry
receives her "supernatural insights" and her "spiritual Light".


This symbol is probably the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol in
the world, even more important than the Compass/Square/Rule. Most
people assume that these two birds are Eagles, but such an assumption
would be deadly wrong. These two birds are the Phoenix Bird of
Ancient Egyptian Mythology. Listen to the explanation from Masonic
author, Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree, K.T., in his book, The Phoenix: An
Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy . [Before we begin, I
find it highly interesting that Hall would admit, by his use of this
title, that Freemasonry is occultic].

"Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by
early writers ... in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with
certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with
glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately
blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its
neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the
Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color ... The Phoenix, it
is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the
new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is
generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection ...
The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and
of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who
had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn.
Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again."
[p. p. 176-77]

Let us stop right here to examine Satan's counterfeit "Born Again"
experience. Freemasons, as do all occultists, refer to their
initiates who have completed their initiation, as being "Born Again".
I will never forget 1988, when George Bush was on the Presidential
Campaign Trail; he was being interviewed by Barbara Walters, and she
posed him a question which evidently caught him off guard. Walters
asked Bush if he was a Christian. Bush visibly faltered, cast his
eyes down for a moment, and then answered, "If by being a Christian,
you ask if I am 'Born Again', then yes, I am a Christian". I came
straight out of my chair because no truly Born Again Christian would
have parsed their words so carefully. However, an occultist, which
Bush certainly was by virtue of his life-long membership in the
Illuminist Masonic secret society of Skull & Bones, would have
answered precisely this way. Occultists claim to be Born Again , and
they are filled with religious ecstasy when the spirit of Lucifer
sweeps through them upon Initiation.

Now, let us return to our discussion of this Phoenix Bird. Listen to
the explanation given by a radical feminist, Barbara Walker, in her
occult book, Now Is The Dawning , p. 281. Egyptians believed that the
Phoenix was the representative of a god who "rose to heaven in the
form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of
death and rebirth ..."

Wow! In one sweet, short, and simple sentence, we have conclusive
proof that the Phoenix bird is a symbol of Lucifer !

Listen now to the testimony of another former witch, William
Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan's Door Revisited , p. 4. "The
Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt
... This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the
ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of
Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who ... will one day rise
triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff,
the Masonic 'christ'."

To prevent most people from associating the Masonic Eagle with the
ancient Phoenix, Freemasons changed the Phoenix to an Eagle, and began
to refer to it as an Eagle. However, two Masonic authors blow the lid
off that change in symbolism.

Manly P. Hall, in his book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry , states,
"These were the immortals to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and
their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird, now called an eagle ,
a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem ." [p. 108; Emphasis

Albert Pike, in Magnum Opus, writes, "... the Eagle was the living
Symbol of Egyptian God Mendes ... and the representative of the Sun
..." [p. xviii]

In one sentence, we see the admission that the Phoenix Bird of Ancient
Satanic Egypt was changed into the Masonic Eagle and then Pike's
admits that the Eagle is the Symbol of the Sun God and of the God of
Mendes, both symbols being common Satanic symbols of Satan/Lucifer !

Remember also the Satanic meaning of the phrase depicted below the
symbol depicted below the Eagles -- "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS". As we
explained in free11, this is a typical Satanic Latin phrase, meaning,
"... Masons are saying that they are "using occult methods", through
Lucifer, to achieve their Rights and Justice." [Read free11 for full

But why a two-headed Eagle be adopted by Masonry, instead of only a
one-headed Eagle? Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer, writing in The
Mysteries of Osiris , 1951, explains. "When they [pagans] desired to
express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in
the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the
attributes of a key ... At times, they gave it two heads, back to back
... In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed
Eagle of symbolic Masonry." [p. 42]


The triangle is one of the most used occultic symbols. A triangle
with its point downward represents the deity and is called the Deity's
Triangle, or the Water Triangle. With one point up, it is called the
Earthly Triangle, Pyramid Triangle, or the Fire Triangle. These two
definitions of the triangle are standard occult belief. From whence
did they come? They came from a Masonic book, Symbolism of the
Eastern Star, by Shirley Plessner, Cleveland, Ohio, Gilbert Publishing
Co., 1956, p. 18. Robert Macoy said the same thing in Adoptive Rite
Ritual , [Virginia: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply co., 1897, p.

However, this latter representation of the triangle, with the point
upward, is the symbol of the Perfect or Divine Man! Notice this occult
symbol portrays "Perfect Man and Woman" within a circle, which is
within a square [representing creation], which is within a triangle
[godhood], which is surrounded by the largest circle. Notice that the
triangle here is with its point upward, signifying the Divinity of Man

Another Masonic writer who stated that Man can become Perfected or
Divine is George H. Steinmetz, writing in, Freemasonry: Its Hidden
Meaning, New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1948, p.
63. Also, Steinmetz wrote this belief in his book, The Lost Word: Its
Hidden Meaning , New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co.,
1953, p. 148.

Another Masonic writer, J.D. Buck, blasphemously writes, "It is far
more important that men should strive to become Christs than that they
should believe that Jesus was Christ." [J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry ,
Illinois: Indo-American Book Co., 1913, Sixth Edition, p. 138] Let us
hear that terribly blasphemous statement again :

"It is far more important that men should strive to become Christs
than that they should believe that Jesus was Christ."

Once again, Masonry is revealed to NOT BE CHRISTIAN , in any way,
shape, or form. But, this statement denies the unique Deity of Jesus
Christ; therefore, Freemasonry teaching qualifies as being part of the
forces of Antichrist. Listen:

1 John 2:22 -- "Who is such a liar as he who denies that Jesus is the
Christ? He is the antichrist who habitually denies and refuses to
acknowledge the Father and the Son. No one who habitually denies or
disowns the Son even has the Father." [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified
Bible Commentary ]

1 John 4:3 -- "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of

2 John 1:7 -- "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who
confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver
and an antichrist."

In addition to denying that Jesus is the Christ come in flesh, this
statement also teaches that man can save himself. Obviously,
Freemasonry cannot be considered Christian in any way, shape, or form
when it teaches this heresy straight out of the pit of Satan's Hell.

Now, let us return to the subject of the Triangle pointing upward
representing the Perfect or Divine Man; Masonic writer Albert
Churchward states standard occult belief when he further identifies
the Upright Triangle. Churchward writes that this triangle, with
point up, represents Set! The name, Set, is one of the Infernal Names
of Satan, as listed in the Satanic Bible written by Satanic High
Priest, Anton LaVey! [Churchward's book was, Signs and Symbols of
Primordial Man , London: George Allen and Company, Ltd., 1913, Second
Edition, p. 189, 309, 471.]

Masonic authors William Meyer and J.S.M. Ward, also wrote that this
type triangle was worn in India by followers of Shiva, who wear it in
their foreheads! Shiva is another Infernal Name listed in the Satanic
Bible as another name for Satan! {Meyer wrote this in, The Order of
the Eastern Star, p. 20; Ward wrote this information in, Freemasonry
and the Ancient Gods, London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and
Co., Ltd., 1921, p. 10-11. Occult writer, R.P. Lawrie Krishna said
the same thing in The Lamb Slain -- Supreme Sacrifice .


The Hexagram is formed by uniting the Water Triangle with the Fire
Triangle, forming the six-pointed star, otherwise known as the Seal of
Solomon . This symbol is a counterfeit Star of David, the national
symbol of God's Chosen Nation, Israel. The difference is that this
occult seal is formed by the triangles interlocking, while the two
triangles of the Star of David lie flat against each other.

Masonic author, Mary Ann Slipper, writing in Symbolism of the Eastern
Star, 1927, on page 14, makes a most telling admission, when she says,
"The six pointed star is used in Masonic work and is also found in
other well known secret orders." Another Eastern Star book, The
Second Mile , understates the impact of the hexagram when it says,
"... the six pointed star is a very ancient symbol and one of the most

No kidding! The hexagram is really a most powerful symbol, to
witches, sorcerers, and magicians! The hexagram is used in all sorts
of magic, witchcraft, occultism and the casting of zodiacal
horoscopes. Because it has six points, and because it contains a '666
', the hexagram is considered to be Satan's most powerful symbol.
Look at the hexagram above. The first six is formed by the sides of
each triangle facing the clockwise direction; the second six is formed
by the sides of each triangle formed by facing the counterclockwise
direction; the third six is formed by the sides of the inner hexagon.

Two witches explain further that the hexagram was used as a "stand-by
for Magicians and Alchemists. The Sorcerers believed it represented
the footprint of a special kind of demon called a 'trud', and used it
in ceremonies both to call up demons and to keep them away." [Gary
Jennings, Black Magic, White Magic, Eau Claire, WI, The Dial Press,
1964, p. 51. Also Harry E. Wedeck, Treasury of Witchcraft , New York,
Philosophical Library, 1961, p. 135]

Take another look at the above hexagram; it is used to conjure up
demons, making them appear in this dimension to do the bidding of the
witch. The symbols inside the hexagram are for that purpose. Former
Illuminist Satanist Doc Marquis confirms that hexagrams are used to
call forth demons to place spells and curses on the intended victim.
The word, HEX , comes from this practice.

The hexagram is also a symbol of the sex act and reproduction.
Masonic author, Albert G. Mackey provides us with the occult
explanation in his book, The Symbolism of Freemasonry, [p. 195, 1869
A.D.] The triangle pointing downward "is a female symbol
corresponding to the 'yoni' and the upward pointing triangle is the
male, the 'lingam'. When the two triangles are interlaced, it
represents the union of the active and passive forces in nature; it
represents the male and female elements." [Also explained in Did You
Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine ,
Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965, p. 132, Wes Cook, Editor]

If you have not figured it out already, the occultist, the paganist,
worships sex ; in fact, they worship most everything in Nature,
perfectly fulfilling the Biblical definition of a paganist in Romans
1:25, "Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and
worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..." I
cannot help but think continuously of this verse as I am wading
through the mountains of Masonic literature, as it is absolutely full
of assorted worship of every conceivable pagan belief throughout the
centuries and from every continent on earth. Truly, Albert Pike,
Grand Commander of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, was right when
he bragged, "Freemasonry is identical with the Mysteries".

Speaking of the sexual connotation of the hexagram, another witch
revealed, "When the male triangle penetrates the female triangle, it
produces the six pointed crest of Solomon or hexagram, the most wicked
symbol in witchcraft". [David J. Meyer, Dancing With Demons: The
Music's Real Master ]

The hexagram is the sign used in the Royal Arch in Freemasonry.
Masonic author Wes Cook, writing in Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry
from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, [Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965,
p. 132] stated that the hexagram represented "balance and harmony" in
all facets of the world. Another Masonic publication links the
hexagram with the infamous Chinese YANG AND YIN symbol. ["The
Significant Numbers", Short Talk Bulletin , September, 1956, Vol. 34,
No. 9, p. 5]

In summary, the hexagram IS the most wicked, and one of the most
powerful, of all symbols in witchcraft. It is used to call forth
demons into this dimension, to communicate with the dead, to describe
sex acts, and to represent false and pagan gods such as Brahma,
Vishnu, and Shiva. [Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated , Dr. Cathy
Burns, p. 39]

For the sake of time and space, we will have to stop here. In the
next few articles, we shall present more Satanic symbols which the
Freemasons love dearly. We will talk about Pentagrams, the Circle,
the Yin and Yang, the Serpent, assorted animals, insects, and the Bees
with or without their hive. Stay with us to more clearly see the
thorough depth, height, and width of the Satanism of which Freemasonry
is composed. Once you have finished this series of articles, you will
only ask yourself how and why you could not have seen this truth

The Bible clearly states that ALL sin is forgivable. If you have been
involved with Freemasonry, you can turn to the Savior for forgiveness
and restoration with Him. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your
personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk
with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for
renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the
joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer
and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are
spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were
already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate
and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order --
Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

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2004-08-21 06:03:00 UTC



Subtitle: Using symbols, we continue to prove that Freemasonry is a
worship of Lucifer, and is, indeed, just like all the pagan, Satanic
Mystery Religions of the past 5,000 years.

Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic
books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and
most of them were formerly very, very secret. We further have taken
the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the
Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians:
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the
world." Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform
to Scripture is from a "false prophet".

This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is
at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior
Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons
"deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons
are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy:
"Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that
meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may
find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have
been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles. Finally,
remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry
is identical to the ancient Mysteries ", which means that all their
teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient,
Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may
finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which
Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never,
ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray
that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the
knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.

Once you understand, without a shadow of a doubt, that Freemasonry is
a worship of Lucifer by the top 5% of all Masons then you can begin to
spot evidences of Satanism in so many, many places. We shall continue
our study proving that Masonry is Satanic, a study begun in free11 ,
"Masonry Shown Conclusively to Be Worship of LUCIFER, SATAN". If you
have not yet read this article, please stop right now and read it as
background. We also encourage you to read free12, "Masonry Studied
Through Symbols".

In this article, we shall concentrate our study on Masonic symbols,
since "a picture is worth 1,000 words" and, since all occultists place
such a huge emphasis on communicating, through symbols; they can
communicate with other Adepts while hiding the truth from both the
Initiates and the "profane", i.e., people who are not members at all.
A Satanic book entitled, "Magic Symbols", by Frederick Goodman, states
that "The true magic symbol is an image which hides an inner meaning.
This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form which most
people think they can understand immediately." [p. 6; Emphasis added]

Let us examine a few of these Masonic symbols to discover their
"cunningly hidden " meanings, and then we shall compare them with
known Satanic symbols so you can easily see from whence Freemasonry
receives her "supernatural insights" and her "spiritual Light".


In free11, "Freemasonry Proved Conclusively To Be Worship Of
Lucifer-Satan", we prove from Masonic books that they admittedly
worship both Lucifer and Satan; in other words, Freemasonry serves
both the "good" Lucifer and the "evil" Satan, because they believe
that both good and evil exist in equal measure in the world. Further,
they believe that a powerful good cannot exist without an equally
powerful evil!

This belief is the reason we see both type of 5-pointed stars within
Masonry; the star with the upright single point is a symbol of the
"good" Lucifer, while the star with the two points upward is a symbol
of the "evil" Satan.
Both these stars were taken from Freemasonry graphics sites,
http://www.eskimo.com/~daylight/Pix/main.html and

The entire women's organization of Freemasonry, Eastern Star seems
largely based upon the "evil Satan" Star, the Goats Head of Mendes,
which itself is one of the Infernal Names of Satan within Satanism.
In fact, if you look at the Eastern Star Goatshead on the right, you
will see that the star itself is a Goatshead, and then the star in the
middle is a plain Goatshead, which is itself within an inverted
pentacle! Thus, in one symbol, you have three instances of inverted
pentagrams; a repetition of three (3) is the highest Satanic depiction
of evil possible!

How important is the Pentagram to the Satanist? Listen to the Witch
of Salem, Massachusetts, Laura Cabot, on this question. In her book,
Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to
Enlightenment, 1989, p. 90, Cabot says, "It really isn't that
difficult to distinguish the Craft from Satanism. Witches wear the
pentacle with the point up. Satanists reverse it with the point down
..." Once we examine the two symbols above, both Masonic, we can only
conclude that Freemasonry admittedly serves both the "good Lucifer"
and the "evil Satan "!

Then, on page 93, Cabot has more to say about the significance of the
Pentagram to witchcraft. "It [Pentagram] consists of a five-pointed
star inside a circle. It is the key symbol of the Craft. It is the
witch's Mandala ...." [Emphasis added]

Actually, the Pentagram, inside a circle or with no circle, is the key
symbol of witchcraft! Freemasonry has them both, in abundance, both
"good" and "evil" pentagrams.


The only reason we did not list the Triangle first in this article was
because the Pentagram is so very important to their practice of their
Witchcraft. Of course, the triangle is part and parcel of the
Pentagram, and especially of the Hexagram, the explanation of which
follows below. Even though we spoke about the Triangle in free12 ,
this subject is so important we need to cover other aspects of it


The triangle is a very important symbol to the occultist, and is used
constantly in every conceivable manner. The triangle is used either
with the point up or the point down. If the point is down, it
represents the Deity and is called the Deity's Triangle or the Water
Triangle. If the point is up, it is called the Earthly Triangle, or
Pyramid Triangle, and "symbolizes the PERFECT OR DIVINE MAN". Folks,
this quote is not from some heinous Black-hooded Satanist, but from a
33rd Degree Masonic author, George Steinmetz [Freemasonry: Its Hidden
Meaning , New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1948,
p. 63, repeated on p. 67] As any person familiar with Scripture will
tell you, the Gospel of Jesus Christ tells man boldly and clearly that
no person can work themselves up to being "divine"; indeed, all our
effort is as "filthy rags" to Jesus Christ. Yet, Freemasonry joins
all pagan groups in saying that man can become "divine" or "perfect'.
Freemasonry is totally unbiblical on this point.

But, old George is not finished with this subject yet! In another
book, he returns to this theme once again, this time blaspheming an
important and familiar Scripture, God's own Words, to be exact.

"Be still -- and know -- that I am God ... That I AM GOD -- the final
recognition of the All in All, the unity of the Self with the Cosmos
-- the cognition of the DIVINITY OF THE SELF!" [Emphasis in the
original; George H. Steinmetz, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Richmond,
Virginia, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1923, p. 92]

Can you imagine such blasphemy? This Masonic author has just twisted
the Words of God Almighty in Exodus 3:14, by applying them to mankind!
This is incredible, but it is more than that, is it not? This
blasphemy is an excellent example to show us why Freemasonry has been
so sensitive about any of its secrets ever becoming public knowledge.
Masons in every age knew that if the general public knew the Satanic
core that existed in the heart of Freemasonry, the organization would
either go into oblivion or would be arrested and put in jail. Now you
know why Freemasonry insists that its Initiates pledge that, if they
divulge any of Masonry's secrets, he would agree to having his throat
slit and be disemboweled!

Lest you think this blasphemy of saying that man can become God is
unique to George Steinmetz, listen to the words of two more Masonic
authors. Manly P. Hall, another 33rd Degree Mason, writes, "Man is a
God in the making ..." [The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 92] Masonic
author, Joseph Fort Newton, clearly and boldly states, ".. to the
profoundest insight of the human soul -- that God becomes man that man
may become God." [The Religion of Freemasonry: An Interpretation",
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1969, p. 37]


Masonic author, Albert Churchward, states that the triangle pointing
upward is a symbol for Set, which is one of the Infernal Names for
Satan! [Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man , George Allen and
Company, Ltd., 1913, p. 189, 309, and 471]. Then, Masonic author,
J.S.M. Ward states, "With the point upwards, the equilateral triangle
stands for Shiva the Destroyer and signifies the flame which rises
upwards from the funeral pyre toward Heaven. This symbol is familiar
to us in several degrees, most notably the Thirtieth degree."
[Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, 1921, p. 10-11; also reported by
Masonic authors William Meyer, The Order of the Eastern Star, p. 20;
Alain Danielou, The Gods of India , p. 385.

Shiva is another name for Satan in the occult. Thus, the simple
triangle with the single point upward is a symbol of Satan. Perhaps
this fact is a reason why the Pyramid is such an important symbol to
the Mason. Of course, you recognize this symbol as the one being on
your dollar bill; we fully discuss the detailed occultism in this
Masonic symbol in Seminar 2, so time and space does not permit us to
repeat this explanation. However, suffice it to say that this symbol
contains two triangles: the Pyramid itself and the All-Seeing Eye of
Horus (Osiris). Occultists know that both Horus and Osiris are
alternate names for Satan . We have yet one more proof, from the lips
and pens of Masonic authors, that Freemasonry worships Satan. Thus,
we can now get back to the beginning occult statement that the upward
triangle is called the Deity Triangle; but now you know which Deity
they are worshipping, in their own words.

Masonic authors tell us that they worship Lucifer in yet another way.
Masonic author, Lynn Perkins, states that "Shamballa has a bearing on
the ancient origins of Freemasonry and upon its future in the coming
Aquarian Age ..." [Masonry In The New Age, p. 56] Then, on pages
55-56, Perkins says that today's Mason has no idea that Freemasonry
comes from such an ancient, esoteric source! Of course, very few
Masons today, or in any age, understand that their beloved
organization has its roots in Satanism. When Perkins said that
Freemasonry had its origins in Shamballa, he just identified Masonry
as Satanic. Alice Bailey, with her Demon Master -- Master D.K. --
writing through her, stated that "Shamballa is the mythological place
where the 'Lord of the World', Sanat Kumara, or Shiva , is supposed to
live." [Discipleship in the New Age Lucis/Lucifer Publishing, 1955,

Thus, Masonic author, Perkins, has just admitted that Freemasonry
originated in the place where Shiva [Satan] lives! Since the Bible
clearly, boldly, and unequivocally states that Satan's place is in
Hell, we can see that Masonry has just admitted that she originated in

However, Freemason authors boldly admit their organization is from
Hell. Listen to Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, K.T., in his book,
Initiates of the Flame. "Those who follow the path of faith (or the
heart) use water and are known as the Sons of Seth, while those who
follow the path of the mind and action are the Sons of Cain, who was
the son of SAMAEL , the Spirit of Fire. Today, we find the latter
among the alchemists, the Hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians and
the Freemasons." [p. 20]

Wow, Hall places Freemasonry among the circle of the damned -- Sons of
Cain , who rebelled against God; alchemists who are known sorcerers,
Black Magicians, and worshippers of Satan, and the Rosicrucians who
have so desecrated the precious cross of Jesus Christ with Pentagrams
and Hexagrams as to make you sick!

However, Hall's major revelation was that Freemasonry is the son of
SAMAEL. No, this is not the name of the beloved prophet, Samuel.
Rather, SAMAEL is one of the Infernal Names of Satan! In fact, House
of Theosophy author, writing under the influence of her demon
possessing her -- Master D.K. -- identifies SAMAEL as Satan! [The
Secret Doctrine, p. 378] In fact, Satanists have a symbol of SAMAEL.
The pentagram on the left with the one point up represents the Divine
Man specifically and Lucifer the good god generally; the pentagram on
the right with two stars up and the goats head is called the Goats
Head of Mendes by most Satanists, but Black Magick Satanists call him

Thus, Hall is admitting that Freemasonry is the worst kind of Black
Magick Satanism possible! Now you should no longer be deceived, no
matter what propaganda Freemasonry is trying to put forth to deceive


The occultist looks at the circle as one of the most expressive of all
its symbols. As one Luciferian book, Magic Symbols says, "Without
doubt, the circle is the most important of all units in magic
symbolism, and in almost every case where it is used, the circle is
intended to denote spirit, or spiritual forces." [p. 16] Masonic
author, J.S.M. Ward, states that the "circle represents God".
[Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods; also stated by Masonic author,
George Oliver, Symbol of Glory Shewing the Object and End of
Freemasonry , 1855, p. 162] Within all areas of the occult, and in
Masonry, you see symbols surrounded by circles, and you see serpents
devouring their tail, making a circle; in fact, you see circles

Freemasons view the circle as the Sun, and utilize it in their worship
of the Sun, and the Sun God, Osiris [The Masonic Quiz Book , p. 163].
Albert Mackey, a 33rd Degree Mason, admits that Masons worship the Sun
as God, just as have most pagan and heathens throughout history, but
then he drops a huge bombshell . Mackey reveals something else the
Masons worship in conjunction with the circle and the dot in the


The point within the circle is an interesting and important symbol in
Freemasonry ... The symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat abstruse
allusion to the old Sun-Worship, and introduces us for the first time
to that modification of it, known among the ancients as the worship of
the phallus ." [Albert Mackey, A Manual of the Lodge, New York,
Charles Merrill, Company, 1870, p. 56; also Edmond Ronayne, The
Master's Carpet (Mah-Hah_Bone), 1879, p. 324-326; Emphasis added]

Just in case you missed Mackey's shocking sequence of events leading
up to the more shocking ending, let us restate his statements for you.
In referring to the circle with a dot in the center, Mackey said,
first, that Masons "utilize" it in their worship of the Sun God,
Osiris, which is bad enough because Osiris is Lucifer; but, then,
Mackey says that Masons practice the "old Sun-Worship", which involved
the worship of the Phallus, the man's penis! Freemasons worship the
sex act, just as pagans and heathens have done for centuries!
Finally, we have a clearer understanding of the nature of Masonry, and
we can see more clearly that it is definitely NOT Christian.

However, your average Mason never realizes this fact, because his
beloved Superiors in the Lodge have lied to him, in conformity to
Pike's instructions. When they view the Circle with the Dot in the
middle, they are not told it represents Sun Worship and Phallic
worship; they are told it represents the Microcosm and Macrocosm of
Mankind, and that all men are to seek the harmony in their lives
represented by the circle being in the prefect middle of the Cosmos.
At this point, some Masons will say that sounds silly, while others
will think it sounds beautiful and mysterious. Both types of men will
continue in their Lodge activities, absolutely unaware of the deeper
meaning of this or any other symbol. These type Masons will also
provide perfect cover for those practicing the deepest secrets of
Masonry; these deluded Masons will recoil from the suggestion of these
pagan religious beliefs and practices, with honest horror, thus
providing the Lodge with what the propagandist calls, "Reasonable
Deniability". These honest, mislead Masons have not read the
materials we have, but rely instead on the assurances of their
Superiors , not knowing they have been mislead. We need to pray for
these poor, mislead Masons.

Like all other occultists, Freemasons view the circle as the female
vulva and the dot in the middle as the male phallus. Thus, they
celebrate the Sex Act as the Great Ritual, sacred in and of itself.
Truly, they fulfill the Biblical definition of the pagan in Romans
1:25, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and
served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.


To dispel any notion that Freemasons do not really worship sex in
general or the phallus in particular, let us introduce you to the
obelisk. The obelisk is an ancient, Egyptian invention. The Egyptians
believe that the spirit of their Sun God, Ra, resides within the
obelisk. Therefore, they would worship and pray to the obelisk,
always facing East , three time daily, if possible. The greatest
obelisk in the world is the Washington Monument, created by the
Freemasons in honor of President George Washington. To see how
important the obelisk is to the Mason, you only have to go to a
cemetery where Masons are buried and look at the many graves which
display obelisk grave stones.

Honoring obelisks is among the most Antichristian behaviors possible!
Before the confrontation between Pharaoh and Moses, God had already
brought judgment on Egypt for their worship of their Sun God Ra. In
Exodus 10:21-23, God brought three days of intense darkness as
judgment upon the Egyptians for their worship of Ra. Therefore, the
resurgence of worship of Ra by Freemasonry is a very grave
development. Almost 10 years ago, the Masters of the Universe occult
toy line brought the worship of the Sun God Ra back into prominence,
even spinning off the most evil, occultic, and wicked line of She-Ra
toys, aimed at young girls.

The worship of obelisks was prominent in Old Testament times as the
Israelites deliberately strayed far from the worship of the One True
God, beginning to worshipping pagan gods and idols with even more
fervor than the pagans. On two different occasions, God caused a
righteous king to arise and bring Israel back to the real God. On
these two occasions, God caused these righteous kings to destroy all
the pagan worship centers, altars, and obelisks ! Listen:

2 Kings 10:23-27 {Selected} -- "Then Jehu with Jehonadab son of Rechab
went into the house of Baal and said to the worshippers of Baal,
'Search and see that there are here with you none of the servants of
the Lord, but Baal worshippers only' ... As soon as he had finished
offering the burnt offering, Jehu said to the guards and to the
officers, 'Go in and slay them: let none of them escape'. And they
smote them with the sword; and the guards or runners threw their
bodies out and went into the inner dwelling of the house of Baal. They
brought out the pillars, or the obelisks, of the house of Baal and
burned them. They broke down the pillars of Baal and the house of
Baal, and made it forever unclean a privy to this day." [Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary ]

God commanded Jehu to break the obelisks of the worship of Baal, and
destroy every other thing associated with this worship. Freemasons
also revere Baal, and all the Egyptian deities upon which the worship
of obelisks is based! Can that tell you the end result of
Freemasonry, as they constantly provoke God's wrath? In due time,
their feet shall slip, intones God. At God's timing, Freemasonry will
meet the same fate of judgment as we see here.

Hosea 10:1 -- "Israel is a luxuriant vine that puts forth its material
fruit. According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his
altars to idols: according to the goodness and prosperity of their
land they have made goodly pillars or obelisks to a false god. Their
heart is divided and deceitful; now shall they be found guilty and
suffer punishment. The Lord will smite and break down the horns of
their altars; He will destroy their idolatrous pillars." [Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]

I find it very interesting that God mentioned the "divided hearts" the
Israelis possessed because of their worship of Baal and the other gods
that utilize the obelisks in their worship. Is this the reason the
Masons have created the Double Headed Eagle as one of their main
symbols? Remember also the Scripture that says, "A double minded man
is unstable in all his ways." [James 1:8]

The obelisk is the greatest, and most common, phallic symbol in
paganism. Do you know how the Satanist most commonly symbolizes the
sex act? He places the phallus in the middle of the Satanic
Eight-Fold Path of Enlightenment! Now, you will be absolutely
floored when I show you the most famous instance of this Satanic
representation of sexual intercourse -- the phallic symbol of the
obelisk placed in the middle of the Eight-Fold Path of Enlightenment.
The most famous pagan depiction of sexual intercourse in the whole
world is found at the Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica, where the
Pope regularly addresses the faithful. Notice the obelisk sitting in
the middle of the Satanic Eight-Fold Path of Enlightenment! Now, you
might ask, why would the church that so vigorously promotes celibacy
also be the one to construct the world's most infamous depiction of
the pagan ideal of sexual intercourse. To get the full story, we
encourage you to read, NEWS1034 , "Pope Embraces Evolution". However,
suffice it to say here that the major, foundational reason Roman
Catholicism has constructed the world's largest pagan celebration of
sexual intercourse is because that Church is just as pagan as
Freemasonry or as any pagan religion in world history.


We have already shown you that Satanists depict the sex act through a
circle with a dot in the middle [above]. We noted, from Masonic
writings, that Adept Masons utilize this symbol to worship the Sun
God, and to depict sexual intercourse. Now, we are going to show you
a Masonic symbol that has to be the ultimate example of blasphemy
possible ! We will show you the typical Satanic/Mason symbol of the
Circle with the Dot, and then the Masonic blasphemy.

Can you believe this most unbelievable blasphemy in this Freemason
symbol to the right? They have taken the Satanic Circle With Dot
symbol, and have placed the Holy Bible on top of it! Surely, there
can be no greater blasphemy possible in connecting a Satanic symbol
with a most revered, and holy, Christian symbol. Surely, now we can
know for certainty that Freemasonry is not, has never been, and cannot
ever be, Christian. Further, we know for certainty that Freemasonry
is as Satanic as all those Mysteries, with whom Pike says she is
"identical"! [This blasphemous symbol of the Circle W/Dot and the Holy
Bible on top, is on Masonic site


If you are one of those mislead Masons, you have no excuse now.
Rather than call up your Lodge Superior, who is instructed to lie to
you, read the same Masonic material we have been quoting, and compare
their teachings with the Absolute Truth of the Word of God. Do not
fall for the lie that no man can absolutely know about Masonry if he
is not a member, as this is just a transparent smokescreen. Also do
not fall for the Masonic propaganda lie that 'within our Fraternity,
no one person can speak for Masonry ... no one -- not a Grand Master,
not a Grand Commander, not Albert Pike himself -- can speak for
Masonry when it comes to the meanings of its teachings. That is
something each Mason must seek and find for himself. No one can speak
for Freemasonry." ["Please Look A Little Closer ", by Jim Tresner, 33
Degree, Director, Masonic Leadership Institute, Guthrie, Oklahoma]

Folks, this is not only the biggest hogwash possible to say, but it is
absolutely NOT Biblical. We are told to test everything against the
Absolute, Unchanging, and Clear Word of God. "Beloved, believe not
every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world." [1 John 4:1]
When we test the written teachings of Masonry we find that they are
not only unbiblical, but they are Antichrist as well. That is right,
their teachings qualify for the Biblical teaching about Antichrist!
The very next verse says, "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every
spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of
God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in
the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist."

Masonic teachings qualify exactly as teachings of Antichrist. We
challenge you to go through as much Masonic material as possible and
see how many times you see Jesus Christ either mentioned or glorified;
the fact is, you will read much material about the religious beliefs
of pagan groups dating back 5,000 years, but nary a mention of Jesus.
You have just received your first independent confirmation of the
truth that Freemasonry is not, and cannot be, Christian. Once you
have reached this understanding, then you can go on, using the brain
God gave you, to discover that our contention is absolutely correct:
Freemasonry is of the Evil One .

How dare you allow yourself to belong to an organization that says it
is so murky and so uncertain that no one can speak for the Fraternity!
This argument would be laughed at greatly in Business, in Politics,
and in any debate class. Local, state, and Federal governments operate
by fixed rules called charters, or constitutions. Any private
business operates by fixed rules of organization and goals.

Yet, this 33rd Degree Mason dares tries to tell you that no one can
speak for Masonry. This confusion does not belong to God, either, as
He is a God of simplicity, order, and clarity. Only Satan tries to
confuse and mislead like this. Yet, I can see that, with the recent
exposure of the formerly secret materials to the public, Masonry has
no where else to hide than behind this ridiculous statement of
confusion and despair.

When I see my death approaching, I want absolute assurance that I am
going to wake up in Heaven! Freemasons have no such assurance, and I
know Masons who are absolutely terrified of death. Rather than
believing in a Fraternity with the spiritual strength and stability of
Jell-O (as witnessed by the remarks of Jim Tresner, 33 Degree Mason,
above), you can have the Rock of Ages and Ages and for Eternity --
Jesus Christ. I am going to list some of the Biblical promises upon
which I am depending now, and when I approach death. Pay special
attention to the strength of the verb .

1) "Behold I [Jesus Christ] stand at the door and knock; if anyone
hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will
come in to him, and will eat with him, and he will eat with Me."
[Revelation 3:20] Did you notice the firm, uncompromising word,
"will"? I would feel a lot less assurance if Jesus had used the word,
"may" or "maybe". But, He used a very firm, impenetrable word, a word
upon which I can base my precious, eternal soul.

2) Speaking of Himself, Jesus promised, "He who believes in Him is
not judged; he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him
there is no rejection, no condemnation, he incurs no damnation ..."
[John 3:18] Notice the firm verbs, "is not judged", "never comes up
for judgment", "no rejection", "no condemnation", "no damnation".
Truly, friend, a God Who was truly Love would provide for such clear,
unfettered assurance for His believers as this, above, not an immense
amount of mumbo jumbo uncertainty.

3) "If we freely admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He
is faithful and just, true to His own nature and promises, and will
forgive our sins, dismiss our lawlessness, and continuously cleanse us
from all unrighteousness." [1 John 1:9] Again, notice the firmness
of of these verbs, "is faithful, just, true", "will forgive our sins"
and will "continuously cleanse".

4) "God Himself has said, 'I will not in any way fail you nor give
you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will
not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down or
relax My hold on you! Assuredly not!' ... I will not be seized with
alarm. I will not fear or dread or be terrified." [Hebrews 13:5-6;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary] The strength of verbs
in this passage is overwhelmingly strong.

These are just four of many Scriptures I have memorized that give me
great comfort; but, there are countless more, as any Born Again
Christian familiar with the Bible can tell you. Friend, when we
approach that great divide of death, we need assurances that are as
strong as God Almighty Himself. We need an anchor that will not break
when we cling to it with all our being, putting our full spiritual
weight upon it. Mason, you will have nothing upon which to depend at
this moment in your life, except this super-vague statement that no
one can know what Freemasonry really stands for, or what value it
gives to anyone! How ridiculous to keep on this road where the "blind
are leading the blind", and both are going to fall into the ditch of

Your eternal soul is at stake in this search for the truth. We are
giving you absolute proof that Masonry is Satanic to the core, and
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Subtitle: Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, answers the Top 25
Questions he receives during his seminars on Illuminati, Witchcraft,
and Freemasonry. We reprint these questions for you.

Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic
books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and
most of them were formerly very, very secret. We further have taken
the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the
Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians:
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the
world." Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform
to Scripture is from a "false prophet".

This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is
at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior
Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons
"deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons
are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy:
"Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that
meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may
find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have
been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles. Finally,
remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry
is identical to the ancient Mysteries ", which means that all their
teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient,
Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may
finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which
Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never,
ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray
that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the
knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.

Without any introduction, we reprint Doc Marquis' "25 Top Questions
About Freemasonry". Since Marquis is a former Illuminist Witch, he
brings a unique expertise and viewpoint to this entire subject. We
think you will find it highly instructive, and you will have even more
reason to understand that Freemasonry is Illuminized Witchcraft at its
very core. Since this entire article is virtually verbatim from
Marquis, we shall not put his words in quotes, and shall print them in
Black. Any comment the Cutting Edge makes will be in Blue print;
also, since Marquis' passout contained no symbols or pictures, all
symbols within the article have been added by the Cutting Edge. For
any of you interested in contacting Doc Marquis directly, we have
printed all that information at the end of this article.

Please note that almost all of Marquis' answers are taken verbatim
from Masonic author's own writings. We shall use quotes when quoting
a Masonic author.


1) Is Freemasonry A Christian Organization?

"If Freemasonry were simply a Christian institution, the Jew and the
Moslem, the Brahman and Buddhist, could not conscientiously partake of
its illumination." [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry", p.
182, 33rd Degree Mason.] We find it highly instructive that Mackey
boldly admits to Masonic Adepts that Freemasonry is NOT Christian! Of
course, at the time Mackey wrote his book, it was secret, available
only to Adept Masons. Had Mackey ever thought that this book would
have become available to the public, he would not have been so bold.

2) Is Freemasonry Christian?

"Freemasonry is not Christian, nor a substitute for it." [C.F.
McQuaig, My Masonic Friend, p. 1]

Once again, we see that, by their own admission, Freemasonry is NOT
Christian! The only instance where we hear that it is Christian is
from the Masonic Propaganda Division, and by those poor Masons who
have been deliberately deceived by their own Superiors.

3) The King James Version of the Bible is on the altars at Masonic
Lodges. Isn't this proof that Masonry is based upon the Bible?

"Masonry has nothing to do with the Bible; it is not founded upon the
Bible, for if it were, it would not be Masonry, it would be something
else." [The Digest of Masonic Law, p. 207-209] Now we see a Masonic
author admitting that Freemasonry is NOT based upon the Bible!
Therefore, not only is Masonry NOT Christian, it is even NOT
Judeo-Christian! These revelations just keep on coming, do they not?

4) But what about God?

"Humanity, 'in-toto', then, is the only Personal God." [J.D. Buck,
Mystic Masonry , p. 136, 32nd Degree] As any good occultist,
Freemasonry believes the lie Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden,
"You shall be as God". We cover this belief in free13 ; if you have
not read this article yet, we suggest you do so for background to this

5) So, then, Masonry is not based on the Bible, not its Christian
principles; then, the Masonic Lodges are not teaching religion,

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are
instruction in religion". [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 213.
Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction] Pike's revelation
here, at the 13th Degree, that Masonry teaches religion, is a perfect
example of the deliberate lying policy of Freemasonry. At the 10th
Degree, Pike states that "Masonry is not a religion". Then, at the
13th Degree, the Mason is told that this statement was false, and that
Masonry IS a religion. Then, whenever a person not a Mason makes the
charge that Masonry is a religion, they are then quoted Pike at the
10th Degree denying it, and are never told that Pike reverses himself
at the 13th Degree to admit that Masonry IS a religion. Truly,
Freemasonry is a series of long hallways of smoke and mirrors,
designed to lead all but a handful of Masons astray, and to deceive
100% of all Non-Masons. No organization that engages in deliberate
lying can call itself Christian.

6) Since Masonic Lodges are religious temples, what are they
searching for since they do not worship Jesus Christ?

"Freemasonry is a search for Light. That search leads us directly
back, as you see, to the Kabalah." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p.
741, Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction]

7) But isn't the Kabalah a religion?

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return
to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the
Illuminati ... all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets
and their symbols." [Pike, Morals and Dogma ] We wish to warn all our
Jewish friends who are caught up in the revival of Kabalah study, they
are believing in the very Satanic counterfeit to the Torah and other
Old Testament books of the Bible that the Pharisees and Sadducees of
Jesus' day were practicing. Did you know that the major reason the
Pharisees and Sadducees plotted to murder Jesus, in spite of His
obvious supernatural power, was because they were practicing the
witchcraft of the Kabalah? You can read the full details in two of the
Cutting Edge's former Radio Programs -- CE1077, "Secret Societies
Killed Jesus Christ" and CE1078, "Secret Societies Originated
Unpardonable Sin, and Ramifications". Once you read these two
articles, you will understand why Jesus was so unrelenting in His
pronouncements of damnation against the Pharisees, which is totally
out of character of His love and compassion for ordinary sinners, even
grievous sinners. Jesus knew the Pharisees and Sadducees were
practicing the witchcraft that later was to become known as the

8) So, then, if the Kabalah is an ancient practice found within the
occult world, are the symbols, words, and other Masonic expressions
found within the occult?

"In modern witch rites, we find terms and expressions that are also
used in Masonry, the Golden Dawn, and other such occult societies."
[Arnold and Patricia Crowther, The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft, p.

Once again, we see the instance where Freemasonry is loved by all the
wrong people: Witches, Satanists, Illuminists, demonically possessed
New Age authors, and demonically possessed leaders of other secret
societies. Since "Birds of a Feather Flock Together", this fact is
one very important and concrete evidence that Freemasonry is just as
Satanic as these other organizations admit openly they are! Keep this
fact in mind as you read the facts presented, below.

9) So if Masonry is pushing the occult religions, surely many members
must come from occult sources and backgrounds .

They certainly do! We have listed examples, below, of known Satanists
and/or Occultists who were also Freemasons in good standing. Do not
be deceived by any Masonic Propaganda that says these people were
"rogue Masons"; on the contrary, they were Masons in good standing
throughout their lives. In fact, what these occultists who were also
Masons represent are the very few Illuminated Masons who had gone all
the way to the "Light", to discover what the final great secret of
Masonry truly is, i.e., dedicated Satanists working to achieve the New
World Order of Antichrist.

a) Arthur Edward Waite, occult writer and historian -- In free12 and
free13 , we quote Waite continuously, noting that his books are always
published by a known and established Masonic publishing house.

b) Dr. Wynn Westcott -- member of the Rosicrucian Society and
founding member of the occult Order of the Golden Dawn . The Order of
the Golden Dawn is one of the most Satanic of secret societies, and is
highly active in the establishment of the coming New World Order of
Antichrist. Don't you find it extremely "illuminating" that its
founder is also a Mason?

c) S. L. MacGregor Mathers -- co-founder of the occult Order of the
Golden Dawn -- Thus, we see that both founders of this Satanic secret
society were Freemasons.

d) Dr. Gerard Encausse -- member of the Illuminati and leader of the
occult group known as 'Martinism'. According to Albert Mackey, a 33rd
Degree Mason, "The degrees of Martinism abounded in the reveries
(pleasures) of the Mystics." [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Masonry",
p. 552] The "pleasures" of the Mystics is a euphemism for sex. We
have already noted that Freemasonry utilizes the symbolism of sex in
their circle with a dot [free13 for full details]. In free07 , we
also note the sexual symbolism inherent in their writings. Freemasons
"worship the creature rather than the Creator" just as much as do any
of the pagan groups in world history. Again, this fact is one of the
reasons they insist upon absolute secrecy, rightly fearing public

e) Aleister Crowley -- infamous Satanist who founded the occult
religion of Thelema. So debased and foul was he, that his
contemporaries referred to him as 'Mr. 666', and his mother referred
to him as 'The Beast' of the Book of Revelation.
While Crowley did not found the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.], he did
control the organization for many years. The O.T.O. is an extremely
Black Magick secret society, very Satanic.

f) Dr. Theodore Reuss -- Head of the occult order known as the O.T.O.
(Ordo Templi Orientis). He was such a prolific occult writer that he
gave Aleister Crowley the reigns of authority of the O.T.O. in London.
This is an official logo of the O.T.O., taken off the web. You are
looking into the black abyss of Hell in this drawing. This apparently
is the entrance into Hell, with the Masonic-type columns on each side
and the typically Masonic/occultic winged symbol above. Two
All-seeing Eyes oversee all who enter its gates. Freemasonry is
"identical with the Mysteries", says Albert Pike; therefore, this
scene of the Gates of Hell IS Freemasonry.

g) George Pickingill -- renowned master witch of 19th Century England
and leader of the 'Pinkingill coven' .

h) Manly P. Hall -- a Rosicrucian, Masonic author, and founder of the
Philosophical Research Society . Hall was world renowned as a
Freemason, and one of its most prolific writers. It was he who said
that Fellow Craft Masons can expect to have the "seething energies of
Lucifer in your hands" once he understands the deep secrets of the
Craft. His books were published by prestigious Masonic Publishing
companies. Since Hall was simultaneously a Rosicrucian and a
Freemason, we wish to show you the Rosicrucian Cross , so you can see
the terrible blasphemies of Freemasonry. Please closely observe
how they have covered our precious Cross of Calvary with the deepest,
most wicked, symbols of Satan! You can see four (4) upright
pentagrams, representing Lucifer and covering each of the four points
of the cross; then, you can see a hexagram just below the center, on
the downward arm of the cross, probably designed to cast a "HEX" on
our Savior's cross! Folks, this is the true nature of Freemasonry.
Masonry reveres Rosicrucianism so very highly, they have an order
dedicated to it, called, "Knight of the Rosy Croix", the 18th Degree!
Once, more the true Satanic nature of Freemasonry becomes more clear.

i) Gerald B. Gardner -- founder of the modern revival of Wicca, who
had a style of witchcraft named after him known as the 'Gardnerian
Style of Witchcraft'.

j) Alex Sanders -- known as the "King of all Witches" in London, he
was one of the most influential witches after Gardner. He also had a
style of witchcraft named after him called, "Alexanderian Witchcraft".

k) Eliphas Levi -- one of the most occult writers of the 19th Century
. Doc really understates the case here. Levi was known as "the
foremost occult authority of the 19th century". [Nuit Unlimited
Imports, a New Age importer of witchcraft memorabilia] Levi created
the extremely obscene image of Baphomet to represent Satan. "Levi's
drawing of Baphomet shows his emphasis on sex, for he made Baphomet as
an androgynous [both male-female] figure. Satan, like Baphomet, is
often pictured as a hermaphroditic deity, having a male phallus and
the breasts of a woman. The winged staff between Baphomet represents
the phallus ... In a book on witchcraft, The Complete Book of
Witchcraft and Demonology, we find a picture of Baphomet. The caption
states that he is the 'horned god of the witches, sex incarnate'.
This picture ... shows Baphomet making the Devil's triad with his
right hand." [Dr. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated ]

Levi's Guiding Spirit took him to levels of an understanding of
witchcraft that few men in history have ever experienced. His
illustrations are considered unequalled in the occult world, and he
was not only contemporary with Albert Pike, he was very influential on
Pike. [Arthur Edward Waite, Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism,
Kila, Montana, reprinted by Kessinger Freemasonry Publishing Co.]
Arthur Waite said of Levi, "... undoubtedly one of the most
distinguished of the Continental exponents of occult science which the
19th Century produced, and his writings attain an important position
in the estimation of modern schools of higher magic." [Waite, quoted
in Levi's book, The History of Magic, in Kessinger's Catalog,
attempting to influence you to buy Levi's book]

Albert Pike (33rd Degree Mason, Grand Commander of the Southern
Jurisdiction) was, therefore, undoubtedly influenced by Levi in his
views on Lucifer. We have already quoted Pike in Morals and Dogma (p.
567, 28th Degree) where he identifies Lucifer as the Light-bearer of
Freemasonry, the "Light" to whom all Masons pledge to work toward.
Listen to Levi talk about Lucifer. "XXXVIII: What is more absurd and
more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that
is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of
intelligence and love; it is the paraclete [an advocate]; it is the
Holy Spirit, where the physical Lucifer is the great angel of
universal magnetism." [Eliphas Levi, The Mysteries of Magic, A Digest
of the Writings of Eliphas Levi]


Most Freemasons are shocked to disbelief when they are told that women
can become full-fledged Freemasons, as they have been led to believe
that only men can become Masons. However, a dirty little secret is
that women can become Co-Masons, joining as full-fledged members,
usually along with their husbands. You can see the two symbols for
Co-Masonry I have discovered, along with Elizabeth Aldworth and a
general picture of women in their Masonic regalia. Co-Masonry has
produced some really important leaders in the New World Order
movement. Listen as Doc Marquis explains:

Contrary to popular belief, females can, and have, become members of
the Masons. In Albert Mackey's book, Encyclopedia of Masonry, (p.
307) there is a law of Masonry that is known as The Law of Salique .
It states that females cannot become Masons; but there were,
nevertheless, female members in the past. Some examples are:

a) The honorable Mrs. Aldsworth -- [pictured above] -- around 1735,
she received the first and second degree in Lodge #44 at Doneraile,

b) Mrs.. Beaton -- she was a resident who received her initiation in
Norfolk, England.

c) Madam de Xaintrailles -- initiated into a French Lodge during the
end of the last century

d) Elizabeth St. Leger -- initiated in 1710 at the age of 17.

e) Countess Barkoczy of Hungary , was initiated into the Hungarian
Lodge of Freemasonry

11. Like many of the male members, are there any examples in which
female occultists were also Masons? Yes!

a) Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky , founder of the occult
Theosophical Society, was initiated into the Masons during the early
part of last century. Once again, Marquis underplays the significance
of the facts. Blavatsky was the founder of one of the most deeply
Satanic secret society on earth! People who learned Satanism from her
included Adolf Hitler and some of his men, and Lenin with some of his
Communist leaders. Hitler, particularly, found Blavatsky's teachings
to be crucial to his Satanic doctrines, especially her treatise,
Secret Doctrine. Hitler's Holocaust occurred in large part because of
Blavatsky's teachings! Yet, here we see that she was a member of the

b) Annie Besant -- leader of this deeply Satanic Theosophical

c) Alice A. Bailey -- Succeeding Besant as the leader of the House of
Theosophy, Alice and her husband Foster [32 Degree Mason] were members
of Co-Masonry. Alice founded the publishing company, Lucifer Trust,
for the express purpose of printing the flood of New Age books about
to come into being. After learning that too many people were
objecting to the bold name of Lucifer, Alice changed the name to Lucis
Trust .

12) Assuming, then, that many Masonic members are interested in, or
into, the occult, what are the true religious doctrines of the Masons?

"That which we must say to the crowd is: 'We worship a god, but it is
the god one adores without superstition.' To you , Sovereign Grand
Instructors General [a 33rd Degree Mason], we say this ... you may
repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th Degrees ... The
Masonic religion should be, by all of the initiates of the high
degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine ... Yes,
Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay [God of the Holy Bible] is
also God ... the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and
pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of
Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light, God of Good, is struggling for
humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." [Lady
Queenborough, Occult Theocracy , p. 220-221, quoting a letter from
Albert Pike to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World on July 14, 1889]

Freemasonry has counter-attacked this letter, claiming it is bogus.
However, they must answer the fact that this worship of Lucifer is
also written in Pike's two monumental books, Morals and Dogma, and
Magnum Opus. Every thing contained in this letter is also contained
in these two books, and we have them at this office.

Finally, history does not record that Freemasonry ever sued Lady
Queenborough for libel and slander. Surely, since the letter is so
damning, Freemasonry would have gone to all lengths to clear their
name, even to the point of suing. Their absolute lack of such action
speaks volumes as to the truth of Lady Queenborough's claim that this
letter from Pike is genuine.

13) Now wait a minute! Are you saying that the 'light', for which
Masonry is looking, is found with Lucifer?

"LUCIFER, the Light-Bearer .. Is it he who bears the Light? Doubt it
not!" [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 321.; Emphasis in the

14) Hold it! Isn't Lucifer, or Satan, the black god? The evil one?

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is Yahweh (GOD) reversed;
for Satan is not a black god, but a negation of God. For Initiates,
this is not a Person, but a Force ..." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
, p. 102] Pike's statement in the letter, quoted in paragraph 12,
above, defines pure Satanism. They believe God and Lucifer are equal
Gods, were competitors in the Garden of Eden, with Adonay God of the
Holy Bible getting "temporary" victory. But, occultists believe that,
at the Battle of Armageddon, God Lucifer will overthrow God Adonay and
claim his rightful throne in Heaven. All Luciferians, including the
Illuminati, believe this with their whole heart. God Adonay is the
cruel God, as demonstrated by all the times He ordered the Israelites
in the Old Testament to slaughter entire populations of people for the
only sin of worshipping Lucifer, His adversary; Lucifer, on the other
hand, has no such slaughter on His record, and is considered to be the
Good God.

Furthermore, calling Lucifer or Satan, a Force instead of a Person,
Pike fulfills Biblical prophecy for Antichrist. In Daniel 11:38, God
gives this prophecy. "But in his estate shall he honour the God of
forces:" Neither Albert Pike, nor any other Luciferian, will ever
know they just fulfilled Bible prophecy for the forces of Antichrist.
However, as we point out in free01, "Teachings About Jesus Christ",
their doctrine of Jesus also fulfills the Biblical definition of
Antichrist exactly.

15) Is Satan, then, perceived to be God, the source of Light?

"To conceive of God ... the Kabala imagined Him to be a 'most occult
light'." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 740]

16) Since the Masonic religion is a "front" for the religion of the
Illuminati, is the Masonic "light" the "light" of the Illuminati ?

"The result is light or illumination. Such are the Illuminati."
[J.D. Buck, 32nd Degree Mason, Mystic Masonry , Introduction, p. xl.]
Once again, we see Freemasonry convicted of being Luciferian by the
words of their own authors. It is really too bad that over 95% of all
Freemasons do not take the time to read the very books we, and other
Christian authors, have read. Such doubting Masons have not done one
iota as much research as we, and yet, they choose to believe their
lying Superiors.

17) Isn't the Masonic candidate told the full truth of Freemasonry's
religion and god when they enter the Blue Lodge, where they receive
their first three degrees?

"The Blue Degrees (the Blue Lodge degrees) are but the outer court or
portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the
Initiate, but he is intentionally mislead by false interpretations.
It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended
that he shall imagine he understand them ." [Albert Pike, Morals and
Dogma, p. 819; Emphasis added]

All Freemasons need to read and re-read this very illuminating
paragraph. Pike has just boldly told his 30th Degree Adepts that they
are to be free to intentionally mislead lower ranking Masons. Such
poor slobs are to imagine that they understand the symbols of
Freemasonry! Such bold-face lying comes from the Evil One, Satan, not
the Holy God of the Bible!

18) Who, then, is allowed to know the truth, and what is really going
on in Masonry?

"We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we
will call those Masons of high degree (30th and above), whom we shall
select. With regards to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be
pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will
govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center,
the more powerful, because its direction will be unknown." [Letter,
dated 1/22/1870, from Pike to the Head of the Order of the Illuminati,
Guiseppe Mazzini]

19) Are you saying that the "outside" of Masonry is only for "show",
and that there is something else behind it?

"It is this which has served as the basis for our organisation of
FELLOWS ... masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects,
but the plan of action of our force, even its very
abiding-place,remains for the whole people an unknown mystery."
[Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, capitalization in the
original, but color emphasis added]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the most blatantly
Satanic document in world history! They systematically list all the
steps that are necessary to establish their New World Order and its
superman, Antichrist. For the Protocols to boldly state that
Freemasonry is a blind screen for the Illuminati, is damning. Once
again, we see their belief, stated by Pike above, that a super rite
that is totally unknown, will promote the interests of the Illuminati
powerfully. Freemasonry itself is being used as a "blind screen" by
the Illuminati, to bring in the New World Order.

20) Then if Masonry is only "Show" on the outside, what are they
trying to "screen" on the inside?

"SECRET SOCIETIES -- Meantime, however, until we come into our
kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and
multiply free Masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb
into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity,
for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and
means of influence. All these lodges ... will be composed of our
learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will
serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from
whom will issue the watchword and program ... The most secret plots
will be known to us and will fall under our guiding hands on the very
day of their conception." [Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ,
capitalization in the original]

21) Hasn't anyone ever tried to warn people about the
Masonic/Illuminati connection and their activities before?

Yes! Many people have tried, but few people were ever listening. All
of the following warnings came from individuals who were high ranking
political figures, scholars, writers, and religious leaders. These
people were not "sensationalists", nor were they "doomsday" people.
They were all highly qualified, and praised, individuals of their

a) President George Washington , 1785, in a letter written to the
Reverend G. W. Snyder: "Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to
doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati -- the principles of
Jacobinism -- had not spread in the United States. On the contrary,
no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am." Shortly before he
died, President Washington was well aware that the Adam Weishaupt
radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to

b) In 1797, Professor John Robison warned Masonic leaders that the
Illuminati had infiltrated their lodges.

c) Reverend Jebediah Morse (father of Samuel Morse) preached in 1798:
"The Order (of the Illuminati) has its branches established and its
emissaries at work in America."

d) Dr. David Pappen, President of Harvard University , on July 19,
1798, issued a warning to the graduating class and lectured them on
the influence the Illuminati was having on American politics and

e) John Quincy Adams , in 1800, opposed Thomas Jefferson for the
presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone,
exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive
Illuminati purposes. The information contained in those letters is
credited with winning Adams the election. The letters were held in
the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.

f) Dr. Joseph Willard, President of Harvard University , said on July
4, 1812, to the graduating class: "There is sufficient evidence that
a number of societies of the Illuminati have been established in this
land. They are doubtless striving to secretly undermine all our
ancient institutions, civil and sacred. These societies are clearly
leagued with those of the same order in Europe ... We live in an
alarming period. The Enemies of all order are seeking our ruin.
Should infidelity generally prevail, our independence would fall, of
course. Our republican government would be annihilated."

We live in the final time Harvard President Willard feared; the
enemies of our freedoms are perilously close to achieving their plan.
When qualified people like this could see the conspiracy to destroy
our country and our freedoms, why do so many Americans now disbelieve?

g) The Prime Minister of England, Sir Winston Churchill, said in
1920, three years after the Bolsheviks seized Russia: "From the days
of Spartacus/Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky ...
this world-wide conspiracy ... has been steadily growing. This
conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the
French Revolution . It has been the mainspring of every subversive
movement during the 19th century; and now, at last, this band of
extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of
Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of
their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of
that enormous empire."

In Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History", we spend a lot
of time demonstrating that the Illuminati created Communism; further,
we show the theory under which the Plan for the New World Order is
operating that would necessitate the deliberate creation of Communism.
However, we are shocked to hear this quote, for Winston Churchill told
the world that Illuminati created Communism all the way back in 1920!

h) Famous historian, English author Nesta Webster, in her book, World
Revolution, published in the 1920's, [p. 78], said: "Whilst these
events (early stages of the French Revolution of 1789) were taking
place in Europe, the New World (America) had been Illuminized. As
early as 1786, a Lodge of the Order (Illuminati) had been started in
Virginia, and this was followed by fourteen others in different

i) The Report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on
Education , stated in 1953: "So-called modern Communism is apparently
the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy
civilization that was founded by the Secret Order of the Illuminati in
Bavaria on May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies
here at the critical period before the adoption of our Federal

This statement is unbelievable, not for its content, but for its
source -- the California Senate on Education! I am constantly amazed
at how the knowledge of one generation can be buried by succeeding
generations. Truly, every generation must earn its own freedoms.

22) When did the Masons become a part of the Illuminati?

"On July 16, 1782, at the infamous Congress of Wilhelmsbad, near the
city of Hanau in Hesse-Cassel. It was initiated by Ferdinand, Duke of
Brunswick, Grand Master of the Order of Strict Observance." [Albert
Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 1006.

23) What happened at this meeting?

Dr. Adam Weishaupt, and his right-hand man, Baron Adolf Von Knigge
(both of whom were Masons at the time), attended the Congress of
Wilhelmsbad; they had met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme
Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions,
to follow the Illuminati's 7-part Plan to the Creation of a New World

24) How did they do this?

At the end of the 30 council meetings, the representatives of the
Masonic world signed a blood contract, vowing that they would follow
the Illuminati's 7-part Plan to the Creation of a New World Order.

25) Don't Any of the Masons know about these facts?

For the most part, no. About 95% of all Masons haven't a clue as to
what is really going on in their own lodges. Only 30th Degree Masons
and above may be allowed to know these secrets. Of those Masons who
are 30th and above, only 5% of them know the full truth, because they
have already been initiated into the Illuminati. Most of the time, an
Illuminist will enter into the ranks of Masonry simply to continue the
infiltration process. Eventually, this Illuminist will become one of
the high ranking Masons and will, therefore, be able to better control
the Masonic world because of his degree and power.

If you are part of the 95+ of all Freemasons who are doomed to remain
in the dark as to the true nature of your Lodge, you now have been
exposed to the truth. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your
personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk
with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for
renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the
joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer
and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are
spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were
already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate
and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order --
Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

If you would like to contact Doc Marquis directly, you may reach him
at: Christians Exposing The Occult, P.O. Box 632436, Nacogdoches, TX,
75963-2436, 409-552-7313.

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Copyright 1998 Cutting Edge Ministries
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-08-23 07:52:01 UTC

Subtitle: Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, answers the Top 25
Questions he receives during his seminars on Illuminati, Witchcraft,
and Freemasonry. We reprint these questions for you.

Freemasons are champions of ENLIGHTENMENT PHILOSOPHY, which I assure you is
not at all the same as ILLUMINISM. And, while some Wiccans may be
Freemasons, Wicca is not Freemasonry, neither is Freemasonry Wicca. They are
distinct and separate movements.

A common theme amongst "confidence men" of various stripes is that when
questioned carfully, they do not have any backing behind their
self-aggrandizements. While I'm not heavy into ad-hominem, I would suggest
to you that when a man makes many fantastic claims based upon a special
knowledge gained through a unique background, it might be appropriate to
spend some time investigating that background. So, before we look at his
OTHER claims, let us look at the claim "Doc" makes as to how he KNOWS this

The question can be put simply: what are Doc Marquis' credentials as an
"Illuminist Witch" or "Illuminist Satanist"? What hard evidence is there in
favor of this claim? My guess is that there is none, outside of his own

Here is an article by a REAL Wiccan / Neo-Pagan, addressing the issue of
Joseph "Doc" Marquis' credentials, which asks tough questions about his
claims. Note specifically Marquis' claims about his involvement in ritual
sacrifice, and his response as to why he doesn't help locate the bodies of
those "offings" he witnessed:


Here is the "UN-DOCTORED" truth about the Illuminati:



2004-08-21 06:09:12 UTC

At the present time, the issue of
Freemasonry is being considered in
a growing number of churches
throughout the United States. Many
people who have never been
involved in Freemasonry know very
little about it. Since we were at one
time members of the Masonic
Lodge, we are able to shed light on
the situation and help with an
understanding of the issues.
In almost all cases, when churches
consider the issue of Freemasonry,
a strong stand against the institution
is the result. In some churches,
those in positions of authority have
determined that considering the
Masonic issue is not appropriate.
Why? Before we address the
specific issues with Freemasonry, it
is helpful to have a Scriptural
background of the underlying issues.
Paul, in his farewell address to the
elders at Ephesus warned them to
be on guard because savage wolves
would attach the flock:
Therefore, I declare to you today that I am
innocent of the blood of all men. For I have
not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole
will of God. Keep watch over yourselves
and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit
has made you overseers. Be shepherds
of the church of God, which he bought with
his own blood. I know that after I leave,
savage wolves will come in among you
and will not spare the flock. Even from your
own number men will arise and distort the
truth in order to draw away disciples after
them. So be on your guard! Remember
that for three years I never stopped
warning each of you night and day with
tears. Acts 20:26-31
Paul knew that the church would not
only be attacked, but also infiltrated.
He wrote to Timothy, urging him to
not simply preach the Gospel, but to
always be prepared to correct errors
and to rebuke those who embraced
them. His advice for the pastor was
as follows:
Preach the Word; be prepared in season
and out of season; correct, rebuke and
encourage--with great patience and
careful instruction. For the time will come
when men will not put up with sound
doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires,
they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their
itching ears want to hear. They will turn
their ears away from the truth and turn
aside to myths. But you, keep your head
in all situations, endure hardship, do the
work of an evangelist, discharge all the
duties of your ministry. 2 Timothy 4:2-5
Jude knew, even in the first century,
the church had been infiltrated.
Secrecy was a tactic used by
godless men. Jude sounded the
alarm and urged believers to
earnestly contend for the faith.
Dear friends, although I was very eager
to write to you about the salvation we
share, I felt I had to write and urge you to
contend for the faith that was once for all
entrusted to the saints. For certain men
whose condemnation was written about
long ago have secretly slipped in among
you. They are godless men, who change
the grace of our God into a license for
immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only
Sovereign and Lord. Jude 3-4
Paul warned the Colossians to be on
guard, that they might not be taken
captive by those who have
abandoned the Gospel of Jesus
See to it that no one takes you captive
through hollow and deceptive philosophy,
which depends on human tradition and the
basic principles of this world rather than
on Christ. Colossians 2:8
In these days, the words of Paul,
Jude and other apostles who warned
believers to stand firm, reverberate
loudly. The church is under attach
from without, from within, and
sometimes even from the pulpit.
Many congregations have been
infiltrated and compromised. The
most cohesive group of infiltrators
the church has ever seen are the
Freemasons. They work behind the
scenes to subvert the Gospel, and
in fact, meet in secret to teach
salvation on the basis of another
savior. We know this to be the fact,
because we were members of the
organization. We were Freemasons.
Why would a Pastor Condone,
or Defend Freemasonry?
for Jesus
Ex-Masons for Jesus - Box 4372 - Laurel, MS 39441 EMAIL ***@juno.com
Visit our website at http://www.ephesians5-11.org/ex_masons_for_jesus
Duane Washum, etal.
Masons are sworn to secrecy, not
once, but three times, before they
participate in the ritual in which Hiram
Abiff willingly dies, is buried and then
raised from the grave. At the
conclusion of the ritual, those in
lodge are told to imitate Hiram Abiff
so that they can get into heaven.
When the fact that all of the men who
participate in the ritual do not claim
to be Christians is considered, this
is seen not only to be a mockery of
the death, the burial and the
resurrection of our Lord and Savior,
but a clear statement that faith in
Jesus Christ is not required to get
into heaven. We are deeply grieved
that we have participated in this
falsehood and were taken captive by
such heresy. God, in His mercy saw
fit to lead us out of Freemasonry and
following our repentance, He has
cleansed us from unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:8-9) He has released us
from the ungodly oaths we took in
the lodge. (Lev. 5) We are not the
only ones to leave the lodge; others
men continue to renounce
Freemasonry. Some of them are
bold enough to speak truth about the
lodge, while others are so spiritually
wounded from the experience that
they remain dysfunctional for some
time. A few former Masons continue
to defend the lodge, due to fear and
spiritual bondage.
which depends on the teachings of
a corrupt world system, rather than
on faith in Jesus Christ.
Since Freemasonry teaches
salvation on the basis of imitating
Hiram Abiff, rather than faith in Jesus
Christ, it seems absurd that a pastor
would condone Freemasonry, let
alone defend it, or actually embrace
it. Yet that is what has happened in
these last days in more
congregations than we can count.
Apostasy is widespread today.
Why would a pastor condone or
defend Freemasonry?
If we assume that a pastor
understands the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, there are only two
possibilities. Either he is ignorant of
the facts concerning Freemasonry,
or he knows the facts and has
decided that the cost of opposing
Freemasonry is too high.
It is possible that the pastor has not
investigated the matter for himself.
He may have asked one or more
Masons in the congregation a few
questions about the lodge and
accepted the answers he was given.
It is not uncommon for Masons to
hold positions such as Sunday
School Teacher, Elder, or Deacon
within many congregations. Often
pastors have developed trust in such
men. However, if the pastor believes
he will get honest answers to
significant questions from a
practicing Mason, it is painfully
obvious to us that he knows precious
little about Freemasonry.
Masons are highly motivated not to
divulge the truth about Freemasonry
for two major reasons. First, they
have taken oaths to keep such
information confidential. The first of
the oaths, taken while a man is
blindfolded, with a rope around his
neck contains the following words:
I, (name) of my own free will and accord,
in the presence of Almighty God and this
Worshipful Lodge of Free and Accepted
Masons, . . . solemnly and sincerely
promise and swear, that I will always hele,
forever conceal, and never reveal any of
the secret arts, parts, or points of the
hidden mysteries of Freemasonry, which
I have received, am about to receive, or
may be hereafter instructed in, to any
person unless it shall be to a worthy
Brother Entered Apprentice, or within the
body of a just and duly constituted Lodge.
. . . Furthermore: I do promise and swear
that I will not write, indite, print, paint,
stamp, stain, hue, cut, carve, mark or
engrave the same upon anything movable
or immovable, whereby or whereon the
least word, syllable, letter, or character
may become legible or intelligible to myself
or another, whereby the secrets of
Freemasonry may be unlawfully obtained
through my unworthiness. To all of which
I do solemnly and sincerely promise and
swear, without any hesitation, mental
reservation, or secret evasion of mind in
me whatsoever; binding myself under
no less a penalty than that of having
my throat cut across, my tongue torn
out, and with my body buried in the
sands of the sea at low-water mark,
where the tide ebbs and flows twice in
twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly
or willfully violate this, my solemn
Obligation of an Entered Apprentice. So
help me God and make me steadfast to
keep and perform the same.
Masons do not take these oaths,
which they prefer to call “obligations,”
The second major reason why
Masons do not reveal the teachings
of Freemasonry to outsiders,
especially those in the church, is that
Freemasonry would not be tolerated
in the church if the facts were widely
known. Lodge members simply
cannot afford to tell a Godly pastor
who is asking questions about
Freemasonry the truth, unless they
are repenting. They must posture
themselves as sincere Christians
who are supporters of God’s work.
One convincing ploy which has been
utilized to favorably influence
pastors, is the practice of some of
the appendant bodies of Freemasonry
to send pastors on expense
paid tours of the Holy Land. Such
an investment can pay significant
dividends for the lodge.
Many of those who are currently
involved in the heresy of
Freemasonry claim to be Christians.
A significant number became
Freemasons before they became
church members. Some of those
men have infiltrated the church and
by claiming that Freemasonry is not
a religion, have taken many captive
by a hollow and deceptive philosophy
Many of those who are
currently involved in the
heresy of Freemasonry
claim to be Christians
The secrecy which surrounds the
organization enables Masons to use
doubt as a defense when dealing
with laymen and pastors who know
only a little about the Masonic Lodge
and yet are suspicious of the
character of Freemasonry. When a
non-Mason makes a claim that the
teaching in Masonic ritual is contrary
to the Gospel, a Mason may respond
with a statement similar to the
following: “You have never been a
Mason, how could you possibly
understand the meaning of ritual?
There is far more to Masonic ritual
than simply the words. You have to
see the gestures, the facial
expressions and consider the
context to understand it.” If someone
asks for an explanation, a Mason
may dissuade the conversation by
saying something like, “I am simply
not able to reveal that to you. We
take an obligation to do our good
works in secret, etc.”
The truth of the matter is that
explanations for the major portions
of Masonic ritual are written in plain
English and issued to Masons at the
direction of the Grand Lodges. If a
non-Mason were to obtain one of
these Grand Lodge documents, and
had a working grasp of the English
language, he could understand the
explanations in sufficient detail to
accurately evaluate the character of
Freemasonry. However, most non-
Masons do not have access to
Grand Lodge documents.
If there is opposition to Freemasonry
from someone in the congregation,
Masons must posture themselves as
Christians who are being persecuted
for being involved in an organization
which does good works.
“Freemasonry has always had
enemies,” they claim. They may
add, “Usually, they are people who
were rejected for membership, or
former Masons who were expelled
for misconduct of some type.” It can
be difficult for a Pastor to
immediately know who is telling the
truth in such matters. Yet, if he wants
to know the truth, authentic Masonic
documents will establish the facts
beyond question. If ignorance is the
issue, we can help you obtain
materials which you may share with
your pastor so that he will be well
informed. If ignorance (a lack of
specific knowledge) really is the
issue, a Godly pastor will have no
reason not to want to know the truth.
Sometimes a pastor will proclaim
that he does not know much about
Freemasonry and resists learning
more, when in reality he has heard
enough that he has to be classified
in the second category.
There are several factors which
could motivate a pastor who falls into
the second category to condone or
defend Freemasonry, even though
he knows that Freemasonry has a
false plan of salvation. We will first
consider the pastor who is not a
Mason, yet knows the facts.
The pastor may have overestimated
the strength of Masonic influence
within the congregation and he may
not feel that Christians in the
congregation will support a stand for
truth in the midst of the clamor which
may well result when the truth
concerning Freemasonry is clearly
proclaimed. Of course, he may
correctly understand the level of
Masonic influence. In some
Masonically infiltrated congregations
most, or all, of the elders and
deacons are Masons. Many times
Masons attempt to recruit pastors.
Satan wants the pastor to believe
that he cannot possibly win a
Masonic battle. Satan will use fear
in an attempt to cause the pastor to
fall into the roll of a teacher who will
say only what itching ears want to
hear. The pastor may not realize
that the apparent might of the
opposition is not that important when
you are on God’s team. One plus
God is a majority. If there are a
significant number of men in the
congregation who are meeting in
secret to teach salvation on the basis
of imitating Hiram Abiff, there is a
significant number of Masonic
church members who are in line to
receive condemnation on judgment
day. The larger the number of
Masons, the more imperative it is for
the pastor to speak the whole
counsel of God.
A Masonic Elders and Deacons Meeting
Hey! Wait a minute. . . Aren’t there ANY real sheep here?
Unity within the church is vital
Just before Jesus was arrested, he
prayed for unity among believers.
"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray
also for those who will believe in me
through their message, that all of them
may be one, Father, just as you are in me
and I am in you. May they also be in us so
that the world may believe that you have
sent me. I have given them the glory that
you gave me, that they may be one as we
are one: I in them and you in me. May
they be brought to complete unity to let
the world know that you sent me and have
loved them even as you have loved me.
John17: 20-23
Some pastors are concerned that
dealing with the Masonic issue will
cause division and destroy the unity
of the church. Yet, nothing could be
further from the truth. When Masons
are present, the church is already
divided. Masons meet in secret to
teach salvation on the basis of
imitating Hiram Abiff, while
Christians in the congregation
openly share the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. How can there be unity in
the church if some secretly raise up
another savior? It simply is not
possible. Unity in a Masonically
infiltrated church is only an illusion.
The only way unity has a chance is
when there is total separation
between church and lodge. Those
Masons who claim to be Christians
should be given a choice: “The
church, or the lodge, which will it be?”
If they choose the lodge, the sooner
they leave the church, the better.
Christians can never reach unity with
those who teach salvation on the
basis of another savior. The fact that
they do so only in secret makes no
difference. Any belief that
addressing the Masonic issue will
destroy unity can only be attributed
to ignorance, spiritual immaturity or
demonic bondage.
Sometimes, a pastor will recognize
that Freemasonry is anti-Christ in
nature, yet not oppose it due to
spiritual bondage which is brought
to bare through family involvement
in Freemasonry. Pastors who have
fathers, uncles, brothers or others
they love, who are involved in
Freemasonry are reluctant to take a
position which would condemn their
own family members as well. Yet the
fact of the matter is that remaining
silent will not alter the eternal
consequences for those family
members who are already gone on,
and it does not well serve family
members who are yet alive.
Freemasonry is a family curse. If
members of the family have been
involved in Freemasony, the younger
generation is much more likely to
become Masons. If the pastor says
nothing, some in his own family will
likely conclude that since he is not
opposing Freemasonry, it must be a
good thing. Holding back when
dealing with the Masonic issue,
because it will be painful for family
members, is equivalent to not
spreading the Gospel simply
because it condemns all family
members who have not accepted
Jesus. Teaching salvation on the
basis of imitating Hiram Abiff
constitutes rejection of Jesus Christ.
Will Jesus see it differently?
Another factor which can motivate
compromise is ambition. Many
pastors have ambition to build a
large church. They have been
seduced into believing that they can
better serve God by getting as many
souls as possible to join the church,
concentrating simply on evangelism,
rather than defense of the Gospel,
or discipleship training. The legacy
of such leadership is immature
Christians and others who believe
they are Christians, yet have only an
intellectual knowledge of the Gospel.
Many within such congregations
have never been challenged to be
on the alert for false doctrine and are
not equipped to defend the faith
when the need arises. Some fall
victim to the snare of Freemasonry
and other cults.
What would the pastor gain for
building such an organization?
Power, a substantial salary, an
elevated position within the
community or the denomination, the
respect and admiration of other
pastors and any number of other
things which accrue to leaders of
large organizations. From the
outside, these churches appear to
be thriving. But listen to the sermons
carefully in congregations in which
you find contented Masons and you
will realize that the pastor has
compromised in many areas. They
are careful not to speak against
those issues which will prick a man’s
conscience. They often will not
stress those teachings from
Scripture which directly take issue
with the practice of Freemasonry,
such as being yoked with
unbelievers, the fact that Jesus is the
ONLY way to salvation, the fact that
salvation is by grace and not of
works, the fact that all pagan
religions worship demons rather than
the God of the Bible, as well as the
requirement of repentance from sin
as a condition for salvation. The
presence of contented Masons in a
congregation is an indictment of the
type of sermons they have been
hearing from the pulpit. Pastors who
will serve in such a capacity are
motivated by nickels and noses,
rather than a desire to win souls and
lead men into a close relationship
with Jesus Christ. They are
corporate executives who are
concerned with statistics.
While some pastors have large
. . .listen to the
sermons carefully in
congregations in
which you find
contented masons. . .
you will realize that
the pastor has
compromised in
many areas.
congregations and enjoy a healthy
salary, others are willing to settle for
much less. They fear the Masons
within the congregation more than
they fear God. They care more for
their own salary which provides for
the physical well being of their family,
than they care for the souls of men.
In these situations, just a few
Masons can effectively control the
We are very concerned about
pastors who know the truth, yet
condone Freemasonry, because
souls are on the line. It was our
souls, and it is those of our Masonic
fathers, uncles and brothers, which
such pastors consciously decide to
allow to go to hell without a word of
warning from their pulpits. We know
that Freemasonry is a significant
issue, because as Masons we were
directly involved in the teaching of a
false gospel. Galatians 1:8-9 makes
it clear that the penalty for teaching
a false gospel is condemnation.
When Masons are present in a
congregation, their souls are not the
only ones at risk. If the Masons in
the congregation choose to begin a
dialog with your son, or grandson,
who will warn them of the dangers?
Some pastors feel as long as
Masons are not recruiting, they will
do no harm. If Masons truly do not
recruit, how can we explain the
significant number of Masons in the
church? A simple question by a
young boy can plant the seed which
turns into a snare in later years. He
might ask his Sunday School teacher
about his ring, or tie tack. Often,
Masons begin the dialog with
potential members. The approach
used is often similar to the following:
“Have you ever considered
becoming a Mason? I believe you
might really enjoy it.” If a favorable
conversation ensues, they might say
something like, “I can’t ask you to
join. No one has been ever asked
to join the lodge. But, if you want to
get in, I would be wiling to help you.”
Who will watch over the souls of your
son and grandson if there is no
genuine spiritual leadership to
oppose those who would ensnare
them? Who will counsel your
daughter not to marry into a Masonic
family? Freemasonry has
appendent orders which are
specifically designed for women and
children. How many daughters and
grandchildren will become ensnared
because a pastor who understands
the dangers chooses not to speak
the whole counsel of God?
Not only are we concerned for the
souls of Masons and those they
would ensnare, but we are
concerned for these pastors as well.
They will most certainly stand before
God with blood on their hands.
Scripture makes it clear:
But if the watchman sees the sword
coming and does not blow the trumpet to
warn the people and the sword comes and
takes the life of one of them, that man will
be taken away because of his sin, but I
will hold the watchman accountable for his
blood.’ Ezekiel 33:6
It is much easier to keep a man from
joining the lodge than it is to get him
out once he has been spiritually
ensnared. Pastors who knowingly
tolerate Masons to be members of
the congregation without issuing a
clear warning from the pulpit simply
I have been a pastor for 28 years, and a Mason for 26. If there were
wrong with Freemasonry, I would have left the lodge long ago. Masonic
deals with morality and brotherly love. It stresses devotion to god.
It makes a
man a better Christian. Trust me. I’m your paaastor.
have a job, rather than a calling.
John explained that those who
welcome them in will share in their
evil deeds:
Anyone who runs ahead and does not
continue in the teaching of Christ does not
have God; whoever continues in the
teaching has both the Father and the Son.
If anyone comes to you and does not bring
this teaching, do not take him into your
house or welcome him. Anyone who
welcomes him shares in his wicked work.
2 John 9-11
In John, Chapter 10, Jesus speaks
of pastors who care for the flock. The
good shepherd will lay down his life
for the flock when it comes under
attack. Jesus explained that some
who appear to be shepherds run
when wolves appear. They are not
shepherds, but rather hirelings. In
these days, we see another type of
pastor standing in pulpits across the
country. They claim to be shepherds
who defend the flock, yet they have
actually joined the Masonic Lodge.
They do not run away when the wolf
comes. They run with the wolves,
offering a defense of Freemasonry
and leading others into the lodge.
Masons will vigorously defend a
Masonic Pastor and run interference
for him, so that he does not have to
do all of the “dirty work.” If a church
member who is a Mason begins to
The Masonic Pastor
question the compatibility of
Freemasonry and Christianity, as a
result of the work of the Holy Spirit,
other Masons and the pastor attempt
to assure him that there is no
problem with the lodge. “If there
were a problem with Freemasonry,
our pastor would not be a lodge
member,” they might say. As we
have been taught to be in submission
to our spirtual leaders, many are
reluctant to belive that there could
actually something wrong with the
lodge, if the pastor does not see it.
Some of us were confused for a time
by a Masonic pastor, a Masonic
elder, or other church member who
was not following Jesus. However,
in time, the Holy Spirit won out.
Of course, when Masons are in
church leadership, they must oppose
any layman in the congregation who
would speak the truth concerning
Freemasonry; he would be a threat
to Masonic control of the
congregation. Masonic pastors
cannot be classified as shepherds,
and they really cannot be classified
as hirelings. They are wolves in
shepherds clothing. Jesus does not
want you to be confused, injured, or
led astray by them.
A Masonic Sermon
To understand the impossibility of a
legitimate Christian pastor standing
in agreement with Masonic teaching,
consider what would happen if a
Masonic pastor were to deliver a
sermon from the pulpit which
contained the same teachings as
heard in the Master Mason Degree.
There would be a lecture and a ritual
drama in the sermon. The pastor
could deliver the lecture, but would
need assistance -- a few men from
the lodge -- for the ritual drama
portion of his sermon. The setting for
the drama is the building of
Solomon’s Temple. One of his
assistants would portray Hiram Abiff,
the Grand Master at the temple
project. Hiram would be accosted
three times. Each time, he would be
given the choice of revealing the
If a pastor were to deliver such a
sermon, would you believe that he
was a sincere Christian who is
depending on his faith in Jesus
Christ for salvation? Would you
believe that he was a spiritual leader
in Christ’s church, who watches over
souls as a man who must give
account? (Heb 13:17)
The reason for Masonic secrecy is
obvious. If it were not a secret, how
would the Masonic pastor and other
Masons be able to deceive the flock?
If the ritual sermon would be a false
Gospel when delivered from a pulpit,
how can it not be a false Gospel
when the same content is taught in
the lodge? If it is not acceptable for
a pastor to preach a sermon which
secrets of a Master Mason, or of
losing his life. Each time he is
accosted, he would refuse saying,
“My life, but not the secrets.” The
first two times he is accosted, he
would only be wounded by his
assailant. However, the third time,
he would willingly die rather than
reveal the secrets of a Master
In the ritual portion of the sermon,
after Hiram Abiff is killed, the three
men who accosted him would realize
that they had not received the secret
which they sought and must dispose
of the body, so that their deed might
not be known. The body of Hiram
Abiff would be buried on a hill. The
next day, when Hiram is nowhere to
be found, King Solomon, possibly
played by the pastor, would send out
a search party to look for him. After
the fresh grave is found, Hiram
would be raised be from the grave.
What you would have just seen is a
ritual in which Hiram Abiff willingly
died, was buried and then raised
from the grave.
At the end of his sermon, the pastor
would conclude with the following
words, summarizing the teaching of
the ritual drama with these words
from the Master Mason Degree
Then, finally my brethren, let us imitate
our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, in his
virtuous conduct, his unfeigned piety to
God, and his inflexible fidelity to his trust;
that, like him, we may welcome the
grim tyrant, Death, and receive him as
a kind messenger sent by our Supreme
Grand Master, to translate us from this
imperfect to that all-perfect, glorious,
and celestial Lodge above, where the
Supreme Architect of the Universe
Were you to ponder the words from
the pastor’s sermon, you would
realize that he had instructed you to
imitate Hiram Abiff so that you could
get into heaven. It would be a false
Gospel, one based on imitation of
Hiram Abiff, rather than faith in Jesus
recommends imitating Hiram Abiff as
a means of gaining access to heaven
in the church, why is it acceptable
for church members to stand in
agreement when it is taught in
lodge? Does Jesus see a
Masonic Pastors should be
confronted by laymen, or other
pastors. They should be warned that
they are participating in the teaching
of a false Gospel. Do not expect a
Masonic pastor to see the truth, or
understand the problem unless you
have bathed the issue in prayer.
They have been confronted with the
truth each and every time they have
watched the third degree ritual.
Satan has blinded them. Possibly,
they were never Christians to begin
Masonic pastors
cannot be classified as
shepherds, and they
really cannot be
classified as hirelings.
They are wolves in
shepherds clothing.
Godly Pastors
Fortunately, all pastors are not
hirelings or wolves. We praise God
for shepherds who are willing to
stand firm and speak against
Freemasonry from the pulpit,
particularly when they face
substantial opposition. Often such
pastors appear to suffer a great loss.
Many are voted out of the pulpit
following such a stand, at a meeting
which has been stacked by Masons
who are members of the
congregation. Often, such meetings
are characterized by the sudden
appearance of members who have
not been in the church for months,
or even years. They respond to the
telephone calls of their Masonic
brethren quite faithfully and
outnumber Christian members of the
congregation, who are many times
caught off guard by such swift action.
Laymen usually underestimate the
need to support a Godly pastor when
he takes a stand against heresy.
Laymen underestimate the
significance of business meetings,
whether they are scheduled, or
“called.” Sincere Christians often
assume that the response to a
sermon against heresy will be
repentance, rather than defiance.
They assume that other people are
just as sincere in their relationship
with Jesus Christ, as they are.
While we ought not to think more
highly of ourselves than we should,
we should not underestimate the grip
which Satan can have on others. He
looks for those he can devour. Most
do not understand the spiritual
nature of Freemasonry. Not many
in the church have seen Masons in
action, because in the past decades
few pastors have made a decision
to stand against Freemasonry.
Pastors who consider the issue of
Freemasonry must realize that God
is responsible for their safety and for
taking care of their physical needs,
as well as the needs of their families.
If they can trust Him for their eternal
salvation, they can trust Him now as
they deliver a non-compromising
message to Masons and others who
would subvert the Gospel. If they
don’t believe that they can trust Him
now, do they really believe that they
can trust Him later? Pastors who
decide to stand realize that the
sacrifices which they may be
required to make are nothing
compared with having nails driven
into the hands and feet. In the short
term, at least, there will be some
trauma from a stand against
Freemasonry. The trauma may last
an hour, a week, or much longer.
Sometimes, the congregation is
blessed far beyond their
understanding in the short term, as
repentance and revival results. Long
term, even those pastors who seem
to have paid the highest price for a
firm stand against Freemasonry
have been richly blessed. We know
of none who have been put to death,
or have even gone hungry.
As men who have left the Masonic
Lodge, we understand sacrifice and
understand the cost of bearing the
cross. It was hard for many of us to
leave the lodge. Some of us have
been estranged from our Masonic
families. We have lost social
affiliations which we assumed were
friendships. Often, it turned out that
our Masonic friends were not really
friends at all, but rather simply
Masons who stuck with us as long
as we too were Masons. We still
care for them, even though they
reject us - simply because we have
unconditionally rejected Freemasonry.
After being in the lodge
for twenty years or more, some of
us had no friends who were not
affiliated with Freemasonry. Some
of us were devastated, yet we knew
we had no choice but to leave the
lodge. Some of us have lost jobs,
some have lost businesses, some
have been separated from brothers,
or elderly fathers who remain in the
lodge. However, when we consider
what Jesus suffered through, we
cannot fathom standing before Him
and telling Him that it would have
been too painful to leave the lodge;
it would have cost too much.
Compared to the price that Jesus
paid for our souls, our sacrifices are
nothing. We have been richly
blessed as a result of leaving
Freemasonry. Spiritual bondage has
been broken as a result of
confession and repentance and our
relationship with Jesus has been
strengthened beyond what we could
have ever imagined while we were
If you are a member of a
congregation which accepts Masons
for membership, we can help you
obtain materials which will allow you
to know the truth about Freemasonry,
so that you might urge
repentance in the lives of the lodge
members, or a pastor who is
condoning Freemasonry. Video
tapes of reenactments of Masonic
ritual are available as well as video
tape of the testimonies of Ex-Masons
who have chosen Jesus over the
lodge. Grand Lodge documents
which explain the meanings of ritual
and numerous other items which will
assist in exposing the heresy of
Freemasonry are available from the
network of ministries with which we
cooperate. Members of Ex-Masons
for Jesus are available for
testimonies in congregations
throughout the United States. No
pastor has to stand alone when he
defends the Gospel against the
heresy of Freemasonry. Church
members have a right to hear the
whole counsel of God from their
pulpits. There is a job description
for pastors. It was included in Paul’s
letter to Timothy. They are to preach
the Word and be prepared in season
and out of season, to correct, rebuke
and encourage, with great patience
and careful instruction. Anything
less should not be tolerated, or
supported. Souls are on the line.
Copies of this paper may be downloaded from
our website. Permission to duplicate is granted.
Simply consider the facts. Freemasonry requires
its members to believe in the existence of a
Supreme Being and also to believe that there is
only One God. Freemasonry refers to its god as
the Great Architect of the Universe. It teaches
that all men, of all the various religions, worship
the one God, simply using a variety of different
names. It is on that basis that Masons may be
Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, or men who profess
to follow Jesus. Freemasonry requires a belief
in the existence of A Supreme Being, but does
not define that being.
The Holy Bible however, reveals that the truth is
somewhat different. The Bible does state that
there is only one God:
I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart
from me there is no God. Isaiah 45:5
However, it states that those who practice pagan
religions worship idols and demons, rather than
the God of the Bible. Psalms 96:5 reveals that
the gods of the many nations which surrounded
Israel were idols. Those peoples did not worship
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
For all the gods of the nations are idols:
but the LORD made the heavens.
Paul warned the Christians at Corinth not to
participate in pagan worship. He revealed that
pagans worship demons rather than God.
Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to
an idol is anything, or that an idol is
anything? No, but the sacrifices of pagans
are offered to demons, not to God, and I
do not want you to be participants with
demons. 1 Corinthians 10:19-20
The Bible clearly reveals in Luke 4:33 that
demons are spirits.
In the synagogue there was a man
possessed by a demon, an evil spirit.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, and other modern
day pagan religions, worship demons, rather than
the God of the Bible. We can know this because
anyone who rejects Jesus Christ, rejects God.
Anyone who runs ahead and does not
continue in the teaching of Christ does not
have God; whoever continues in the
teaching has both the Father and the Son.
(2 John 9)
With these facts clearly documented from the
Holy Bible, it is easy to know that the foundational
teaching of Freemasonry, namely that all men
worship God, is not true. Since Freemasonry
does not follow in the teachings of Christ, the
god of Freemasonry cannot be the God of the
Enclosed is a check or money order for $10 per tape plus $5 shipping.
(1 tape $15 total, 2 tapes $25 total, etc.) Please ship the tapes
checked above to:
City State Zip
Ex-Masons for Jesus
Box 4372
Laurel, MS 39441
In the Legend of the Third Degree, Hiram Abiff willingly
dies,is buried and is raised from the grave.
Members of EX-MASONS FOR JESUS explain why they left
the lodge.
discussion - three former Worshipful Masters and three
pastors discuss Freemasonry and the church.
CAREERS AND CONGREGATIONS. - Former Worshipful Master
Duane Washum
Video Tapes from Ex-Masons for Jesus
Since God is a Spirit, a question you might ask
of a Worshipful Master, or other Mason, is the
Is Vishnu, the god which Hindus worship,
the same spirit which you refer to as the
Great Architect of the Universe?
It is a simple question. The answer is either “Yes”,
or “No.”
If the Mason answers yes, then you will
know that he does not know the difference
between the God of the Bible and a
demon. He does not know God. How can
he be a Christian?
If he says no, then obviously you have
demonstrated to him that all men do not worship
the same God simply using a variety of different
names. When Freemasonry accepts the god of
a Hindu as a Supreme Being, it declares that
demons are Supreme Beings. How can he be
sure that the spirit he worships in lodge as the
G.A.O.T.U. is not a demon?
Does Freemasonry lift up Jesus Christ as the only
way to salvation as is documented in John 14:6?
Clearly, Freemasonry does not follow in the
teachings of Christ. Therefore, they do not have
God. (2 John 9)
Freemasonry is a pagan religion. Paul warned
that it was not possible for a man to participate in
paganism and also be a Christian. He wrote:
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and
the cup of demons too; you cannot have a
part in both the Lord's table and the table
of demons. (1 Corinthians 10:21)
In John 4:24, Jesus told us:
“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
If a man has bought into the Masonic lie that all
men worship the same god, simply using a variety
of different names, then he cannot be worshiping
in truth. Therefore, he cannot be worshiping God
when he goes into the lodge.
How can you quickly know that the foundational teachings of
Freemasonry are false?
Ed King
2004-08-21 13:10:34 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster

Hey, Steve: more of your cut and paste from Duane Washum huh?

Heard from him since I wrote about his Brother? Golly gee: I wonder why

Oh, and did you mention to him that you don't believe in the King James
Version of the Bible? He won't be quite as cuddly to you when he finds
that out I bet! <ROFL>

By the way, Steve: we're still waiting for your proof that you do more
charity work than the Shriners. In fact, we're waiting for proof that
you do ANY charity work at all. You were sitting on your computer
posting to this newsgroup all last Sunday: going to be doing that again
tomorrow when you should be in Church?

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-08-21 06:13:19 UTC

SMARTNEWS's Issue #7 - 3/96


This is the edited Internet copy of S.M.A.R.T.

P. O. 1295
Easthampton, MA 01027, USA
S.M.A.R.T.'s Home Page

Issue 7 - March, 1996

The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations
and groups from abusing others and to help those who have been
allegedly abused by the Masons, Mormons, government agencies and other
secretive groups.

This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from
ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this
newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are
available during and after reading this newsletter.


The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value
only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery
process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any
resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or
other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process.
Others may have valuable information on the Masons and other
organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those
organizations. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc.
and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views
mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions
mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors
and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.

"The Greatest Revenge is to Heal, then turn around and Help Someone
Else." - from Working in the VINEYARD

Editor's Page

S.M.A.R.T.'s first year is over. In one year, we've seen our
subscription rate quadruple. Our newsletter has doubled in size and
has been listed in numerous publications and resource lists throughout
the country. It has been on several literature tables at a variety of
conferences throughout the country. If you are going to any
conferences or groups and would like to distribute the newsletter,
please let us know.

Most importantly, people are becoming more and more aware of the
possible connections between secret societies and ritual abuse,
particularly very large secret societies, like the Masons and the
Mormons. With your help, we hope people will because even more aware
of the problem of ritual abuse. We hope that someday it will be
eliminated, and children will be safe everywhere.

A subscriber sent me this:

"A friend is one who knows you as you are, understands where you've
been, Accepts who you've become, And still gently invites you to

As always, feel free to send in articles and/or write us with any
questions you may have.

Book Review

The Dark Side of Freemasonry (Huntington House Publishers - 1994) is a
collection of articles about Freemasonry from a Christian perspective.
It was edited by Ed Decker. Several of the authors have written books
about Freemasonry and have been mentioned in previous newsletters.
Further information about the book will follow the article.

Warning: Information in this article may be triggering, please read
with caution.

In the first article, "Freemasonry and the Church: A Christian
Worker's Perspective," Ed Decker begins by discussing his own personal
past. He talks about his Masonic relatives and the connections between
Masonry and Mormonism. He tells a story about being told by a Mason to
stop disclosing Mormon church secrets, because the secrets were so
similar to Masonic ones.

He gives a brief history of the Masons. The original (Operative)
Masons had secret handshakes and signs so Master Masons (Stone Masons)
could go from city to city to work and impostors were kept out of the
craft. Off the job, non-craftsmen joined them socially. He calls this
"Social Masonry."

"Spiritual/mystic Masonry goes back to the crusades. Eastern Mysticism
came into the church via the Knights Templar. Crusaders brought
Kabalah, Eastern Mysticism and Egyptian and Gnostic mysteries into the
church. Also, the Essenes and priests of Nimrod (Babylonian mysteries)
wore aprons that look like today's Masonic aprons.

He mentions the following facts. The early power base of the Masons
was the wealthy and powerful Knights Templar. Through the Illuminati
the Masons (allegedly) became politically powerful. They helped
influenced the French and American revolutions. In 1717 the first
Grand Lodge met in England. The Declaration of Independence is written
on a Masonic apron made of white lambskin.

He describes several of the Masonic rituals, and discusses Manly P.
Hall's (a high Mason) (possible) connections with Luciferianism. He
mentions the Masonic use of the word "Abaddon," which in the New
Testament is "the king of the pit of hell." The Eastern Star emblem is
similar to the Goat of Mendes (Baphomet), its initials F.A.T.A.L.
stand for the fatal attraction and bondage of Eastern Star. The
Congressional Medal of Honor has an inverted star with three dots
after each point (Masonic points). The streets around the White House
were designed by a Masonic architect and form the Goat of Mendes.
Jefferson and Franklin were both Masons. The statue of liberty was
given by French Masons to American Masons and has Masonic occult
symbols all over it.

He discusses several cases where Masons in court had (alleged)
'advantages' over non-Masons.

The origin of the red fez (may have) come from when the Muslims
defeated the Christians in Fez, Morocco. After they murdered 45,000
people they dipped their white hats in the blood.

An article in the Orlando Sentinel mentioned that 98% of the money
raised in Shrine circuses was (allegedly) going to Shriner's parties,
not their hospitals.

The Knights Templar degree includes garments with pictures of a
severed head dripping with blood, gory, severed heads, legs and arms,
and a human cut skull that can be used as a drinking vessel. "I
believe that Masonry is a multi generational curse" (page 30).

The second chapter, written by Tom McKenney "The Public School
Connection" discusses in part why the Masons promote public schooling.
He alleges that the Masons are attempting to weaken all "traditional
values and then replace them" in the public schools.

In Dick Smith's "Freemasonry and the Hew Age World Religion," he talks
about the (possible) connections between Masonry, religion and the New
Age movement. The article discusses the plan of creating one world

He quotes Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall and shows how Masonry itself
claims to be a religion and is identical to the mystery religions.
Several quotes show a connection between the "Devil" and Masonry. "The
Devil... is not a Person, but a force, created for good, but which may
serve for evil' (Pike - page 70). Alice Bailey is quoted as saying
that certain parts of Masonry will help form a New Age world religion.

In Reverend Harmon Taylor's article "Mixing Oil With Water," he
describes how the Masons (allegedly) killed a man for exposing their
rituals. And I quote, "In the 1800's, Masonry was exposed, and the
Masons abandoned their lodges for the shame of it. It cost one man,
William Morgan, his life.. This man wrote all of the rituals of
Masonry in a book. The Masons (allegedly) kidnaped him from Batavia,
New York, then they moved him out to Niagara, stored him in Ft.
Niagara for three days, and then they took him out in a beat. They
tied a rope - the Masons would call it a cabletow - around his
waist...with a weight on it, and gave him one half hour to make his
peace with God. Even though he pleaded that he might be spared so that
he might be able to care for his wife and his children, they
(allegedly) killed him anyway ..... This is the deathbed testimony of
Henry Vallance, the men who pushed William Morgan off the bow of that
boat." (Pages 103-104)

"Let me ... tell you .. more about Henry Vallance. He was never
arrested, and never tried for the crime... The justices and law
enforcement officials (allegedly) took great pains to conceal and to
deceive... The Masons even established two false editions of Morgan's
book. They circulated the false editions.. and said, "Why these
rituals aren't correct!" Then these Masons would become the spokesmen
to prove that the Morgan book was a lie." (Pages 104-105) After this
incident 90% of the Masons in this country left their lodges.

Rev. Taylor also describes several incidents where Masons (allegedly)
illegally protected other Masons when they were peddling drugs,
bouncing checks and forging money orders. He describes the alleged
illegal destruction of criminal records. As a former 32nd degree Mason
he describes Masonic rituals. He also names other Masonic groups,
Amaranth, the Eastern Star and the White Shrine. He talks about a
debate in Michigan where the Eastern Star openly admits the five
pointed upside down star is "evil."

In Mick Oxley's 'Freemasonry Around the World" he describes some of
the differences between Freemasonry in America and the rest of the
world, as well as the history of Freemasonry in Europe.

He mentions that the Knights Templar came to the British Isles after
being banished from the continent in the 14th century. The knights
strongly influenced British Freemasonry. It was mixed with the
Illuminati of Germany (Adam Weishaupt). Freemasons were licensed at
guildhalls. The guilds met at pubs. In 1726, all the ledges formed the
Grand Lodge of England. He mentions that English Freemasonry was
expensive and kept him "in the red" until he left the order. (Author's
note: cults often keep people dependent on them by financially
weakening them.)

In England, there are no pins or rings in Freemasonry. It is much more
secretive. The three craft degrees and Royal Arch are the whole of the
Masonic system. The higher degrees are looked down on in England.
Popular degrees are: Mark Mason, Knights Templar, and Rose Croix. Many
royalty in England are Masons. In England you have to physically work
through each degree. It takes 7 to 10 years to become a Worshipful

The blood oaths were removed form the first three degrees in 1986.
"Jao Bul On" was removed from the Grand Lodge in 1989. Australia has
switched to an "Americanized" Masonry. He also mentions that there is
a great conflict building in Masonry, caused in a large part" by the
exposure of (alleged) cultic secrets.

In Germany, Freemasonry is mostly American in nature. Africa varies,
Egypt is heavy on occultism, Moslem nations have no branches for
women. Canada was originally under Massachusetts (U.S.) jurisdiction.
The oldest lodge in the United Sates was started in 1760 at Prentice
House, Massachusetts.

In Larry Kunk's "The Secret Doctrine," he describes how rituals are
followed and changed. The third degree ritual, Master Mason and its
significance are described. He shows how Masonry has a secret doctrine
and how this doctrine connects to the Grand Lodges.

The lost word in Freemasonry is found during initiation. "Masons who
embrace the secret doctrine attain conscious union with the spirit of
Antichrist." (Page 153) "The Builders" written by Joseph Fort Newton
in 1914 is often given to new Master Masons today. In a chapter called
"Secret Doctrine" he extols the teaching of Edward Waite (A Mason).
Waite wrote books titled: "Devil Worship in France," "The Book of
Black Magic," and "The Way of Divine Union." "The Book of Black Magic"
has detailed instructions for conjuring up Lucifer.

In "The Great Teachings of Masonry" H. L. Haywood wrote, "The
Fraternity itself exists in order to keep fixed on a man a certain set
of influences, and in order to bring about certain changes in the
world..." (page 156) (Author's note: this sounds very similar to many
cults' doctrines, instead of encouraging individuality, conformity is
strengthened by threats. Also, cult doctrine may be used in an attempt
to change the world.)

"Freemasonry: The Witchcraft Connection" by Willian Schnoebelen
(author of "Masonry: Beyond the Light" reviewed in S.M.A.R.T. Issue
#5), discusses the fact that he was a 32nd degree Mason, Shriner and
Wiccan high priest.

He alleges that Masonic rituals are witchcraft. Witchcraft is "broadly
defined as a mystery religion based on the ancient fertility cults of
pre-Christian Europe." (Page 163) Witchcraft includes the extolling of
the forces of reproduction and the use of tools representing
reproduction. Religions are religions where are introduced by degrees
and are kept secret from the "profane." "Magic" is when something
changes without a visible or tangible cause. Some witches only worship
gods or goddesses and don't work magic. "Pagans" believe there is a
god force in everything.

He believes that Wicca is a lot like Freemasonry because its two
principal founders (Aleister Crowley and Gerald B. Gardner) were both
Masons. Freemasonry and Wicca have in common: degrees' secret
memberships, ceremonial initiations, purifications of ritual space,
candidates remove secular clothing and lose all metal, have blindfolds
and ropes, stand in some of the same positions during initiation,
chest piercing with sharp objects, secret passwords, candidates are
led during ritual, oaths are sworn, degrees have tools with uses, have
ritual death and rebirth experiences, and candidates are spun or
jostled to create altered states of mind.

Schnoebelen presents a list of occultists and witches that were also
Freemasons. They are: Arthur Waite, Dr. Wynn Wescott (Golden Dawn),
S.L. MacGregor Mathers (Golden Dawn), Aleister Crowley, Dr. Gerard
Encauss, Dr. Theodor Reuss (O.T.O.), George Pickingill, Annie Besant,
Alice Bailey, Bishop Charles W. Ledbetter, Manly P. Hall, Gerald B.
Gardner and Alex Sanders.

He alleges that a lot of free flawing cash is somewhere up high in the
ranks of Freemasonry. He believes the "G" in the Masonic symbol
represents sexual potency. In 'Masonic Roots: Christ, Solomon, or
Baal?", Keith Harris discusses Masonry's philosophical roots. Masonry
claims its roots predate the Solomonic period. To Masons, Nimrod is
also considered a founder of Freemasonry. Nimrod was considered
rebellious in the Bible and built the Tower of Babel.

Masons have also looked towards Egypt and the mystery religions. The
ritual of the third degree of Masonry is similar to the story of
Osiris, considered "lord of the Underworld." He describes this ritual
(the 3rd degree) and its symbolism. "Thus, in the Third Degree of
Masonry, the initiate is actually entering the death, burial, and
resurrection of Osiris." (Page 183) The all seeing eye is a reverence
for the sun and "his" or Osiris. In David Carrico's (author of "The
Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection" reviewed in S.M.A.R.T. Issue #1)
"Freemasonry and the Twentieth Century Occult Revival" describes how
many Freemasons allegedly have aligned themselves with the occult and
have participated in occult activities. Anton Levey (Church of Satan)
"(alleges) that "Masonic orders have contained the most influential
men in many governments, and virtually every occult order has many
Masonic roots." (Page 190)

John Robinson, in his "Proofs of a Conspiracy" (1798) alleges that
Masonry served as a nursery school for the Illuminati. Their goal was
to overturn all civil government. He shows how Madame Blavatsky (an
occultist) and her philosophies were connected to Masonry and were
liked by both Adolf Hitler and Manly P. Hall (33rd degree Mason).
Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater (both Masons or co-Masons) were leaders
of the Theosophical Society. Leadbeater may have been a pedophile and
describes demon spirits he received in various degrees of Freemasonry.

Alice Bailey claimed Masonry is a training school for occultists. Her
husband was 32nd degree Mason Foster Bailey.

Aleister Crowley was a 33rd degree Mason. Two of his wives went
insane, and his son allegedly died during a ritual they both performed
alone. He called himself the "Beast 666". Members of other occult
orders can work within Masonry with a lodge leader's knowledge.
Crowley was in the O.T.O. (which he called 'true Freemasonry'). O.T.O.
teaches sexual magic.

To be a Rosicrucian, you needed to be at least a Master Mason. This
society gave birth to the Golden Dawn. In the Golden Dawn, ritual
magic is practiced. The Golden Dawn was often closely connected to the

S. L. MacGregor Mathers helped found the Golden Dawn and was a Master
Mason. He wrote books on magical spells and the occult. Arthur Waite
was a member of both the Golden Dawn and Freemasonry. He wrote several
books on Black Magic and Devil Worship. The original Golden Dawn used
a Masonic hall for its rituals. They claim to have worked with evil
spirits and pentagrams and Anton LaVey (church of Satan) credits the
Golden Dawn for his satanic invocations.

Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders were both witches and Freemasons.
Gardner was thought of as a sadomasochist and Sanders founded a school
of witchcraft which used sexual intercourse in its initiation rituals.
Sanders was allegedly abused by his grand mother.

Eliphas Levi was a Master Mason and believed for the most part that
the Templars were diabolists. He passed much of his doctrine onto
Albert Pike (a highly influential Mason of the lath century). Pike
took several quotes from Levi's books. Levi believed that Satan is
part of God.

The last chapter by Ed Decker discusses the Southern Baptists'
Convention and discussion on Freemasonry and its findings.

I believe this book is an excellent source of information about
Freemasonry. However, ritual abuse in direct connection to Freemasonry
is not discussed. Some S.M.A.R.T. readers may have trouble with the
fact that this book is Christian in nature. I personally had a lot of
trouble with the chapter "The Public School Connection" (I am a school

A free flow of information is crucial to avoid what is called "milieu
control" one of Robert J. Lifton's eight criteria of mind control (my
source for the 8 criteria is "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven
Hassan (Park Street Press, Rochester, VT.)). Many modern educational
reforms are promoting the development of critical thinking skills,
crucial to the promotion of democracy and the elimination of cults.

Of course, it is also important to teach children how to tell the
difference between right and wrong. And in a free nation, it is up to
the children to make the final decision. The type of decision depends
on their age, intellectual level and their ability to realize the
consequences of their actions.

I want to thank Ed Decker for his permission to use quotes from this
book. This book and other materials about Freemasonry and Mormonism
can be received by writing: Saints Alive in Jesus, P. 0. Box 1076,
Issaquah, WA. 98027, or calling: 1-800-997-7077, 206-228-0l75, fax

Newspaper Article

The information for the following article is from an AP article
(Concord, NH). I found it on page 10 of the Daily Hampshire Gazette,
published in Northampton, Ma. , 12/20/95.

The title of the article is "Masons hope crimes don't overshadow
charitable work." The article starts with "officials of the Masons are
concerned that embezzlements, a murder and the arrest of a Mason's
wife as a suspect are overshadowing the charitable work of the
fraternal organization." A Mason is quoted in the article as saying
that people may get the "wrong impression" from this, large
organizations can have a "bad apple."

..... an employee of the Masons and .. wife were convicted of
embezzling money ... a Mason was convicted of stealing more money....
(a) long time Mason was found stabbed to death in his burning home...
(the dead Mason) and others had been threatened after they discovered
the possible threat of more money.. one's home was hit with a Molotov

The article states that the Masons do not recruit members, isn't a
"visible service group" and doesn't publicize a lot of its charitable
work. People are "enticed" by personal curiosity to find out about the
Masons. (My note: Cults often use an individual's curiosity to help
recruit them.)

The article also states: "the prime purpose of masonry "is to improve
the individual man...." Masonic organizations aren't allowed to
support political candidates "and have no religious affiliation." The
Masons were founded in 1717 in England and now have 3 million members
nationwide. (U.S.)

As many readers know, a lot of the information in this article (some
of the parts about the Mason's organization itself) is not true. There
is no information about the Masons and ritual abuse or their political
influence. Much of the article comes from Masonic sources. Perhaps
some of our readers could write the Associated Press and let them know
what they think.

S.M.A.R.T. is looking for other articles on the Masons. Feel free to
send them in or write your own article about them.

Book Review

The following book review was sent in by Sarah, a subscriber of our
newsletter. The opinions mentioned in this article are solely those of
the contributor and not necessarily those of S.M.A.R.T. or any other
contributors or listed organizations. Please use caution while reading
this article. It may be triggering.

Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, edited by Jim
Keith, 1993 Feral House, $12.95

In his preface to Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith states that "the
people who direct and control the world's financial resources are, to
a very large extent, the same people who control and direct the
world's media." Secret and Suppressed is a guidebook to alternative
views of contemporary events and world history... (which) confronts
the reader with disquieting revelations on mind control, secret
societies, media disinformation, cults and elite cabals. The hard
evidence supplied by many of the articles is startling."

About half of the articles in this anthology expose Masonic activity,
how it has shaped society in the past and its influence in our lives

In his article "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of
Political Control," James Shelby Downard writes, "For years I have
been trying to draw attention to Masonic sorcery and its (alleged)
relation to political control." He states that "Benjamin ..... was
initiated into Freemasonry at St. John's Lodge in Philadelphia and ...
is credited with publishing the first Masonic book in America."

He identifies the "House of the Rising Sun," a Masonic meeting place
for powerful political figures such as Benjamin Franklin, George
Washington and George Mason, located in Fredericksburg, Virginia,
which has the earliest known record of the Masonic Royal Arch Degree
of York, listed in the city annals on December 22, 1753. He discusses
the roots of the anti-mason political party that challenged Freemason
Andrew Jackson for the presidency in 1826, and the murder of the
Mormon prophet which resulted in the men of the Mormon church
withdrawing from Freemasonry. (S.M.A.R.T. note: For more information
on the Mormons and their connection to the Masons, see Issue #6)

He delves deeply into the JFK assassination which he believes is
suffused with Masonic symbolism having to do with violence,
perversion, conspiracy, death and degradation (specifically, Masonic
Greening Rituals). "Masonry does not (allegedly) believe in murdering
a man in just any old way and in the JFK assassination, it went to
incredible lengths and took great risks to make this heinous act
correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of The Killing of the

He identifies the three hoboes arrested at the time of the
assassination as "at least as important symbolically as operationally,
and they compromise the 'three unworthy craftsmen' of Masonry... and a
mirror or doppelganger of the three assassins who executed the actual
murder." He notes that Dealy Plaza is the site of the First Masonic
Temple in Dallas and home of the Blue Front Tavern, a Masonic hangout,
and that important security strategy was planned for Dealy Plaza by
the New Orleans CIA station which was headquartered in a Masonic
temple building.

He points out that Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to
investigate the death of Catholic President John Kennedy; 33rd degree
Mason Gerald Ford was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence
of a conspiratorial nature reached the Commission; 33rd degree Mason
J. Edgar Hoover was responsible for supplying information to the
commission; and former CIA Director and 33rd degree Mason Allen Dulles
was responsible for most of his agency's data to the panel. And he
asks, "Would it be paranoid to suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to
investigate the death of a Jew, or to suspect a commission of Klansmen
appointed to investigate the death of a Negro?"

In his article "Subliminal Images in Oliver Stone's 'JFK' " which
follows, Dean Grace identifies Downard's Three Craftsmen; "A man in a
dark suit passes three hoboes being taken into custody by police.
There is a hint that the hoboes give a secret hand sign.. later.. .A
man in a dark suit passes by the three tramps and gives a secret hand
sign for the tramps' benefit. "Also (while) patrolman Smith is
testifying on the witness stand... a tall young man wearing a dark
suit... turns toward the camera and clearly gives a Masonic sign of
distress... holds the palm of the left hand up and crosses it with the
right hand pain down.. .at waist level.. twelve inches from the body.
This is the sign of distress in the Entered Apprentice, first degree
of Masonry."

In his article "The Masonic Ripper," Jim Keith notes that elements
brought forth by Stephen Knight in Jack the Ripper, the Final Solution
suggest that the Ripper slayings may not have been the work of a lone
madman but possibly the commission of a plot by extremely influential
Freemasons of the day (as Downard suggests re the JFK assassination).
The press of the time dubbed the Ripper with the name 'Leather Apron'
which is the vestment worn by Masons during ritual ceremonies. A
message scrawled in chalk near pieces of clothing of one of the
victims - "The Juwes are the men that will be blames for nothing" -
refers in Masonic lore to the three apprentice Masons who killed
master builder Hiram.

"The five murders attributed to Jack the Ripper were accomplished by
left-to-right strokes across the victims ..... . A triangle flap of
skin had been reflected from each .... . Two triangles comprise the
sacred sign of Ma...... the stomach and abdomen were ripped open, the
heart cut out." These ritual desecrations conform to the descriptions
of the penalties for betraying the vow of secrecy taken by Masons
during initiation.

Knight suggests that the reason for the Ripper murders was allegedly
to silence the women who threatened to betray the throne by revealing
the secret marriage of Prince Eddy to a Roman Catholic, then a
despised minority, and the birth of a royal child.

"Secrets from the Vatican Library," submitted by an anonymous member
of the Franciscan order, describes a "secret history of Western
civilization gleaned from documents in the Vatican library,"
specifically the "protracted struggle between several 'elite'
factions... for supremacy from the days following the fall of the
Roman empire to the present," between northern and southern Europe
especially. He describes the founding of the Order of the Knights
Hospitallers and the founding of the Order of the Knights Templar,
details of cult politics, wars, rituals and scapegoats, and the
alleged takeover of the Vatican by the Royal Arch Masons.

Because he promotes a religious ideology and sect in his
interpretation of his data and his conclusions, I am less trusting of
the integrity and motives in his article. One item, however, does seem
validated by my previous reading of the Founding Fathers. "The
Freemasons... jealous lower-echelon members of the northern clique
united in Masonic lodges... saw in the new land (America) an
opportunity to set themselves up as a faction in their own right."

This is a fascinating, thought provoking and informative book. If your
local bookstore can't obtain it, call or write Feral House, Box 3466,
Portland, OR 97208.

S.M.A.R.T. wants to thank Sarah for sending us this article and
encourages others to send in articles, especially those pertaining to
the Masons and possible ritual abuse.


The resources listed below are listed for educational purposes only.
Some of them may be very helpful in your recovery process or your
process of helping others. Others may be very triggering, so if
necessary, make sure adequate support is available. As always, use
caution when checking out and using any resource.

Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily
constitute our endorsement of them.

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily
be safe for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a
support person to all conferences. If you are a survivor of mind
control and/or ritual abuse, S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to
bring a support person that is familiar with mind control techniques.

Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies - A Search for Understanding
Conference will be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Indianapolis,
Indiana on Saturday and Sunday - March 30 and 31, 1996. Speakers at
the show will include Bill Schnoebelen, Ann Marie Germain, Hal
Pepinsky, C.A.R.E., David Carrico, Neil Brick and others. Several
speakers are either survivors of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse or have
had experience dealing with survivors of alleged Masonic ritual abuse.
For more information write or call, Followers of Jesus Christ, P. 0.
Box 4174, Evansville, In 47724-4174, 8l2-477-6338 (phone or FAX)

"Beyond Survival" a magazine on Ritual Abuse, trauma and dissociation
is available by writing P 0 Box 85, Annandale NSW 2038 AUSTRALIA
(phone (C2) 566-2046). Also "BASS" (Ritual Abuse Survivors and
Supporters) has an information packet. Write: P 0 Box 63, Camperdown

"Ritual Abuse Hot-Line Training" an excellent article on ritual abuse
is on the Ritual Abuse Home Page on the Internet (***@xroads com).

"Dear Teacher: adults in recovery speak out to educators" is looking
for possible submissions for the purpose of increasing teacher
awareness of student behaviors in relation to coping with childhood
trauma. For more information, write: Dear Teacher C/0 John M. Seryak,
P 0 Box 11, Bath, OH 44210 or call 216-336-7060.

NCCCN, National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information,
has an Organizations file and Clearinghouse referral base. For more
information: P 0 Box 1182, Washington, D.C. 20013 or call (800)

Yvette M. Pennachia, M.A. author and lecturer of "Healing the Whole:
The Diary of an Incest Survivor," new phone and fax number is

The 11th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will be at the
Washington Hilton and Towers Hotel on September 16-21, 1996. The
Eleventh National Conference will provide a forum for reflection of
twenty years work towards making the world a better place for
children. It will provide an opportunity to foster collaboration with
colleagues. For more information call or write: 11th National
Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Research Assessment Management,
mc. 1300 Spring Street, Suite 210, Silver Spring, MD 20910 or call
301-589-8242, fax 301-589-8246.

The National Men's Resource Center has a newsletter and directory. For
more information, write: P 0 Box 800, San Anselmo, Ca. 94979 or phone:

'Ritual Abuse, Multiplicity, and Mind Control" ("Journal of Psychology
and Theology" 1992 Vol. 20, No. 3 194-196) written by Catherine Gould
and Louis Cozolino and "Denying Ritual Abuse of Children" written by
Catherine Gould ("The Journal of Psychohistory" 22(3) Winter 1995 are
both excellent articles for survivors and therapists. Requests for
reprints may be sent to Catherine Gould PH.D. at 16055 Ventura Blvd.
#714, Encino, Ca. 91436

Incest Survivors Resource Network International (ISRNI), has an
international help line answered by incest survivors from 2-4 P.M. and
11-12 P.M. Mon. - Sat. ISRNI was founded and is operated as a
religious peace witness organization by incest survivors concerned
with the relationship of unresolved traumatic stress to strife and
violence in the world. ISRNI has a variety of resource lists for
incest survivors and professionals, including hooks, articles,
organizations and phone numbers.

For more information, call or write: I.S.R.N.I., P. 0. Box 7375, Las
Cruces, NM. 88006-7375, 505-521-4260 (at the above hours).

"bezillion' is a "zine" (mini-newsletter) that speaks to and for
survivors, as well as to and for other things. Subscriptions are $10,
make checks payable to Terry. S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you order a
sample issue first. The format differs from other survivor
newsletters. For more information, write: bezillion, 1202 E. Pike St.,
Suite 1174, Seattle, WA. 98122-3934

"Hearts Art" is a bimonthly art forum for Survivors and Pro-survivors,
subscriptions are $25/year; send requests to Rachel-Arizona, PO Box
28755, Raleigh, NC 27611.

ACAA/The American Coalition for Abuse Awareness, Po Box 27959,
Washington, D.C. 20038-7959 is an alliance of individuals and
organizations that addresses the victimization of children and
promotes the rights of victims of childhood trauma. For more
information, write or call: P 0 Box 27959, Washington, D.C.
20038-79591 202-462-4688, fax 202-462-4689, E-mail: ***@aol.com.

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies is an 88 minute video tape
researched by David Carrico (Followers of Jesus Christ). The existence
of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Masonic Ritual Abuse are fully supported
by facts, dates and court convictions. The video is Christian based
with selections from the Bible. S.M.A.R.T. has decided to sell this
unique video. S.M.A.R.T. is non-sectarian and has no religious
affiliation. We highly recommend this video. The information in this
video is invaluable in the fight against ritual abuse, the Masons and
their ritual abuse and the backlash against the incest movement. It is
very well researched and well done. To order, write SMART. (Please
note: this tape is no longer available.)

Songs of Life, Love and Ritual Abuse is a 20 minute tape of songs
written by a Masonic ritual abuse survivor Two songs are about Masonic
ritual abuse. The tape was digitally recorded and mixed. The style is
primarily folk/rock and it is primarily a solo effort. To order, write
S.M.A.R.T. and send $3.50 + $1.50 (US funds on US banks only please) S
& H (.50 additional S & H for each extra tape). Please make out all
checks to S.M.A.R.T.
Stephen Bayzik
2004-08-22 02:09:27 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
SMARTNEWS's Issue #7 - 3/96
How about "The Heretic Herald" news?
Stephen Bayzik
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-21 06:27:33 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Edwin King's ugly picture...LOL
So this is how a blasphemer witnesses Christianity. I hope you have asbestos jammies :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
Ed King
2004-08-21 13:10:31 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/rael.htm <----- Click on
link to see Edwin King's ugly picture...LOL
Poor Steve: has to continue his little game of munging my name
(mentioned now for the twenty-third time) because of his childishness.

But you picked a REALLY interesting website for us to critique, Steve.
Let's take a look at some of the TRULY profound information contained on

<<Here you have 10 points. This list will grow. I have more intel coming
in that is very disturbing and I will share it as soon as it is

<ROFL> Which means, roughly translated, I'll be surfing the web for
more comparisons and if I ever can figure out what's in Alankeith
Johnson's mind, I'll have this totally confused!

<<I have only been researching the Raelian Masonic cult for a few months
now so I have a lot more study to do. Rael's Masonic Cult is not the
only UFO cult that is run by Freemasons calling for a New World Order. I
will document another one soon.>>

This child sounds just like you, Steve.

And he's going to update his site soon. You might want to tell him that
Bill Clinton is no longer the President of the US: that'll probably be a
real shocker to his system.

You really do live in a fantasy world, don't you Steve?

Have you written to Mr. Cultbuster to ask him how he feels about the
Geneva Bible? Bet he'd be calling YOU a cult too.... <ROFL>

Well, thanks for playing and - for the twenty-fourth time - please try
to remember that my name is not Edwin. Got it?

Ed King

http://www.masonicinfo.com -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
2004-08-21 16:51:45 UTC

Freemasonry Revealed
By Rev. William Sudduth

Several years ago, someone gave me a copy of the “prayers for the
release of Freemasons and their descendants.”[i] I read them and found
them to be so bizarre; I filed them away and actually forgot about
them. Months later my wife was ministering deliverance to a young lady
who told my wife she felt like she had curses on her from her father.
She said “he was the Grand Something of a Masonic lodge up north and
he had molested her as a young girl.” She also said, “he spoke things
over her, maybe some kind of prayers or chants.” I told her about the
prayers I had, and how bizarre they were. This girl was so desperate
to be free; she was willing to try anything.

I dug out the prayers and studied them again and they were still
weird. I then got a book on Freemasonry. As I researched it, I started
to see specific spirits behind Freemasonry, spirits of antichrist,
bondage, witchcraft, error, infirmity, and perversion. I then decided
to give the prayers a try at our next session. As we prayed the
prayers with this girl she began to manifest. We were all amazed and
pleasantly surprised by the results. This girl was set So Free!!!

From that day on we began asking people if they had Freemasonry in
their background. If indeed they had, we would lead them through the
prayers and we started seeing incredible deliverances, and healings.
We continue to receive powerful testimonies. One of the ladies on our
ministry team prayed the prayers quietly while I was leading another
lady through them. She felt something physically lift off her chest
and shoulders as we prayed. She was set free from a life long asthma

Once we started using the Questionnaire, pages 21-30 of the
“Deliverance Training Manual”[ii] we started to notice some very
distinct patterns with people who had Masonic ancestry. What we
actually started to notice was the fruit produced by the Stronghold of
Freemasonry. We noticed, that almost without exception, women whose
parents or grandparents (but more often grandparents) had been
involved in Freemasonry had been molested as children, not necessarily
by their family members but by someone. Many had however been molested
by a close family member.

Regardless of what Masons believe or say, Freemasonry is a false
religion steeped in witchcraft, which mixes the Holy with the profane
and invites in spirits of error and perversion among others. Once the
door is opened and the enemy has been given a legal right, the attack
against the children is relentless until the devil gets his due. I
cannot tell you the number of horrible stories of perversion, rape,
molestation, and incest we’ve heard. The next fruit of Freemasonry we
see is infirmities, primarily breathing or lung disorders, with asthma
and allergies leading the list. We also see a host of other ailments
we can directly attribute to the curses of Freemasonry. Two emotional
areas we see heavily affected by Freemasonry are anger and fear. As we
look into the rites and rituals of freemasonry the reasons for the
fruits of freemasonry become quite evident.

Rites and rituals of Freemasonry

The deceptive nature of Freemasonry begins with induction and
membership in the lodge. When a member of the lodge wants to get
someone to join the lodge, he is not allowed to ask that person to
join. Instead he has his wife ask that person’s wife to have him to
ask the member about the lodge. This is deliberate in order to give
the devil a legal right to torment that person and his family. He
opened the door himself by asking about membership in the lodge. When
they join the lodge they go through an initiation ceremony. In that
ceremony the initiate is bare-chested and blindfolded with a noose
around his neck. He is then taken outside the lodge, they knock on the
door and a person inside asks the initiate what he wants? He then
answers by saying, “I want to come out of the darkness and enter into
the light of freemasonry.” The initiate is then brought into the lodge
still blindfolded and a dagger or sword or other sharp object is
placed against his bare chest. He then swears the first of many blood
oaths and curses over himself and his family. He agrees to be murdered
or mutilated if the oath of the degree is violated.

The spirit of infirmity comes in from the noose around the neck, which
is evidenced by the fruit of asthma, allergies and other breathing
disorders in the descendants of Freemasons.

It is the belief of Freemasons that each degree obtained, brings them
closer to the light, and to enlightenment. However deception is a key
ingredient in Freemasonry, the initiate never really knows the truth.
Albert Pike, considered to be the father of modern freemasonry; in his
book Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry Wrote this:

“Masonry like all religions, all the mysteries conceals its secrets
from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect and use false
explanations and misrepresentations of its symbols to mislead those
who only deserve to be misled…[iii]

He also wrote:

“The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the temple.
Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is
intentionally mislead by false interpretations. It is not intended
that he shall understand them, but it is intended he shall imagine he
understands them.”[iv]

Albert pike wrote his book Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry in 1871,
after spending much time studying the Hindu “Vedas.”[v] Which are said
to be written so as to prevent understanding of them.[vi] As well as
immersing himself in the occult teachings and witchcraft of the French
lodge. The teachings of the French lodge were so demonic and steeped
in witchcraft the English and American lodges had boycotted them since
1765. Pike studied the French lodge, and later wrote a 6-volume work
containing 1,460 pages. He then used these writings to redesign the
4th to the 33rd degrees of the Scottish rite. Albert pikes writings
are considered to be radically anti Christian and occultic in
nature.[vii] Pike was also known to be a Luciferian, heavily involved
in magic and astrology. And spent considerable time studying Jewish
kabala (Jewish mysticism), which may have contributed to his frequent
bouts with depression and seclusion.[viii]I’ll make a personal
observation here; every person I have ministered to that has been
heavily involved with witchcraft and the occult has battled with
severe depression and suicidal thoughts, so I don’t find it strange
that Albert Pike did also. Every tree produces fruit, a good tree
produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit.

The Masonic lodge has 3 basic divisions the blue lodge is where
the first three degrees are earned. You will see a blue Masonic
building in almost any town in this nation. Once a person achieves the
third or Master Mason Degree, he then moves on in the degree work
either in the York Rite or the Scottish Rite. Once a person reaches
the 32nd degree he is then eligible to become a Shriner. The 33rd
degree can be earned or it can be honorary. Some Presidents and other
influential people have been given honorary 33rd degrees for public
relations reasons.

Albert Pike, when he was Sovereign Grand Commander of the supreme
council of the Grand Sovereign Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree
wrote this:

“That which we say to a crowd is, we worship a God, but it is the God
one adores with out superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the
32nd, 31st and the 30th degrees – The Masonic Religion should be, by
all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of
the Luciferian Doctrine….Yes Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay
is also God…. Thus the doctrine of Satanism is heresy…Lucifer, God of
light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, God
of darkness and evil.”[ix]

If you knew nothing else of Freemasonry this should be all you need to
know, to know it’s demonic. However, I want you to have a broader
understanding of the rituals and how they effect the initiates and
their families to the 3rd, 4th and even the 10th generation. We’ve
already looked at the noose around the neck and the obvious connection
to choking and breathing disorders in the first or entered apprentice
degree. Also in that degree the worshipful Master of the lodge lays
hands on the initiate, and dedicates him to the God of the Lodge
(which you now know is Lucifer.) He also asks that by the secrets of
the lodge and by the secrets of their art he may gain eternal life.[x]
In the third degree the initiate is blind folded and again led around
by a noose around his neck. In this degree the initiate is approached
by three ruffians who demand the initiate to tell them the secrets of
Hiram Abiff. Hiram Abiff is the legendary builder of Solomon’s temple
and founder of Freemasonry. The person leading the initiate speaks for
him and refuses to tell the three ruffians, so they proceed to
Symbolically beat him to death. He is then placed into a coffin or
stretcher in a symbolic burial. Which by the way invites in a spirit
of death. After a while the worshipful Master of the Lodge directs a
person with a glove that resembles a lions paw, to reach down and pull
the initiate out of the darkness of death and into the light of
freemasonry. This ritual is an absolute mockery of the death, burial
and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the ritual of the 18th degree,
and in other degrees, the initiate takes part in a false communion.
This includes a biscuit, salt and white wine. Also in many false
communions the wine is drunk from a human skull. This again is an
absolute mockery of Jesus Christ and the sacrament of Holy Communion.

In the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the initiates proclaim Lucifer
to be God. They also invoke a wide variety of other Gods and Goddesses
during their ceremonies, including Egyptian and Hindu deities. The
principle spirit behind Freemasonry is Witchcraft. The Masons have
drawn from every type of witchcraft trying to gain power. The power to
control the rest of mankind. (New world order?) Perhaps.

History of Freemasonry

Freemasons claim their ancestry back to Solomon’s temple. Their rites,
rituals and worship as well as the statues and icons of the various
lodges display origins back to ancient Egypt. However its documented
history only begins in 1717 with the London, England lodge.[xi]

Freemasons also claim to be a Christian organization; they even
include the Holy Bible in their ceremonies and rituals. There are even
Masonic Bibles in print. If you look through a Masonic bible you’ll
see a classic example of mixing the Holy with the Profane. What they
don’t tell you is that they will also use the Koran, The Hindu Vedas
or the laws of Confucius if the initiate’s religious beliefs so
dictate. That’s a far cry from being a Christian organization.

To the public the Freemasons appear to be a fraternal organization
that does good deeds, caring for children and orphans, including the
Shriners who sponsor and support Children’s hospitals. I have a copy
of a Masonic Scholarship Award one of our Bible School students
received from the lodge in her hometown. Now that all seems to be
very noble doesn’t it? Sadly, the reason behind their good works is
based on one of the biggest and most deceptive lies of Freemasonry,
which is; “Man is not sinful but merely imperfect, and therefore can
redeem himself through good works.” Therefore negating the redemptive
work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

The Shriners, plainly proclaim Allah to be God. Allah is believed by
many to be another name for God, but in all actuality Allah is the
name of the moon god worshipped by the Arabic tribe that Mohammed was
born into.[xii]

Shriners are also known for their little red hats with a tassel. What
people, including most Shriners don’t know, is that hat called a Fez
is named for a town in North Africa. In the 7th century Mohammed
ordered the destruction of all infidels (anyone who would not bow to
Allah) including all Christians. As the Muslim warriors swept across
North Africa they came to Fez a Christian stronghold and they killed
everyone in the town, they then dipped their hats in the blood of the
Christians martyrs. They wore these blood red hats as a celebration of
their victory and a warning to Christians, to convert to Islam or
die.[xiii] Have you ever driven by a Shriners temple? They are nothing
more than an Islamic Masque. Many Masonic temples resemble an Egyptian
tomb or temple.

It’s also interesting to note that the symbolism in Masonic ceremonies
is almost identical to Witchcraft ceremonies, including the initiation
ceremony. In which the initiate must be recommended by a current
member, he is stripped and blindfolded with a noose around his neck.
In both ceremonies a knife or sword is put against the breast and a
blood oath is made never to tell the secrets of the lodge or coven.

In fact all of the symbolism of the Masonic lodge is a symbolic act of
what is actually done in witch covens around the world as they worship
Satan and proclaim him to be god!


For more information or to contact Rev. Sudduth visit:
www.ramministry.org or email ***@cs.com


[i] Dr. Selwyn Stevens, Unmasking Freemasonry,

[ii] William M. Sudduth, The Deliverance Training Manual, (RAM Inc.
Publishing, Pensacola, Fl, 2001)

[iii] Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry, page 104-105, From
Internet article, "Do Freemasons worship Satan?"
www.cth.com.au/corp/despatch/worship.htm, 5/11/98

[iv] ibid, page 819

[v] Dr. Robert A. Morey, The origins and teachings of Freemasonry,
(Crowne Publications, Southbridge, Ma,) 1990 Page 35

[vi] ibid, page 39

[vii] ibid, page 36

[viii] ibid, pages 35,39

[ix] Albert Pike, Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the
World, July 14, 1889. (Recorded by A. C. De La Rive in La Femme et l’
Enfant dans la Francmaconnerie Universelle) page 588rom Internet
article, Do Freemasons worship Satan?
www.cth.com.au/corp/despatch/worship.htm, 5/11/98

[x] Gene Brooks, Freemasonry: A Curse, www.geocities.com/Heartland/
Hills/6240/mr520-a.htm, page 2, 5/8/98wddddc

[xi] Dr. Robert A. Morey, The Origins and teachings of Freemasonry,
(Crowne Publications, Southbridge, MA, 1990) page 71

[xii] Ron Carlson, Fast Facts on Freemasonry, Audio Tape, From, Fast
Facts on False Teachings, (Harvest House Publishers, Inc.) 1994

[xiii] ibid


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2004-08-21 21:38:39 UTC
Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men

May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic
New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained
professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria,
Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and
Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded
on a mixture of Masonic secrets(--Luciferic Doctrine--), Islamic
Mysticism(--Sufism--), and Jesuit mental discipline(--Hatha Yoga--). A
unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug,
hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly
through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the
Assassins (circa 1050 AD).

May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic
New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained
professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria,
Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and
Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded
on a mixture of Masonic secrets(--Luciferic Doctrine--), Islamic
Mysticism(--Sufism--), and Jesuit mental discipline(--Hatha Yoga--). A
unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug,
hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly
through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the
Assassins (circa 1050 AD).

Illumination had long been a cherished component of Masonry and other
occult groups. The Masonic candidate requests, and is promised "light
in Masonry." As he goes up the ladder of initiation, he receives "more
light". It is because of this society's emphasis on illumination that
the AISB became known by its more common title, the Illuminati.

The term Illuminati, is the plural of the Latin, Illuminatus, meaning
"one who is illuminated." Thus, it means a person who has received the
full extent of the initiation that is available through Freemasonry.

Technically, an Illuminatus is a Master Mason who has received all the
"light" Masonry can bestow. He is beyond 32 and even beyond 33! Such
people are known as the Masters of Masters of the Temple, and
collectively are known by several names other than the Illuminati.

Great White Brotherhood
Argentium Astrum (Silver Star) Order of One Torch-bearers Invisible
College Custodians of the Plan The Lords of Compassion Guardians of
the Grail Society of Illumined Minds World Mind Council of Masters
Hesychasts Order of the Perfectibilists The Council of All Beings
Wisemen Invisible Order Secret Brotherhood The Brain Trust Crusaders
of the Green Cross Seekers on the Threshold Masters of Wisdom The
Hierarchy Council of Nine Fraternitas Saturni Hermetic Brotherhood of

Illuminati Structure

'There has not been and there will not be a place for the unfit. The
fit will lead, and if the unfit are not coming along there is no place
for them....In the Age of Enlightenment there is no place for ignorant
people. Nature will not allow ignorance to prevail.' ~Transcendental
Meditation guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Most of the elite were born elite. Their upbringing is steeped in
tradition and is a kind of secret society in of itself. Their father
was a Mason, his father was a Mason, his father's father was a Mason.
Perhaps while growing up the child heard stories of his father's
involvement in other secret groups.

'There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of
years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an
Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and
spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has
secret destiny..

The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King
with supernatural powers.

This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the
Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then
belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.' Manly P. Hall 33
Mason, The Secret Destiny of America

This man is certainly in the position to know. He is regarded as the
number one Masonic authority on these matters. So here again we see
the plan of a new 'World Order', only this time we're told the
philosophy behind such a belief. He also informs us of the
conspiracy's antiquity.

It goes back to their belief in Atlantis and the subsequent migration
of priestly kings after the destruction of the continent. This body of
'enlightened humans' settled in the Nile delta, and passed their
knowledge to the Ancient Egyptians. Who in turn, kept these secrets
safe, only to be revealed to intiates of the mystery schools. This is
why Masonry is so rife with Egyptian symbolism. Freemasonry itself,
they teach, was originally practiced in Atlantis. Before the
destruction of their civilization (either by their own hands, or
punishment from God) these Atlantians were said to have a worldwide
culture (ruled by one king), a perfect religion and science.

Michael Howard, an excellent researcher of this 'occult conspiracy,'
summed up his own findings this way:

A very important aspect of the work of the secret societies has always
been the ultimate unification of the world religions. This aim was
based on the restoration of the pre-Christian Mystery Tradition, which
had been persecuted by the early Church and forced to go underground
in medieval Europe, and the recognition that all religions had
originated in a universal spirituality referred to as the Perennial
Philosophy, the Primordial Tradition or the Ancient Wisdom. The
mystical beliefs of the secret societies were, and indeed are, based
on the Hermetic maxim 'As above-so below' which teaches that the
natural world is a material reflection of the spiritual. It forms the
esoteric basis for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, Gnosticism,
Esoteric Christianity, the Cabbala, the Hermetic tradition, alchemy
and societies such as the Templars, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. The
occult doctrines of geomancy, alchemy, astrology and sexual magic
taught by these secret societies were used as symbolic metaphors
illustrating the progression of the individual from material darkness
to the spiritual light of understanding.

All of these paths eventually leads the initiate into a belief system
that he is priviledged and chosen to carry on the 'Great Work' or 'The
Plan', that he is above the rest of humanity, he has become
'Illumined'. Therefore imposed rule is a 'right'. The ONLY allegiance
is to the 'Light'. It is no coincidence that Illuminati, in its
literal translation means-'bearers of light'-Lumen, derived from
Lucifer, 'angel of light'. That, my friend, is the final secret of the
illuminati. One World Government under one World Religion, ruled by
one King. It is nothing but an evil imitation, a counterfeit of the
Kingdom of God.

In Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen describes his experiences in
witchcraft and Masonry. As he climbed up the ladder in both
disciplines, he found himself square in the face of the Illuminati:

"The branch of the Illuminati into which I was inducted was supposedly
directly descended from European Chapters of the AIBS....Was I not
part of a higher form of humanity? This is what I had been deluded
into believing by Illuminism. I was told I was the next step up in the
ladder of evolution, and that Illumined Ones were as far above human
beings as people were above apes! From somewhere...Weishaupt produced
the "Law of Fives." His original inner council was structured around
the pentagram (symbol of the Blazing Star, Sirius). According to our
teaching, this inner council was made up of five men: Weishaupt's
friend, Kollmer, Francis Dashwood (of the Satanic Hellfire Club),
Alphonse Donatien DeSade (where we get our word "sadism"), Meyer
Amschel Rothschild (founder of the great banking house) and Weishaupt.

Enforcing secrecy within the Illuminati was done in the same manner as
in the Greek Mystery Schools and Super-Masonic Organizations. The
candidates were required to confess compromising information about
themselves i.e., sexual indiscretions, and previously hidden criminal
behaviour as if he were confessing his sins to a Catholic priest. This
reminds one of the rites conducted in another secret society of fame,
namely, the Order of the Skull and Bones. There's plenty of evidence
to suggest the orders are one and the same, or at least the modern
version of Weishaupt's order. Moreover, if Weishaupt's Illuminati were
to survive it's "supposed" abolishment, besides its obvious survival
in higher Masonic degrees, the Order of the Skull and Bones would be a
worthy and powerful candidate. It must be realized, however, that
Weishaupt's Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB) was only
an outward manifestation of the Illuminati. The plans uncovered for
the overthrow of all the governments and religions of the world were
certainly giving to Weishaupt by that most "august body"; here and
there only hinted about. They represent the "new man" of marxism; the
race of perfected ones that Hitler after a face to face meeting had
said were terrifying. The Secret Chiefs; whether human or some form of
higher-intelligent beings. The Secret Brotherhood who desire to usher
in the Golden Age of totalitarian rule.

Witchcraft never was extirpated in the whole of western history.
Moreover, if we need fix a date for the institutionalization of
witchcraft in the Christian West, we should look to 16th century
Protestant England where, under Elizabeth I, the sorcerer John Dee
achieved state power, founded Freemasonry and built upon the occult
edifice of Catholic heretics such as Girodano Bruno and Pico della
Mirandola in pursuing a "Christian" kabbalah and an alliance with the
black magic practicioner, Rabbi Judah Lowe of Prague. Michael A.
Hoffman II

If the facts concerning the Royal Institute of International Affairs
and the Council on Foreign Relations be accepted, it will be seen that
the proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites,
without which nothing that happens can be understood. These elites,
preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for
photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be
deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ. -A.K
Chesterton in The New Unhappy Lords, chapter XXIV

``There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international
Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the
radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network,
which we may identify as the Round Table groups, has no aversion to
cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently
does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have
studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years, in the early
1960s, to examine its papers and secret record. -Carroll Quigley,
Georgetown University history professor (deceased), in Tragedy and
Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, 1966, p.950[...]

In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial
capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a
world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate
the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the
central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements
arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of
the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle,
Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds'
central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth
of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world
economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of
financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.''
-Tragedy and Hope, p.324

``... I am now quite sure that Tragedy and Hope was suppressed
although I do not know why or by whom...'' -Carroll Quigley, in a
letter to a friend

"The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world, the Council on
Foreign Relations does that!" by Winston Lord, Assistant Secretary of
State, the U. S. State Department.

How's this for 9/11 Foreknowledge?

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
May 21, 2002

You don't need to work for the CIA or the FBI to have had
foreknowledge of the events of Sept. 11. Historians of the elite
conspiracy have been predicting them for years.

Recently, I came across the following quotation from a book published
in 1995 that has gathered dust in my basement since then.

"According to William Cooper [see www.williamcooper.com] the Third
World War is planned for the middle of 1996. He got this information
from secret papers he had seen during his time as a Naval Intelligence
officer. Thus it is planned to destroy one of the three largest
American cities (New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles) with an atom
bomb. Extremists from the Near East crisis area (Iraq?) will be blamed
to have a reason to start the Third World War. Was the bomb that
exploded at the World Trade Center perhaps just a test to see how the
masses would react? Think about it!" (Jan van Helsing, Secret
Societies and their Power in the Twentieth Century, p.263)

This quotation reflects certain assumptions that provide us with a new

Terrorist attacks and assassinations are almost always planned by
intelligence agencies. Asking "what did the CIA know and when?" is
like asking the fox when it knew it was going to raid the hen house.
The inner circle of the CIA and all the world's intelligence agencies
do not owe their allegiance to the nations that finance them.

Rather, they are controlled by the people who are pushing
"globalization," the UN and world government. This so-called elite
consists of the world's oil, banking, media and defense cartels,
organized crime, and various powerful Satanic and occult secret
societies. It is coordinated by the Royal Institute of International
Affairs and its US branch, the Council on Foreign Relations.
Essentially, this is the Anglo American establishment, known in the US
as the "Eastern Establishment." Rothschild and Rockefeller are at the
heart. It has expanded its worldwide grip to include the "Bilderbergs"
group and the Trilateral Commission. This parasitic super class has
been feeding off the United States and the World for the past 100
years and is responsible for economic catastrophes (Great Depression,
Enron etc.) and wars. The media and academia are essentially

Essentially the world's "establishment" consists of tycoons,
criminals, traitors and salaried sell outs who are creating a world
dictatorship to consolidate and increase elite wealth and control. The
purpose of terrorist attacks is to start wars in order to kill (they
love depopulation) and destroy nation states. They want to convince
the people that their "world government" is the only path to permanent

No doubt they are behind the Muslim terrorists trying to foment
nuclear war between India and Pakistan. They are behind Osama bin
Laden. The CIA station chief visited bin Laden last July in Dubai (see
"9/11 timeline" at www.copvcia.com). Islamic extremists were created
by the CIA to fight the Russians. (see John Cooley, "Unholy Wars"
2000). Certainly some are still working for the CIA.

The WTC attack did signal the beginning of the elite's third Great
War, the one designed to bring about the "New World Order." Don't be
fooled by the media blackout on preparations for the attack on Iraq.
It is coming. If you want to learn more about the 9/11 deception, I
recommend the following web sites: www.makethemaccountable.com;
www.whatreallyhappened.com; www.copvcia.com and
www.emperors-clothes.com. For more on the big picture,
www.realityzone.com, www.radioliberty.com (see their bookstore),
www.jbs.org or any of the sites linked at www.conspiracyarchive.com.
For more background and the relationship to feminism, read my archives
at www.savethemales.ca We are in the uncomfortable position of being
held hostage by our own ruling class. This is disheartening but if
it's any consolation, it's been happening for a long time.

Dick Cheney says another big terrorist attack is almost a certainty.
How much credibility does the Bush administration have when it refuses
to investigate September 11? The head of the congressional panel
recently resigned. We hear constant reports of stonewalling from the
Dept. of Justice and the CIA. What could be more incriminating?

Certainly when another attack comes, we will know who is responsible.

Bin Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
November 25, 2002

The headquarters of Islamic terrorism is London, England, where the
Anglo-American Establishment sponsors the radical "Muslim Brotherhood"
in order to advance its long-term goal of plutocratic global

These globalists have fabricated a bogus "war on terror" to crush the
remaining vestiges of nationalism and democracy in both Muslim
countries and the West. Expect more incitements like the current "Miss
World " imbroglio to convince both sides the other endangers its way
of life.

In a comprehensive online report, the perceptive Hawaii-based
researcher Peter Goodgame concludes: "Osama bin Laden is not, nor has
he ever been, the leader of the international Islamist movement which
is directed by the International Muslim Brotherhood."

Goodgame continues: "Osama bin Laden has been used effectively as a
figurehead for the Brotherhood's militant branch to take
responsibility for its atrocities, but he is not the mastermind... By
the same token, the Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based
Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world
order and create a new one-world system of global governance."

Goodgame cites former British Intelligence Officer, Dr. John Coleman,
who says the Muslim Brotherhood is a secret freemason order set up by
the great names of British Middle East Intelligence, T.E. Lawrence,
Bertrand Russell and St. John Philby to "keep the Middle East backward
so its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted."

The Muslim Brotherhood has been used to check nationalist movements
led by such figures as Nasser, Bhutto and the Shah of Iran who tried
to develop their countries. Without the British, "radical Islam would
have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it
has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and
prosperous," Goodgame says.

The Muslim Brotherhood is now a powerful faction in the global
oligarchy. Goodgame cites Robert Drefuss, author of "Hostage to
Khomeini" (1980):

"The real Muslim Brothers are ... the secretive bankers and financiers
who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or
Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite,
with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European
black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

And the Muslim Brotherhood is money. Together, the Brotherhood
probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate
liquid assets, and controls billions more in ...everything from oil
trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and
gold and diamond smuggling. By allying with the Muslim Brotherhood,
the Anglo-Americans are not merely buying into a terrorists-for-hire
racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial

By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the
West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity.
Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim
states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious
rule. The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize
and destroy Western civilization. They backed the Nazis and the
Soviets in World War Two. They created the Punch and Judy show that
was the Cold War. They tied U.S. hands while backing Ho Chi Minh in
Vietnam. Who are they? Also called the illuminati, they represent a
recrudescence of the alliance of Rothschild finance and European
aristocracy secretly coordinated by a Satanic dogma hidden in
freemasonry. They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle
classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich
served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive
third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank. The
globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the
Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round
Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International
Affairs. The American branches include the Council on Foreign
Relations, CIA and the Rockefeller foundations which all ensure the
American people continue to finance and enforce one-world tyranny. The
Bush family has owed its prominence to this cabal ever since
grandfather Prescott Bush helped arrange financing for Nazism. Zionism
is supposed to represent the "West" in this sham war with Islam.
Americans are being groomed to become like Israelis, victims of daily
acts of "Muslim terror." Last week, when another suicide bomber struck
in Jerusalem, Benjamin Netanyahu said, "Whether the explosion takes
place in Bali, Moscow, New York or Jerusalem we are all united in a
war against a common terrorist enemy." According to Swiss journalist
Richard Labeviere ("Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam"
2000) radical Islam is an essential "complementary enemy" to Zionism,
which also seeks regional hegemony. According to the "Yinon
Memorandum" (1982) Israel intends to splinter the Arab countries into
several small cantons along ethnic lines. None of these will be able
to challenge Israel, which, like the US is a disposable implement of
the globalist agenda. (207) The Palestinian terrorist "Hamas" movement
is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Labeviere, it
serves the interests of the Israeli right wing, and has received
secret financial support from the Israeli "Shin Beth." (203-205).
Thus, Palestinian suicide bombers play straight into Ariel Sharon's
hand. Meanwhile, back in the USA, "Muslim terrorist attacks" are an
excuse to lay the foundations of a police state. These attacks, which
could become nuclear or biological, might serve as a pretext to
declare martial law, suspend elections and round up dissidents, i.e.
anyone who is not buying the lie. This may seem incomprehensible to
Americans now when the economy is still being propped up. Once the US
has done the globalist's dirty work, interest rates could rise and
debt ridden Americans could be stripped of their assets, as they were
in the Depression. The Homeland Security Act is designed to control
all US law enforcement agencies so that elements in the CIA and Mossad
can target Americans with impunity, like they did on Sept. 11.
American agencies were designed to remain independent so they could
serve as a check on each other. The Act is also designed to allow
George W. to place his henchmen in positions of control. Remember, he
is a product of a secret Satanic cult, the "Skull and Bones." This
sounds gruesome but the Twentieth Century provided many precedents.
The illuminati was behind both Nazi and Communist mass slaughter and
terror. Our position is akin to the European Jews who disbelieved
warnings of the holocaust. There is even a provision in the Homeland
Security Act against whistle blowers. Why? Another provision allows
mandatory vaccinations while giving vaccine manufacturers immunity
from prosecution. Why? The "Total Information Awareness" program will
"red flag" troublemakers by monitoring all personal communications and
financial transactions, even your library records. You didn't attack
the WTC. Why are you targeted? What is the justification for this
destruction of freedom, which Bush supposedly protects? In 14 months
since Sept.11, 2001, there has been not one Muslim terrorist attack in
the US despite the bloody American invasion of Afghanistan. If "Al
Queda" were capable of pulling off Sept. 11, don't you think it would
have planned an encore? Don't get me wrong: I am grateful to the
Mossad and CIA for sparing us. But Americans simply don't deserve
freedom if they accept this obvious ruse and its ominous consequences.
In conclusion, mankind is in the clutches of a diabolical multi
generational conspiracy. A Satanic, criminal cartel has subverted all
social institutions and is slowly crafting a brutal global
dictatorship. Our political and cultural leaders are witting and
unwitting pawns. They are fabricating a phony war between Islam and
the West in order to accomplish the degradation of both. I realize
this vision seems incredibly bleak. The mass media holds us in a
powerful illusion of normalcy. However, expecting the worst means you
will never be disappointed. If you are wrong, you are relieved. If you
are right, you are prepared.

Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-21 23:52:55 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men
May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic
New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained
professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria,
Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and
Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded
on a mixture of Masonic secrets(--Luciferic Doctrine--), Islamic
<snippage of completely fabricated B.S...>
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto.
Oh..., THAT Henry Makow, patron crackpot of www.savethemales.ca
"Exposing Feminism and the New World Order".
2004-08-22 01:19:59 UTC
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 16:52:55 -0700, Hammond of Texas
Post by Hammond of Texas
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men
May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic
New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained
professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria,
Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and
Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded
on a mixture of Masonic secrets(--Luciferic Doctrine--), Islamic
<snippage of completely fabricated B.S...>
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto.
Oh..., THAT Henry Makow, patron crackpot of www.savethemales.ca
"Exposing Feminism and the New World Order".
dismissing the message and flaming the messenger
cheap tactic

if the so called BS is fabricated, prove it.
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-22 19:01:11 UTC
Post by Quintal
Post by Hammond of Texas
Oh..., THAT Henry Makow, patron crackpot of www.savethemales.ca
"Exposing Feminism and the New World Order".
dismissing the message and flaming the messenger
cheap tactic
if the so called BS is fabricated, prove it.
I thought I'd save us all a little time, by steering people to Makow's
k00k site, so they could see first-hand what a raving lunatic he is, but
if you insist...

Here are three links that we use every time some dork brings up the
illuminati thing...

2004-08-22 05:53:22 UTC

Countdown to World War Three
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
August 15, 2004

As fighting resumes in the holy city of Najaf, more may hinge on the
outcome than we realize.

In a provocative article, Joe Vialls reveals that Iran and Saddam's
Iraq have a covert military alliance and began joint preparations for
this war after the Gulf War ended in 1991.

Iran already has nuclear capability and recently threatened to "wipe
Israel off the map" if Israel attacked its nuclear facilities. Vialls
says the cleric Al Sadr is tied to the Iranians.

"As we shall see, if Moqtada al-Sadr is killed or maimed, we will be
into an altogether new and exceedingly lethal ball game," says Vialls.

As you know, a large part of the US fleet is out of port and probably
near Iran. Many observers believe there will be a US attack on Iran
after the US election, no matter who wins. Iran has a military
alliance with Russia.

These events should be seen in the perspective of a letter written by
Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry in 1871 and
published in 1925. The letter foresaw three world wars designed to
bring about Illuminati world hegemony.

Each war planted the seeds for the next. For example, the Second World
War was designed to ensure the destruction of Germany, the expansion
of Communist Russia and the establishment of the State of Israel. It
unfolded exactly as Pike described and set the stage for the next war.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the
differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the
political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World," Pike wrote.

"Agentur" means "agent." The same term is used in another Illuminati
document "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which dates from the
same period.

The key point here is these wars are contrived. They are "caused by
agentur of the Illuminati" on both sides. These agents owe their first
loyalty to the Illuminati not to their countries.

Their aim is to destroy their respective countries and profit from the

Pike continues: "The [third] war must be conducted in such a way that
Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of
Israel) mutually destroy each other."

The rest of the world will be drawn in. "Meanwhile the other nations,
once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the
point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical

At this point they will be constrained to accept the Luciferian
one-world government.

Iran is rumored to have missiles that would reach England. I suspect
China is also being built up by the illuminati to attack and destroy
the USA.
See "Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three"

Pike's complete letter and valuable background can be found on an
excellent web site "Three World Wars.com" operated by Michael Haupt of
Cambridge UK. Readers who object that the terms Nazism and Zionism
were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented
both these movements.

The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family
dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and
Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and
hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care
nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will
destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by
the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.


The Iraq war and a possible larger conflagration is a trap engineered
by the Illuminati to destroy both the Moslem world and Israel, and
possibly the U.S. Thus the real enemy is not Israel, America or Islam
who are being manipulated. The real enemy is the Illuminati and their
agents, bent on destroying and enslaving mankind.

For example, World War Two was choreographed. Roosevelt, Stalin,
Churchill and Hitler were all Illuminati. They were actually all on
the same side. Humanity ignorantly slaughtering itself for no reason
was on the other side.

As Pike's letter indicates, the Nazis were intended to lose and the
Communists to gain control of Eastern Europe. This is why the Nazis
made so many stupid blunders on the Eastern Front and deliberately
alienated the anti-Communist Russian people. It explains why they
didn't invade prostrate England or make the critical oil fields of
Russia and the Middle East their first priority.

Similarly today, George Bush, John Kerry, Tony Blair, Ariel Sharon,
Gerhard Schroeder are all Freemasons. Bush and Kerry belong to the
same "Skull and Bones" chapter! I am guessing but I expect Vladimir
Putin and some significant Iranian leaders are also tied to the
Illuminati. They may not be aware of the big picture but if they
deviate, they will be assassinated like the Israeli PM, Yitzhak Rabin,
who was also a Freemason.

Sadaam Hussein is believed to be a high-ranking Freemason with
longstanding business ties to George H.W. Bush and the CIA. This would
explain why George H.W. Bush didn't remove him in 1991; and why
reports suggest he was secretly airlifted out of the country in the
first days of the 2003 war.

The current Iraq war was planned years in advance to discredit the
U.S., mire it in a Vietnam-style war and set it and Israel up for
confrontation with a nuclear-armed Iran, backed by Russia and possibly

Osama Bin Laden is probably also Illuminati. See "Bush, Bin Laden
Serve the Same Master" and "Osama bin London"

The whole Iranian Islamic Republic was put in place by the Illuminati.
See Peter Goodgame's comprehensive report: "The Globalists and the

Thus while the majority of people on both sides believe in their
cause, and fight and die for it, history suggests war is always a hoax
aimed at slaughtering the "innocents" and establishing the power of
the Illuminati in a one-world government.

"Out of these troubled times, our objective: a new world order can
emerge," President George H. W. Bush told the U.N. on September 11th
1990. "Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite
different from the one we have known."

"If the people were to ever find out what we have done," the same Bush
told reporter Sarah McClendon in 1992, "we would be chased down the
streets and lynched."

We cannot understand the world until we appreciate that most leaders
are traitors and that mankind is victim of a diabolical conspiracy on
an unspeakable scale. It's time we stopped fighting each other and
addressed the real enemy.

See also "Destruction of Iman Ali Shrine-Bush Plan for Total War"

See Readers' Comments Below

To print this article, go to the Articles and open this article from
there. All articles in the archives are printer friendly.

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Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your
feedback and ideas at ***@savethemales.ca.

Portuguese Translators?
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August 20, 2004

Dear Dr. Makow,

I noticed the gentleman from Romania (I think it was Romania) asked if
he could translate your articles into his language. You didn't
respond. Did you grant him permission? I'd like to translate into
Portuguese. However, I could very much use some help. Perhaps if you
have some Brazilian readers, they would like to work with me? I could
do the initial "rough" translation from English to Portuguese and the
other fellow could polish the Portuguese.


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"Hitler was for Real" Australian Reader Replies
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August 19, 2004

Dear Henry,

I enjoy your writing Henry but must disagree on a few points. I might
add that disagreeing with a few points does not mean I disagree with
the view that wars are staged for the benefit of a few powerful people
and their ilk.

Firstly this statement:

As Pike's letter indicates, the Nazis were intended to lose and the
Communists to gain control of Eastern Europe. This is why the Nazis
made so many stupid blunders on the Eastern Front and deliberately
alienated the anti-Communist Russian people. It explains why they
didn't invade prostrate England or make the critical oil fields of
Russia and the Middle East their first priority.

There were FEW stupid blunders. The fact that Ultra had been broken
meant the Soviets received EXACT details of forthcoming operations
including place, date and time, exact unit dispositions and strengths
etc...I'm sure you'll agree that is a HUGE advantage and even then the
Germans often defeated the Soviets. It's interesting to note that when
the operation was conducted locally without interference by Hitler and
Ultra communications, the Soviets were annhilated... witness Mansteins
brilliant recovery post Stalingrad.

Hitler in the end was playing to win and was always concerned first
and foremost with political and economic considerations. The surviving
Generals were not exactly critical of their own performances in the
field either post war with Hitler dead.

Many german comanders including Geobbles himself wrote of the HUGE
mistake of not harnessing the Russian peoples hatred of Stalin.
Particularly in the Ukraine. As so many wrote ..."people saw the cross
on our tanks and we were greeted as liberators with bread and salt."
But a deliberate blunder? Destroying the untermenschen was a clear
goal from the beginning and with no one believing the Soviet's could
win even at the stage of late 1942 the behaviour of Einzatsgruppen
(murder squads) was totally within the stated aims of the war plan. It
is interesting to note that from 1943 onwards there was a massive
effort to make conditions better for the Russian people including
getting rid of psychopaths like Koch from the occupied territories.

Invading prostrate England was NEVER going to happen. Firstly it was
NEVER prostrate. True she could'nt conduct overseas operations but
Hitler knew the English would not lie down and let him invade over the
beaches without huge casualties. There was MASSIVE support for Germany
in England especialy amongst the ruling classes including the Royal
family. Do you think THEY wanted the Soviets to win? Who would be the
first to get the chop? Hitler was an ADMITTED anglophile who LOVED
England and her heirarchical system. He said repeatedly "the world
needs an England". Hitler was renowned for his love of Royal families
and threatened with execution anyone who laid a hand on the Royals of
Europe during actual hostilities accidental or otherwise. The entire
Operation Sea Lion was a covert op to distract the Soviets. Hitler
admits this repeatedly in such books as "Hitlers Table Talk".

The oil fields of the Middle East AND Russia were ALWAYS his first
priority. Witness the anger of his senior commanders in the '42
campaigning season as he headed off for the Caucus's to secure those
very oilfields. When he was pulled up for not heading straight for
Moscow he replied "My Generals will never understand that modern war
is about securing economic resources". Massive victories followed this
strategy as Stalin had concentrated his forces expecting an attack on
Moscow. As for the Middle East...Ultra intercepts gauranteed supply
convoys were sunk repeatedly leaving Rommel bereft of supplies. When
supplies allowed, he repeatedly whipped the English and her allies.

I would think many factors contributed to the losing of the war
including the uprising of Serbs in the Balkans which robbed Barbarossa
of 6 weeks of vital campaigning time before the winter mud ended ALL
offensive operations. This delay CANNOT be underestimated. Also
Hitlers refusal to go to a war economy until 43 for various reasons
including not wanting to upset the Industrialists who put him in

But most of all...Ultra Intercepts. Perhaps thats why it was kept
under wraps for so long after the war ended. I doubt the Allies could
ever have defeated Germany without this absoloute intelligence coup. A
few big ego's would have been deflated too with widespread knowledge
of it's use after the war had ended.

In closing, I dont believe little horned devils are congregating under
bare light globes in darkened basements. The whole NWO objective is a
philosophical/ideological debate first and foremost with suporters who
believe the Earth must be "managed" like anything else.

Management will obviously include the "management" of overpopulation
which will make Hitlers efforts look like warm up practice. Those who
serve no useful purpose will go. It will be a fascism the likes of
which we've never seen. Blaming it on "the Jews" serves no useful
purpose as they do what the U.S elites tell them. The Bush family are
not Jew lovers. They simply share a love of business and profit
making. The Jews do not have the market cornered in greed and love of
mammon. We are all guilty of that. The sooner we pull this debate out
of the "darkened basement paradigm" the sooner we can identify the
elites who have ALWAYS ruled us.

Those that print the money and charge us interest are the true devils
of this world supported by a beligerent middle class who refuse to
accept the guilt and responsibility of allowing power and privilege to
reach for the big stick...again.

It will take a catastrophe. Why some wake up and others dont, I do not
know. Perhaps it's evoloution in action.

Warmest Regards and respect for your work,

Perth, Western Australia

Thanks for the great letter and all the information. I especially
appreciate your tone which is sincere and genuinely helpful.

Don't you think that the English having Ultra could have been evidence
of the rigging? The Nazi regime was rife with Illuminati figures who
could have given the English the device.

I don't think the British aristocratic elite would ever have been
subjected to the indignities of Communism. The plan is to blend the
US/Europe and USSR. I note that you agree on the basic point. The war
was a charade, a cruel hoax on the people. All wars are. They are the
devil at his best.

From a follow-up letter by B:

Forgive my rambling Henry but I'd like to expand also on drug use by
the elite and inparticular that of Hitler which explains his often
bizzare behaviour.

Germany invented the incredibly addictive amphetamine commonly known
as Crystal Methamphetamine in the early thirties. Germanies chemists I
might add, were the best in the world. Germany pioneered the use of
stimulants such as Benzadrine for their troops to increase alertness
and aggressiveness in battle. Popping benzadrine led to psychotic type
behaviour after a few days of use combined with the stresses of
battle. This explains so many of the horrendous massacares committed
by German troops on the Eastern front though massacares were not
confined only to Germany. The U.S followed this lead back then and
especially now. Though all armies dispense stimulants the U.S is
renowned for handing them out like lollies. Some of the behaviour of
troops is easily explained by the over use of stimulants such as
Dexamphetamine. I gaurantee the pilots courtmarshalled over the
dropping of ordenance on Canadian troops in Afghanistan were 'high' on

I digress...

Hitler was an amphetamine/cocaine addict. This is admitted though
never concisely written about. Euphamisms such as "Dr Morrels
concoctions" etc... are usually used. It was usually administered I.V.
He also used cocaine eye drops habitually. He frequently took a 'hit'
before speeches which explains his rather extraverted style, his
nocturnal habits, frequently talked about "shining eyes" and wild mood
swings are all the result of stimulant high. Also are his alluded too
sexual habits said to include defacating on sexual partners which
stems in part from long term stimulant abuse where there is a gradual
debasement of 'normal' behaviour and a sinking into more and more
bizzare turn ons. I've seen this myself with friends who have started
as casual users and slowly exhibited more and more bizzare moral
judgement and lack of simple human compassion.

The wealthier classes including especially European royalty are
prodigious cocaine and amphetamine users. The gay community especially
love their 'crystal' and the Royal families of Europe are home to
large numbers of homosexuals. We've recently seen the public outcry
over paedophile allegations said to include members of European Royal
families, Judges, Police and public officials in general. They are
also heavily medicated on SSUI's like Prozac. They are in effect
sealed off from 'normal' human emotions and capable of great acts of

The pornography industry is built on the drug industry. Drug dealers
and porn producers are often hard to tell apart. The porn industry,
like the music industry (especially "Hip Hop"), is a large washing
machine for drug money. I doubt a porn film has yet to be made without
the 'actors' off their heads on Coke or Wiz. Often filming is done on
large estates and mansions involving the well-to- do classes
especially in Europe. When you have enough money to buy 'anything'
your kicks have to delve deeper into the macabre. So much of the porn
nowdays involves the humiliation of the woman I think it speaks
volumes on the state of the 'feminine' or feeling side of humanity.
Remember, the porn industry is supported by the middle class. They buy
it and view it.

The second coming will involve massive destruction and suffering. We
want it. We hate our golden cages. When an inner conflict is refused
expression it will manifest outside as fate. Our denial of feeling
with plain old repression, drug use and kicks at the expense of others
are the last desperate gasp of a civilisation in deep decline. I doubt
I need to tell you that. I'm sorry to seem so negative and without
hope. I can't see a way out as people cannot fathom even the simple
concept of the ridiculous nature of private ownership of the money
supply. If they can grasp that, then we can beat the bastards.
Watching Farenheiht 9-11 and booing George Bush and his ilk is a false
paradigm which will make the limp wristed left feel better but the
puppet masters remain untouched.

Sorry for the long e-mail. Thanks again for your site and posts. Youre
a light in a VERY dim room.

Again, Warmest Regards to you.


Articles >>

Response to "Countdown to World War Three"
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August 15, 2004

Dear Dr. Makow,

Thank you for helping me to better understand the moral decline that
has become so apparent to so few. I have always been deeply suspicious
of our customary preoccupation with wealth, especially at the expense
of spiritual health. Greed has become a virtue, and fear a philosophy.
The willful blindness of our society is very dire, indeed. It's quite
a power that we're up against, at least in the physical. The survival
of the human soul is really what's at stake, not just oppression by
the ruling elite.

I encourage you to continue the good fight. Awareness is dawning on
the few, and some people are still close to God. We have to stick
together in these last times, and suffer the Earthly consequences of
preserving faith. I appreciate your example, and I'll do my best to
spread the word. God bless you sir, and good luck!


Michael, Kentucky

Hi Henry,

thanks for the latest posting re WW 3. Just one point I'd like to
contribute which you may want to research and it is as follows: Our
world presently hosts three Satanic Orders (on the left-hand path),
and seven Mystical/Occult Orders (on the right-hand path).

The VooDoo are the oldest satanic order, followed by the Thules, and
finally the Illuminati. All three are housed on islands, and all are
in the northern hemisphere. The VooDoo used to be headquartered in
Madagascar but were forced to leave. Meanwhile, northern hemisphere
wisdom moved south ((and evil moved north!). The VooDoo now reside in
the Phillipines.

Thulists live on the Isle of Thule, a spot you'll battle to find on
recent maps but if you go way, way back, you'll find it up near the
Arctic circle.

The Illuminati are housed in England. If you take a look at any good
world map, you'll see that most problems in the world are in your
hemisphere, and they are created and managed from there also. Have you
thought of moving south, lately?

Adolf was a Thulist as were his henchmen. On a one-to-one basis, he
was more powerful than his three Illuminati enemies, but once they
joined forces, he was defeated.

A seed has been planted in your mind.

May you be well in Cda as we are in Rsa.(South Africa)


Here again I have read your news concerning Persia and Israel. Barry
Chamish once commented about the War of Gog and Magog, where Russia
with Iran and the Arabs strike down against Israel. There is talk of
Zion Oil and Gas, and how Israle will soon strike oil fields that will
rival Arabia. If Israel strikes Persia's nuke facilities, what won't
stop Russia from stepping in? Damascus too is predicted to be blasted
by a nuke from Israel in the book of Isaia. There are many countries
that will be furious with Israel. The whole world already condemns
that country as it is. What worries me is that we here may be struck
down with force since Russia and the Muslim hordes will need a chance
to attack Israel. You believe the Illuminists are preparing for WW3,
to draw in all nations of the world, just as ancient predictions tell
of how Antichristos (the 'king-despot of the blood of Zion' fame) on
his throne in Jerusalem will draw ALL the world to fight against
Jerusalem only to have the true Messia Yeshua appear at the last
minute and save the earth. Truly uncanny.



I wondered if you were familiar with the plans of Share International,
Benjamin Creme and lord maitreya. This seems to be the means by which
the one world govt. and the one world religion will be implemented. I
believe that lord maitreya is the antichrist.


Dear Melinda, I think you are right. haven't got around to studying
these people. Don't have the stomach for it yet.

Dr. Makow,

I imagine you receive many letters which are derogatory toward you.
This is not one of those letters. My name is TukloNashoba, which in
the language of my father is translated to "TwoWolf" I am of
Choctaw/Comanche/Norse descent. I agree with most of what you have to
say when I read articles you have written on Rense.com I guess you can
say this is a letter from a bonafied shaman from southern Oklahoma
which is encouraging you to continue speaking your mind. Incidentally,
Christianity is the official religion of the Choctaw Nation of
Oklahoma, replete with an official tribal chaplain, Reverand Bertrum
Bob. In closing, I would like to thank you for speaking your mind so

Most respectfully,

TukloNashoba ala


I eagerly await your next article. I've got a group of friends all
hooked on your articles. I met most of them when I was doing my
undergrad at Johns Hopkins. I think you're being read in circles you
perhaps may not know the full implications of.

Most of them are PHD's from LSE (London School of Economics) including
one professor. H, the Chief Strategist for my company, thinks you're
the only one out there who has "nailed" it spot on, in terms of all of
the issues, and how they relate to one another. I agree with him. In
the world of alternative political theories, its easy to get lost in
the ocean of disinformation and wacko UFO chasers.



I believe that you have summed up the situation pretty well. Now what
? How do we stop it ? It appears to me that we either have a Middle
East war that could easily lead to an International conflagration or
an American Civil war ...

I don't think the American Military can actually fight anything less
than a nuclear war once the war exceeds the current enemy, Iraq. The
troop withdrawals announced yesterday, from Germany and So. Korea,
only admit to mismanagement in the Gulf and raise the possibility of a
nuclear incident in Korea.

I am of the opinion that Iran and Iraq were never as embittered as the
press and the leadership of those two countries projected. The Arabs
know that they are all subject to attack and takeover, which will
unify them.

We have allowed some real criminals to take over America ... and it
doesn't appear that there exists much opposition in D.C.


Dear Henry,

I became aware of Pike's 3 world war program over 35 years
ago when I read "Pawns in the Game" by Carr. But, your brilliant
brings into focus the game plan with its current players. Only the
possessed could be the prime movers in this "game". How sick!


Dear Henry

I find your world's sociopolitical analysis and conclusions perfectly
My own considerations lead me to the same results.

But I can only go back to the known origins of the present and I get
to the beginning of our time. Should I say "Suitably known?"

I feel that all our social phenomenon: Religions, Masonry, Illuminati
all the rest just popped-up out of nowhere while I am sure that they
must have started and evolved for the interests and convenience of
some entity, not limited by a human life span, that is guiding us by a
program put in place for a reason that escape our understanding and we
cannot avoid.

I am not religious nor mystic I just try to find an acceptable logical
explanation and I feel that it is no possible unless we find the zero
or at least we accept it's reality and necessity to find it.

My very best regards

-----Original Message-----

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From "Mark": Hollywood Movies Double as Propaganda
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August 13, 2004

I recently saw M.Night Shamalayan's "The Village" at one of the last
remaining drive-ins. We used to go to this drive in as kids, back when
there was more benign movies with fewer political messages if any.

It resounds with many messages....political messages. One, that to
live a patriarchial, basically Christian, and pure way of life is
archaic and "backwards", and has to be done in secret, pushed far from
the fringes of modern society. And that it cannot sustain itself,
without telling suppressing lies to its own community.

The "heroine" is a blind girl who can "see more clearly and is PURE"
so that the evil monsters will not harm her in her travels.

She represents the "enlightened goddess" seeking to bring help to the
backward, archaic, male-dominated patriarchal "village", which in its
time of need, must seek outside help from the "civilized world"....

She alone is the one who can bring back the "cure" to the dying man,
which amounts to some simple inectible antibiotics found in the
medicine chest of a park ranger station.

The movie was vague. It did not have the real effect that other
Shamalayan's plot twists often have..this one was too predictable.

However, I was able to deduce its message.

That Patriarchy as a sustainable architecture for society is banished
to the woods, out of sight, obsolete. It is dysfunctional and

"IF you are thinking of bringing back Patriarchy, we will banish you
to the forest".....

Maybe M. NIght Shamalayan is not that clever, or in bed with the
Illuminists..however, I don't think Hollywood funds much anymore
without sneaking in their hidden messages.

See the movie.

See what you think.

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M. Epling
2004-08-22 11:55:41 UTC
This has no bearing on ALT.FREEMASONRY. Please trim the newsgroup addresses
so that our NG may remain on topic with freemasonry. Thank you.

Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Countdown to World War Three
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
August 15, 2004
As fighting resumes in the holy city of Najaf, more may hinge on the
outcome than we realize.
In a provocative article, Joe Vialls reveals that Iran and Saddam's
Iraq have a covert military alliance and began joint preparations for
this war after the Gulf War ended in 1991.
Iran already has nuclear capability and recently threatened to "wipe
Israel off the map" if Israel attacked its nuclear facilities. Vialls
says the cleric Al Sadr is tied to the Iranians.
"As we shall see, if Moqtada al-Sadr is killed or maimed, we will be
into an altogether new and exceedingly lethal ball game," says Vialls.
As you know, a large part of the US fleet is out of port and probably
near Iran. Many observers believe there will be a US attack on Iran
after the US election, no matter who wins. Iran has a military
alliance with Russia.
These events should be seen in the perspective of a letter written by
Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry in 1871 and
published in 1925. The letter foresaw three world wars designed to
bring about Illuminati world hegemony.
Each war planted the seeds for the next. For example, the Second World
War was designed to ensure the destruction of Germany, the expansion
of Communist Russia and the establishment of the State of Israel. It
unfolded exactly as Pike described and set the stage for the next war.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the
differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the
political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World," Pike wrote.
"Agentur" means "agent." The same term is used in another Illuminati
document "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which dates from the
same period.
The key point here is these wars are contrived. They are "caused by
agentur of the Illuminati" on both sides. These agents owe their first
loyalty to the Illuminati not to their countries.
Their aim is to destroy their respective countries and profit from the
Pike continues: "The [third] war must be conducted in such a way that
Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of
Israel) mutually destroy each other."
The rest of the world will be drawn in. "Meanwhile the other nations,
once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the
point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical
At this point they will be constrained to accept the Luciferian
one-world government.
Iran is rumored to have missiles that would reach England. I suspect
China is also being built up by the illuminati to attack and destroy
the USA.
See "Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three"
Pike's complete letter and valuable background can be found on an
excellent web site "Three World Wars.com" operated by Michael Haupt of
Cambridge UK. Readers who object that the terms Nazism and Zionism
were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented
both these movements.
The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family
dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and
Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and
hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care
nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will
destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by
the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.
The Iraq war and a possible larger conflagration is a trap engineered
by the Illuminati to destroy both the Moslem world and Israel, and
possibly the U.S. Thus the real enemy is not Israel, America or Islam
who are being manipulated. The real enemy is the Illuminati and their
agents, bent on destroying and enslaving mankind.
For example, World War Two was choreographed. Roosevelt, Stalin,
Churchill and Hitler were all Illuminati. They were actually all on
the same side. Humanity ignorantly slaughtering itself for no reason
was on the other side.
As Pike's letter indicates, the Nazis were intended to lose and the
Communists to gain control of Eastern Europe. This is why the Nazis
made so many stupid blunders on the Eastern Front and deliberately
alienated the anti-Communist Russian people. It explains why they
didn't invade prostrate England or make the critical oil fields of
Russia and the Middle East their first priority.
Similarly today, George Bush, John Kerry, Tony Blair, Ariel Sharon,
Gerhard Schroeder are all Freemasons. Bush and Kerry belong to the
same "Skull and Bones" chapter! I am guessing but I expect Vladimir
Putin and some significant Iranian leaders are also tied to the
Illuminati. They may not be aware of the big picture but if they
deviate, they will be assassinated like the Israeli PM, Yitzhak Rabin,
who was also a Freemason.
Sadaam Hussein is believed to be a high-ranking Freemason with
longstanding business ties to George H.W. Bush and the CIA. This would
explain why George H.W. Bush didn't remove him in 1991; and why
reports suggest he was secretly airlifted out of the country in the
first days of the 2003 war.
The current Iraq war was planned years in advance to discredit the
U.S., mire it in a Vietnam-style war and set it and Israel up for
confrontation with a nuclear-armed Iran, backed by Russia and possibly
Osama Bin Laden is probably also Illuminati. See "Bush, Bin Laden
Serve the Same Master" and "Osama bin London"
The whole Iranian Islamic Republic was put in place by the Illuminati.
See Peter Goodgame's comprehensive report: "The Globalists and the
Thus while the majority of people on both sides believe in their
cause, and fight and die for it, history suggests war is always a hoax
aimed at slaughtering the "innocents" and establishing the power of
the Illuminati in a one-world government.
"Out of these troubled times, our objective: a new world order can
emerge," President George H. W. Bush told the U.N. on September 11th
1990. "Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite
different from the one we have known."
"If the people were to ever find out what we have done," the same Bush
told reporter Sarah McClendon in 1992, "we would be chased down the
streets and lynched."
We cannot understand the world until we appreciate that most leaders
are traitors and that mankind is victim of a diabolical conspiracy on
an unspeakable scale. It's time we stopped fighting each other and
addressed the real enemy.
See also "Destruction of Iman Ali Shrine-Bush Plan for Total War"
See Readers' Comments Below
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Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your
Portuguese Translators?
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August 20, 2004
Dear Dr. Makow,
I noticed the gentleman from Romania (I think it was Romania) asked if
he could translate your articles into his language. You didn't
respond. Did you grant him permission? I'd like to translate into
Portuguese. However, I could very much use some help. Perhaps if you
have some Brazilian readers, they would like to work with me? I could
do the initial "rough" translation from English to Portuguese and the
other fellow could polish the Portuguese.
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"Hitler was for Real" Australian Reader Replies
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August 19, 2004
Dear Henry,
I enjoy your writing Henry but must disagree on a few points. I might
add that disagreeing with a few points does not mean I disagree with
the view that wars are staged for the benefit of a few powerful people
and their ilk.
As Pike's letter indicates, the Nazis were intended to lose and the
Communists to gain control of Eastern Europe. This is why the Nazis
made so many stupid blunders on the Eastern Front and deliberately
alienated the anti-Communist Russian people. It explains why they
didn't invade prostrate England or make the critical oil fields of
Russia and the Middle East their first priority.
There were FEW stupid blunders. The fact that Ultra had been broken
meant the Soviets received EXACT details of forthcoming operations
including place, date and time, exact unit dispositions and strengths
etc...I'm sure you'll agree that is a HUGE advantage and even then the
Germans often defeated the Soviets. It's interesting to note that when
the operation was conducted locally without interference by Hitler and
Ultra communications, the Soviets were annhilated... witness Mansteins
brilliant recovery post Stalingrad.
Hitler in the end was playing to win and was always concerned first
and foremost with political and economic considerations. The surviving
Generals were not exactly critical of their own performances in the
field either post war with Hitler dead.
Many german comanders including Geobbles himself wrote of the HUGE
mistake of not harnessing the Russian peoples hatred of Stalin.
Particularly in the Ukraine. As so many wrote ..."people saw the cross
on our tanks and we were greeted as liberators with bread and salt."
But a deliberate blunder? Destroying the untermenschen was a clear
goal from the beginning and with no one believing the Soviet's could
win even at the stage of late 1942 the behaviour of Einzatsgruppen
(murder squads) was totally within the stated aims of the war plan. It
is interesting to note that from 1943 onwards there was a massive
effort to make conditions better for the Russian people including
getting rid of psychopaths like Koch from the occupied territories.
Invading prostrate England was NEVER going to happen. Firstly it was
NEVER prostrate. True she could'nt conduct overseas operations but
Hitler knew the English would not lie down and let him invade over the
beaches without huge casualties. There was MASSIVE support for Germany
in England especialy amongst the ruling classes including the Royal
family. Do you think THEY wanted the Soviets to win? Who would be the
first to get the chop? Hitler was an ADMITTED anglophile who LOVED
England and her heirarchical system. He said repeatedly "the world
needs an England". Hitler was renowned for his love of Royal families
and threatened with execution anyone who laid a hand on the Royals of
Europe during actual hostilities accidental or otherwise. The entire
Operation Sea Lion was a covert op to distract the Soviets. Hitler
admits this repeatedly in such books as "Hitlers Table Talk".
The oil fields of the Middle East AND Russia were ALWAYS his first
priority. Witness the anger of his senior commanders in the '42
campaigning season as he headed off for the Caucus's to secure those
very oilfields. When he was pulled up for not heading straight for
Moscow he replied "My Generals will never understand that modern war
is about securing economic resources". Massive victories followed this
strategy as Stalin had concentrated his forces expecting an attack on
Moscow. As for the Middle East...Ultra intercepts gauranteed supply
convoys were sunk repeatedly leaving Rommel bereft of supplies. When
supplies allowed, he repeatedly whipped the English and her allies.
I would think many factors contributed to the losing of the war
including the uprising of Serbs in the Balkans which robbed Barbarossa
of 6 weeks of vital campaigning time before the winter mud ended ALL
offensive operations. This delay CANNOT be underestimated. Also
Hitlers refusal to go to a war economy until 43 for various reasons
including not wanting to upset the Industrialists who put him in
But most of all...Ultra Intercepts. Perhaps thats why it was kept
under wraps for so long after the war ended. I doubt the Allies could
ever have defeated Germany without this absoloute intelligence coup. A
few big ego's would have been deflated too with widespread knowledge
of it's use after the war had ended.
In closing, I dont believe little horned devils are congregating under
bare light globes in darkened basements. The whole NWO objective is a
philosophical/ideological debate first and foremost with suporters who
believe the Earth must be "managed" like anything else.
Management will obviously include the "management" of overpopulation
which will make Hitlers efforts look like warm up practice. Those who
serve no useful purpose will go. It will be a fascism the likes of
which we've never seen. Blaming it on "the Jews" serves no useful
purpose as they do what the U.S elites tell them. The Bush family are
not Jew lovers. They simply share a love of business and profit
making. The Jews do not have the market cornered in greed and love of
mammon. We are all guilty of that. The sooner we pull this debate out
of the "darkened basement paradigm" the sooner we can identify the
elites who have ALWAYS ruled us.
Those that print the money and charge us interest are the true devils
of this world supported by a beligerent middle class who refuse to
accept the guilt and responsibility of allowing power and privilege to
reach for the big stick...again.
It will take a catastrophe. Why some wake up and others dont, I do not
know. Perhaps it's evoloution in action.
Warmest Regards and respect for your work,
Perth, Western Australia
Thanks for the great letter and all the information. I especially
appreciate your tone which is sincere and genuinely helpful.
Don't you think that the English having Ultra could have been evidence
of the rigging? The Nazi regime was rife with Illuminati figures who
could have given the English the device.
I don't think the British aristocratic elite would ever have been
subjected to the indignities of Communism. The plan is to blend the
US/Europe and USSR. I note that you agree on the basic point. The war
was a charade, a cruel hoax on the people. All wars are. They are the
devil at his best.
Forgive my rambling Henry but I'd like to expand also on drug use by
the elite and inparticular that of Hitler which explains his often
bizzare behaviour.
Germany invented the incredibly addictive amphetamine commonly known
as Crystal Methamphetamine in the early thirties. Germanies chemists I
might add, were the best in the world. Germany pioneered the use of
stimulants such as Benzadrine for their troops to increase alertness
and aggressiveness in battle. Popping benzadrine led to psychotic type
behaviour after a few days of use combined with the stresses of
battle. This explains so many of the horrendous massacares committed
by German troops on the Eastern front though massacares were not
confined only to Germany. The U.S followed this lead back then and
especially now. Though all armies dispense stimulants the U.S is
renowned for handing them out like lollies. Some of the behaviour of
troops is easily explained by the over use of stimulants such as
Dexamphetamine. I gaurantee the pilots courtmarshalled over the
dropping of ordenance on Canadian troops in Afghanistan were 'high' on
I digress...
Hitler was an amphetamine/cocaine addict. This is admitted though
never concisely written about. Euphamisms such as "Dr Morrels
concoctions" etc... are usually used. It was usually administered I.V.
He also used cocaine eye drops habitually. He frequently took a 'hit'
before speeches which explains his rather extraverted style, his
nocturnal habits, frequently talked about "shining eyes" and wild mood
swings are all the result of stimulant high. Also are his alluded too
sexual habits said to include defacating on sexual partners which
stems in part from long term stimulant abuse where there is a gradual
debasement of 'normal' behaviour and a sinking into more and more
bizzare turn ons. I've seen this myself with friends who have started
as casual users and slowly exhibited more and more bizzare moral
judgement and lack of simple human compassion.
The wealthier classes including especially European royalty are
prodigious cocaine and amphetamine users. The gay community especially
love their 'crystal' and the Royal families of Europe are home to
large numbers of homosexuals. We've recently seen the public outcry
over paedophile allegations said to include members of European Royal
families, Judges, Police and public officials in general. They are
also heavily medicated on SSUI's like Prozac. They are in effect
sealed off from 'normal' human emotions and capable of great acts of
The pornography industry is built on the drug industry. Drug dealers
and porn producers are often hard to tell apart. The porn industry,
like the music industry (especially "Hip Hop"), is a large washing
machine for drug money. I doubt a porn film has yet to be made without
the 'actors' off their heads on Coke or Wiz. Often filming is done on
large estates and mansions involving the well-to- do classes
especially in Europe. When you have enough money to buy 'anything'
your kicks have to delve deeper into the macabre. So much of the porn
nowdays involves the humiliation of the woman I think it speaks
volumes on the state of the 'feminine' or feeling side of humanity.
Remember, the porn industry is supported by the middle class. They buy
it and view it.
The second coming will involve massive destruction and suffering. We
want it. We hate our golden cages. When an inner conflict is refused
expression it will manifest outside as fate. Our denial of feeling
with plain old repression, drug use and kicks at the expense of others
are the last desperate gasp of a civilisation in deep decline. I doubt
I need to tell you that. I'm sorry to seem so negative and without
hope. I can't see a way out as people cannot fathom even the simple
concept of the ridiculous nature of private ownership of the money
supply. If they can grasp that, then we can beat the bastards.
Watching Farenheiht 9-11 and booing George Bush and his ilk is a false
paradigm which will make the limp wristed left feel better but the
puppet masters remain untouched.
Sorry for the long e-mail. Thanks again for your site and posts. Youre
a light in a VERY dim room.
Again, Warmest Regards to you.
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Response to "Countdown to World War Three"
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August 15, 2004
Dear Dr. Makow,
Thank you for helping me to better understand the moral decline that
has become so apparent to so few. I have always been deeply suspicious
of our customary preoccupation with wealth, especially at the expense
of spiritual health. Greed has become a virtue, and fear a philosophy.
The willful blindness of our society is very dire, indeed. It's quite
a power that we're up against, at least in the physical. The survival
of the human soul is really what's at stake, not just oppression by
the ruling elite.
I encourage you to continue the good fight. Awareness is dawning on
the few, and some people are still close to God. We have to stick
together in these last times, and suffer the Earthly consequences of
preserving faith. I appreciate your example, and I'll do my best to
spread the word. God bless you sir, and good luck!
Michael, Kentucky
Hi Henry,
thanks for the latest posting re WW 3. Just one point I'd like to
contribute which you may want to research and it is as follows: Our
world presently hosts three Satanic Orders (on the left-hand path),
and seven Mystical/Occult Orders (on the right-hand path).
The VooDoo are the oldest satanic order, followed by the Thules, and
finally the Illuminati. All three are housed on islands, and all are
in the northern hemisphere. The VooDoo used to be headquartered in
Madagascar but were forced to leave. Meanwhile, northern hemisphere
wisdom moved south ((and evil moved north!). The VooDoo now reside in
the Phillipines.
Thulists live on the Isle of Thule, a spot you'll battle to find on
recent maps but if you go way, way back, you'll find it up near the
Arctic circle.
The Illuminati are housed in England. If you take a look at any good
world map, you'll see that most problems in the world are in your
hemisphere, and they are created and managed from there also. Have you
thought of moving south, lately?
Adolf was a Thulist as were his henchmen. On a one-to-one basis, he
was more powerful than his three Illuminati enemies, but once they
joined forces, he was defeated.
A seed has been planted in your mind.
May you be well in Cda as we are in Rsa.(South Africa)
Here again I have read your news concerning Persia and Israel. Barry
Chamish once commented about the War of Gog and Magog, where Russia
with Iran and the Arabs strike down against Israel. There is talk of
Zion Oil and Gas, and how Israle will soon strike oil fields that will
rival Arabia. If Israel strikes Persia's nuke facilities, what won't
stop Russia from stepping in? Damascus too is predicted to be blasted
by a nuke from Israel in the book of Isaia. There are many countries
that will be furious with Israel. The whole world already condemns
that country as it is. What worries me is that we here may be struck
down with force since Russia and the Muslim hordes will need a chance
to attack Israel. You believe the Illuminists are preparing for WW3,
to draw in all nations of the world, just as ancient predictions tell
of how Antichristos (the 'king-despot of the blood of Zion' fame) on
his throne in Jerusalem will draw ALL the world to fight against
Jerusalem only to have the true Messia Yeshua appear at the last
minute and save the earth. Truly uncanny.
I wondered if you were familiar with the plans of Share International,
Benjamin Creme and lord maitreya. This seems to be the means by which
the one world govt. and the one world religion will be implemented. I
believe that lord maitreya is the antichrist.
Dear Melinda, I think you are right. haven't got around to studying
these people. Don't have the stomach for it yet.
Dr. Makow,
I imagine you receive many letters which are derogatory toward you.
This is not one of those letters. My name is TukloNashoba, which in
the language of my father is translated to "TwoWolf" I am of
Choctaw/Comanche/Norse descent. I agree with most of what you have to
say when I read articles you have written on Rense.com I guess you can
say this is a letter from a bonafied shaman from southern Oklahoma
which is encouraging you to continue speaking your mind. Incidentally,
Christianity is the official religion of the Choctaw Nation of
Oklahoma, replete with an official tribal chaplain, Reverand Bertrum
Bob. In closing, I would like to thank you for speaking your mind so
Most respectfully,
TukloNashoba ala
I eagerly await your next article. I've got a group of friends all
hooked on your articles. I met most of them when I was doing my
undergrad at Johns Hopkins. I think you're being read in circles you
perhaps may not know the full implications of.
Most of them are PHD's from LSE (London School of Economics) including
one professor. H, the Chief Strategist for my company, thinks you're
the only one out there who has "nailed" it spot on, in terms of all of
the issues, and how they relate to one another. I agree with him. In
the world of alternative political theories, its easy to get lost in
the ocean of disinformation and wacko UFO chasers.
I believe that you have summed up the situation pretty well. Now what
? How do we stop it ? It appears to me that we either have a Middle
East war that could easily lead to an International conflagration or
an American Civil war ...
I don't think the American Military can actually fight anything less
than a nuclear war once the war exceeds the current enemy, Iraq. The
troop withdrawals announced yesterday, from Germany and So. Korea,
only admit to mismanagement in the Gulf and raise the possibility of a
nuclear incident in Korea.
I am of the opinion that Iran and Iraq were never as embittered as the
press and the leadership of those two countries projected. The Arabs
know that they are all subject to attack and takeover, which will
unify them.
We have allowed some real criminals to take over America ... and it
doesn't appear that there exists much opposition in D.C.
Dear Henry,
I became aware of Pike's 3 world war program over 35 years
ago when I read "Pawns in the Game" by Carr. But, your brilliant
brings into focus the game plan with its current players. Only the
possessed could be the prime movers in this "game". How sick!
Dear Henry
I find your world's sociopolitical analysis and conclusions perfectly
My own considerations lead me to the same results.
But I can only go back to the known origins of the present and I get
to the beginning of our time. Should I say "Suitably known?"
I feel that all our social phenomenon: Religions, Masonry, Illuminati
all the rest just popped-up out of nowhere while I am sure that they
must have started and evolved for the interests and convenience of
some entity, not limited by a human life span, that is guiding us by a
program put in place for a reason that escape our understanding and we
cannot avoid.
I am not religious nor mystic I just try to find an acceptable logical
explanation and I feel that it is no possible unless we find the zero
or at least we accept it's reality and necessity to find it.
My very best regards
-----Original Message-----
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From "Mark": Hollywood Movies Double as Propaganda
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August 13, 2004
I recently saw M.Night Shamalayan's "The Village" at one of the last
remaining drive-ins. We used to go to this drive in as kids, back when
there was more benign movies with fewer political messages if any.
It resounds with many messages....political messages. One, that to
live a patriarchial, basically Christian, and pure way of life is
archaic and "backwards", and has to be done in secret, pushed far from
the fringes of modern society. And that it cannot sustain itself,
without telling suppressing lies to its own community.
The "heroine" is a blind girl who can "see more clearly and is PURE"
so that the evil monsters will not harm her in her travels.
She represents the "enlightened goddess" seeking to bring help to the
backward, archaic, male-dominated patriarchal "village", which in its
time of need, must seek outside help from the "civilized world"....
She alone is the one who can bring back the "cure" to the dying man,
which amounts to some simple inectible antibiotics found in the
medicine chest of a park ranger station.
The movie was vague. It did not have the real effect that other
Shamalayan's plot twists often have..this one was too predictable.
However, I was able to deduce its message.
That Patriarchy as a sustainable architecture for society is banished
to the woods, out of sight, obsolete. It is dysfunctional and
"IF you are thinking of bringing back Patriarchy, we will banish you
to the forest".....
Maybe M. NIght Shamalayan is not that clever, or in bed with the
Illuminists..however, I don't think Hollywood funds much anymore
without sneaking in their hidden messages.
See the movie.
See what you think.
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Bob Hubert
2004-08-22 13:01:17 UTC
You forgot to mention, that Weishaupt was a Jew who had infiltrated
the Catholic Church, and was used by Mayer Rothschild to create the

Also, that May Day is celebrated by both the Communists and the Wiccans.
Your misinformation is a classic example of the Globalists aka the
Communists tactic of creating confusion. Did your Lord and Master,
the Author of Confusion teach you this?
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men
May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic
New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained
professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria,
Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and
Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded
on a mixture of Masonic secrets(--Luciferic Doctrine--), Islamic
Mysticism(--Sufism--), and Jesuit mental discipline(--Hatha Yoga--). A
unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug,
hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly
through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the
Assassins (circa 1050 AD).
May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic
New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained
professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria,
Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and
Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded
on a mixture of Masonic secrets(--Luciferic Doctrine--), Islamic
Mysticism(--Sufism--), and Jesuit mental discipline(--Hatha Yoga--). A
unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug,
hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly
through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the
Assassins (circa 1050 AD).
Illumination had long been a cherished component of Masonry and other
occult groups. The Masonic candidate requests, and is promised "light
in Masonry." As he goes up the ladder of initiation, he receives "more
light". It is because of this society's emphasis on illumination that
the AISB became known by its more common title, the Illuminati.
The term Illuminati, is the plural of the Latin, Illuminatus, meaning
"one who is illuminated." Thus, it means a person who has received the
full extent of the initiation that is available through Freemasonry.
Technically, an Illuminatus is a Master Mason who has received all the
"light" Masonry can bestow. He is beyond 32 and even beyond 33! Such
people are known as the Masters of Masters of the Temple, and
collectively are known by several names other than the Illuminati.
Great White Brotherhood
Argentium Astrum (Silver Star) Order of One Torch-bearers Invisible
College Custodians of the Plan The Lords of Compassion Guardians of
the Grail Society of Illumined Minds World Mind Council of Masters
Hesychasts Order of the Perfectibilists The Council of All Beings
Wisemen Invisible Order Secret Brotherhood The Brain Trust Crusaders
of the Green Cross Seekers on the Threshold Masters of Wisdom The
Hierarchy Council of Nine Fraternitas Saturni Hermetic Brotherhood of
Illuminati Structure
'There has not been and there will not be a place for the unfit. The
fit will lead, and if the unfit are not coming along there is no place
for them....In the Age of Enlightenment there is no place for ignorant
people. Nature will not allow ignorance to prevail.' ~Transcendental
Meditation guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Most of the elite were born elite. Their upbringing is steeped in
tradition and is a kind of secret society in of itself. Their father
was a Mason, his father was a Mason, his father's father was a Mason.
Perhaps while growing up the child heard stories of his father's
involvement in other secret groups.
'There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of
years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an
Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and
spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has
secret destiny..
The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King
with supernatural powers.
This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the
Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then
belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.' Manly P. Hall 33
Mason, The Secret Destiny of America
This man is certainly in the position to know. He is regarded as the
number one Masonic authority on these matters. So here again we see
the plan of a new 'World Order', only this time we're told the
philosophy behind such a belief. He also informs us of the
conspiracy's antiquity.
It goes back to their belief in Atlantis and the subsequent migration
of priestly kings after the destruction of the continent. This body of
'enlightened humans' settled in the Nile delta, and passed their
knowledge to the Ancient Egyptians. Who in turn, kept these secrets
safe, only to be revealed to intiates of the mystery schools. This is
why Masonry is so rife with Egyptian symbolism. Freemasonry itself,
they teach, was originally practiced in Atlantis. Before the
destruction of their civilization (either by their own hands, or
punishment from God) these Atlantians were said to have a worldwide
culture (ruled by one king), a perfect religion and science.
Michael Howard, an excellent researcher of this 'occult conspiracy,'
A very important aspect of the work of the secret societies has always
been the ultimate unification of the world religions. This aim was
based on the restoration of the pre-Christian Mystery Tradition, which
had been persecuted by the early Church and forced to go underground
in medieval Europe, and the recognition that all religions had
originated in a universal spirituality referred to as the Perennial
Philosophy, the Primordial Tradition or the Ancient Wisdom. The
mystical beliefs of the secret societies were, and indeed are, based
on the Hermetic maxim 'As above-so below' which teaches that the
natural world is a material reflection of the spiritual. It forms the
esoteric basis for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, Gnosticism,
Esoteric Christianity, the Cabbala, the Hermetic tradition, alchemy
and societies such as the Templars, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. The
occult doctrines of geomancy, alchemy, astrology and sexual magic
taught by these secret societies were used as symbolic metaphors
illustrating the progression of the individual from material darkness
to the spiritual light of understanding.
All of these paths eventually leads the initiate into a belief system
that he is priviledged and chosen to carry on the 'Great Work' or 'The
Plan', that he is above the rest of humanity, he has become
'Illumined'. Therefore imposed rule is a 'right'. The ONLY allegiance
is to the 'Light'. It is no coincidence that Illuminati, in its
literal translation means-'bearers of light'-Lumen, derived from
Lucifer, 'angel of light'. That, my friend, is the final secret of the
illuminati. One World Government under one World Religion, ruled by
one King. It is nothing but an evil imitation, a counterfeit of the
Kingdom of God.
In Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen describes his experiences in
witchcraft and Masonry. As he climbed up the ladder in both
"The branch of the Illuminati into which I was inducted was supposedly
directly descended from European Chapters of the AIBS....Was I not
part of a higher form of humanity? This is what I had been deluded
into believing by Illuminism. I was told I was the next step up in the
ladder of evolution, and that Illumined Ones were as far above human
beings as people were above apes! From somewhere...Weishaupt produced
the "Law of Fives." His original inner council was structured around
the pentagram (symbol of the Blazing Star, Sirius). According to our
teaching, this inner council was made up of five men: Weishaupt's
friend, Kollmer, Francis Dashwood (of the Satanic Hellfire Club),
Alphonse Donatien DeSade (where we get our word "sadism"), Meyer
Amschel Rothschild (founder of the great banking house) and Weishaupt.
Enforcing secrecy within the Illuminati was done in the same manner as
in the Greek Mystery Schools and Super-Masonic Organizations. The
candidates were required to confess compromising information about
themselves i.e., sexual indiscretions, and previously hidden criminal
behaviour as if he were confessing his sins to a Catholic priest. This
reminds one of the rites conducted in another secret society of fame,
namely, the Order of the Skull and Bones. There's plenty of evidence
to suggest the orders are one and the same, or at least the modern
version of Weishaupt's order. Moreover, if Weishaupt's Illuminati were
to survive it's "supposed" abolishment, besides its obvious survival
in higher Masonic degrees, the Order of the Skull and Bones would be a
worthy and powerful candidate. It must be realized, however, that
Weishaupt's Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB) was only
an outward manifestation of the Illuminati. The plans uncovered for
the overthrow of all the governments and religions of the world were
certainly giving to Weishaupt by that most "august body"; here and
there only hinted about. They represent the "new man" of marxism; the
race of perfected ones that Hitler after a face to face meeting had
said were terrifying. The Secret Chiefs; whether human or some form of
higher-intelligent beings. The Secret Brotherhood who desire to usher
in the Golden Age of totalitarian rule.
Witchcraft never was extirpated in the whole of western history.
Moreover, if we need fix a date for the institutionalization of
witchcraft in the Christian West, we should look to 16th century
Protestant England where, under Elizabeth I, the sorcerer John Dee
achieved state power, founded Freemasonry and built upon the occult
edifice of Catholic heretics such as Girodano Bruno and Pico della
Mirandola in pursuing a "Christian" kabbalah and an alliance with the
black magic practicioner, Rabbi Judah Lowe of Prague. Michael A.
Hoffman II
If the facts concerning the Royal Institute of International Affairs
and the Council on Foreign Relations be accepted, it will be seen that
the proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites,
without which nothing that happens can be understood. These elites,
preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for
photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be
deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ. -A.K
Chesterton in The New Unhappy Lords, chapter XXIV
``There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international
Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the
radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network,
which we may identify as the Round Table groups, has no aversion to
cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently
does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have
studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years, in the early
1960s, to examine its papers and secret record. -Carroll Quigley,
Georgetown University history professor (deceased), in Tragedy and
Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, 1966, p.950[...]
In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial
capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a
world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate
the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the
central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements
arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of
the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle,
Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds'
central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth
of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world
economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of
financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.''
-Tragedy and Hope, p.324
``... I am now quite sure that Tragedy and Hope was suppressed
although I do not know why or by whom...'' -Carroll Quigley, in a
letter to a friend
"The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world, the Council on
Foreign Relations does that!" by Winston Lord, Assistant Secretary of
State, the U. S. State Department.
How's this for 9/11 Foreknowledge?
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
May 21, 2002
You don't need to work for the CIA or the FBI to have had
foreknowledge of the events of Sept. 11. Historians of the elite
conspiracy have been predicting them for years.
Recently, I came across the following quotation from a book published
in 1995 that has gathered dust in my basement since then.
"According to William Cooper [see www.williamcooper.com] the Third
World War is planned for the middle of 1996. He got this information
from secret papers he had seen during his time as a Naval Intelligence
officer. Thus it is planned to destroy one of the three largest
American cities (New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles) with an atom
bomb. Extremists from the Near East crisis area (Iraq?) will be blamed
to have a reason to start the Third World War. Was the bomb that
exploded at the World Trade Center perhaps just a test to see how the
masses would react? Think about it!" (Jan van Helsing, Secret
Societies and their Power in the Twentieth Century, p.263)
This quotation reflects certain assumptions that provide us with a new
Terrorist attacks and assassinations are almost always planned by
intelligence agencies. Asking "what did the CIA know and when?" is
like asking the fox when it knew it was going to raid the hen house.
The inner circle of the CIA and all the world's intelligence agencies
do not owe their allegiance to the nations that finance them.
Rather, they are controlled by the people who are pushing
"globalization," the UN and world government. This so-called elite
consists of the world's oil, banking, media and defense cartels,
organized crime, and various powerful Satanic and occult secret
societies. It is coordinated by the Royal Institute of International
Affairs and its US branch, the Council on Foreign Relations.
Essentially, this is the Anglo American establishment, known in the US
as the "Eastern Establishment." Rothschild and Rockefeller are at the
heart. It has expanded its worldwide grip to include the "Bilderbergs"
group and the Trilateral Commission. This parasitic super class has
been feeding off the United States and the World for the past 100
years and is responsible for economic catastrophes (Great Depression,
Enron etc.) and wars. The media and academia are essentially
Essentially the world's "establishment" consists of tycoons,
criminals, traitors and salaried sell outs who are creating a world
dictatorship to consolidate and increase elite wealth and control. The
purpose of terrorist attacks is to start wars in order to kill (they
love depopulation) and destroy nation states. They want to convince
the people that their "world government" is the only path to permanent
No doubt they are behind the Muslim terrorists trying to foment
nuclear war between India and Pakistan. They are behind Osama bin
Laden. The CIA station chief visited bin Laden last July in Dubai (see
"9/11 timeline" at www.copvcia.com). Islamic extremists were created
by the CIA to fight the Russians. (see John Cooley, "Unholy Wars"
2000). Certainly some are still working for the CIA.
The WTC attack did signal the beginning of the elite's third Great
War, the one designed to bring about the "New World Order." Don't be
fooled by the media blackout on preparations for the attack on Iraq.
It is coming. If you want to learn more about the 9/11 deception, I
recommend the following web sites: www.makethemaccountable.com;
www.whatreallyhappened.com; www.copvcia.com and
www.emperors-clothes.com. For more on the big picture,
www.realityzone.com, www.radioliberty.com (see their bookstore),
www.jbs.org or any of the sites linked at www.conspiracyarchive.com.
For more background and the relationship to feminism, read my archives
at www.savethemales.ca We are in the uncomfortable position of being
held hostage by our own ruling class. This is disheartening but if
it's any consolation, it's been happening for a long time.
Dick Cheney says another big terrorist attack is almost a certainty.
How much credibility does the Bush administration have when it refuses
to investigate September 11? The head of the congressional panel
recently resigned. We hear constant reports of stonewalling from the
Dept. of Justice and the CIA. What could be more incriminating?
Certainly when another attack comes, we will know who is responsible.
Bin Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
November 25, 2002
The headquarters of Islamic terrorism is London, England, where the
Anglo-American Establishment sponsors the radical "Muslim Brotherhood"
in order to advance its long-term goal of plutocratic global
These globalists have fabricated a bogus "war on terror" to crush the
remaining vestiges of nationalism and democracy in both Muslim
countries and the West. Expect more incitements like the current "Miss
World " imbroglio to convince both sides the other endangers its way
of life.
In a comprehensive online report, the perceptive Hawaii-based
researcher Peter Goodgame concludes: "Osama bin Laden is not, nor has
he ever been, the leader of the international Islamist movement which
is directed by the International Muslim Brotherhood."
Goodgame continues: "Osama bin Laden has been used effectively as a
figurehead for the Brotherhood's militant branch to take
responsibility for its atrocities, but he is not the mastermind... By
the same token, the Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based
Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world
order and create a new one-world system of global governance."
Goodgame cites former British Intelligence Officer, Dr. John Coleman,
who says the Muslim Brotherhood is a secret freemason order set up by
the great names of British Middle East Intelligence, T.E. Lawrence,
Bertrand Russell and St. John Philby to "keep the Middle East backward
so its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted."
The Muslim Brotherhood has been used to check nationalist movements
led by such figures as Nasser, Bhutto and the Shah of Iran who tried
to develop their countries. Without the British, "radical Islam would
have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it
has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and
prosperous," Goodgame says.
The Muslim Brotherhood is now a powerful faction in the global
oligarchy. Goodgame cites Robert Drefuss, author of "Hostage to
"The real Muslim Brothers are ... the secretive bankers and financiers
who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or
Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite,
with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European
black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.
And the Muslim Brotherhood is money. Together, the Brotherhood
probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate
liquid assets, and controls billions more in ...everything from oil
trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and
gold and diamond smuggling. By allying with the Muslim Brotherhood,
the Anglo-Americans are not merely buying into a terrorists-for-hire
racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial
By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the
West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity.
Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim
states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious
rule. The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize
and destroy Western civilization. They backed the Nazis and the
Soviets in World War Two. They created the Punch and Judy show that
was the Cold War. They tied U.S. hands while backing Ho Chi Minh in
Vietnam. Who are they? Also called the illuminati, they represent a
recrudescence of the alliance of Rothschild finance and European
aristocracy secretly coordinated by a Satanic dogma hidden in
freemasonry. They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle
classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich
served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive
third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank. The
globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the
Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round
Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International
Affairs. The American branches include the Council on Foreign
Relations, CIA and the Rockefeller foundations which all ensure the
American people continue to finance and enforce one-world tyranny. The
Bush family has owed its prominence to this cabal ever since
grandfather Prescott Bush helped arrange financing for Nazism. Zionism
is supposed to represent the "West" in this sham war with Islam.
Americans are being groomed to become like Israelis, victims of daily
acts of "Muslim terror." Last week, when another suicide bomber struck
in Jerusalem, Benjamin Netanyahu said, "Whether the explosion takes
place in Bali, Moscow, New York or Jerusalem we are all united in a
war against a common terrorist enemy." According to Swiss journalist
Richard Labeviere ("Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam"
2000) radical Islam is an essential "complementary enemy" to Zionism,
which also seeks regional hegemony. According to the "Yinon
Memorandum" (1982) Israel intends to splinter the Arab countries into
several small cantons along ethnic lines. None of these will be able
to challenge Israel, which, like the US is a disposable implement of
the globalist agenda. (207) The Palestinian terrorist "Hamas" movement
is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Labeviere, it
serves the interests of the Israeli right wing, and has received
secret financial support from the Israeli "Shin Beth." (203-205).
Thus, Palestinian suicide bombers play straight into Ariel Sharon's
hand. Meanwhile, back in the USA, "Muslim terrorist attacks" are an
excuse to lay the foundations of a police state. These attacks, which
could become nuclear or biological, might serve as a pretext to
declare martial law, suspend elections and round up dissidents, i.e.
anyone who is not buying the lie. This may seem incomprehensible to
Americans now when the economy is still being propped up. Once the US
has done the globalist's dirty work, interest rates could rise and
debt ridden Americans could be stripped of their assets, as they were
in the Depression. The Homeland Security Act is designed to control
all US law enforcement agencies so that elements in the CIA and Mossad
can target Americans with impunity, like they did on Sept. 11.
American agencies were designed to remain independent so they could
serve as a check on each other. The Act is also designed to allow
George W. to place his henchmen in positions of control. Remember, he
is a product of a secret Satanic cult, the "Skull and Bones." This
sounds gruesome but the Twentieth Century provided many precedents.
The illuminati was behind both Nazi and Communist mass slaughter and
terror. Our position is akin to the European Jews who disbelieved
warnings of the holocaust. There is even a provision in the Homeland
Security Act against whistle blowers. Why? Another provision allows
mandatory vaccinations while giving vaccine manufacturers immunity
from prosecution. Why? The "Total Information Awareness" program will
"red flag" troublemakers by monitoring all personal communications and
financial transactions, even your library records. You didn't attack
the WTC. Why are you targeted? What is the justification for this
destruction of freedom, which Bush supposedly protects? In 14 months
since Sept.11, 2001, there has been not one Muslim terrorist attack in
the US despite the bloody American invasion of Afghanistan. If "Al
Queda" were capable of pulling off Sept. 11, don't you think it would
have planned an encore? Don't get me wrong: I am grateful to the
Mossad and CIA for sparing us. But Americans simply don't deserve
freedom if they accept this obvious ruse and its ominous consequences.
In conclusion, mankind is in the clutches of a diabolical multi
generational conspiracy. A Satanic, criminal cartel has subverted all
social institutions and is slowly crafting a brutal global
dictatorship. Our political and cultural leaders are witting and
unwitting pawns. They are fabricating a phony war between Islam and
the West in order to accomplish the degradation of both. I realize
this vision seems incredibly bleak. The mass media holds us in a
powerful illusion of normalcy. However, expecting the worst means you
will never be disappointed. If you are wrong, you are relieved. If you
are right, you are prepared.
Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto.
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-21 23:21:01 UTC
"JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster" <***@nospam.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

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HTH, blasphemyboi :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
2004-08-23 21:27:01 UTC
Forgive me for crossposting this once.

I would suggest that a "sockpuppet" should be in alt.professional wrestling,
since it is a trademark of Mick Foley, aka Mankind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack.

He is well known there.


"Sovereign Sockpuppet�" <***@s0ck.pupp3t> wrote in message news:***@news.supernews.com...
<***@nospam.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

<DMCA violation snipped>

HTH, blasphemyboi :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
2004-08-21 17:03:44 UTC

Is Freemasonry A Religion?
Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859 to
1891, is one of the most honored and influential American Freemasons
of all time. The Supreme Council exalts Pike by saying: "Albert Pike
remains today an inspiration for Masons everywhere. His great book
Morals and Dogma endures as the most complete exposition of Scottish
Rite philosophy. He will always be remembered and revered as the
Master Builder of the Scottish Rite." (The House of the Temple of
the Supreme Council 1988)
A few brief quotes from this honored Masonic book, Morals and
Dogma, expose the Anti-christ nature of Freemasonry."
"The doctrines of the Bible are often not clothed in the language
of strict truth, but in that which was fittest to convey to a rude
and ignorant people the practical essentials of the doctrine."
(Morals and Dogma, p. 224), [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1871 L.H. Jenkins
"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are
instruction in religion." (Morals and Dogma, p. 213) "It is the
universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as God planted it in
the heart of universal humanity." (Morals and Dogma, p 219)
"Masonry is a worship; but one in which all civilized men can
unite;" (Morals and Dogma, p. 256) "The Blue Degrees are but the outer
court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed
there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false
interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them;
but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their
true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of
Masonry." (Morals and Dogma, p. 819)
"It reverences all the great reformers. It sees in Moses, the
Lawgiver of the Jesus, in Confucius and Zoroaster, in Jesus of
Nazareth, and in the Arabian Iconoclast, Great Teachers of
Morality, and Eminent Reformers, if no more:" (Morals and Dogma, p.
"The God of nineteen-twentieths of the Christian world is only Bel,
Moloch, Zeus, or at best Osiris, Mithras, or Adonai, under another
name, worshiped with the old Pagan ceremonies and ritualistic
formulas." (Morals and Dogma, p. 295-296)
"The first Masonic Legislator whose memory is preserved to us by
history, was Buddha,.." (Morals and Dogma, p. 277)
"The Bible is an indispensable part of the furniture of a Christian
Lodge, only because it is the sacred book of the Christian religion.
The Hebrew Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and the Koran in a
Mohammedan one, belong on the altar; and one of these, and the Square
and Compass, properly understood, are the Great Light by which a
Mason must walk and work." (Morals and Dogma, p.11)
"Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly
back, as you see, to the Kabalah." (Morals and Dogma, p. 741)
"The Kabalah, a Jewish Occult book, is a "Jewish mystical tradition
teaching godhood to man. Foundation of most post-Egyptian, Western
magical systems." (The Magicians Dictionary, p. 208, [E.E. Rehmus,
1990 Feral House}
"To conceive of God as an actuality, and not as a mere
nonsubstance or name, which involved non-existence, the Kabala, like
the Egyptians, imagined Him to be "a most occult Light,".. (Morals and
Dogma, p 740)
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to
the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who
bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble,
sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" (Morals and Dogma, p 321)
Just as Pike stated, Freemasonry strives to deceive Masons as to the
true intent of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is an organization that
deceives GOOD MEN.
Now that you know the truth - renounce this great evil. If you have
been involved with Freemasonry and wish to repent, ask God to forgive
you and renounce all ties with Freemasonry.
"You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, `No one sees
me.' Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself,
`I am, and there is none besides me.' Disaster will come upon you,
and you will not know how to conjure it away.. a catastrophe you
cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you. Keep on, then, with your
magic spells and with your many sorceries, .. all the counsel you
have received has only worn you out .. let them save you from what
is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn
them up. They cannot save themselves from the power of the flame."
(Isaiah 47:10..14)
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the
Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." (2
Corinthians 6:17 KJV). This article was from the pamphlet "Immorals
And Dogma" by Followers of Jesus Christ, Evansville, Indiana.

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Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-21 23:21:59 UTC
"JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster" <***@nospam.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

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HTH blasphemyboi :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
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2004-08-23 14:52:51 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/rael.htm <----- Click on
link to see Edwin King's ugly picture...LOL
Rael and The Masonic New World Order
by Parker (10th April 2003)
Golden Age is a Masonic buzzword for the New World Order. 33rd Degree
Freemason and founder of the Masonic cult called Jehovah's Witnesses,
Charles Taze Russell frequently talked about this New Age--calling it
a "Golden Age" to come. He preached a sermon on it entitled "Must We
Abandon Hope of a Golden Age." He even established a paper called The
Golden Age which is now called Awake.
Charles Taze Russell was not member of the Freemasons Society, nor did he
found any Masonic cult, nor was he the founder of the religious group called
"Jehovah's Witnesses". The Jehovah's Witnesses organization was formed by
Rutherford after Russell died. Russell referred to the age (often translated
"world") to come, the new heavens and new earth, as it is referred to in the
Bible. (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Matthew 12:32; Mark 10:30; Luke 18:30;
Ephesians 1:21; Hebrews 2:5; 6:5; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1) Yes, he did
make use of the heathen reference of a Golden Age as applicable to Bible's
"age to come", since the what the world is ignorantly waiting for is the
promised age in the Bible when the sons of God will be revealed. (Romans
8:19) He did not do so to advocate any conspiracy, nor to adovocate the
Masonic organization. Russell never established a paper called "Golden Age",
this was begun by Rutherford after Russell died. None of this means that
Russell was a member of the Masons organization, or that he was an advocate
for such an organization.

Here is the article referred to in its entirety, as it appeared in the June
1, 1898 Watch Tower:

R2313 : page 167
MISS Frances E. Willard, deceased, highly esteemed
for her works in the cause of temperance
and morality, is accredited with an epigrammatic
statement which is generally supposed to contain
an essence of wisdom amounting almost to inspiration,
as follows:--
Were we sure that Miss Willard was inspired, or,
were we sure that in this sentence she had gathered
up the spirit and essence of divine revelation on this
subject, we would in either case lose all the hope we
now entertain for the glorious future.

It is over eighteen centuries since our Master promulgated
the Golden Rule; and his disciples and followers
for all these centuries have preached it. His
words have been translated into every language under
heaven, and yet, at this moment, how extremely few
there are of the world's population of fifteen hundred
millions who practice this rule! Nay, how few there are
even of our Master's professed followers who make any
pretense at governing their actions, their words and their
thoughts by this Golden Rule! Let the answer come
from every quarter,--from the nations of Christendom,
from the business men and manufacturers, from the
mechanics and laborers, from the home circles, where
selfishness mars everything, and, finally, from the
Churches professedly advocating the Golden Rule.

How much we see of slander, anger, malice, hatred,
selfishness, meanness; how little we see of any effort to
control these in the lives of professed Christians; and
how little reason we have, therefore, to suppose that the
rule is observed in their hearts.

And yet, if Miss Willard were a true prophetess, or if
she voiced the testimony of the Bible prophets, the only
hope of a Golden Age lies in man's acceptance of
this Golden Rule which has met with such slight acceptance
for more than eighteen centuries. Must we
abandon hope of a glorious Golden Age? Can there be
no Millennium until all mankind, or a majority at least,
shall have voluntarily accepted the Golden Rule, and
brought their hearts and lives into conformity therewith?

If so, the Millennial dawn will never come.
Reason and logic can reach no other conclusion than
this. Must we give up hope?

No, we will not give up hope, for we have "a more
sure word of prophecy," to which "we do well to take
heed, as unto a light which shineth in a dark place, until
the day dawn." (2 Pet. 1:19.) We are still in the
dark place; sin and selfishness still abound; the Golden
Rule does not control; we see no evidence of a general
acceptance of it: but the more sure word of prophecy
foretold this very condition, foretold that the present
would be a dark time, and foretold that a glorious dawn
would come. We do well indeed to take heed to the
prophetic testimony respecting what great light will
usher in the Golden Age.

So far from telling us that the Golden Age will
come by the adoption of the Golden Rule among the
inhabitants of the earth, the more sure word of prophecy
tells us to the contrary, that the Golden Rule will
come more and more into disrepute; and that the rule
of selfishness and sin will abound; and that the result
thereof will be a total wreck of present institutions, in
a time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation
(Dan. 12:1): a time of anarchy, brought on by the
neglect of the Golden Rule; a time in which "every
man's hand shall be against his neighbor; and there
shall be no peace to him that goeth out nor to him that
cometh in."--Zech. 8:10.

This same sure word of prophecy leaves us not to
grope on in doubt and fear, but assures us that beyond
R2314 : page 167
the coming trouble Immanuel shall reign--that he will
set up his Kingdom upon the ruins of the present selfish
institutions and systems which will then be ground
R2314 : page 168
to powder and become "as the chaff of the summer
threshing-floors." (Dan. 2:35.) It informs us that Immanuel
will establish his Kingdom by means of this
time of trouble, and indeed that the trouble itself will
be his judgment against sin and selfishness, against the
neglect of the Golden Rule which he laid down, and
that he will break in pieces and consume all these present
institutions, and establish in the earth a kingdom
of righteousness, whose law will be the law of Love--
the Golden Rule.

In harmony with this is the testimony of the more
sure word of prophecy that, "When the judgments of
the Lord are abroad in the earth [producing the great
time of trouble], the inhabitants of the world will learn
righteousness." (Isa. 26:9.) They will learn the inexpediency
of sin and selfishness, and that thereafter under
divine direction, under the rule of the Heavenly
Kingdom (Christ and his Church, in spiritual power
and glory), no other laws or rules than the Golden Rule
shall be permitted; and under its glorious administration,
the prophetic testimony is, "the whole earth shall
be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, as the
waters cover the great deep;"--so that it shall no longer
be necessary to say one to the other, "Know thou the
Lord!" because all shall know him, from the least to
the greatest.--Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:11.

This is the glorious day, foretold by Moses and by
the Apostle Peter, when the great Prophet, Priest and
King,--the Christ,--shall rule the world in righteousness,
and execute justice in the earth; when he shall
lift up also the poor and the needy, and him that hath
no helper, and lay justice to the line and righteousness
to the plummet, and bless all the families of the earth
with the knowledge of the Lord and with opportunity,
if they will, to come into harmony with him and to obtain
the gift of God, eternal life, through Jesus Christ,
our Lord: while all who reject the grace of God and the
New Covenant shall be destroyed from among the people,
in the second death.--Acts 3:22,23.

Let all those who desire the truth, and who desire
to have its sanctifying influence upon their hearts and
lives, give the less heed to earthly prophets and wise
men and women, however good they may be, and give
the more earnest heed to the "more sure word of prophecy;
whereunto they do well that they take heed, as
unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day

Neither logically nor Scripturally is there ground
for hope of the Golden Age except in the institution of
the Kingdom of Christ, for which he taught us to pray,
"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it
is done in heaven." Not only is this Kingdom the
world's hope, but it is also the Christian's hope: he
hopes to become a joint-heir with his Redeemer in that
Kingdom. And, "he that hath this hope in him, purifieth
himself, even as he is pure."--1 John 3:3.

Let us therefore change the statement, and tell to
the whole world the "gospel of the Kingdom," the
truth, that--

For more on Russell, see:

Christian love,
2004-08-23 15:06:28 UTC
All lies, the Jehovah Witnesses are a Masonic Cult.

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:52:51 GMT, "Reslight"
Post by M. Epling
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/rael.htm <----- Click on
link to see Edwin King's ugly picture...LOL
Rael and The Masonic New World Order
by Parker (10th April 2003)
Golden Age is a Masonic buzzword for the New World Order. 33rd Degree
Freemason and founder of the Masonic cult called Jehovah's Witnesses,
Charles Taze Russell frequently talked about this New Age--calling it
a "Golden Age" to come. He preached a sermon on it entitled "Must We
Abandon Hope of a Golden Age." He even established a paper called The
Golden Age which is now called Awake.
Charles Taze Russell was not member of the Freemasons Society, nor did he
found any Masonic cult, nor was he the founder of the religious group called
"Jehovah's Witnesses". The Jehovah's Witnesses organization was formed by
Rutherford after Russell died. Russell referred to the age (often translated
"world") to come, the new heavens and new earth, as it is referred to in the
Bible. (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Matthew 12:32; Mark 10:30; Luke 18:30;
Ephesians 1:21; Hebrews 2:5; 6:5; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1) Yes, he did
make use of the heathen reference of a Golden Age as applicable to Bible's
"age to come", since the what the world is ignorantly waiting for is the
promised age in the Bible when the sons of God will be revealed. (Romans
8:19) He did not do so to advocate any conspiracy, nor to adovocate the
Masonic organization. Russell never established a paper called "Golden Age",
this was begun by Rutherford after Russell died. None of this means that
Russell was a member of the Masons organization, or that he was an advocate
for such an organization.
Here is the article referred to in its entirety, as it appeared in the June
R2313 : page 167
MISS Frances E. Willard, deceased, highly esteemed
for her works in the cause of temperance
and morality, is accredited with an epigrammatic
statement which is generally supposed to contain
an essence of wisdom amounting almost to inspiration,
as follows:--
Were we sure that Miss Willard was inspired, or,
were we sure that in this sentence she had gathered
up the spirit and essence of divine revelation on this
subject, we would in either case lose all the hope we
now entertain for the glorious future.
It is over eighteen centuries since our Master promulgated
the Golden Rule; and his disciples and followers
for all these centuries have preached it. His
words have been translated into every language under
heaven, and yet, at this moment, how extremely few
there are of the world's population of fifteen hundred
millions who practice this rule! Nay, how few there are
even of our Master's professed followers who make any
pretense at governing their actions, their words and their
thoughts by this Golden Rule! Let the answer come
from every quarter,--from the nations of Christendom,
from the business men and manufacturers, from the
mechanics and laborers, from the home circles, where
selfishness mars everything, and, finally, from the
Churches professedly advocating the Golden Rule.
How much we see of slander, anger, malice, hatred,
selfishness, meanness; how little we see of any effort to
control these in the lives of professed Christians; and
how little reason we have, therefore, to suppose that the
rule is observed in their hearts.
And yet, if Miss Willard were a true prophetess, or if
she voiced the testimony of the Bible prophets, the only
hope of a Golden Age lies in man's acceptance of
this Golden Rule which has met with such slight acceptance
for more than eighteen centuries. Must we
abandon hope of a glorious Golden Age? Can there be
no Millennium until all mankind, or a majority at least,
shall have voluntarily accepted the Golden Rule, and
brought their hearts and lives into conformity therewith?
If so, the Millennial dawn will never come.
Reason and logic can reach no other conclusion than
this. Must we give up hope?
No, we will not give up hope, for we have "a more
sure word of prophecy," to which "we do well to take
heed, as unto a light which shineth in a dark place, until
the day dawn." (2 Pet. 1:19.) We are still in the
dark place; sin and selfishness still abound; the Golden
Rule does not control; we see no evidence of a general
acceptance of it: but the more sure word of prophecy
foretold this very condition, foretold that the present
would be a dark time, and foretold that a glorious dawn
would come. We do well indeed to take heed to the
prophetic testimony respecting what great light will
usher in the Golden Age.
So far from telling us that the Golden Age will
come by the adoption of the Golden Rule among the
inhabitants of the earth, the more sure word of prophecy
tells us to the contrary, that the Golden Rule will
come more and more into disrepute; and that the rule
of selfishness and sin will abound; and that the result
thereof will be a total wreck of present institutions, in
a time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation
(Dan. 12:1): a time of anarchy, brought on by the
neglect of the Golden Rule; a time in which "every
man's hand shall be against his neighbor; and there
shall be no peace to him that goeth out nor to him that
cometh in."--Zech. 8:10.
This same sure word of prophecy leaves us not to
grope on in doubt and fear, but assures us that beyond
R2314 : page 167
the coming trouble Immanuel shall reign--that he will
set up his Kingdom upon the ruins of the present selfish
institutions and systems which will then be ground
R2314 : page 168
to powder and become "as the chaff of the summer
threshing-floors." (Dan. 2:35.) It informs us that Immanuel
will establish his Kingdom by means of this
time of trouble, and indeed that the trouble itself will
be his judgment against sin and selfishness, against the
neglect of the Golden Rule which he laid down, and
that he will break in pieces and consume all these present
institutions, and establish in the earth a kingdom
of righteousness, whose law will be the law of Love--
the Golden Rule.
In harmony with this is the testimony of the more
sure word of prophecy that, "When the judgments of
the Lord are abroad in the earth [producing the great
time of trouble], the inhabitants of the world will learn
righteousness." (Isa. 26:9.) They will learn the inexpediency
of sin and selfishness, and that thereafter under
divine direction, under the rule of the Heavenly
Kingdom (Christ and his Church, in spiritual power
and glory), no other laws or rules than the Golden Rule
shall be permitted; and under its glorious administration,
the prophetic testimony is, "the whole earth shall
be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, as the
waters cover the great deep;"--so that it shall no longer
be necessary to say one to the other, "Know thou the
Lord!" because all shall know him, from the least to
the greatest.--Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:11.
This is the glorious day, foretold by Moses and by
the Apostle Peter, when the great Prophet, Priest and
King,--the Christ,--shall rule the world in righteousness,
and execute justice in the earth; when he shall
lift up also the poor and the needy, and him that hath
no helper, and lay justice to the line and righteousness
to the plummet, and bless all the families of the earth
with the knowledge of the Lord and with opportunity,
if they will, to come into harmony with him and to obtain
the gift of God, eternal life, through Jesus Christ,
our Lord: while all who reject the grace of God and the
New Covenant shall be destroyed from among the people,
in the second death.--Acts 3:22,23.
Let all those who desire the truth, and who desire
to have its sanctifying influence upon their hearts and
lives, give the less heed to earthly prophets and wise
men and women, however good they may be, and give
the more earnest heed to the "more sure word of prophecy;
whereunto they do well that they take heed, as
unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day
Neither logically nor Scripturally is there ground
for hope of the Golden Age except in the institution of
the Kingdom of Christ, for which he taught us to pray,
"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it
is done in heaven." Not only is this Kingdom the
world's hope, but it is also the Christian's hope: he
hopes to become a joint-heir with his Redeemer in that
Kingdom. And, "he that hath this hope in him, purifieth
himself, even as he is pure."--1 John 3:3.
Let us therefore change the statement, and tell to
the whole world the "gospel of the Kingdom," the
truth, that--
Christian love,
2004-08-23 16:34:58 UTC

by Larry Hall
"For all that do these things are an
abomination unto the LORD:..."
(Deuteronomy 18:12)
Idolatry within Mormonism must be just as grievous to the Lord as it
was in ancient Judah. Mormons worship a limited god of flesh and
bones. Their god is a created being living on a distant planet near
the star Kolob. He was once a man and had a father who was a created
being who also became a god, ad infinitum.

The Mormon god is limited in knowledge and is still progressing to
perfection. He is not omnipresent and can be in only one place at any
given time. He is a god with many wives; one of them gave birth to a
spirit child named Mary. He placed Mary in an "earthly tabernacle of
flesh" and then visited her years later for the purpose of having
physical sexual relations with her. The resulting Mormon Jesus is the
spirit brother of Lucifer, the devil.

As in the days of Jeremiah, foreign gods have taken up residence in
the Mormon Temple. Hermetic and satanic symbols play a vital role in
both architecture and ceremony. These characters and symbols are
clearly an abomination to the God of the Bible. I am certain that
Jeremiah would echo my sentiments with boldness: the Mormon Church is
defying the Lord, disobeying God's laws, and is destined for judgment!

"But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for
your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears,
because the LORD's flock is carried away captive." (Jeremiah 13:17)

Hyrum Smith's Magick Paraphernalia

The magick talisman of Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, was examined for its occultic meanings in
an APOLOGETICS article entitled, "Joseph's Magick Talisman." The
metallic object was discovered on Smith's body after his assassination
in Carthage, Illinois, in 1844. It was positively identified as a
Jupiterian charm used by practitioners of the black arts to conjure up
supernatural powers in an effort to control the forces of nature.

The use of such objects for conjuration and divination is strictly
prohibited by the Biblical God: "There shall not be found among you
any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,
or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or
a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a
wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an
abomination unto the LORD:..." 1

If you think that Joseph's magick talisman was an isolated and
insignificant incident in Mormon history, it is imperative that we
examine the death scene more closely. We have already looked at his
parents' involvement in magick and divination. We will now turn our
attention to Joseph's older brother Hyrum.

Hyrum Smith was one of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon. He
was very close to Joseph and was incarcerated with him in the Carthage
jail. He was killed by the mob in the same blazing gunfight that ended
the life of the first Mormon prophet.

Several very significant magick artifacts were in Hyrum's possession
at the time of his death. They were listed by Mormon apologist Pearson
H. Corbett as, "Dagger, Masonic ten inch, stainless steel--wooden
handle--Masonic symbols on blade. Emblematic
parchments--Masonic--three, original hand painted on heavy bodied
paper--on border appears initials 'I.H.S.'...Pouch, Masonic--cotton
fabric 4" x 4" with draw string attached." 2

These magick materials are now in the possession of Eldred G. Smith,
great-great-grandson of Hyrum Smith, who used to make them available
for public inspection. He apparently does not do so now because he
does not wish them to cause embarrassment to the Mormon Church. He
does, however, admit that they may be "cabalistic" in origin (i.e.,
linked to occult or mystic writings). 3

Pictures of the Hyrum Smith relics can be found in Jerald and Sandra
Tanner's masterful book entitled, Mormonism, Magic and Masonry. I
spoke with Sandra Tanner about obtaining higher-quality photographs,
but she informed me that her copies were second generation also.
Apparently the first-generation photographs were used by Mormon
Historian D. Michael Quinn in an out-of-print book he published prior
to being excommunicated from the church for being so forthright in his

The photographs above and to the right depict two of the parchments
belonging to Hyrum Smith. I will give a brief explanation of the most
significant symbols and their connection with the magickal arts.

The circular objects found in both photographs are known in witchcraft
as pentacles. They are used by magicians to gain power over the spirit
world. They must be made in accordance with specific rules and
consecration rites.

While they are usually made out of metal that corresponds to the
nature of the suitable planet, according to The Greater Key of
Solomon, "They may also be made with Virgin Parchment paper, writing
thereon with the colors adopted for each planet,...and according to
the Planet with which the Pentacle is in sympathy." 4

You will notice that the Hyrum Smith pentacles are identical to the
ones shown in photograph #3. These appeared in a 1584 book entitled
The Discovery of Witchcraft by Reginald Scot and are the pentacles
depicted for the purpose of "conjuring for a dead spirit." Under one
of the pentacles is the inscription, "Whoso beareth this sign about
him, all spirits shall do him homage."

In the encyclopedia of occultism, The Golden Dawn, Israel Regardie
explains the pentacle as one of the Elemental weapons which "...are
symbolic representations of the forces employed for the manifestation
of the inner self, the elements required for the incarnation of the
divine." 5

It is certain that the Smith brothers knew very little about the power
of God. The Holy Spirit does not play with tarot cards! The Prince of
Darkness, however, has the deck memorized.

On the Hyrum Smith parchment (below right), a strange looking
pentagram appears in the top center portion. Inside the points, the
word TE-TRA-GRAM-MA-TON is inscribed according to its syllables
starting at the top and extending clockwise.

The Tanners have located the identical object in the book, The
Ancients Book of Magic, by Lewis de Claremont (photograph #4).
Tetragrammaton is the name of God frequently used in magic and
according to Regardie's Golden Dawn System of Magic, "Qabalistically,
each letter of the Tetragrammaton was attributed to one of the four
major primitive elements of the ancients....represents the four basic
elements of life." 6

Another strange shape (below left) is found in Francis Barrett's 1801
book of occult philosophy The Magus. You will find the almost
identical shape in the center portion of Hyrum Smith's parchment (top
left), including the word RAPHAEL inscribed in the middle. According
to Regardie, "Raphael is the Archangel of air. The Archangel of
Tiphareth is also Raphael. The angel of Mercury is also Raphael." 7

The Tanners have located another identification in The Grimoire of
Armadel, "RAPHAEL is a Spirit of Science who did teach Solomon
Knowledge and Wisdom. He is to be invoked on a Sunday before Sunrise."
8 Regardless of the meaning intended by Hyrum Smith, the symbol is
positively occultic and has nothing to do with Christianity!

You will remember that Pearson Corbett listed among the Hyrum Smith
artifacts a "Dagger" with "Masonic symbols on blade." Photographs of
the dagger (not reproduced in this article) show the Hebrew characters
forming the word ADONAI (Lord) on one side, and the seal of Mars on
the other. The seal and characters are both found on a talisman shown
by Barrett in his book The Magus.

Notwithstanding the importance of the dagger in ceremonial magic, the
seal of Mars was a very suitable occultic symbol for Hyrum Smith to
carry. Mars is associated with war and destruction! According to The
Greater Key of Solomon, "In the days and hours of Mars thou canst make
experiments regarding Wars; to arrive at military honour; to acquire
courage; to overthrow enemies; and further to cause ruin, slaughter,
cruelty, discord; to wound and to give death." 9

In The Magus, we read, "The third table belongs to Mars, ...and there
are over it divine names with an intelligence to good, and a spirit to
evil, and out of it is drawn the characters of Mars and of his
spirits. These, with Mars fortunate, being engraven on an iron plate,
or sword, makes a man potent in war and judgment, and petitions, and
terrible to his enemies; and victorious over them;..." 10

Much more could be said about the Smith brothers and their magick
history. The evidence supporting their occultic background and
involvement with witchcraft is simply overwhelming. Pray with me that
the beautiful Mormon people will come to this realization and leave
their Temple of Doom!

(1) Deuteronomy 18:10-12
(2) Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Mormonism, Magic and Masonry, 1983, p. 5
(from Hyrum Smith--Patriarch, Corbett, p. 453)
(3) Ibid., p. 6
(4) Ibid., p. 14, (from The Greater Key of Solomon, S. L. MacGregor
Mathers, p. 56)
(5) Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn, 1996, p. 47
(6) Israel Regardie, The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic, 1994,
Vol. 1, p. 54
(7) Ibid., p. 45
(8) Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Mormonism, Magic and Masonry, 1983, p.
12 (from The Grimoire of Armadel, S. L. MacGregor Mathers, 1980, p.
(9) Ibid., (from The Greater Key of Solomon, S. L. MacGregor Mathers,
pp. 97-98)
(10) Francis Barrett, The Magus, pp. 143-144


(#1) Hyrum Smith parchment (found in Mormonism, Magic and Masonry,
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, 1983, p. 7). Notice the circular pentacles
used by magicians to obtain power over the spirits and the four
Satanic pentagrams in each corner. Many other astrological and
magickal symbols are found in this parchment.
(#2) Hyrum Smith parchment (found in Mormonism, Magic and Masonry,
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, 1983, p. 8)
(#3) Pentacles (found in Mormonism, Magic and Masonry, Jerald and
Sandra Tanner, 1983, p. 13, from The Discovery of Witchcraft, Scot,
1584, reprinted in 1971, p. 401)
(#4) Tetragrammaton symbol (found in Mormonism, Magic and Masonry,
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, 1983, p. 14, from The Ancients Book of
Magic, Claremont, p. 11)
(#5) Raphael symbol (found in The Magus, Francis Barrett,
1801-reprinted in 1995, p. 107)

[Copyright 2001 by Sword of the Spirit Apologetics. This data file is
the sole property of Sword of the Spirit Apologetics and may not be
altered, edited, or changed in any way. It may not be used without
permission of Sword of the Spirit Apologetics for any purpose of
resale, with the exception of a few brief quotations not to exceed
more than 300 words. Reproduction of this file as “freeware”
circulation in its entirety must contain this copyright notice. Brief
quotations for reviews or scholarly works should include source
credit: Sword of the Spirit Apologetics, P. O. Box 40452, Grand
Junction, CO 81504]
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-08-24 01:24:48 UTC

by Larry Hall

Generally speaking, Freemasonry eschews political and religious discussion.
Your posting is therefore off topic for ALT.FREEMASONRY. You are politely
requested to keep your postings topical to the subject of Freemasonry if
you wish to continue dialogue in this forum.

Thank You.

Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
2004-08-24 01:53:09 UTC
On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 01:24:48 GMT, "Joe Steve Swick III"
Post by Joe Steve Swick III
by Larry Hall
Generally speaking, Freemasonry eschews political and religious discussion.
Your posting is therefore off topic for ALT.FREEMASONRY. You are politely
requested to keep your postings topical to the subject of Freemasonry if
you wish to continue dialogue in this forum.
Thank You.
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
Nope, I will continue as others should continue to post the truth
about Masonic Satanism
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-08-24 03:24:03 UTC

by Larry Hall

Generally speaking, Freemasonry eschews political and religious
discussion.Your posting [on MORMONISM] is therefore off topic for
ALT.FREEMASONRY. You are politely requested to keep your postings topical to
the subject of Freemasonry if you wish to continue dialogue in this forum.
Thank You.

Nope, I will continue as others should continue to post the truth about
Masonic Satanism

In other words, "I refuse to behave to act courteously, and you can't make
me." I find it ironic that you post gallons of codswallop regarding the
evils of Masonry, and how it is a conspiracy which murders, kills, and
bullys its way in the world, and yet you feel totally free to ignore a
polite request by Masons to demonstrate common courtesy when you post in
their forum. Doesn't this strike you as the least bit self-contradictory?


Joe Steve Swick III, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
2004-08-24 13:27:18 UTC

You may print out this tract as it is here or else you may order it
from us or Click Here to print PDF out in 8.5 x 11 folded three column

The pictures are part of the tract NOT hyperlinks.


The hideous occult idol known as Baphomet (above) is the most widely
used of all Satanic symbols. The Satanic Bible instructs worshipers to
place the Baphomet on the wall above the altar during Satanic rituals.
Every time we see the symbol of the Baphomet we should be reminded of
the connection between Freemasonry and Satanism.

The Baphomet picture we have used is the work of French Freemason
Eliphas Levi. Eliphas Levi is considered one of the Master occultists
of all time and was just as educated when writing about Freemasonry as
he was Black Magic. Levi had a profound influence on what is probably
the most widely read Masonic book of all time by Masonic author,
Albert Pike.

Pike's master work Morals and Dogma is often called the 'Masonic
Bible'. This honored American Freemason was the Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite when he took the Cabbalistic and
Luciferian doctrine of Eliphas Levi and put it in his book. [For the
comparison of the writings of Pike and Levi, order B2 - Christian

The man in the next picture is 33 Mason Aleister Crowley clothed in
his full Masonic regalia. Crowley boasted about his Masonic honors in
his auto-biography:

Baphomet, the Supreme and Holy King of Ireland, Iona, and all the
Britains that are in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis, O.T.O. Crowley in
full Masonic regalia, 1916.(Edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant,
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Bantam Books, from Photo section)

"From this time on I lived in a perfect shower of diplomas, from
Bucharest to Salt Lake City. I possess more exalted titles than I have
ever been able to count.

I am supposed to know more secret signs, tokens, passwords, grand
words, grips, and so on, than I could actually learn in a dozen lives.
An elephant would break down under the insignia I am entitled to
wear." (An Autobiography, Edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant,
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Bantam Books, p. 684-685.)

Crowley was a 33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish
Rite and also held the 95 of the Rite of Memphis and the 90 of the
Rite of Mizraim. While climbing up the Masonic ladder of success
Crowley had been given the title by the Media of "the wickedest man
alive". It can be documented that Crowley partook of and taught drug
induced rituals that included perverted sexual acts, homosexuality,
bestiality, and the eating of bodily emissions and excrement. Crowley
who advocated blood sacrifice earned his other title "The Father of
Modern Satanism".

[For detailed information on Crowley and his teachings order B4 - THE

33 Mason Aleister Crowley swore an oath at a Masonic Altar and the
following is Crowley's oath to his Lord Satan:

The Oath of Fealty

I bind my blood in Satan's hands,

All this that lieth betwixt my hands,

To thee, the Beast, and thy control,

I pledge me; body, mind, and soul.(Aleister Crowley, Satanic Extracts,
Black Lodge Publishing 1991)

As you can see, there are some very definite connections between
Freemasonry and Satanism.

Another man who knows of those connections is the High Priest of the
Church of Satan, Anton LaVey. In his book, The Satanic Rituals, LaVey
acknowledges that Satanic Rituals are taken from Masonic elements, and
almost all occult orders have Masonic roots:

Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and
Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratory words of
power from virtually every mythos.....
.....Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many
governments, and virtually every occult order has many Masonic roots.
(Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, Avon Books 1972, p.21,78.)

In LaVey's Satanic Bible there are twelve calls or "keys" that are
known as "The Enochian Keys". LaVey says that the Enochian calls are
"the Satanic paens of faith" and that his source for the "keys" was
the Golden Dawn.

I have presented my translation of the following calls with an archaic
but Satanically correct unvarnishing of the translation employed by
the Order of the Golden Dawn in the late Nineteenth Century. (Anton
Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, Avon Books 1969, p. 155.)

With LaVey's mention of the Order of the Golden Dawn comes yet another
connection between Freemasonry and Satanism. The Golden Dawn was an
occult order founded by three Freemasons and the order had many ties
to the Lodge.

Authors of A Witches Bible Compleat, Janet and Stewart Farrar give
credit to the Golden Dawn for the occult explosion that we are
experiencing today.

It is generally agreed that the biggest single influence in the modern
expansion of ritual magic, and the occult explosion in general, in the
Western world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical fraternity, founded
by Freemasons at the end of the 19th century, developed a complex
ritual system with ten degrees of initiation relating to the
Cabalistic Sephiroth. (Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Life and Times of
A Modern Witch, Phoenix Publishing Company, p. 121.)

Many Freemasons believe that they can kneel at the Masonic altar with
men like Crowley and have no effect on their spiritual lives or ever
have any fear of facing the judgment of God. This is surely the
greatest of folly. The Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite
Albert Pike said it well when he explained that every Mason that
enters even the first degree of the Blue Lodge obligates himself to
every other Mason in the world:

Secrecy is indispensable in a Mason of whatever Degree. It is the
first and almost the only lesson taught to the Entered Apprentice. The
obligations which we have each assumed toward every Mason that lives,
requiring of us the performance of the most serious and onerous duties
toward those personally unknown to us until they demand our
aid,--duties that must be performed, even at the risk of life, or our
solemn oaths be broken and violated, and we be branded as false Masons
and faithless men, teach us how profound a folly it would be to betray
our secrets to those who, bound to us by no tie of common obligation,
might, by obtaining them, call on us in their extremity, when the
urgency of the occasion should allow us no time for inquiry, and the
premptory mandate of our obligation compel us to do a brother;s duty
to a base imposter.

The secrets of our brother,when communicated to us, must be sacred....
(Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry, 1871 L. H. Jenkins Inc., p. 109.)


(2 Corinthians 6:14-15 KJV) Be ye not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? {15} And
what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel?

(2 Corinthians 6:17 KJV) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye
separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you,

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2004-08-24 13:30:25 UTC

Freemasonry and Lucifer
Masonic Grand Lodges promote the
teaching that Lucifer is the Holy Spirit.
Downloadable SOURCE DOCUMENTS proving
that claim are provided. See footnotes.

Do Freemasons worship Lucifer?
Over the years, some people have claimed that Freemasons worship
Lucifer, or Satan. The truth of the matter is that the name Lucifer
is not found in the rituals of the Blue Lodge, or the York Rite. We
do not believe that Lucifer is mentioned by name in the Scottish Rite
degrees, either. However, one of the "Sacred Words" in the17th Degree
of the Scottish Rite is "Abaddon," the angel of the bottomless pit,
mentioned in Revelation 9:11.

Worship does occur in Masonic Lodges. One of the primary purposes of
Freemasonry is worship. That fact is clearly stated in the
Declaration of Principles which is contained on pages 37-39 of the
Indiana Monitor and Freemason's Guide. (To examine the source
materials, see footnotes.) Masons worship a god which they call the
Great Architect of the Universe. The symbol they have chosen to
represent their god is the All Seeing Eye, which the Egyptians used to
represent their pagan god, Osiris. Many Masons are well aware of the
pagan connection. It is clearly stated in a number of Masonic
Monitors. An example is found on page 116 of the Kentucky Monitor.

Since Freemasonry teaches a false plan of salvation, Masons are not
following in the teachings of Jesus Christ. 2 John 1:9 allows us to
know that since they are not following in the teachings of Jesus, they
do not have God. Freemasonry is classic paganism. 1 Corinthians
10:20-21 allows us to know that the sacrifices of pagans are offered
to demons, rather than God. Although we can say with certainty that
the god of Freemasonry is a demon, we do not know specifically which
demon Masons worship in lodge. We simply know that they refer to
their demon as the Great Architect of the Universe, or GAOTU. All
demons are under the leadership of Satan. Therefore, Freemasons
cannot avoid worshiping Satan by proxy. Very few of them realize the
facts in this aspect of Masonic worship. A great many Masons, even
some who do not claim to be Christians, would leave the lodge
immediately if the names of Satan, or Lucifer, were substituted for
the GAOTU in Masonic prayers. Satan would not allow that to occur,
because the more effective lie is the one which is closer to the
truth, without being true. The reason that a name such as the GAOTU
is chosen for the object of worship is discussed in The Men's Club, an
essay on the Ex-Masons for Jesus website.

Do Satanists worship Lucifer?
Many people believe that Satanists worship Lucifer, however Satanists
tell us that such is not the case. Satanist Anton LaVEY wrote The
Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals. On the front cover flap of The
Satanic Rituals, LaVEY wrote:

Satanism is a vital philosophy which asks you to take your fate in
your own hands--break the barriers that confine you--sweep aside all
that is smothering you--realize your full innate power. The most
important commandment of Satanism is: Satanism demands study - not

Satan does not need to receive worship to achieve his goals. All he
has to do is to keep a man from following Jesus. Satan knows that
anyone who does not follow in the teachings of Jesus does not have
God. (2 John 9)

How do the Grand Lodges
point the way to Lucifer?
Freemasonry demands study also, if one is to become a Master Mason in
fact, as well as in name. The Committee on Masonic Education of
the Grand Lodge of Iowa has written a small booklet which has been
adapted for use by a number of Grand Lodges, including Indiana. The
booklet was produced to encourage the new Mason to study and learn
more about Freemasonry, so that he will do his part to fulfill its
mission. The text reads as follows:

It is safe to say that among the countless thousands who have in the
past been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, no one of them
realized at the time the full implications of the ceremony. This
clearly would be impossible. Yet it is vitally important that the
deeper meanings of this degree be understood if one is to become a
Master Mason in fact as well as in name.

Your enjoyment of Freemasonry, its value to you in your future life,
your contribution to the fulfillment of its great mission, will be in
direct proportion to your understanding of its secrets, which, if you
recall the degree through which you have just passed, you do not yet
have and which can only be gained by your own endeavors and the
assistance of your brethren. Your own endeavors will depend entirely
on your devotion to Freemasonry’s great mission of bringing to mankind
a full comprehension of the Brotherhood of all men under the
Fatherhood of one everliving God.

Much has been written of Freemasonry. Probably your own Lodge
possesses a library of books telling of the history of Freemasonry and
treating of its philosophy, symbolism, and jurisprudence. These books
are at your disposal at all times and there are many others that you
may purchase for study in your own home.

There are also many magazines on the subject. Your own Grand Lodge
publishes a monthly magazine, The Indiana Freemason. Recognized as
one of the very best Masonic publications now available, The Indiana
Freemason will be sent to you for only a few cents per issue. Thus you
can learn more and more about Masonry if you will--but you yourself
must furnish the will.

This booklet is only an introduction to the great field of Masonic
learning an invitation to you to enter that field for your own
pleasure and profit. We hope it will provide a starting point from
which you will go on and on in a search for Masonic light. Your
efforts will be richly rewarded.

(The Master Mason,
Grand Lodge of Indiana
text from pages 2,3,4)

Since Grand Lodges stress the importance of a Masonic education, and
they recommend reading Masonic publications as the most effective
means, we will take a look at Masonic literature and expose some of
"the deeper things of the craft." Beginning with Grand Lodge
documents, we will establish the connections between Freemasonry and
Lucifer. The Mason who reads Masonic literature could uncover the
connections as easily as we have.

Please Note:
We do not recommend discussing the connections between Satanism and
Freemasonry with a Mason, in an attempt to lead him from the lodge.
You will not be given a good hearing. The conversation will likely
end before you have documented the connections. Most Masons are not
aware of the connection and will be offended by your approach. We
present this material here, that you might know that this is a
spiritual battle. Paul wrote:

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against
the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of
this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:11-12)

Having said that, we know that Masons will find this page and be
offended by it. We fully believe that it is of little significance
that we offend them with the truth. What is of major significance is
that they continue to offend God by practicing Freemasonry. Most
Masons who read the information presented here will not admit that it
is true. Some will send us Email telling us that we don't know what
we are talking about. If that were true, how could we provide the
source documents for the quotes which follow to verify our claims?

We make the following offer to Masons: If any of you can find any
significant error in the material which follows, we will remove the
entire web site from the internet. In order to "claim the prize,"
you must PROVE a significant error. Simply stating that we are wrong,
when we have provided the evidence, (the source documents are
downloadable) will only make you look foolish. After you have
considered the evidence, and you can't prove it wrong, we suggest you
ask yourself a few questions:

When I stand before Jesus Christ on judgment day, will He believe that
I was not aware of the connections between Freemasonry and Satanism?"
Can a Christian knowingly remain a member of an organization which
lifts up Lucifer, without denying Jesus Christ? What will Jesus say?
Who else's opinion is going to matter?
You might ponder Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 10:32-33, 1 Corinthians
10:20-22, 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, 1 John 1:5-2:6, 1 John 4:4-6 and 2
John 9. It is your soul which is on the line.

Establishing the connection from the Grand Lodges to Lucifer
Grand Lodges are the authorities of Freemasonry. Grand Lodges
recommend that Masons read Masonic literature that they might realize
all that Freemasonry holds for them. While encouraging the membership
to study, Masonic leadership knows that the majority will not. The
man who does begin to study Masonic literature might begin by reading
his Masonic Monitor. A statement contained in the Indiana Monitor and
Freemason's Guide recommends a Masonic book known as The Builders,
with the words:

WHEN IS A MAN A MASON? The following was written by Brother Dr. Joseph
Fort Newton, as the closing paragraph of his widely read book “The
Builders.” It bids fair to become a Masonic classic. . . . (Indiana
Monitor and Freemason's Guide, page 172)

The Builders is an especially good book with which to start a study of
Freemasonry. Henry Wilson Coil stated that The Builders was written
at the express request of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. Coil states that
the book is in widespread use among Masons. He wrote:

Dr. Newton was an active Freemason and lectured widely to lodges in
Iowa, delivering especially a lecture called The Men’s House. At the
request of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, he wrote The Builders, a copy of
which was presented to every candidate raised in that State. It has
also become one of the most widely read Masonic books of modern times.
It has been translated into several foreign languages and, after the
first edition in 1914, it appeared in editions as follows: 1915, 1916,
1920, 1921, 1922, 1924, and 1926. A revised edition was published in
1930, 1945, and 1946, and a revised and enlarged edition was issued in
1951 (315 pages), . . .

(Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, page 445)

The book is currently available from Masonic sources. The publisher
described the book in a recent catalog as "The outstanding classic in
Masonic literature of all times. Many Grand Lodges present a copy to
each newly raised Mason."

On page 57 of the builders, in the chapter entitled The Secret
Doctrine, and continuing through page 59, is a glowing tribute to
Arthur Edward Waite. It contains the following:

Perhaps the greatest student in this field of esoteric teaching and
method, certainly the greatest now living is Arthur Edward Waite, to
whom it is a pleasure to pay tribute.

(The Builders, page 57)

Speaking of Waite's books, Newton wrote:

And the result is a series of volumes noble in form, united in aim,
unique in wealth of revealing beauty, and of unequalled worth.
Beginning as far back as 1886, Waite issued his study of the Mysteries
of Magic, a digest of the writings of Eliphas Levi, to whom Albert
Pike was more indebted than he let us know.

(The Builders, page 59)

The Mysteries of Magic contains the following on page 428:

What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of
Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil, The intellectual
Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the Paraclete,
it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent
of universal magnetism.

To personify evil and exalt it into an intelligence which is the rival
of God, into a being which can understand but love no more-this is a
monstrous fiction. To believe that God permits this evil intelligence
to deceive and destroy his feeble creatures is to make God more wicked
than the devil. By depriving the devil of the possibility of love and
repentance, God forces him to do evil. Moreover a spirit of error and
falsehood can only be a folly which thinks, nor does it deserve indeed
the name of spirit. The devil is God’s antithesis, and if we define
God as He who is we must define His opposite as he who is not.

(The Mysteries of Magic, page 428)

Masonic literature, such as this work of Eliphas Levi and Arthur
Edward Waite, often does not contain what Christians would consider a
conventional understanding of Lucifer, or the devil. This work
declares Lucifer to be God, if we view the statements from the
perspective of someone who believes in the Trinity. Levi and Waite
have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. The Reverend Dr. Joseph Fort Newton
has commended them for it. Notice that they claim also that the
devil does not exist. Masonic literature does not embrace a
conventional understanding of Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, or Satan.

We have linked the Grand Lodges of Iowa and Indiana to a book which
clearly states that Lucifer is the Holy Spirit.

Notice the path here. It does not involve the "higher degrees" of

The path begins with the Grand Lodges, which promote The Builders.
The Builders points to The Mysteries of Magic, which states that
Lucifer is God.
The path from the Grand Lodges to Luciferianism and/or Satanism is
quite short.

Many Freemasons would dispute the fact that Freemasonry is Satanic,
claiming that Lucifer is not Satan, or the devil. They often point
out that the Roman name, Lucifer, appears in the KJV translation of
Isaiah 14:12. The original text is Hebrew and does not contain the
Roman name, Lucifer. That is true. We have heard this defense from
so many Freemasons that it seems obvious that the argument is being
taught within the Masonic system, as a defense of Masonic literature
which lifts up Lucifer. Some Masons we have debated have considered
Lucifer to be one of the "good guys." Obviously, Levi, Waite and
Pike thought so. Pike wrote on page 321 of Morals and Dogma that,
"Lucifer is the Light Bearer." Freemasonry is said to be a search
after light.

Grand Lodges cannot directly tell Freemasons that Lucifer is God
without scaring a lot of them off before they are sufficiently
ensnared. Grand Lodges obviously want their members to find this
material, yet they also want to be able to claim, "We have never
taught any such thing." When the documentation is on the table, such
denials are seen to be just another Masonic lie.

Masons should ask themselves why they would remain a member of an
organization which promotes literature which declares Lucifer to be

What impact does this have on the church?
The Bible states:

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both
the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. (2
John 9-11)

By allowing Masons to be members of the congregation, the other
members have a share in the evil work of Freemasonry. Satan is served
and he has a legitimate charge to bring against the church.
Freemasonry is a malignant growth which Jesus does not want in His
church. The seven letters to the churches in the book of Revelation
reveal that God will hold the church responsible not only for what it
does, but also for what it tolerates. Did you ever wonder why you are
not seeing revival?

The Reverend Dr. Joseph Fort Newton, the man whose book pointed to The
Mysteries of Magic, was both a Mason and the pastor of a church. The
Mysteries of Magic declares that Lucifer is God. Newton declared the
words in the works of Arthur Edward Waite to be "noble in form, united
in aim, unique in wealth of revealing beauty, and of unequalled
worth." Newton knew enough about Masonic literature to know that
Albert Pike had borrowed from the writings of Eliphas Levi when he
wrote Morals and Dogma. That fact demonstrates that Newton knew the
literature well. One of Waite's books contains four pages of
instructions to conjure Lucifer. We will not be placing that on the
site, as we would not want to enable anyone to try it. With Masons,
you never know how far into the pit they are leaning. Who can tell
which member of your congregation they will ensnare next? Who is to
stop them from going after your brother, your son, or your grandson?
Fortunately, it is much easier to keep a man out of the lodge by
talking to him before he joins than it is to get him out once they
have him ensnared. If men know the truth about Freemasonry, they
usually won't join the lodge.

The Reverend Dr. Newton obviously knew that Freemasonry was
incompatible with Christianity, yet we sincerely doubt that he would
have admitted that he was not a genuine Christian. If he were really
a Christian, why would he have praised the works of Levi and Waite?
You should not expect any Mason who is standing in the pulpit to admit
that he is a phony. But if he won't repent and renounce Freemasonry
when confronted with the facts, can he be the genuine article?

Is your pastor a Mason? If so, part of his "ministry" is to maintain
that a man can be both a Christian and a Mason. Are you contributing
to his salary, or otherwise funding his "ministry?" That is the most
effective way to say Godspeed to him. Don't share in his evil deeds.
Feed the poor instead.

Source materials for this page may be downloaded in PDF form. The
FREE Adobe reader is required to view or print the file.

The following SOURCE DOCUMENTS are in single PDF file which is 163
KB. It will take approximately 1 minute to download with a 28.8 KB
modem. To save the file on your computer, click on the link with your
right mouse button and select "Save Link As," or "Save Target As,"
depending on your browser. If you use the left button, your reader
MAY have a save button as well.

The document file contains the following:

The Master Mason, pages 2, 3, 4.

The Indiana Monitor and Freemason's Guide, pp. 37-39, 172.

The Kentucky Monitor, page 116.

Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, pages 444-445.

The Builders, pages 57-59.

The Mysteries of Magic, page 428.

Even church mice have enough sense to get out of the lodge.
Masonic Teachings

Masonic Monitors for the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft
and Master Mason contain teachings of Freemasonry
Masonic documents containing secret teachings of Freemasonry
Hiram Abiff Abif is the secret Masonic savior - Freemasonry has a plan
of salvation
Christian Mason, the Masonic god - the god of Freemasonry - is not the
Christian God
Mason claims he belongs to a Christian Lodge
Mason ritual for Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason -
rituals of Freemasonry - download Masonic rituals
Christian Masons become Ex-Masons for Jesus. They leave the Masonic
Lodge because Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity
2004-08-24 13:36:18 UTC

The Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection

by Wendy Hoffman

It probably all started with the women's movement, which gave society
the message that victims of oppression need not be silent. They
should be able to talk about what happened to them without being
blamed for their perpetrators' transgressions. Many of the early
feminists were focused on women's rights in society. Simultaneously,
women all over the States also started remembering another form of

In the 1970s and 80s, American women who were incest survivors started
speaking out. No, they didn't seduce their fathers; they were raped.
No, they didn't like it. Yes, they wish it had never happened. It
scarred their lives. No, they didn't fantasize it. Their lucidity
set the stage for our present decade of uncovering the hidden and
naming abuses. In united voice, they contradicted the experts whose
opinions joined with common "wisdom" over the centuries to sabotage
truth and justice and blame innocent victims. They held self-support
meetings so that survivors could share and validate one another.
They wrote books on incest and produced art exhibits and theatre
performances. They held "Take Back the Night" marches. National and
local television talk shows started featuring incest survivors, or as
they were called, incest victims. These shows reached millions of
American homes and gave other silent or repressed survivors permission
to remember and speak out.

At the same time, some, not all by any means, survivors of severe
repressed trauma observed that they had divided parts within
themselves, that different personas had different interests, manners,
outlooks, personalities, functions. Professionals gave these
survivors the diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder. As their
treatment progressed, inevitably they discovered that some of the
personas recalled severe sexual abuse at home, sometimes by multiple

As time went on, though this all happened very fast, some survivors
remembered fathers and mothers raping and violating them, their
brothers and sisters. Moreover, the rapes were not so secret as in
families where there is incest by one parent only. Here there was
open collusion. Sometimes known community members, including high up
politicians and professionals, were remembered violating together.
Survivors remembered that this violence occurred during rituals and
ceremonies. Some, again not all, remembered religious overtones.
They recalled that covens held these rituals, and that spiritual
warring occurred during them. As soon as Satan was named, some
churches became involved in the recovery process. Many churches
continue to disbelieve this abuse exists.

Many survivors whom I have worked or spoken with observed that they
had terrible reactions to their breakthrough memories, that after they
had a memory, some became suicidal, felt that they were losing their
minds or had other strange responses. Why should they suddenly feel
so negative at the very moment of a leap into freedom? These
reactions helped them and their therapists understand that this was
not solely a phenomenon of physical and spiritual torture. An
advanced scientific system of mind control was the main ingredient in
satanic cult abuse.

People's recovery process deepened, and survivors and their therapists
discovered more about imposed and natural dissasociation and
repression. Some survivors remembered that Masonic abuse also
occurred. As each month goes on, more and more therapists and
survivors are reporting this connection. Some remember their fathers
taking them to Masonic meetings and rituals occurring on the
characteristic black and white checkered floors. Other survivors have
done art work describing their abuse, in which Masonic and satanic
symbols are interwoven. Some of Ann-Marie Germain's conversations
with her father, which support her memories of having been Masonically
and satanically abused, were recently published in Margaret Smith's
book Ritual Abuse (HarperSanFrancisco, 1993).

David L. Carrico's The Egyptian - Masonic - Satanic Connection
presents the characteristics of Masonic abuse. With Rick Doninger, he
describes the characteristics of satanic abuse and demonstrates how
they correspond. In addition, some of what he describes as Masonic
practices are also reported by satanic cult survivors, such as the
kissing of certain parts of the body described on page 126. The
double subterranean level shown in the illustration on page 64 matches
what some survivors have described as hidden ritual sites. The
demonic presences described on page 137 reflects some satanic cult
survivors' experiences. Another similarity is the extensive and exact
use of hand signals and motions to communicate messages.

There's no precedent in history for understanding satanic cult abuse.
It's not exposed like incest, alcoholism, the Holocaust, the mafia,
what's happening in Bosnia or our ghettoes. We don't know about
groups of people being mind controlled and living with no free will,
but they have been with us for centuries. The Bible describes satanic
practices but not mind control or the high tech electroshock
programming that satanic cult survivors suffer. One of the many
reasons people are so reluctant to believe Satanism exists is because
they're not aware of a model for it in modern Western civilization.
It's no accident that the Masonic connection to satanic cult abuse is
slow to be revealed in survivors' memory process. The Masonic link
brings survivors into the realm of the political world view that
satanic cults have and how some world leaders may be involved in this

David Carrico's work is one of the first attempts to set the
foundation for understanding the interconnectedness of Satanism and
Egyptian-Masonic abuse. This kind of historical exploration is needed
to put today's world in perspective and help people understand the
roots of current violence, conspiracy and destruction. The
combination of personal testimonies and research has got to make a
strong impact even on a sleepy, negligent society that is prone to
denial. The information in this book is important.

Wendy Hoffman
2004-08-24 13:56:02 UTC

The Connection between Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions

There is certainly no shortage of testimonies by Masonic authorities
as to the relationship of Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions.
According to Joseph Fort Newton, Masonry is the "spiritual descendant"
of the Mysteries. Joseph Fort Newton was a 33" Mason who served as
Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Iowa and Past Grand Prelate
of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States. In
his book, The Builders, he states:

Masonry stands in this tradition; and if we may not say that it is
historically related to the great ancient orders, it is their
spiritual descendant, and renders much the same ministry to our age
which the Mysteries rendered to the olden world.

In his book, The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst, the Past
Provincial Grand Registrar (West Yorks) makes the following statement:

It remains with the Craft itself whether it shall enter upon its own
heritage as a lineal successor of the ancient Mysteries and
Wisdom--teaching, or whether, by failing so to do, it will undergo the
inevitable fate of everything that is but a form from which its native
spirit has departed.

The book, Freemasonry Its Hidden Meaning, by George H. Steinmetz,
published by Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, calls the
"teaching of the Mysteries, the true parent of Freemasonry" and states
that Freemasonry is a descendent or reincarnation of the Mysteries.

It is entirely out of harmony with the profound teaching of the
Mysteries, the true parent of Freemasonry.

If Freemasonry is the actual descendant or, if one prefers the term,
reincarnation of the Mysteries, back of its "veil of allegory," then
must be concealed a deeper truth than expounded in the various
lectures of the degrees.

It is from this book, The Spirit of Masonry, by Foster Bailey, that
we will take a quote concerning Masonry and the Mystery Religions.
Bailey plainly says that Masonry is carrying on the work of the
ancient Mystery schools.

Study of spiritual realities found in Masonry reveals that we have
perpetuated and increasingly activated the essential principals of the
ancient Mystery Schools which have existed from the very earliest

The Masonic authority, Albert Pike, also testifies to the relation of
Freemasonry to the Mystery Religions.

The Mysteries, like the symbols of Masonry, were but an image of the
eloquent analogies of Nature;......

Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still follows the ancient manner
of teaching. Her ceremonies are like the ancient mystic shows,--not
the reading of an essay, but the opening of a problem, requiring
research, and constituting philosophy the arch-expounder.

Freemason Albert Churchwood writes in his book about the connection
between Freemasonry and the religion of Babylon:

But the secrets these operative Masons had were received from the
Chaldean Magicians.

The next documentation, a Masonic oath, the OATH OF NIMROD, is also
from Churchwood's book.

Oath of Nimrod

Apprentice Degree (1st).

I,...............................do , in the presence of El Shaddai
and of this Worshipful Assembly of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers,
Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers, promise and declare
that I will not at any time hereafter, by any act or circumstance
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, write, print, cut, mark, publish,
discover, reveal, or make known, any part or parts of the Trade
secrets, privileges, or counsells of the Worshipful Fraternity or
Fellowship of Free Masonry, which I may have known at any time, or at
any time hereafter shall be made known unto me.

The penalty for breaking this great oath shall be the loss of my life.

That I shall be branded with the mark of the Traitor and slain
according to ancient custom by being throtalled, that my body shall be
buried in the rough sands of the sea a cable's length from the shore
where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in the twenty-four
hours, so that my soul shall have no rest by night or by day--

(Candidate Signs the O.B.)

Given under my hand and sealed
with my lips, this day of 1913.

So help me El Shaddai and the holy
contents of this book.


The Masonic Lodge in Indiana makes no effort to hide its connection
with the Mystery Religions. It openly boasts of its connection with
the Ancient Mysteries. The Master Mason, a book authorized by the
Grand Lodge F.& A.M. of Indiana and compiled by the Committee on
Masonic Education, plainly shows the connection between Hiram Abiff
and the Mystery Religions.

The idea that lies behind the Hiramic legend is as old as religious
thinking among men. The same elements existed in the story of Osiris,
which was celebrated by the Egyptians in their ancient temples; the
old Persians told it concerning Mithras, their hero god. In Syria,
the Dionysian Mysteries had the very same elements in the story of
Dionysius: for the Romans, Bacchus was the god who died and lived
again. There is also the story of Tammuz, older than any of these.
These are collectively referred to as the ancient mysteries. They
were celebrated by secret societies, much like ours, with allegorical
ceremonies, during which the initiates were advanced from one degree
to another in these old societies. Read these old stories for
yourself and marvel how men in all ages have taught the same great
truths in the same effective way.

The book, The Master Mason, quoted above challenges the Freemason to
read the stories of these Old Mystery Religions to see how they teach
the same "great truths" as Freemasonry. The truth is: the Mystery
Religions were the enemies of the church in New Testament times; they
were pagan and Satanic, loaded with rituals that included sexual
perversion and even human sacrifice.

In the previous quote, the Indiana lodge proudly states that Hiram
Abiff had a direct relationship to Tammuz, which was clearly denounced
as an abomination by the Old Testament prophets.

13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see
greater abominations that they do.

14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house
which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for

Ezekiel 8:13-14 KJV

We have seen how the passage in Ezekiel condemned this type of rite as
an abomination to the Lord. We have read how the Indiana lodge knows
the connection of Hiram Abiff and Tammuz; however, we have met many
Freemasons, claiming to be Christians, who proudly defend their
membership in the Masonic Lodge. The idea of such statements is

Other Masonic authors also brag about the connection between
Freemasonry and the Ancient Mysteries, the Ancient Wisdom, and the
Occult, etc. Henry C. Clausen, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander says in
his book, Your Amazing Mystic Powers:

A new day is dawning for Freemasonry. From the insufficiencies of
modern theology, the hopelessness of materialism, and the sterility of
academic philosophy, men are turning to those eternal truths
perpetuated in the arcana of the ancient mysteries.

Mason S. R. Parchment states in his book, Ancient Operative Masonry:

The hierophants of the universal science and sublime philosophy taught
in the Great Mysteries of Egypt, India, Persia, Chaldea and other
nations of antiquity, revealed certain secrets pertaining to the finer
forces of nature to such candidates as were worthy and well qualified.
These faithful ones were also instructed in the doctrine of universal
Brotherhood, and finally initiated into the "I am that I am"
consciousness. These ideals are the landmarks, traditions and
glyphics of Ancient Operative Freemasonry--nothing more.

Mason R. Swinburne Clymer, M. D., says in the introduction of his
book, The Mysticism of Masonry:

There are indeed many reasons why the present volume should be
generously circulated among all classes of students of the Occult and
Mystic, especially the members of the Masonic bodies.

The vast majority of Masons smile with derision when the term "Occult
Science" is used in connection with the Mysteries but, despite this,
if it had not been for the Occult Fraternities, Masonry could not have

It is the duty of every sincere Mason who is interested in the spirit
of the teachings of his Order, carefully to study the philosophy of
the masters who have reconstructed the Ancient Wisdom to suit his
needs, and having done so, to guide his actions in all the affairs of
life so as to be prepared for his entrance into the Great Lodge hall
where he must give an account of all his deeds and in return receive
his "Mark."

And also from the book:

All Masonry of the past dealt largely with the ethics and symbolism of
the Ancient Mysteries. If the Masons of the present age will but seek
for the spirit of the symbolism upon which the degrees are based, the
grandest achievements in the knowledge and reconstruction will be
possible and the mysteries concealed in the Greater Mysteries of
Antiquity will be recovered to them.

Another Masonic author J. D. Buck 32° makes these statements in his
introduction of his book, Symbolism or Mystic Masonry:

Freemasonry is modeled on the plan of the Ancient Mysteries, with
their glyphics and allegories, and this is no mere coincidence; the
parallels are too closely drawn.

In his book, A Bridge to Light, published by the Supreme Council of
U.S.A., 32° Freemason Rex R. Hutchens explains about the 23rd degree
in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry:

Here we begin the symbolic initiations into the Mysteries practiced by
the ancients from whom Masonry has obtained her great truths.

We believe the documentation above should be sufficient to establish
in the minds of honest-hearted people an undeniable link between the
Masonic Lodge and the Mystery Religions. Not because we say so, but
because we have read the testimony from their own Masonic authorities.
It is clear that there are men who are using the modern Masonic Lodge
to carry on the work of the ancient Mystery Religions. This is a cup
of abomination from which Christians cannot drink.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great
is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her
fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the
abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not
of her plagues.

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her

Revelation 18:2-5 KJV


In the following quote from a book called, Ancient Operative Masonry,
author S.R. Parchment talks about the mysterious Brothers of the
shadow who practice human sacrifice. He then goes on to explain why a
Brother of the Great White Lodge does not try to stop them. Parchment
explains giving the typical New Age reasoning that it would limit
their freedom of choice which will enable them to evolve into Godhood.

The Brothers of the Shadow who are in the flesh are usually very
fearful of death and are, therefore, ever in quest of methods for
prolonging their physical existence. The biblical statement that man
may "Eat of the Tree of Life and live forever," is not to them a mere
statement, and for the purpose of prolonging their lives, they have
ferreted out and perpetuated among their clan many nefarious schemes
too heinous to mention. When these methods fail, as a last resort
they sacrifice human beings and feast upon the flesh and blood of
their victims.

The question has often been asked, why do the Brothers of the Great
White Lodge, who are said to be emissaries of God, permit such
diabolical practices to be perpetuated throughout the ages? This
question shows clearly that the mission of the Brothers of Light is
not understood. My dear Reader! Since these great souls are working
in absolute harmony with cosmic law, they can at best only foster that
which is good in whomsoever it is found. A moment's thought on this
subject should be sufficient to convince one that if the Great Ones
were to influence man to do the things which they think best for his
future welfare, they would be depriving him of the many valuable
experiences so essential for the building of soul qualities. It is
obvious that continued guidance from without would inevitably reduce
man to an automaton; while with freedom to choose, he evolves into a
dynamic God.
2004-08-24 13:57:18 UTC

Aliester Crowley: 33° Mason Who Knew about Human Sacrifice

33° Mason, Aleister Crowley would definitely get some votes in the
"most wicked man who ever lived contest" and is the clear cut favorite
for the title of "The Father of Modern Satanism". Crowley's wicked
life and his intimate association with Freemasonry are both well

Crowley himself was terribly decadent. A happily heroin-addicted,
bisexual Satan worshiper, he asked people to call him "The Beast 666."
Crowley believed that he was literally the antimessiah of the

During the first World War, Crowley transferred his activities to
America. The press proclaimed him "the wickedest man in the world." He
also spent time in Italy, but was expelled because Italian authorities
accused his disciples of sacrificing human infants in occult rituals.
According to one source, Crowley resided in the Abbey of Thelema near
Cefalu Sicily, and revived ancient Dionysian ceremonies. During a
1921 ritual, he induced a he-goat to copulate with his mistress, then
slit the animal's throat at the moment of orgasm.


Aleister Crowley was very proud of all his accomplishments and
connections. He bragged about all of the Masonic medals and insignia
that he was entitled to wear.

This view was confirmed when The Arcane Schools of John Yarker came to
me for review. I wrote to the author, who recognized my title to the
33° and conferred on me the grades of 95° Memphis and 90° Mizraim. It
seemed as if I had somehow turned a tap. From this time on I lived in
a perfect shower of diplomas, from Bucharest to Salt Lake City. I
possess more exalted titles than I have ever been able to count. I am
supposed to know more secret signs, tokens, passwords, grand words,
grips, and so on, than I could actually learn in a dozen lives. An
elephant would break down under the insignia I am entitled to wear.

Here we see 33° Aleister Crowley in all of his Masonic regalia:




We find in the next quotes, the 'doctrine' of Aleister
Crowley from MAGICK in Theory and Practice, by The Master Therion
(Aleister Crowley):

But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious;
and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.

The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the
Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape. An
animal should be selected whose nature accords with that of the
ceremony--thus, by sacrifcing a female lamb one would not obtain any
appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to a Magician who was
invoking Mars. In such acase a ram would be more suitable. And this
ram should be virgin--the whole potential of its original total energy
should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual
working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the
greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high
intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.

From The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley:

With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the

There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.

From SATANIC EXTRACTS, by Aleister Crowley:

The Oath of Fealty

I bind my blood in Satan's hands,

All this that lieth betwixt my hands

To thee, the Beast, and thy control,

I pledge me; body, mind, and soul.


I swear to work my Work abhorred,

Careless of all but one reward,

The pleasure of the Devil our Lord


Crowley was truly an international Mason. He received his 33° in
Mexico City and spoke of participating in Masonic rituals in the
United States and also was involved in other rites of Freemasonry.
Not only was Crowley a 33° Grand Inspector General of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry, but he was also involved in other rites of Freemasonry
that went even deeper into the occult. The Rite of Memphis contained
Masonic rituals with a definite Egyptian flavor.

By the end of 1910, thanks to my relations with the Grand Hierophant
97° of the Rite of Memphis (a post held after his death by Dr. Gerard
Encausse ['Papus'], Theodor Reuss ['Merlin'], and myself), I was now
a sort of universal inspector-general of the various rites, charged
with the secret mission of reporting on the possibility of
reconstructing the entire edifice, which was universally recognized by
all its more intelligent members as threatened with the gravest

Even for a man like Crowley who was obsessed with the occult, the
rituals of Freemasonry provided a profound occult thrill.

I supposed myself to have reached the summit of success when I
restored the Secret Word of the Royal Arch. In this case, tradition
had preserved the Word almost intact.

Were Aleister Crowley and his followers or perhaps a similar group
capable of performing acts and rituals that are comparable to what are
described by satanic ritual abuse survivors. The following quotes are
from a book entitled, Secrets of the German Sex Magicians. This book
talks about the ritual use of pain and attributes to Crowley the most
perverted of practices such as bestiality and the ritual consumption
of body fluids.

The ritual use of pain and agony as an access mode to trance and
magical power does have its limits, though. For one thing, physical
pain tends to dull the senses in the long run, so that stimuli have to
be increased incessantly. This may quite easily lead to grave bodily
harm, not to mention the fact that it can become downright addictive
and lead to a kindled frenzy not very easily mastered.

Crowley, in fact, trod in his practice a path similar to that of the
more materialistic authorities. Although he positively encouraged
ejaculatory orgasm in his sex magic, he always made a point of
consuming what he called the "elixir" afterwards. He understood this
elixir to be the mixture of the sexual fluids of both partners or, in
the masturbatory act, as just the semen. He entered very carefully in
his the magical diaries a description of the elixir's consistency and
taste, and he even recorded the prophecies which he deduced from these

And Crowley's practices go on to be even more disgusting.

Coprophagia, which means consumption of excrement, here also includes
consumption of other secretions such as urine and sweat. It was
ritually practiced from early times on the sympathetic-magic principle
that the secretions of any entity contain part of its magis. Crowley,
for example, occasionally offered his disciples in Cefalu the
excretement of a goat. This frequently met with no small disapproval!

Crowley performed a similar ritual in his Sicilian Abbey of Thelema,
during which his Scarlet Woman was to be mounted by a goat which would
be beheaded during the climax.

There exists today a secret society that dedicates itself to carrying
on the teachings of Aleister Crowley. This group is called the
O.T.O.. The O.T.O. was founded earlier this century by high grade
Austrian Freemason Karl Kellner and German Freemason Theodor Reuss.
The O.T.O. became a major force in the occult world when Aleister
Crowley became its leader.

Crowley learned ritual magic from the man who was renown as the master
of his day, MacGregor Mathers. The pupil-student relationship soon
turned into a bitter rivalry and resulted literally in a Black Magic
war. When Mathers died in 1918 many of his friends were convinced
that Crowley was responsible for his death. Mathers, also a
Freemason, introduced Crowley to an occult organization called the
"Golden Dawn" and helped Crowley along his dark walk on the Egyptian
Masonic road.

Mathers and his wife Moina, the sister of the philosopher Henri
Bergson, lived in Paris. (Mathers tried to convert Bergson to magic,
but without success.) Their house was decorated as an Egyptian temple
and they celebrated 'Egyptian Masses', invoking the goddess Isis.
Mathers officiated in a long white robe, a metal belt engraved with
the signs of the zodiac, bracelets round his wrists and ankles, and a
leopard-skin slung across his shoulders. He was convinced that he was
descended from the Scottish clan MacGregor and took to calling himself
MacGregor Mathers, Chevalier MacGregor and Comte de Glenstrae. W. B.
Yeats, whose magical name in the Golden Dawn was Daemon est Deus
Inversus (The Devil is God Reversed), was a frequent visitor to the
Mathers household in Paris.

One of the most talked about Satanic groups in recent years has been
The Temple of Set headed by Michael Aquino.

The brand of Satanism that is practiced by Michael Aquino and the
Temple of Set is thoroughly Egyptian. In the book, The Book of Coming
Forth by Night (1985) Aquino describes what seems to be a call to
start the Church of Satan and speaks in the first person as Set, the
Egyptian Satan.

The Equinox has succumbed to my Solstice, and I, Set, am revealed in
my Majesty....I am the ageless Intelligence of this Universe...and
from my manifest semblance, which alone is not of Earth. Known as the
Hebrew Satan, I chose to bring forth a Magus, according to the fashion
of my Word. He was charged to form a Church of Satan, that I might
easily touch the minds of men in this age they had cast for me.

The accusation of child abuse and molestation against Aquino was made
in 1988 by Sandi Gallant of the San Francisco Police Department, thus
placing another link between Egyptian style Satanism and Satanic
Ritual Abuse. The accusations surfaced concerning the day care center
at the Presidio military installation and were as follows:

Children said they were taken by day to private homes, including two
on army property, where they had been sexually molested............

Other children talked about a "googoo" game in which they were
urinated and defecated on by a "Mr. Gary".... Pencils were used to
doodle on the skin and genitals of the children and were also inserted
in a child anus.....

A gun was pointed at the head of another adult in front of the

There were five confirmed cases among the children of chlamydia, a
sexually transmitted illness.

Although no formal charges were filed against Aquino, there were
certainly some interesting twists to the case. His repeated claims of
innocence to many were hollow cries. There are some similarities in
the accusations against the day care center when compared to the
recent disclosures of children that we have been in contact with.

It is not clear how long the army has known about Aquino's peculiar
genus of satanism. But the San Francisco police have been
exceptionally interested since about 1980. The interest crested in
November 1987 when police raided a house where a three-year-old girl
told police she had been molested by a sinister-looking man named
"Mickey" who snapped pictures of her in the bathtub and sexually
mistreated her in a room with black walls and a cross etched on the
ceiling. The girl later spotted "Mickey" in the PX at the Presidio
army base in San Francisco, where Aquino was stationed. The girl said
she thought "Mickey" was Aquino. The girl also said she recognized
Mrs. Aquino. Meanwhile, authorities had found evidence of ongoing
child abuse at the Presidio day care center. A three-year-old had
also been molested, and the cops turned up six cases of sexually
transmitted infection in fifty-eight other charges at the center. A
thirty-four-year-old civilian day-care worker at the Presidio
facility, who was also a Southern Baptist minister was arrested. At
first, the charges were dismissed. But subsequently, Hambright was
indicted anew on twelve counts of sodomy, oral copulation, and lewd
conduct. Hambright later died of AIDS.

Albert Churchward in his book, The Arcana of Freemasonry, confirms
that Set is the Egyptian name for Satan.

That Sut or Set was first primary god of the Egyptians, but was god of
the South Pole, or Southern Hemisphere, is amply proved and borne out
by the monuments as well as the Ritual. Set or Sut, according to
Plutarch, is the Egyptian name of Typhon--i.e. Satan of the Christian
2004-08-24 23:24:35 UTC
Da Vinci's Masterpiece Ruined...Beware of Gnosticism


Da Vinci's Masterpiece Ruined
Over the years books have come out that challenge the Christian faith
or the Bible. Many use every strategy possible to discredit the Bible.
Some have spoken vigorously against the resurrection, others have
challenged the Bible itself. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is just
such a book that can make peoples faith in Christ and the Bible be
shaken if they do not know TRUE history.

On the first day of its release The Da Vinci Code 6,000 copies, then
23,578 by week's end. It was No. 1 on the NewYork Times hard-cover
fiction bestseller list in its first week, which is very rare for an
obscure author. The book went into its 56th printing, bringing the
total number of copies in print to 7.35 million (July).

And its popularity continues. It has been #1 at amazon.com, #1 on the
New York Times bestseller list, or near the top of The New York Times
hard-cover fiction bestseller list for 58 weeks, selling between
80,000 and 90,000 copies per week.

TV specials were done on the books premise. ABC aired a primetime
special called “Jesus, Mary, and Da Vinci,” which considered the
historical ideas in the book to be factual. Brown appeared on ABC's
“Good Morning America” and the ABC primetime special called “Jesus,
Mary, and Da Vinci.”

Brown is now writing a sequel to “The Da Vinci Code,” to be due out
next year. It is also set to become a major motion picture produced by
Sony Pictures with Ron Howard as the director. The challenge to the
church from this book unlike anything we have recently seen and only
beginning. You can be sure there is more to come.

We cannot underestimate the potential of well packaged heresy to
unknowledgeable people on Christianity. It is banking on the premise
that more people are attracted to what is false, than what is true.
This book, based on a supposed secret kept hidden for almost 2,000
years is an open attack on Christ and the truth of His word, the

Brown does not claim his book is a novel, it is classified as fiction
it - but a historical fiction surrounded by true historical facts.

On his website Brown states, “While the book's characters and their
actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, documents,
and secret rituals depicted in this novel all exist. My hope in
writing this novel was that the story would serve as a catalyst and a
springboard for people to discuss the important topics of faith,
religion, and history.”

Many stories are done and promoted as truth, but truth without proof
is non-truth. It is here that the truth gets twisted on its head. As
the author weaves his story , up becomes down; backwards becomes

On the television special, Brown says he “became a believer” in the
theories that he inserts in the storyline of The DaVinci Code-- after
his attempts of trying to disprove them. Brown says “I spent a year
doing research before writing The Da Vinci Code.” That is quite a
short time to put together a supposed secret kept hidden from the
masses for almost 2,000 years.

Bible scholar Darrell L. Bock of Dallas Theological Seminary, who
authored Breaking the Da Vinci Code, contends that Brown has a deeper
agenda than mere fiction, and he cites the author's remark on “Good
Morning America” that he might not change any of the historical
material if the book were nonfiction.

“There is something he's doing under the cloak of fiction that needs
to be brought to the conscious level,” Bock said. “It is a concern to
the degree that poor information never helps anyone. He has said he
did it to create a discussion on the origins of Christianity. We are
obliging him.”

The book is 450 pages of a revisionist view of Christian doctrines and
history -- in light of Gnostic writings -- that Brown claims are the
real truth. In response to Browns speculations, 12 books refuting it
have been published.

Historical inaccuracies become the basis for this fiction book, and
most people are not equipped to discern fact from fiction within the
book's cleverly written pages.

Brown opens his book with the words “FACT” in bold, capital letters
and this statement: “All descriptions of artwork, architecture,
documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.”

The New York Daily News states “His research is impeccable.” Is it? It
is amazing that no news journalist has challenged all the
misrepresentations of facts.

The most fascinating part of the book is the revelation of “facts” and
conspiracies interwoven in the story. This theory has not originated
with Brown but as many have pointed out it was promoted over 20 years
ago with less success in the 1983 book Holy Blood, Holy Grail by
Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh. The book has been
shown to be based on fraudulent manuscripts and poor scholarship. Yet
Brown uses it as his primary source? Dan Brown’s interview with
Borders states that all of the history and ancient documents in The Da
Vinci Code are accurate.

Michael Baigen In his book Holy Blood, Holy Grail explains Leonardo da
Vinci (1452-1519) belonged to a secret organization called the Priory
of Sion. According to Baigent, Leonardo and the other members of this
group were in possession of privileged information about an alleged
marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This information was
apparently passed down through history in conspiratorial fashion. Da
Vinci was one of the keepers whom passed this secret knowledge. The
history in Baigent’s book has been seriously questioned by many

Scholars' should do the same to Browns.

Brown states “As I mentioned earlier, the secret I reveal is one that
has been whispered for centuries. It is not my own. Admittedly, this
may be the first time the secret has been unveiled within the format
of a popular thriller, but the information is anything but new. My
sincere hope is that The Da Vinci Code, in addition to entertaining
people, will serve as an open door for readers to begin their own

The Da Vinci code attacks the eyewitnesses of the Bible and it
historicity. Its intent is to bring doubt to the accuracy and
reliability of the Scriptures. Brown’s hero in the book remarks that:
“every faith in the world is based on fabrication. That is the
definition of faith-acceptance of that which we imagine to be true,
that which we cannot prove” (Brown, 341
http://www.answers.org/issues/davincicode.html). In other words the
only religious truth you will find is that there is no truth, except
what Brown reveals by his book.

Our Christian faith is based upon revealed truth; that everyone can
understand if they take the time. It is not something secret or
hidden. The New Testament uses faith as a set of convictions, a trust
in actual facts and truth, the meaning intended is in the sense of
faithfulness, or loyalty as owed to one in whom one is embedded for
service. It is grounded in facts that are historical, have proof from
archeology, manuscript evidence and most importantly proved by
prophecy, which no other book (religious or otherwise) contains.

Sir William Ramsay, one of the greatest archaeologists who ever lived
wrote of Luke the author of the gospel and the book of Acts stating,
“Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements
of fact trustworthy, this author should, be placed along with the very
greatest of historians. Luke's history is unsurpassed in respect of
its trustworthiness.”

Brown’s books detail known historical names mixed in his storyline to
legitimize a theory that Brown has concocted. The book presents a
mixture of anti-Christian teachings, radical feminist theology
(goddess worship). In it, Browne claims through his characters that
Jesus made no claims of his divinity; that the early Christians did
not believe in the divinity of Christ; he was just an ordinary man who
was not divine, did not die for our sins, the Resurrection never
happened; that our Bible is the result of a political power play by
the Roman Emperor Constantine; and early Christians worshiped the
“divine feminine.”

The book makes the outrageous claim that Jesus Christ was married to
Mary Magdalene. A child was born in their marriage, and that Mary and
her child fled after the crucifixion to Gaul France, where they
established the Merovingian line of European royalty.

Despite all this content, on Browns Website the question is asked ARE
YOU A CHRISTIAN? His answer- “Yes. Interestingly, if you ask three
people what it means to be Christian, you will get three different
answers. Some feel being baptized is sufficient. Others feel you must
accept the Bible as immutable historical fact. Still others require a
belief that all those who do not accept Christ as their personal
savior are doomed to hell. … we're each following our own paths of
enlightenment. I consider myself a student of many religions. The more
I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will
be a life-long work in progress” (Emp. mine).

Does this sound like a Christian? Or, someone always learning an never
coming to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim.3:7). I have an idea, why
don’t we start with Jesus and see what the apostles said were the
requirements for being a Christian? But he does not believe the Bible.
So his opinion of interpretation becomes equal to all others, in fact
it becomes superior. His animosity toward the Bible and Christ exudes
from almost every chapter. Brown is not a Christian as he sides with
the enemies of Christianity, the Gnostics; his statement, “...we're
each following our own paths of enlightenment ” should be sufficient.

The Plot

The book begins with the murder of the curator of the Louvre in Paris.
The Harvard code specialist called into the case pursues the culprit,
and in so doing discovers an array of clues hidden in the works of
Leonardo da Vinci. The plot revolves around a mystery with evil
figures and secret societies, puzzles, symbols, amazing escapes, as
the plot twists ands turns through the book making fascinating

The book is also filled with conspiracy theories. Everyone that ever
was attached to a conspiracy is involved, the Knights Templar, the
Rosicrucians, the Vatican, Opus Dei, the Freemasons, Nazis, the Dead
Sea Scrolls, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Catholic church
. The only group left missing are UFO’s. Maybe they will appear in the

The book “reveals” to the readers that Jesus was not divine; that he
married the Mary Magdalene had a child with her, the church conspired
for millennia to hide the truth. Where does his information on this
come from? Very simply, the Gnostics, who were an anti-christian cult
that claimed to have secret knowledge of God and challenged

Readers are told Mary had to flee Jerusalem after Christ’s crucifixion
because Peter was angered by her leadership role; That Mary survived
and found refuge in France where she gave birth to Jesus’ daughter. So
the story goes...

The history of Mary, her daughter and their descendant’s are
chronicled by those who protected them. This lineage of Jesus
intermarried with French royal blood in the fifth century; that
documents detailing this secret history were hidden. The Knights
Templar entrusted the safekeeping of the documents to a group called
The Priory of Sion.

I think I need to ask a question that becomes obvious, are these
French descendents Jewish? Or are we next going to hear Jesus was not
even Jewish.

On the ABC special it was stated the Merovingian kings say the first
queen was impregnated by a fish. This is interpreted as symbolizing
Jesus, because of the early Christian's symbol of a fish. This is
stretching a imaginary story to its max. Brown reveals to us the
“Priory of Sion” was been given charge of the Holy Grail to guard
these secrets that would severely damage Christianity. That this
secret knowledge was passed on through codes and symbols. The priory
is to maintain a religion of balance between male and female
(celebrated in ritual intercourse) which Constantine banished out of
Christianity to strengthen male power.

Indiana Jones was mistaken to look for a chalice with the blood, the
search for the Holy Grail turns out not to be the chalice, but Mary
Magdalene-who married Jesus and bore a child, Sarah, whose descendents
are still alive. Knights who claimed to be “searching for the chalice”
were speaking in code as a way to protect themselves from a Church
that had subjugated women, banished the Goddess, burned non-believers,
and forbidden the pagan reverence for the sacred feminine” (The Da
Vinci Code, pp. 238-239).

This brings us to Leonardo da Vinci, we are told he was at one time a
Grand Master of The Priory and many of his famous paintings contain
numerous symbols and codes’ to pass on the secret.

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?

Leonardo lived in about 15th century in Florence Italy. In
1500produced his first designs for the now famous flying machine the
scythed chariot and the armored car. No doubt, he was a visionary of
sorts. He is especially known for two paintings, the Mona Lisa and the
Last supper. On Brown’s webpage titled “Bizarre True Facts from The Da
Vinci Code

Out of hundreds of pages of calculations and drawings there is nothing
in his notebooks that presupposes passing on secrets attributed to him
in browns book. However, imagination and reality are blurred as Brown
writes that Leonardo was a “prankster and genius” who is “widely
believed to have hidden secret messages within much of his artwork.”
Widely believed is never proven, exaggerations are Browns forte.
Statements like these are made throughout the book.

Many claim the book is filled with historical inaccuracies. Bruce
Boucher of Chicago’s Art Institute in an article in The New York Times
Aug. 3, 03 tore apart Dan Brown’s knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci.

The Da Vinci Code correctly states that there are two versions of this
painting-the earlier one is in the Louvre in Paris and the later one
is housed at the National Gallery in London (painted on a wood panel).
But Browns facts are again misconstrued, he describes the painting as
a “a five-foot-tall canvas,” when it is actually about 6.5 feet tall
according the Louvre web site.

He could not even get the measurements right but states in his book
“All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents and secret
rituals in this novel are accurate.” The original fresco is on a wall
of the refectory (dining hall) in the Convent of Santa Maria delle
Grazie in Milan, Italy. It is huge, 15 x 29 feet.

The painting was finished in 1498. The Last Supper is Leonardo's
visual interpretation of an event recorded in all four of the Gospels
(books in the Christian New Testament not the Gnostic writings). The
evening before Christ was betrayed by one of his disciples, he
gathered them together to eat the traditional Passover meal and tell
them about what would soon take place. Da Vinci painted the 12
disciples during the moment when Christ tells them there is a traitor
among them. His intent was to capture the reaction of each person at
the table. What seems to be a twist of irony is that Brown does not
believe the Biblical record that Da Vinci used to base his painting

How do we know if the painting of Da Vinci is accurate? He was not
there. Leonardo did not copy a photo of the actual Last Supper. Though
the eye -witnesses are no longer here, we have written what took
place. We must go to the Bible just like he did to find out what

Brown claims that it is Mary Magdalen, not John to the right of Jesus
-because the person looks feminine. This late 15th century mural is
not proof about 1st century events described in the New Testament.
Even if Leonardo intentionally made the Beloved Disciple have a
feminine look, so what. There is such a thing as artistic license.
John isn't the only effeminate-looking male Leonardo had painted.
Leonardo's painting Angel in the Flesh figure has a similar feminine
face (in the likeness of John in The Last Supper). The theory that
DaVinci included Mary Magdalene in his painting The Last Supper is not
accepted by art historians, who say that the “feminine” figure seated
to the left of Jesus is the boyish looking Apostle John as he is
normally depicted in artwork of the period.

The books reveal a secret code in Da Vinci’s painting- Between the
alleged Mary and Jesus forms a letter. “Glaring in the center of the
painting was the unquestionable outline of an enormous, flawlessly
formed letter M.” (p. 245) (Or a V) Also, we should also notice the
dinner is taking place in daylight, not in evening as it is supposed
to, maybe that’s another clue? A clue that it is absolutely not

A “flawlessly formed letter M,” is debatable. What is the significance
of this? This like finding messages in rock formations or words in
Alphabet soup. It really means absolutely nothing except to those who
an active imagination and want to connect the dots. Maybe this cannot
be seen by the uninitiated.

We also read the character Teabing saying, “Oddly, Da Vinci appears to
have forgotten to paint the Cup of Christ.” (p. 236). Brown admits
that it was his professor that showed the class a slide and pointed
out the chalice is missing, then supposing the Holy Grail was Mary.

First of all they did not use a chalice but ordinary pottery cups and
these are found in the painting, plainly in view on the table in front
of Christ and the others. This Mystery is solved. One can see the
straw man arguments in this book and are not grounded in what really
took place. We have Brown reinterpreting history with a painting.

Some have also pointed out that the Templar Revelation is the source
of almost all of Brown’s “research” into Leonardo.

Umbert Eco interviewed on the ABC TV special (Jesus Mary and Da Vinci,
Aug.5, 2004) says that he puts the Holy Grail as a literary invention
like Pinnochio or Little Red Riding Hood.

What is the Bibles Account?

In John 12:1-2 six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany,
and Martha served the dinner. So it is possible a woman was there to
serve the dinner but this proves nothing of Jesus being married to

What is the Bibles account? Luke 22:13-14 “…and they prepared the
Passover. When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles
with Him.” That’s who the Bible says is at the table. That’s whom Da
Vinci painted, there are only 12 people. If Mary is not John, where
is John or whoever is missing?

Where did Brown get this secret knowledge passed down? Mary Magdalene
-- as the disciple whom Jesus loved -- is reflected in the Gnostic
Christian writings of Nag Hammadi -- e.g., the Gospel of Philip and
the Gospel of Mary.” “In some ancient gnostic communities, Mary
Magdalene was thought of as having been the “Beloved Disciple” and the
companion of the Lord. What is not taken into account is that the
Gnostics were not Christians. They were a cult that used Jesus and
others names to attack the Bible and Christianity. They even claimed
Mary as their leader but there is no historical proof of this.

We know from the Bible that Peter was on one side and Judas was
probably next to or near Jesus. But who is the person on the other
side that Da Vinci painted that makes this controversy. What we need
to look at carefully is who is on the right of Jesus because this is
the basis of Brown's book, and it rests on Da Vinci’s painting passing
down this secret information.

At the last supper gathered around the table enjoying the Passover,
Jesus tells the disciples one will betray him. The disciples looked at
one another, perplexed about whom He spoke. Now there was leaning on
Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter
therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. Then,
leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, “Lord, who is it?”
Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I
have dipped it.” And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas
Iscariot, the son of Simon.

(John 13:18-33) At the last supper gathered around the table enjoying
the Passover Jesus tells the disciples one will betray him. Now there
was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He
spoke. Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, “Lord, who
is it?”

It’s not a mystery because the Bible tells us. Jesus mother, his
mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene were all
at the cross, and so was John. In John 19:26 “When Jesus saw his
mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said
to his mother, “ woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here
is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his
home. (John 19:25-27) Here John refers to himself, as one Jesus loved
not Mary, the disciple is a he. And he also is the author of the
gospel it is written. If one is going to accept the 4th gospel by John
as actually by Mary, they would have to accept the other epistles he
(she) wrote also, as they clearly are the same styles and concepts
ingrained showing it is the same author. Yet he ignores what John
himself writes in it.

John 20:1-2 “On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the
tomb early finding the stone removed. “Then she ran and came to Simon
Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved.” One has to change
a number of Scriptures in the Bible to make Magdalene the disciple
Jesus loved

At one of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus John 21:7
Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the
Lord!” after the Lord restores Peter. V. 20-21 Peter, turning around,
saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on
His breast at the supper…Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord,
what about this man?” v22 Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain
till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”

One may jump to conclusions and say this was Mary but the Bible tells
us this was John. What these Gnostic promoters do is say this was
intentionally changed from Mary to John being the disciple Jesus

Brown lays the groundwork by having his main characters deny the
inspiration and authority of the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
replaced with the gnostic gospels. The gnostic texts are called the
“unaltered gospels,” and the New Testament texts are mocked as
misinformation from the goddess-bashers. [Brown claims the Gospel of
Mary Magdalene as ‘unaltered” (p.248)].

Brown's intent to undermine the very historicity of the New Testament
is not hidden. He holds the belief that the true Jesus was a Gnostic;
and that the earliest “Christian” writings were the Gnostic Gospels
and the “still searching” for document Q party. In The Da Vinci Code:
“Many scholars claim that the early Church literally stole Jesus from
His original followers, hijacking His human message, shrouding it in
an impenetrable cloak of divinity, and using it to expand their own
power” (p.233).

The Biblical Jesus becomes an imposture, created by the church,
specifically patriarchal males that was hungry for power. In essence,
Brown drops the A-bomb by saying everything the church believes is a
lie because it is based on the Bible. (be it Roman Catholic,
Protestant, evangelical, etc. everyone who claims to believe in the

The Da Vinci Code’s accusation; that Christianity is based upon a Big
Lie (the deity of Christ) used by patriarchal oppressors to deny the
true worship of the Divine Feminine. 2,000 years ago the church
covered up Mary being the leader of the Christian community. Like I
said the truth is twisted on its head and its not the church that has
done it. Brown has convincingly brought doubt through a conspiracy
story and forgeries that were rejected by those who lived when they
were produced.

According to Browns book “Almost everything our fathers taught us
about Christ is false,” laments one of Brown’s characters. The real
truth was rejected. The word Everything is the fuel that makes his
theory run. Brown takes a negative view of the Bible and promotes a
distorted image of Jesus. He’s neither the Messiah nor a humble
carpenter but a wealthy, trained religious teacher bent on regaining
the throne of David.

Hid character Teabing gives a quotes, one he claims is from Napoleon:
“The winners in history are usually the ones who write the history we

I would say that his rewriting history does far greater harm.

When one reads the Gnostic gospels, one thing becomes immediately
obvious they read very different from our narratives. They do not
present Jesus within a historical background with connected events in
the life of Christ -- the details of his birth, baptism, ministry,
crucifixion and resurrection of Christ that we have all become
familiar with are distorted or missing. They fail miserably in
contrast to the canonical New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John that are set in a historical setting. It was these that were
accepted long before these gnostic forgeries were written.

The da Vinci codes regurgitated Gnostic stories

The word “Gnostic” means a knowing one, it is derived from the Greek
word gnostiko or gnosis (inner esoteric knowledge). Gnosticism taught
that spirituality came through a self-knowledge found outside the
written Word, a mystical “knowledge” acquired from direct spiritual
experience. To a Gnostic God could not be rationally explained to the
mind, but only be known by direct experience. The fact is the Gnostics
were branded as heretics by the early church. Those who were pastors
and apologists openly debated the challenges to the received text from
the apostles against the Gnostic’s new spiritual knowledge.

For a more in depth analysis of what the Gnostics taught. What is

The Gnostics used sources such as Platonic dualism (docetism) and
Eastern religious thought, combining them with ideas derived from
Christianity. The Gnostics called their doctrine the depths of God,
known then to contain arcane secrets and mysteries of divine wisdom.
Christ answer, he calls them the depths of Satan (Revelation 2:24).
God says in Isaiah 48:16 “Come near to Me, hear this: I have not
spoken in secret from the beginning.” The Gnostics and mystics pursue
the unknown; despising what is already revealed. The New age movement
continues using the Gnostic / mystical ways today.

This is why Brown is so convinced and antagonistic of the Bible, he
listening to those who received guidance and messages outside the Word
delivered by God through the apostles. Gnostics were never Christian.
They tried to undermine the church and the work that God was doing.

The Gnostic viewpoint that there was no sin. The spirit and the flesh
were separate. In the Gnostic Gospel of Mary, Mary Magdalene appears
as a disciple, singled out by Jesus for special teachings. Peter said
to Jesus, “Since you have explained everything to us, tell us this
also: What is the sin of the world? 26) The Savior said There is no
sin, but it is you who make sin when you do the things that are like
the nature of adultery, which is called sin.” Sounds more like
Christian Science, not Scripture, that says all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God. Sin is mans inherited fallen nature. John
writes in his 1st epistle if we say we have no sin we are calling God
a liar and do not know the truth. The Gnostics believed they were the
possessors of truth and the Christian church was not, thus they
opposed them.

The Gnostic's Marriage of Jesus

Brown uses his favorite two Gnostic documents, the Gospel of Philip
and the Gospel of Mary, to prove that the Magdalen was Christ’s
“companion.” In the Gospel of Philip: And the companion of the [Savior
is] Mary Magdalene. [But Christ loved] her more than [all] the
disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [mouth]. What needs to
be pointed out is there are holes in this Gnostic gospel writing where
ie. and used to, mouth etc. are written. Where the holes are words
were added as assumptions of what was said. These holes are not as big
a hole as the theory its based on.

The rest of [the disciples were offended] by it [and expressed
disapproval]. They said to him, “Why do you love her more than all of
us?” The Savior answered and said to them, “Why do I not love you like
her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness,
they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he
who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in

Gospel of Philip also writes against the Scripture: Some said, “Mary
conceived by the Holy Spirit." They are in error. They do not know
what they are saying. When did a woman ever conceive by a woman? Mary
is the virgin whom no power defiled. She is a great anathema to the
Hebrews, who are the apostles and the apostolic men. This virgin whom
no power defiled [...] the powers defile themselves. And the Lord
would not have said “My Father who is in Heaven” (Mt 16:17), unless he
had had another father, but he would have said simply “My father.”

In the Gnostic Gospel of Philip “You saw the Spirit, you became
spirit. You saw Christ, you became Christ. You saw the Father, you
shall become Father.” (Gospel of Philip) “But one receives the unction
of the [...] of the power of the cross. This power the apostles called
“the right and the left.” For this person is no longer a Christian but
a Christ. (Gospel of Philip).

This is direct opposition to everything the bible teaches. Then Jesus
is not the only Christ.

In the gospel of Mary I found no mention of an intimate relationship,
especially of marriage. Surely if this was such a held truth as
claimed it would be consistently recorded. There is one item mentioned
“Surely the Savior knows her very well.” The Gospel of Mary (referring
to Magdalene) says the following: Peter said to Mary, “Sister, we know
that the Savior loved you more than the rest of women. Tell us the
words of the Savior which you remember -- which you know (but) we do
not, nor have we heard them.” Mary answered and said, “What is hidden
from you I will proclaim to you.” Mary Magdalene goes on to tell
Peter, Andrew, and Levi about her visions of the Risen Christ and her
conversations with the Lord. These visions involve something which she
refers to as the seven powers of wrath.

“The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance,
the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the
flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the
wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath. 20) They asked
the soul, Whence do you come slayer of men, or where are you going,
conqueror of space? 21) The soul answered and said, What binds me has
been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome,22) and my
desire has been ended, and ignorance has died.23) In a aeon I was
released from a world, and in a Type from a type, and from the fetter
of oblivion which is transient.24) From this time on will I attain to
the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.

(Chapter 9 v.1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was
to this point that the Savior had spoken with her. 2) But Andrew
answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what
she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For
certainly these teachings are strange ideas.3) Peter answered and
spoke concerning these same things.4) He questioned them about the
Savior: Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to
us? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to

That is a good question. Did Jesus give special knowledge to a woman
contradicting what the Bible teaches after his training the disciples?
It becomes clear the Gnostics used Mary Magdalen to bring doubt and
confusion challenging the validity of the Scripture from the apostles
that was already in the church. The true gospels written by the
apostles tell us a number of times who the “inner circle” of disciples
were, Peter, James, and John, and Mary was not there. The Gnostics may
have forged her name and the apostle’s names on their documents, but
the content revealed the author. Scholars date the Gospel of Mary mid
2nd century, the Gospel of Philip at the end of third century. This is
about 200 years after Jesus lived. How can it be a written by the
disciple named Philip in Acts, unless he lived to be at least 200! The
text of the Gospel of Philip which exists today is a Coptic
translation, not its original language (Greek). Gospel of Thomas (the
primary one), Gospel of Philip, (a collection of sayings, metaphors,
and esoteric teaching) Gospel of Mary, Gospel of the Egyptians, and
the Gospel of Truth are attributed by most to Valentinus. Many of the
Gnostic documents have sexually suggestive statements incased in them
thus the importance of women in their spiritual belief system.

On Brown's website, we find, THIS NOVEL IS VERY EMPOWERING TO WOMEN.
CAN YOU COMMENT? Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods
and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most
cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power. The novel
touches on questions of how and why this shift occurred…and on what
lessons we might learn from it regarding our future.”

Considering that Brown says the Gnostics were matriarchal we have this
statement in the Gospel of Philip “The superiority of man is not
obvious to the eye, but lies in what is hidden from view.”

Brown neglects other Gnostic teachings. The gospel of Thomas (the
primary one), another 2nd century writing that gives imaginary stories
of Jesus from his 5th to 12th year of childhood and challenges the
revealed record. This is why the church rejected them, they were
Gnostic forgeries. According to the “Gospel of Thomas,” Peter says the
following about Magdalene: “Let Mary leave us, for women are not
worthy of life,” Jesus responds, “I myself shall lead her in order to
make her male”.... “For every woman who will make herself male will
enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Doesn’t sound like a pro-feminine
goddess view to me. The very writings he is upholding refutes his own
conspiracy theory of the church rejecting women and made patriarchal.

The Da Vinci's Codes Marriage of Mary Magdalene?

Browns character in the book Teabing, is described as a reputable
historian. This persuades the reader to accept the historical “facts”
presented in the novel as accurate. Sir Leigh Teabing’s states “the
marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is part of the historical
record.” In Chapter 58 , Brown’s book states: “…Jesus as a married man
makes infinitely more sense than our standard biblical view of Jesus
as a bachelor…Because Jesus was a Jew and the social decorum during
that time virtually forbid a Jewish man to be unmarried.”

Teabing insists that the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is
mentioned specifically in two ancient documents, The Gospel of Philip
and The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which he calls, together with the
Dead Sea Scrolls, “the earliest Christian records.” Teabing cites The
Gospel of Philip as proof that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married.
The Gospel of Philip was produced at the end of the 3rd century AD,
How can it be a written by the disciple named Philip in Acts, unless
he lived to be at least 200! This is almost one hundred years after
the Gospel of John, which is the last of the four New Testament
gospels to be written by the LAST LIVING APOSTLE.

There is not one shred of evidence accepted by any credible historian
stating that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. If your looking for
evidence of this kind you may as well go to the Mormons who teach that
it was Jesus who got married at Cana, except they say he was a
polygamist, he had many wives Martha, Mary and others; he also had
many children (Journal of Discourses vol.1 345-346 vol.2 79-82
vol.4:259-260 the Seer p.172). While Brown does not agree with many
wives, he does shares in their inaccuracy.

On the recent ABC special Dan Brown seems to contradict the love Jesus
had for Mary saying “Jesus wasn’t in love with her he was just trying
to help her out” (Jesus Mary and Da Vinci, Aug.5, 2004, on ABC).

In Chapter 58 Teabing, continues According to Jewish custom, celibacy
was condemned, and the obligation for a Jewish father was to find a
suitable wife for his son. If Jesus were not married, at least one of
the Bible’s gospels would have mentioned it and offered some
explanation for His unnatural state of bachelorhood” (Da Vinci Code,

Brown has a classic argument from silence. If one is appealing to the
gospel narratives as evidence, then why reject the other points that
are clear in them. Obviously because he must if it does not agree with
his theory. We also can appeal to the same evidence; if Jesus were
married at least one of the Bible’s gospels would have mentioned it.
It makes no sense that his disciples would try to hide his marriage if
it was normal. They were eyewitnesses and wrote accurately everything
He did, because they were inspired by the Spirit of Truth. John
writes, “This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote
these things; and we know that his testimony is true.” It was John who
was giving testimony by his writing and became the last living apostle
among those who were eyewitnesses of Jesus Life, death and
resurrection. It was John who Jesus entrusted his mother to. If Jesus
were married he would certainly have entrusted his wife as well. But
then Brown does not believe the biblical record of Jesus going BACK to
HEAVEN, or anything in the Bible for that matter.

Yes, marriage was the “norm” for 1st century Judaism and not being
married was unusual but not condemned (it was looked upon as God's
blessing not being there). We have examples of celibacy accepted in
the Jewish culture. Therefore, Jesus would not have been require to be
married. Daniel was not married, Jeremiah an Old Testament prophet of
the 7th century B.C. abstained from marriage as a sign to the Jewish
people that the end of the kingdom of Judah was near (Jeremiah
16:1-9). John the Baptizer was not married, yet Jesus said he was the
greatest of the prophets. Even Paul was not married as he did his
ministry unto the Lord. (Neither was Jesus, really). In fact Paul said
“Do we have not have the right to take along a believing wife, as do
also the other apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?”(1 Cor
9:5) This was a perfect opportunity to mention Jesus but he doesn’t.
Another point Paul writes “Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a
wife. But even if you do marry, you have not sinned” (1 Cor.
7:27-28). Paul certainly knew the teachings of Christ and would not
have contradicted him. Again we see Brown is wrong, marriage was not

If Jesus were married it would actually contradict what he preached
about love and commitment. Brown is presenting a Jesus who is married
and leaves his wife to go back to heaven (according to the Bible). It
would make Jesus a hypocrite, and not a teacher that one could
respect. Brown's argument is from the silence of Scripture and the
loud voice of heretics.

Even liberal scholar Elaine Pagel on the ABC TV Special agreed with
the Bible and stated Jesus was NOT married.

Brown's main sources within the text of his novel is from feminist
scholarship such as The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. Yet even
they are not all in agreement with all he has to say. and The Woman
with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail, both by
Margaret Starbird )

And what about the argument in John 20:17 of Mary, when she finds
Jesus holds him. Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have
not yet ascended to My Father.” The Greek word means to attach oneself
to, i.e. to touch (in many implied relations): to fasten oneself to.

Matt 28:8-9 So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great
joy, and ran to bring His disciples word. And as they went to tell His
disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” So they came and
held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.” The Greek word here means to
use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively): keep,
lay hand (hold) on, to restrain.

We see the Scripture recording that they all held him by the feet, not
just Mary. So if this makes Mary married, then it makes them all
married; not just Mary.

Brown doesn’t miss a beat to criticize Christianity for anything
possible that is wrong. In other words Christianity is set up to take
the blame, despite it being God’s revelation of love to the people of
the world, to both men and women alike.

Is the Council of Nicaea where Everything was Decided?
Dan Brown claims the Roman Catholic church created a divine Christ and
an infallible Scripture. p. 233 Teabing states, “Jesus' establishment
as the 'Son of God' was officially proposed and voted on by the
Council of Nicea.” Brown claims “That the divinity of Jesus was first
raised and established at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325, “ prior
to that time, no one—not even Jesus’ followers—believed Jesus was
anything more than a “mortal prophet.” A key character in the book
announces, that the idea of the divinity of Jesus was hatched by the
Roman Emperor Constantine as a political power play. The Emperor led
the bishops to declare Jesus as the Son of God by a vote. “A
relatively close vote at that,” the text elaborates. p. 233)

The council boldly claimed Jesus being uncreated as the faith of the
Church and named Arianism as a heresy and Arians as heretics. This was
NOT a close vote? Only two out of more than 300 bishops failed to sign
the creed. Where is this man reading his history from, a candy-bar

If Jesus is not God then what He said is false, and anything he did
becomes absolutely meaningless, especially the atonement. And that is
message Brown is trying to get through in his book.
Brown feelings are not hidden. He routinely refers to the Church as
“the Vatican.” He systematically portrays it throughout history as
deceitful, power-hungry, scheming and murderous. I’m not going to
defend the atrocities by Popes who indeed made it their business to
remove even Christians and control counties. But almost all the
conspiracies he finds on the church do not exist nor had the influence
he attributes to them.

“The Church may no longer employ crusades to slaughter, but their
influence is no less persuasive. No less insidious.” What the
backsliding Church did in defiance of Christ, Brown and others do by
their pen, and is no less serious. As the cliché goes “the pen is
mightier than the sword.”

In The Da Vinci Code, Brown adopts Arius as his representative for all
pre-Nicene Christianity because of his gnostic loyalty, disregarding
history. Referring to the Council of Nicaea, Brown claims that “until
that moment in history, Jesus was viewed by His followers as a mortal
prophet … a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless.”(p.233) “At
[the Council of Nicea]…many aspects of Christianity were debated and
voted upon – the date of Easter, the role of the bishops, the
administration of sacraments, and, of course, the divinity of Jesus….”
(Da Vinci Code p. 233.)

Brown is irresponsible between distinguishing fact from fiction. The
average reader without any knowledge of history can only assume his
claims are factual. The council was about one thing, the debate of
Arius’ new teaching, that Jesus was created -- not sacraments, Easter
or anything else on his list.

It was around the year 318 A.D. n Alexandria, Egypt that attention was
focused on a man named Arius who began teaching in opposition to the
church. Arius insisted that, “there was a time when the Son was not.”
(Christ must be numbered among the created beings - highly exalted, to
be sure, but a creation). This controversy became very sharp and began
dividing the Church. Bishop Alexander was teaching that Jesus, the Son
of God, had existed eternally, being “generated” eternally by the
Father. Arius wrote to Eusibius “We are persecuted because we say the
Son had a beginning, but God is without beginning.” (Letter to
Eusibius, 321 A.D). Alexander called a synod in 321 A.D. Constantine
did not even attend the council of Nicaea because of his age, (and
because he had no theological knowledge), but was represented by two
presbyters. Almost all the Council consisted of bishop's (estimations
of 300 or more) from the eastern Churches where this heresy was

Neither the church or man “invented” the divinity of Jesus. This was
already the held belief by the Church, because it was claimed by Jesus
himself and proclaimed by the apostles in the Bible. If one reads the
early church documents, the consistent teaching is that Jesus is God
in the flesh these are written hundreds of years before the council.
The 7Q4 fragment of I Tim 3.16 “God appeared in a body” dated to 50-80
AD by leading papyrologists.
How can Brown be right when so many pastors thaught Jesus was God over
nearly 200 years before Constantine. 100 AD Ignatius of Antioch “I
give glory to Jesus Christ the God who bestowed such wisdom upon you"
(Letter to the Smyraeans) “Jesus Christ . . . was with the Father
before the beginning of time”

Hippolytus “For Christ is the God over all” (Refutation of All
Heresies 10.34).

Iranaeus (lived between 120-202 A.D.) “In order that to Christ Jesus,
our Lord, and God, and Savior, and King.”

150 AD Justin Martyr “The Father of the universe has a Son, who also
being the first begotten Word of God, is even God.” (Justin Martyr,
First Apology, ch 63)

Scholar J.N.D. Kelly writes that “the all but universal Christian
conviction in the [centuries prior to the Council of Nicaea] had been
that Jesus Christ was divine as well as human. The most primitive
confession had been ‘Jesus is Lord’ [Rom 10:9; Phil 2:11], and its
import had been elaborated and deepened in the apostolic age.”
Remember Mt.16 – Peter’s confession of Jesus’ deity “he is the Son of
the Living God.

The Gnostics View

Members of the various gnostic sects had a secret knowledge not
available to others; it was given to them by a series of lesser
mediating divinities either called Archons or Aeons; they had a
dualistic view, an antithesis between matter and spirit, body and soul
and a hatred of the physical world that was often believed to have
been created not by God but by a lesser, evil demigod to imprison the
souls of human beings. None of these beliefs are Christian.

The book claims that the gnostic Jesus is far more human than the
divine Jesus of the four canonical Gospels contained in the Christian
Bible. The fact is -- the Gnostics did not believe Jesus was truly
human because of their dualistic worldview. Docetism was a form of
Gnosticism that rose later in the first century. (comes from the
Greek word dokeo, meaning “to seem” or “appear”). Their philosophy was
that matter is inherently evil and that God was not subject to any
human experiences or feelings. Jesus only appeared to have flesh, they
denied his genuine humanity, and said he was really a (spirit)
phantom. In other words he was not human, the very opposite of what
Brown claims is the truth. Since this was the held belief of Gnostics
it would be impossible to reconcile Jesus was married and went off to
have children. Again the sources he used to confirm his theory are
actually speaking against it. What Brown quotes say the opposite, they
deny he was human not divine. All one has to do is read the Gnostic
gospels and the debates that occurred 150 years BEFORE the Nicaean
council to find this out.

The Fact is Jesus being BOTH God and man is not an exclusive New
Testament idea but an Old Testament one that is spoken of by prophets
hundreds of years apart. Isa.9:6 , Jer.25:5-6 the branch who is a man
His name is called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Zech.12:10 God says
they will look upon me and mourn for son whom they pierced.

The New Testament gives clear evidence of Jesus being viewed as divine
throughout the New Testament. Numerous passages affirm the absolute
deity of Christ, such as John 1:1 (“the Word was God” and became
flesh), Mt.1:23) “God with us fulfilling Isa.7:14. John 5:18 (“calling
God His own Father, making himself equal with God”), John 20:28
(Thomas saying “[you are] my Lord and my God”), “Titus 2:13 (our great
God and Savior, Jesus Christ”), Romans 9:5 (“God over all, blessed
forever”), and Colossians 2:9 (“within Him dwells all the fullness of
being God in bodily form”), and many others attribute the Son of God
being the creator. He is called the Lord from heaven in 1 Cor.15:47.

In fact, one would have to remove passages from almost every book of
the New Testament to not have it teach he was divine.

The debate at Niacea was about whether Christ was a created being,
which Arius of Alexander was promoting, or that he was the same
substance (homoousia as God, being God) as Bishop Alexander proposed.
Both sides argued in the council from the Scriptures, expounding with
language and logic. It was a young deacon name Athanasius who joined
in the debate and shined in his biblical expertise and settled the
issue. Arius was pronounced as teaching heresy and deposed from
teaching by an overwhelming vote in the council who were present at
the debate.

In Brown’s book Teabing states “The word heretic derives from that
moment in history” (p. 234) (the time of Constantine, in the early
fourth century). If so how did New Testament authors in the first
century refer to “heresies” 2 Peter 2:1 and “a man that is a heretic”
Titus 3:10. Even Irenaeus in the second-century was able to write a
book entitled “Against Heresies”100 years before this council.
Hippolytus in his “Refutation of All Heresies” 7:22 written in 230 AD.
Again Brown is wrong on his facts, by this time in the book it matters

Teabing states that Constantine “was a lifelong pagan who was baptized
on his deathbed, too weak to protest.” (p. 232)

This is about as close to the truth on church history that Brown gets.
Constantine at first settled the issue by banishing Arius, but it only
proved temporary. Constantine received Arius' friend Eusebius of
Nicodemia on his deathbed, and was baptized an Arian (337 A.D.).
Supporting Arius' view, the Roman church then rejected the Trinitarian
view, and his son who took his fathers place disposed Athanasius and
his followers. For the next 50 years Arianism became a major movement
inside the Church from Rome. So it is nothing like what Brown writes
in his book that the church made Jesus into deity.

According to Browns book “Almost everything our fathers taught us
about Christ is false,” laments one of Brown’s characters. The real
truth was rejected. The word Everything is the fuel that makes his
theory run. Brown takes a negative view of the Bible and promotes a
distorted image of Jesus. He’s neither the Messiah or a humble
carpenter but a wealthy, trained religious teacher bent on regaining
the throne. He makes him into what the Pharisees were like.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The character Teabing referring to Nicea council states that the Dead
Sea Scrolls confirm that “the modern Bible was compiled and edited by
men who possessed a political agenda ….” (p. 234)

The Qumran society was monastic community within Judaism that produced
the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Da Vinci Code claims they are part of the
“earliest Christian records.” But they contain no “Christian
teachings” whatsoever, they are the products of an ancient Jewish
community that was separated. They contain – among other things – some
of the oldest known manuscripts of the Old Testament. The Dead Sea
Scrolls actually confirm that the Old Testament we have today has not
changed and affirms it being accurate. Which does damage to Brown’s
theory of the Bible being drastically changed by unscrupulous men.

What Dan Brown's character goes on to say about the Dead Sea Scrolls
and the Nag Hammadi Library intentionally misleads the reader. He
says: Fortunately for historians, some of the gospels that Constantine
attempted to eradicate managed to survive. The Dead Sea Scrolls were
found in the 1950s (sic) hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Judean
desert. And, of course, the Coptic Scrolls (sic) in 1945 at Nag
Hammadi. In addition to telling the true Grail story, these documents
speak of Christ's ministry in very human terms. (The Da Vinci Code,

The Nag Hammadi texts are incorrectly called “scrolls” in this book
when they are codices. In the Nag Hammadi library contains 13 codices
52 tractates (6 which are duplicates). And the Dead Sea Scrolls were
discovered in 1947 (not the 1950’s). If the author can get something
this elementary wrong, we must question the other historical “facts”
presented elsewhere to see if they too are wrong. This Coptic codex
was acquired in Cairo in 1896 by Dr. Rheinhardt, it was not published
until 1955. It is missing pages 1 to 6, pages 11 to 14 -- these
included sections of the text up to chapter 4, and portions of chapter
5 to 8.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were not in the possession of the Nicene council
so how could they prevent them from being part of the Bible? In fact,
the Dead Sea Scrolls are not Christian documents, they do not contain
any “gospels” nor mention Jesus Christ’s ministry on earth at all.
They were Old Testament scrolls prior to his birth. Brown seems to
lack integrity in his research everywhere one turns. And they
especially do not mention anything about Jesus and Mary Magdalene
having children, or being married.

Over 60,000 scrolls, fragments and manuscripts were uncovered—of which
one-third were Scriptural, mostly copies of Old Testament books
including internal documents for the Qumran community. They contain
portions of every Old Testament book except Esther. They predate the
New Testament, carbon-dated to the second-century BC. prior to Christ.

We find the Dead Sea Scrolls were produced by a community of mostly
male Jewish celibates, precisely the kind of people Langdon in Browns
book asserts couldn’t have existed within Judaism at the time of
Jesus. Once again this goes against Brown’s theory of Jesus must be
married because all Jewish men are married. The very evidence Brown
brings forth to undermine the consistent story of the canonical
Gospels teach contrary to the “secret Christianity” Brown says they

The Bible

In chapter 55. Teabing, answers some questions from the two lead
characters about the nature and background of their quest. To begin:
“…The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven… The Bible is the
product of man, my dear. Not of God. The Bible did not fall magically
from the clouds. Man created it as a historical record of tumultuous
times, and it has evolved through countless translations, additions,
and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the
book.” (The Da Vinci Code p.231)

No, man wrote it ass God spoke to the prophets spanning over 1500
years. The text of the New Testament is comprised of over 24,000
copies or pieces of manuscripts, some dating as early as first century
many more from the second and third century. There is no other ancient
piece of literature with such manuscript evidence. We have manuscripts
dating back to the first century and they are what we hold in our hand
today, no changes. Recently a piece of Matthew was found where
Carston Theide dates back into 60 AD. The Bible has been translated
into many languages; our literal English translated Bibles are often
translated directly from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts so the
argument over so many translations is moot one. Versions or
translations of the New Testament into Syriac, Old Latin, Egyptian,
etc. began far after the completion of the canon of the New Testament
was circulated (the later 4th and fifth century).

Teabing in the book goes on with more specific claims: “Jesus Christ
was a historical figure of staggering influence, perhaps the most
enigmatic and inspirational leader the world has ever
seen….Understandably, His life was recorded by thousands of followers
across the land…More than eighty gospels were considered for the New
Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion –
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John among them…The Bible, as we know it
today, was collated by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine the Great”

Was Jesus a figure of “staggering influence” did “thousands of
followers” write of him? The answers to this is, No. Jesus’ never
traveled outside Palestine, he was known among the Jews, especially
the poor and hurting. There are only a few first-century works outside
the Scripture about Jesus and none compare to the eyewitness accounts
in Scripture.

Were there eighty Gospels out of which four were chosen by
Constantine? This is a completely unsubstantiated claim from his book
and history. again, they weren’t choosing Bible books at Nicaea but
debating if Jesus was created by God or is the creator who is God FROM
the Bible.

“The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman
emperor Constantine’ (Brown p.231).

Again Browns research of history is failing, Constantine was not the
decider of the canon. In fact, he played no role in its assembly; the
church at large was responsible. Church History tells us the Church
had a near complete New Testament canon of Scripture 170 years before
the council of Nicea. Almost all the New Testament books were written
between 45-75 A.D excluding the apostle John’s writings occurred in
80-95 A.D. From the beginning the church copied and shared the
original documents to circulate the apostles writings. These books
were read copied and distributed as scripture by individual
Christians. We have examples of letters in scripture written by the
apostles who said they were to be read to all. “I charge you by the
Lord that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.” 1 Thess.5:27
“to be read to all the church’s” Col.4:16 “read to the church of
Colosse and the Laodiceans” Gal.1:21 “to the church’s of Galatia.”
Paul in jail asks to bring to him the parchments the scrolls. Peter
states of Paul’s letters there are hard things to understand, so it is
obvious they were copied and read even by the apostles. Early church
leaders considered letters and eyewitness accounts authoritative and
binding only if they were written by an apostle or close disciple of
an apostle. This way they could be assured of the documents'
reliability. As pastors and preachers, they also observed which books
did in fact build up the church

And we have the evidence of the church as well proving they had the
New Testament Bible. Clement of Rome, 95 A.D. in his Epistle to the
Corinthians quotes from Matthew, Luke, Romans, Corinthians, Hebrews, I
Timothy, 1 Peter. Many of the church fathers (bishops) quote the New
Testament such as Polycarp (69-155 A.D.) quotes much of the New
Testament (Mt., Acts, Hebrews, 1 Pt. And 10 of Paul's letters) to his
letter to the Philippians. Justin Martyr (100-160 A.D.) quotes all 4
Gospels, Acts and the epistles of Paul and Revelation. Portions of the
gospels were read every Sunday in church. Clement of Alexandria
165-220 names all the books of the New Testament except Philemon,
James, 2 Peter and 3 John. Irenaeus 135-210 quotes from all the New
Testament books except Philemon, Jude, James and 3 John. Origen
185-254 names all the books of both the Old and New Testaments.
Tertullian 160-240 mentions all the New Testament books minus James, 2
Peter and 2 John.

Tatian, about A.D. 160, made a “Harmony of the Four Gospels called the
“Diatessaron,” is an evidence that Four Gospels were generally
recognized among the churches.

When you read the early “church fathers” the one consistent teaching
that comes through is that they are completely convinced Jesus is God
himself from the Scripture that Brown says they do not have. These are
bishops and teachers from the 100 and 200 long before the Nicaean
council (Brown claims) enforced on the church the supposedly minority
position of Christ's divinity.

The proof to counter a decidedly modern edition of the Greek New
Testament is the manuscript evidence. The quotations of the Greek
scriptures by the Greek fathers confirm the authenticity of the
original text. Nearly every verse of the New Testament in Greek can be
recovered from quotations of the New Testament by the early church
pastors (or scholars, apologists) in their writings. In fact all but
11 verses can be put together by collecting the early church writings,
it is the same scripture we have today.

At Council of Nicea in 325 - Athanasius in his debate with Arius
quoted from almost all the books of the New Testament, (not from the
Gnostic gospels) he said the 27 books are the springs of salvation, do
not add or take away from them. So these were already accepted by the
Church need no council to affirm them (though the Roman Catholic
church did have meetings years after to put closure to the canon it
was not necessary).

The early Church did not establish the canon (official set of New
Testament writings) at Nicaea. The New Testament writings were long
since recognized inspired of god because of their authorship and
agreement with what was revealed. We need to understand that the
gospels and letters were written in the first generation of the
eyewitnesses of the facts. Other gospels, not by eyewitnesses were
rejected in the long history of the church because they did not
coincide with what is already written. In the same way today we would
reject the new book of Mormon today, because it does not agree but
actually opposes what is delivered to us in the Scripture.

By the time of Origen (185-254 A.D.), there was general acceptance on
nearly all of the New Testament we have today. There was a ongoing
discussion on only six epistles to be part of the New Testament canon
in a certain area of the church (Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 John, 3
John, and Jude.) Nobody questioned which Gospels should be included,
they were accepted for along time. New Testament dates they were
written: Matthew, 50-70 AD, Matthew; An eyewitness. Mark, 50-70 AD,
Mark; An eyewitness. Luke, 56-60 AD, Luke who compiled the
eyewitnesses accounts; John, 85-95AD, John; An eyewitness. These are
the dates accepted by conservative scholars who are not liberals.

The distribution of the Gnostic writings are not proportionate to the
acceptance of the Gospels by the apostles throughout the world from
Asia to Africa.

Pagan Influences

Peter Jones who written extensively on the Gnostics says of Brown:
Brown’s “positive” approach resurrects “pre-Christian” symbols and
promotes the ancient spirituality of paganism-the worship of Nature as
god. Brown’s hope for the future of the planet in the Age of Aquarius
is the all-inclusive circle, “the divine feminine” and the figure of
the Goddess. He finds this message encoded in the blocks of the Roslyn
Chapel, which he calls “the Cathedral of Codes” (p.432).

“Each block was carved with a symbol…to create a multifaceted surface”
(Da Vinci Code p.436)“…Christian cruciforms, Jewish stars, Masonic
seals, Templar crosses, cornucopias, pyramids, astrological signs,
plants, vegetables, pentacles and roses…Rosslyn Chapel was a shrine to
all faiths…to all traditions…and, above all, to nature and the
goddess” (p. 434).

The idea of the goddess is a main point in Browns theory. Another
Assertion in the book is about the name YHWH: God’s original name.
“The Jewish Tetragrammaton YHWH— the sacred name of God—in fact
derived from Jehovah, an androgynous physical union between the
masculine Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah” (Da Vinci Code
p. 309).

This is completely false! “Adonai” or “Ha Shem” meaning the Name was
said by devout Jews whenever they came across God’s name in the text
of the Old Testament because they felt the actual name of God was too
holy to be pronounced by human lips. It was to avoid pronouncing it in
vain and be punished. In fact when the scribes were copying the texts
they would wash their hands before they wrote God’s name.

YHWH derived from Jehovah is completely false. The name “Jehovah”
didn’t even exist until the thirteenth century at the earliest (and
wasn’t in common use until the sixteenth century), and is an English
word not Hebrew or Greek. We can trace the name Jehovah to the first
person to use it a Roman Catholic monk from the 1200’s. “The first
recorded use of this form dates from the thirteenth century C.E.
Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, used it in
his book “Pugeo Fidei” of the year 1270.” It was created by
artificially combining the consonants of YHWH (or JHVH) and the vowels
of Adonai (which means “Lord”). The insertion resulted in the hybrid
term [J]YaHoWaH.

Jehovah becomes a 16th century rendering for the King James Version of
the Hebrew YHWH using the vowels for the name.

In the book, Langdon claims that “YHWH comes from the name Jehovah,
which he insists is an androgynous union between “the masculine Jah
and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah.”

If you go to the Encyclopedia or theological dictionary it shows that
Langdon is wrong. The Hebrew, not “pre-Hebraic” word for Eve is found
in the original Hebrew of the Old Testament is hawwâ, (pronounced
“havah”), which means “mother of all living.” There is no androgynous
meaning of this, but Brown formulates his facts never veering off the
Gnostic vein of his novel to diminish real Christian teaching.

The term “Jah” is not even a Hebrew word, Hebrew uses Yah, a
contracted form of YHWH. And throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, “Yah”
is coupled with a masculine verb. In Psalm 106:1, for example, halal
Yah means “Praise the Lord” or “Praise Yah.” Havah has nothing to do
with some “androgynous physical union” with “Jah.” This is from
someone's imagination.

Brown claims that Jews in Solomon’s Temple adored Yahweh and his
feminine counterpart, the Shekinah, “[E]arly Jewish tradition
involved ritualistic sex. In the Temple, no less. Early Jews believed
that the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple housed not only God but
also His powerful female equal, Shekinah” (Da Vinci Code p. 309).

They believed no such thing. The Shekinah is not the name of a
goddess, but a Hebrew words that means “dwelling, or presence.” The
Shekinah glory is the visible manifestation of God’ presence. This
Shekinah in the Old Testament was called the kvod adonai which means
glory of the Lord. Kvod (Glory) in Hebrew and means mean’s weight. In
the New Testament it is called in Greek Doxa Kurion.

God would often manifest himself in glory so the Israelites would know
he is among them. It is used for Jesus in John 1 “The word became
flesh and ‘dwelt’ among us.” Dwelt in Greek is skeinei, which is from
the Hebrew mishkhan, which is the same root as shekinah. It means to
tabernacle as God did in the Old Testament tabernacle. It infers that
Jesus is the God of the Old Testament..

Ritualistic sex was NEVER sanctioned in the temple. this could only
take place at the time of the Temple’s corruption after Solomon when
there was disobedience to the Mosaic Law by priests who defiled the
temple with religious prostitution (1 Kings 14:24 and 2 Kings
23:4-15). Pagan altars were repeatedly torn down by various kings
and prophets of Israel ( Judges 6:25-26,28,30).

Sabbath and Sunday
Written as if this was taken right out of a Sabbatrian book like the
7th Day Adventists, Brown makes another historical inaccuracy part of
his brand of truth. In the book Teabing states “Even Christianity’s
weekly holy day was stolen from the pagans.” Langdon adds,
“Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine
shifted it to coincide with the pagan’s veneration of the sun. To this
day, most churchgoers attend services on Sunday morning with no idea
that they are there on account of the pagan sun god’s weekly tribute –
Sunday” (pp. 232–233).

Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the type of
misinformation people get from cults. Although early Christians met on
“the Lord’s day,” they still considered Saturday to be the Sabbath.

A number of writers from the post-apostolic period confirm the
practice of Christians gathering for worship on Sunday. Justin the
Martyr (150 AD) describes Sunday as the day when Christians gather to
read the scriptures

The Epistle of Barnabas (120-150) The Didache (60-80 AD) and Other
later testimonies from Irenaeus, Dionysius, Tertullian of Africa
Cyprian, Pliney the younger and Melito of Sardis (late 100’s) which
all pre-date Constantine by over 100 years.
In the New Testament epistles there are only 2 references to the
Sabbath (Col.2:16, Heb.4:4). The apostle Paul explains clearly that
the day is not obligatory for Christians, it was a commandment from
God to Israel, not the Church.

Schaff- Herzog Encyclopedia of religious knowledge 1891 Ed., vol.4
Article on Sunday. “Sunday… was adopted by the early Christians as a
day of worship... Sunday was emphatically the weekly feast of the
resurrection of Christ, as the Jewish Sabbath was the feast of
creation. It was called the Lords day, and upon it the primitive
church assembled to break bread.

So Brown’s “lesson in history” fails again.

Teabing asks what would happen if people found out that the greatest
story ever told (a reference to the Biblical story of Christ) “is, in
fact, the greatest story every sold” (p. 267). If Brown is correcting
the story with all these facts, is he not selling his book. Whose
selling what? Most of the Bibles throughout the world have been
funded to be given away. Many churches give away free Bibles. What
has “The Da Vinci Code” done? It tries to keep people in unbelief
having them think his story is the truth and the Bibles history is
not. Its intent is to turns sincere seekers away from examining
Christianity and only bring confusion.

Brown’s attack on our faith may provide us with greater opportunities
for evangelism, but we need to know how to counter it. Hopefully I
have helped to give a few answers to his challenge.

In conclusion the “Jesus” portrayed in “The Da Vinci Code” is not the
Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible. Jesus warned us that there would be
“false Christs.” (Matthew 24:24) false gospels: This is one of them.
We are told they will believe in fables in the last days and not the

How can a book like this stay this long on the shelves and continue
to be a bestseller? It's easy. People would rather believe the lie
than believe the truth.

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2004-08-24 23:27:18 UTC
Da Vinci's Masterpiece Ruined...Beware of Gnosticism


Da Vinci's Masterpiece Ruined
Over the years books have come out that challenge the Christian faith
or the Bible. Many use every strategy possible to discredit the Bible.
Some have spoken vigorously against the resurrection, others have
challenged the Bible itself. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is just
such a book that can make peoples faith in Christ and the Bible be
shaken if they do not know TRUE history.

On the first day of its release The Da Vinci Code 6,000 copies, then
23,578 by week's end. It was No. 1 on the NewYork Times hard-cover
fiction bestseller list in its first week, which is very rare for an
obscure author. The book went into its 56th printing, bringing the
total number of copies in print to 7.35 million (July).

And its popularity continues. It has been #1 at amazon.com, #1 on the
New York Times bestseller list, or near the top of The New York Times
hard-cover fiction bestseller list for 58 weeks, selling between
80,000 and 90,000 copies per week.

TV specials were done on the books premise. ABC aired a primetime
special called “Jesus, Mary, and Da Vinci,” which considered the
historical ideas in the book to be factual. Brown appeared on ABC's
“Good Morning America” and the ABC primetime special called “Jesus,
Mary, and Da Vinci.”

Brown is now writing a sequel to “The Da Vinci Code,” to be due out
next year. It is also set to become a major motion picture produced by
Sony Pictures with Ron Howard as the director. The challenge to the
church from this book unlike anything we have recently seen and only
beginning. You can be sure there is more to come.

We cannot underestimate the potential of well packaged heresy to
unknowledgeable people on Christianity. It is banking on the premise
that more people are attracted to what is false, than what is true.
This book, based on a supposed secret kept hidden for almost 2,000
years is an open attack on Christ and the truth of His word, the

Brown does not claim his book is a novel, it is classified as fiction
it - but a historical fiction surrounded by true historical facts.

On his website Brown states, “While the book's characters and their
actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, documents,
and secret rituals depicted in this novel all exist. My hope in
writing this novel was that the story would serve as a catalyst and a
springboard for people to discuss the important topics of faith,
religion, and history.”

Many stories are done and promoted as truth, but truth without proof
is non-truth. It is here that the truth gets twisted on its head. As
the author weaves his story , up becomes down; backwards becomes

On the television special, Brown says he “became a believer” in the
theories that he inserts in the storyline of The DaVinci Code-- after
his attempts of trying to disprove them. Brown says “I spent a year
doing research before writing The Da Vinci Code.” That is quite a
short time to put together a supposed secret kept hidden from the
masses for almost 2,000 years.

Bible scholar Darrell L. Bock of Dallas Theological Seminary, who
authored Breaking the Da Vinci Code, contends that Brown has a deeper
agenda than mere fiction, and he cites the author's remark on “Good
Morning America” that he might not change any of the historical
material if the book were nonfiction.

“There is something he's doing under the cloak of fiction that needs
to be brought to the conscious level,” Bock said. “It is a concern to
the degree that poor information never helps anyone. He has said he
did it to create a discussion on the origins of Christianity. We are
obliging him.”

The book is 450 pages of a revisionist view of Christian doctrines and
history -- in light of Gnostic writings -- that Brown claims are the
real truth. In response to Browns speculations, 12 books refuting it
have been published.

Historical inaccuracies become the basis for this fiction book, and
most people are not equipped to discern fact from fiction within the
book's cleverly written pages.

Brown opens his book with the words “FACT” in bold, capital letters
and this statement: “All descriptions of artwork, architecture,
documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.”

The New York Daily News states “His research is impeccable.” Is it? It
is amazing that no news journalist has challenged all the
misrepresentations of facts.

The most fascinating part of the book is the revelation of “facts” and
conspiracies interwoven in the story. This theory has not originated
with Brown but as many have pointed out it was promoted over 20 years
ago with less success in the 1983 book Holy Blood, Holy Grail by
Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh. The book has been
shown to be based on fraudulent manuscripts and poor scholarship. Yet
Brown uses it as his primary source? Dan Brown’s interview with
Borders states that all of the history and ancient documents in The Da
Vinci Code are accurate.

Michael Baigen In his book Holy Blood, Holy Grail explains Leonardo da
Vinci (1452-1519) belonged to a secret organization called the Priory
of Sion. According to Baigent, Leonardo and the other members of this
group were in possession of privileged information about an alleged
marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This information was
apparently passed down through history in conspiratorial fashion. Da
Vinci was one of the keepers whom passed this secret knowledge. The
history in Baigent’s book has been seriously questioned by many

Scholars' should do the same to Browns.

Brown states “As I mentioned earlier, the secret I reveal is one that
has been whispered for centuries. It is not my own. Admittedly, this
may be the first time the secret has been unveiled within the format
of a popular thriller, but the information is anything but new. My
sincere hope is that The Da Vinci Code, in addition to entertaining
people, will serve as an open door for readers to begin their own

The Da Vinci code attacks the eyewitnesses of the Bible and it
historicity. Its intent is to bring doubt to the accuracy and
reliability of the Scriptures. Brown’s hero in the book remarks that:
“every faith in the world is based on fabrication. That is the
definition of faith-acceptance of that which we imagine to be true,
that which we cannot prove” (Brown, 341
http://www.answers.org/issues/davincicode.html). In other words the
only religious truth you will find is that there is no truth, except
what Brown reveals by his book.

Our Christian faith is based upon revealed truth; that everyone can
understand if they take the time. It is not something secret or
hidden. The New Testament uses faith as a set of convictions, a trust
in actual facts and truth, the meaning intended is in the sense of
faithfulness, or loyalty as owed to one in whom one is embedded for
service. It is grounded in facts that are historical, have proof from
archeology, manuscript evidence and most importantly proved by
prophecy, which no other book (religious or otherwise) contains.

Sir William Ramsay, one of the greatest archaeologists who ever lived
wrote of Luke the author of the gospel and the book of Acts stating,
“Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements
of fact trustworthy, this author should, be placed along with the very
greatest of historians. Luke's history is unsurpassed in respect of
its trustworthiness.”

Brown’s books detail known historical names mixed in his storyline to
legitimize a theory that Brown has concocted. The book presents a
mixture of anti-Christian teachings, radical feminist theology
(goddess worship). In it, Browne claims through his characters that
Jesus made no claims of his divinity; that the early Christians did
not believe in the divinity of Christ; he was just an ordinary man who
was not divine, did not die for our sins, the Resurrection never
happened; that our Bible is the result of a political power play by
the Roman Emperor Constantine; and early Christians worshiped the
“divine feminine.”

The book makes the outrageous claim that Jesus Christ was married to
Mary Magdalene. A child was born in their marriage, and that Mary and
her child fled after the crucifixion to Gaul France, where they
established the Merovingian line of European royalty.

Despite all this content, on Browns Website the question is asked ARE
YOU A CHRISTIAN? His answer- “Yes. Interestingly, if you ask three
people what it means to be Christian, you will get three different
answers. Some feel being baptized is sufficient. Others feel you must
accept the Bible as immutable historical fact. Still others require a
belief that all those who do not accept Christ as their personal
savior are doomed to hell. … we're each following our own paths of
enlightenment. I consider myself a student of many religions. The more
I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will
be a life-long work in progress” (Emp. mine).

Does this sound like a Christian? Or, someone always learning an never
coming to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim.3:7). I have an idea, why
don’t we start with Jesus and see what the apostles said were the
requirements for being a Christian? But he does not believe the Bible.
So his opinion of interpretation becomes equal to all others, in fact
it becomes superior. His animosity toward the Bible and Christ exudes
from almost every chapter. Brown is not a Christian as he sides with
the enemies of Christianity, the Gnostics; his statement, “...we're
each following our own paths of enlightenment ” should be sufficient.

The Plot

The book begins with the murder of the curator of the Louvre in Paris.
The Harvard code specialist called into the case pursues the culprit,
and in so doing discovers an array of clues hidden in the works of
Leonardo da Vinci. The plot revolves around a mystery with evil
figures and secret societies, puzzles, symbols, amazing escapes, as
the plot twists ands turns through the book making fascinating

The book is also filled with conspiracy theories. Everyone that ever
was attached to a conspiracy is involved, the Knights Templar, the
Rosicrucians, the Vatican, Opus Dei, the Freemasons, Nazis, the Dead
Sea Scrolls, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Catholic church
. The only group left missing are UFO’s. Maybe they will appear in the

The book “reveals” to the readers that Jesus was not divine; that he
married the Mary Magdalene had a child with her, the church conspired
for millennia to hide the truth. Where does his information on this
come from? Very simply, the Gnostics, who were an anti-christian cult
that claimed to have secret knowledge of God and challenged

Readers are told Mary had to flee Jerusalem after Christ’s crucifixion
because Peter was angered by her leadership role; That Mary survived
and found refuge in France where she gave birth to Jesus’ daughter. So
the story goes...

The history of Mary, her daughter and their descendant’s are
chronicled by those who protected them. This lineage of Jesus
intermarried with French royal blood in the fifth century; that
documents detailing this secret history were hidden. The Knights
Templar entrusted the safekeeping of the documents to a group called
The Priory of Sion.

I think I need to ask a question that becomes obvious, are these
French descendents Jewish? Or are we next going to hear Jesus was not
even Jewish.

On the ABC special it was stated the Merovingian kings say the first
queen was impregnated by a fish. This is interpreted as symbolizing
Jesus, because of the early Christian's symbol of a fish. This is
stretching a imaginary story to its max. Brown reveals to us the
“Priory of Sion” was been given charge of the Holy Grail to guard
these secrets that would severely damage Christianity. That this
secret knowledge was passed on through codes and symbols. The priory
is to maintain a religion of balance between male and female
(celebrated in ritual intercourse) which Constantine banished out of
Christianity to strengthen male power.

Indiana Jones was mistaken to look for a chalice with the blood, the
search for the Holy Grail turns out not to be the chalice, but Mary
Magdalene-who married Jesus and bore a child, Sarah, whose descendents
are still alive. Knights who claimed to be “searching for the chalice”
were speaking in code as a way to protect themselves from a Church
that had subjugated women, banished the Goddess, burned non-believers,
and forbidden the pagan reverence for the sacred feminine” (The Da
Vinci Code, pp. 238-239).

This brings us to Leonardo da Vinci, we are told he was at one time a
Grand Master of The Priory and many of his famous paintings contain
numerous symbols and codes’ to pass on the secret.

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?

Leonardo lived in about 15th century in Florence Italy. In
1500produced his first designs for the now famous flying machine the
scythed chariot and the armored car. No doubt, he was a visionary of
sorts. He is especially known for two paintings, the Mona Lisa and the
Last supper. On Brown’s webpage titled “Bizarre True Facts from The Da
Vinci Code

Out of hundreds of pages of calculations and drawings there is nothing
in his notebooks that presupposes passing on secrets attributed to him
in browns book. However, imagination and reality are blurred as Brown
writes that Leonardo was a “prankster and genius” who is “widely
believed to have hidden secret messages within much of his artwork.”
Widely believed is never proven, exaggerations are Browns forte.
Statements like these are made throughout the book.

Many claim the book is filled with historical inaccuracies. Bruce
Boucher of Chicago’s Art Institute in an article in The New York Times
Aug. 3, 03 tore apart Dan Brown’s knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci.

The Da Vinci Code correctly states that there are two versions of this
painting-the earlier one is in the Louvre in Paris and the later one
is housed at the National Gallery in London (painted on a wood panel).
But Browns facts are again misconstrued, he describes the painting as
a “a five-foot-tall canvas,” when it is actually about 6.5 feet tall
according the Louvre web site.

He could not even get the measurements right but states in his book
“All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents and secret
rituals in this novel are accurate.” The original fresco is on a wall
of the refectory (dining hall) in the Convent of Santa Maria delle
Grazie in Milan, Italy. It is huge, 15 x 29 feet.

The painting was finished in 1498. The Last Supper is Leonardo's
visual interpretation of an event recorded in all four of the Gospels
(books in the Christian New Testament not the Gnostic writings). The
evening before Christ was betrayed by one of his disciples, he
gathered them together to eat the traditional Passover meal and tell
them about what would soon take place. Da Vinci painted the 12
disciples during the moment when Christ tells them there is a traitor
among them. His intent was to capture the reaction of each person at
the table. What seems to be a twist of irony is that Brown does not
believe the Biblical record that Da Vinci used to base his painting

How do we know if the painting of Da Vinci is accurate? He was not
there. Leonardo did not copy a photo of the actual Last Supper. Though
the eye -witnesses are no longer here, we have written what took
place. We must go to the Bible just like he did to find out what

Brown claims that it is Mary Magdalen, not John to the right of Jesus
-because the person looks feminine. This late 15th century mural is
not proof about 1st century events described in the New Testament.
Even if Leonardo intentionally made the Beloved Disciple have a
feminine look, so what. There is such a thing as artistic license.
John isn't the only effeminate-looking male Leonardo had painted.
Leonardo's painting Angel in the Flesh figure has a similar feminine
face (in the likeness of John in The Last Supper). The theory that
DaVinci included Mary Magdalene in his painting The Last Supper is not
accepted by art historians, who say that the “feminine” figure seated
to the left of Jesus is the boyish looking Apostle John as he is
normally depicted in artwork of the period.

The books reveal a secret code in Da Vinci’s painting- Between the
alleged Mary and Jesus forms a letter. “Glaring in the center of the
painting was the unquestionable outline of an enormous, flawlessly
formed letter M.” (p. 245) (Or a V) Also, we should also notice the
dinner is taking place in daylight, not in evening as it is supposed
to, maybe that’s another clue? A clue that it is absolutely not

A “flawlessly formed letter M,” is debatable. What is the significance
of this? This like finding messages in rock formations or words in
Alphabet soup. It really means absolutely nothing except to those who
an active imagination and want to connect the dots. Maybe this cannot
be seen by the uninitiated.

We also read the character Teabing saying, “Oddly, Da Vinci appears to
have forgotten to paint the Cup of Christ.” (p. 236). Brown admits
that it was his professor that showed the class a slide and pointed
out the chalice is missing, then supposing the Holy Grail was Mary.

First of all they did not use a chalice but ordinary pottery cups and
these are found in the painting, plainly in view on the table in front
of Christ and the others. This Mystery is solved. One can see the
straw man arguments in this book and are not grounded in what really
took place. We have Brown reinterpreting history with a painting.

Some have also pointed out that the Templar Revelation is the source
of almost all of Brown’s “research” into Leonardo.

Umbert Eco interviewed on the ABC TV special (Jesus Mary and Da Vinci,
Aug.5, 2004) says that he puts the Holy Grail as a literary invention
like Pinnochio or Little Red Riding Hood.

What is the Bibles Account?

In John 12:1-2 six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany,
and Martha served the dinner. So it is possible a woman was there to
serve the dinner but this proves nothing of Jesus being married to

What is the Bibles account? Luke 22:13-14 “…and they prepared the
Passover. When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles
with Him.” That’s who the Bible says is at the table. That’s whom Da
Vinci painted, there are only 12 people. If Mary is not John, where
is John or whoever is missing?

Where did Brown get this secret knowledge passed down? Mary Magdalene
-- as the disciple whom Jesus loved -- is reflected in the Gnostic
Christian writings of Nag Hammadi -- e.g., the Gospel of Philip and
the Gospel of Mary.” “In some ancient gnostic communities, Mary
Magdalene was thought of as having been the “Beloved Disciple” and the
companion of the Lord. What is not taken into account is that the
Gnostics were not Christians. They were a cult that used Jesus and
others names to attack the Bible and Christianity. They even claimed
Mary as their leader but there is no historical proof of this.

We know from the Bible that Peter was on one side and Judas was
probably next to or near Jesus. But who is the person on the other
side that Da Vinci painted that makes this controversy. What we need
to look at carefully is who is on the right of Jesus because this is
the basis of Brown's book, and it rests on Da Vinci’s painting passing
down this secret information.

At the last supper gathered around the table enjoying the Passover,
Jesus tells the disciples one will betray him. The disciples looked at
one another, perplexed about whom He spoke. Now there was leaning on
Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter
therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. Then,
leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, “Lord, who is it?”
Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I
have dipped it.” And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas
Iscariot, the son of Simon.

(John 13:18-33) At the last supper gathered around the table enjoying
the Passover Jesus tells the disciples one will betray him. Now there
was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He
spoke. Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, “Lord, who
is it?”

It’s not a mystery because the Bible tells us. Jesus mother, his
mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene were all
at the cross, and so was John. In John 19:26 “When Jesus saw his
mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said
to his mother, “ woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here
is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his
home. (John 19:25-27) Here John refers to himself, as one Jesus loved
not Mary, the disciple is a he. And he also is the author of the
gospel it is written. If one is going to accept the 4th gospel by John
as actually by Mary, they would have to accept the other epistles he
(she) wrote also, as they clearly are the same styles and concepts
ingrained showing it is the same author. Yet he ignores what John
himself writes in it.

John 20:1-2 “On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the
tomb early finding the stone removed. “Then she ran and came to Simon
Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved.” One has to change
a number of Scriptures in the Bible to make Magdalene the disciple
Jesus loved

At one of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus John 21:7
Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the
Lord!” after the Lord restores Peter. V. 20-21 Peter, turning around,
saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on
His breast at the supper…Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord,
what about this man?” v22 Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain
till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”

One may jump to conclusions and say this was Mary but the Bible tells
us this was John. What these Gnostic promoters do is say this was
intentionally changed from Mary to John being the disciple Jesus

Brown lays the groundwork by having his main characters deny the
inspiration and authority of the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
replaced with the gnostic gospels. The gnostic texts are called the
“unaltered gospels,” and the New Testament texts are mocked as
misinformation from the goddess-bashers. [Brown claims the Gospel of
Mary Magdalene as ‘unaltered” (p.248)].

Brown's intent to undermine the very historicity of the New Testament
is not hidden. He holds the belief that the true Jesus was a Gnostic;
and that the earliest “Christian” writings were the Gnostic Gospels
and the “still searching” for document Q party. In The Da Vinci Code:
“Many scholars claim that the early Church literally stole Jesus from
His original followers, hijacking His human message, shrouding it in
an impenetrable cloak of divinity, and using it to expand their own
power” (p.233).

The Biblical Jesus becomes an imposture, created by the church,
specifically patriarchal males that was hungry for power. In essence,
Brown drops the A-bomb by saying everything the church believes is a
lie because it is based on the Bible. (be it Roman Catholic,
Protestant, evangelical, etc. everyone who claims to believe in the

The Da Vinci Code’s accusation; that Christianity is based upon a Big
Lie (the deity of Christ) used by patriarchal oppressors to deny the
true worship of the Divine Feminine. 2,000 years ago the church
covered up Mary being the leader of the Christian community. Like I
said the truth is twisted on its head and its not the church that has
done it. Brown has convincingly brought doubt through a conspiracy
story and forgeries that were rejected by those who lived when they
were produced.

According to Browns book “Almost everything our fathers taught us
about Christ is false,” laments one of Brown’s characters. The real
truth was rejected. The word Everything is the fuel that makes his
theory run. Brown takes a negative view of the Bible and promotes a
distorted image of Jesus. He’s neither the Messiah nor a humble
carpenter but a wealthy, trained religious teacher bent on regaining
the throne of David.

Hid character Teabing gives a quotes, one he claims is from Napoleon:
“The winners in history are usually the ones who write the history we

I would say that his rewriting history does far greater harm.

When one reads the Gnostic gospels, one thing becomes immediately
obvious they read very different from our narratives. They do not
present Jesus within a historical background with connected events in
the life of Christ -- the details of his birth, baptism, ministry,
crucifixion and resurrection of Christ that we have all become
familiar with are distorted or missing. They fail miserably in
contrast to the canonical New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John that are set in a historical setting. It was these that were
accepted long before these gnostic forgeries were written.

The da Vinci codes regurgitated Gnostic stories

The word “Gnostic” means a knowing one, it is derived from the Greek
word gnostiko or gnosis (inner esoteric knowledge). Gnosticism taught
that spirituality came through a self-knowledge found outside the
written Word, a mystical “knowledge” acquired from direct spiritual
experience. To a Gnostic God could not be rationally explained to the
mind, but only be known by direct experience. The fact is the Gnostics
were branded as heretics by the early church. Those who were pastors
and apologists openly debated the challenges to the received text from
the apostles against the Gnostic’s new spiritual knowledge.

For a more in depth analysis of what the Gnostics taught. What is

The Gnostics used sources such as Platonic dualism (docetism) and
Eastern religious thought, combining them with ideas derived from
Christianity. The Gnostics called their doctrine the depths of God,
known then to contain arcane secrets and mysteries of divine wisdom.
Christ answer, he calls them the depths of Satan (Revelation 2:24).
God says in Isaiah 48:16 “Come near to Me, hear this: I have not
spoken in secret from the beginning.” The Gnostics and mystics pursue
the unknown; despising what is already revealed. The New age movement
continues using the Gnostic / mystical ways today.

This is why Brown is so convinced and antagonistic of the Bible, he
listening to those who received guidance and messages outside the Word
delivered by God through the apostles. Gnostics were never Christian.
They tried to undermine the church and the work that God was doing.

The Gnostic viewpoint that there was no sin. The spirit and the flesh
were separate. In the Gnostic Gospel of Mary, Mary Magdalene appears
as a disciple, singled out by Jesus for special teachings. Peter said
to Jesus, “Since you have explained everything to us, tell us this
also: What is the sin of the world? 26) The Savior said There is no
sin, but it is you who make sin when you do the things that are like
the nature of adultery, which is called sin.” Sounds more like
Christian Science, not Scripture, that says all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God. Sin is mans inherited fallen nature. John
writes in his 1st epistle if we say we have no sin we are calling God
a liar and do not know the truth. The Gnostics believed they were the
possessors of truth and the Christian church was not, thus they
opposed them.

The Gnostic's Marriage of Jesus

Brown uses his favorite two Gnostic documents, the Gospel of Philip
and the Gospel of Mary, to prove that the Magdalen was Christ’s
“companion.” In the Gospel of Philip: And the companion of the [Savior
is] Mary Magdalene. [But Christ loved] her more than [all] the
disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [mouth]. What needs to
be pointed out is there are holes in this Gnostic gospel writing where
ie. and used to, mouth etc. are written. Where the holes are words
were added as assumptions of what was said. These holes are not as big
a hole as the theory its based on.

The rest of [the disciples were offended] by it [and expressed
disapproval]. They said to him, “Why do you love her more than all of
us?” The Savior answered and said to them, “Why do I not love you like
her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness,
they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he
who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in

Gospel of Philip also writes against the Scripture: Some said, “Mary
conceived by the Holy Spirit." They are in error. They do not know
what they are saying. When did a woman ever conceive by a woman? Mary
is the virgin whom no power defiled. She is a great anathema to the
Hebrews, who are the apostles and the apostolic men. This virgin whom
no power defiled [...] the powers defile themselves. And the Lord
would not have said “My Father who is in Heaven” (Mt 16:17), unless he
had had another father, but he would have said simply “My father.”

In the Gnostic Gospel of Philip “You saw the Spirit, you became
spirit. You saw Christ, you became Christ. You saw the Father, you
shall become Father.” (Gospel of Philip) “But one receives the unction
of the [...] of the power of the cross. This power the apostles called
“the right and the left.” For this person is no longer a Christian but
a Christ. (Gospel of Philip).

This is direct opposition to everything the bible teaches. Then Jesus
is not the only Christ.

In the gospel of Mary I found no mention of an intimate relationship,
especially of marriage. Surely if this was such a held truth as
claimed it would be consistently recorded. There is one item mentioned
“Surely the Savior knows her very well.” The Gospel of Mary (referring
to Magdalene) says the following: Peter said to Mary, “Sister, we know
that the Savior loved you more than the rest of women. Tell us the
words of the Savior which you remember -- which you know (but) we do
not, nor have we heard them.” Mary answered and said, “What is hidden
from you I will proclaim to you.” Mary Magdalene goes on to tell
Peter, Andrew, and Levi about her visions of the Risen Christ and her
conversations with the Lord. These visions involve something which she
refers to as the seven powers of wrath.

“The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance,
the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the
flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the
wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath. 20) They asked
the soul, Whence do you come slayer of men, or where are you going,
conqueror of space? 21) The soul answered and said, What binds me has
been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome,22) and my
desire has been ended, and ignorance has died.23) In a aeon I was
released from a world, and in a Type from a type, and from the fetter
of oblivion which is transient.24) From this time on will I attain to
the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.

(Chapter 9 v.1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was
to this point that the Savior had spoken with her. 2) But Andrew
answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what
she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For
certainly these teachings are strange ideas.3) Peter answered and
spoke concerning these same things.4) He questioned them about the
Savior: Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to
us? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to

That is a good question. Did Jesus give special knowledge to a woman
contradicting what the Bible teaches after his training the disciples?
It becomes clear the Gnostics used Mary Magdalen to bring doubt and
confusion challenging the validity of the Scripture from the apostles
that was already in the church. The true gospels written by the
apostles tell us a number of times who the “inner circle” of disciples
were, Peter, James, and John, and Mary was not there. The Gnostics may
have forged her name and the apostle’s names on their documents, but
the content revealed the author. Scholars date the Gospel of Mary mid
2nd century, the Gospel of Philip at the end of third century. This is
about 200 years after Jesus lived. How can it be a written by the
disciple named Philip in Acts, unless he lived to be at least 200! The
text of the Gospel of Philip which exists today is a Coptic
translation, not its original language (Greek). Gospel of Thomas (the
primary one), Gospel of Philip, (a collection of sayings, metaphors,
and esoteric teaching) Gospel of Mary, Gospel of the Egyptians, and
the Gospel of Truth are attributed by most to Valentinus. Many of the
Gnostic documents have sexually suggestive statements incased in them
thus the importance of women in their spiritual belief system.

On Brown's website, we find, THIS NOVEL IS VERY EMPOWERING TO WOMEN.
CAN YOU COMMENT? Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods
and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most
cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power. The novel
touches on questions of how and why this shift occurred…and on what
lessons we might learn from it regarding our future.”

Considering that Brown says the Gnostics were matriarchal we have this
statement in the Gospel of Philip “The superiority of man is not
obvious to the eye, but lies in what is hidden from view.”

Brown neglects other Gnostic teachings. The gospel of Thomas (the
primary one), another 2nd century writing that gives imaginary stories
of Jesus from his 5th to 12th year of childhood and challenges the
revealed record. This is why the church rejected them, they were
Gnostic forgeries. According to the “Gospel of Thomas,” Peter says the
following about Magdalene: “Let Mary leave us, for women are not
worthy of life,” Jesus responds, “I myself shall lead her in order to
make her male”.... “For every woman who will make herself male will
enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Doesn’t sound like a pro-feminine
goddess view to me. The very writings he is upholding refutes his own
conspiracy theory of the church rejecting women and made patriarchal.

The Da Vinci's Codes Marriage of Mary Magdalene?

Browns character in the book Teabing, is described as a reputable
historian. This persuades the reader to accept the historical “facts”
presented in the novel as accurate. Sir Leigh Teabing’s states “the
marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is part of the historical
record.” In Chapter 58 , Brown’s book states: “…Jesus as a married man
makes infinitely more sense than our standard biblical view of Jesus
as a bachelor…Because Jesus was a Jew and the social decorum during
that time virtually forbid a Jewish man to be unmarried.”

Teabing insists that the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is
mentioned specifically in two ancient documents, The Gospel of Philip
and The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which he calls, together with the
Dead Sea Scrolls, “the earliest Christian records.” Teabing cites The
Gospel of Philip as proof that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married.
The Gospel of Philip was produced at the end of the 3rd century AD,
How can it be a written by the disciple named Philip in Acts, unless
he lived to be at least 200! This is almost one hundred years after
the Gospel of John, which is the last of the four New Testament
gospels to be written by the LAST LIVING APOSTLE.

There is not one shred of evidence accepted by any credible historian
stating that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. If your looking for
evidence of this kind you may as well go to the Mormons who teach that
it was Jesus who got married at Cana, except they say he was a
polygamist, he had many wives Martha, Mary and others; he also had
many children (Journal of Discourses vol.1 345-346 vol.2 79-82
vol.4:259-260 the Seer p.172). While Brown does not agree with many
wives, he does shares in their inaccuracy.

On the recent ABC special Dan Brown seems to contradict the love Jesus
had for Mary saying “Jesus wasn’t in love with her he was just trying
to help her out” (Jesus Mary and Da Vinci, Aug.5, 2004, on ABC).

In Chapter 58 Teabing, continues According to Jewish custom, celibacy
was condemned, and the obligation for a Jewish father was to find a
suitable wife for his son. If Jesus were not married, at least one of
the Bible’s gospels would have mentioned it and offered some
explanation for His unnatural state of bachelorhood” (Da Vinci Code,

Brown has a classic argument from silence. If one is appealing to the
gospel narratives as evidence, then why reject the other points that
are clear in them. Obviously because he must if it does not agree with
his theory. We also can appeal to the same evidence; if Jesus were
married at least one of the Bible’s gospels would have mentioned it.
It makes no sense that his disciples would try to hide his marriage if
it was normal. They were eyewitnesses and wrote accurately everything
He did, because they were inspired by the Spirit of Truth. John
writes, “This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote
these things; and we know that his testimony is true.” It was John who
was giving testimony by his writing and became the last living apostle
among those who were eyewitnesses of Jesus Life, death and
resurrection. It was John who Jesus entrusted his mother to. If Jesus
were married he would certainly have entrusted his wife as well. But
then Brown does not believe the biblical record of Jesus going BACK to
HEAVEN, or anything in the Bible for that matter.

Yes, marriage was the “norm” for 1st century Judaism and not being
married was unusual but not condemned (it was looked upon as God's
blessing not being there). We have examples of celibacy accepted in
the Jewish culture. Therefore, Jesus would not have been require to be
married. Daniel was not married, Jeremiah an Old Testament prophet of
the 7th century B.C. abstained from marriage as a sign to the Jewish
people that the end of the kingdom of Judah was near (Jeremiah
16:1-9). John the Baptizer was not married, yet Jesus said he was the
greatest of the prophets. Even Paul was not married as he did his
ministry unto the Lord. (Neither was Jesus, really). In fact Paul said
“Do we have not have the right to take along a believing wife, as do
also the other apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?”(1 Cor
9:5) This was a perfect opportunity to mention Jesus but he doesn’t.
Another point Paul writes “Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a
wife. But even if you do marry, you have not sinned” (1 Cor.
7:27-28). Paul certainly knew the teachings of Christ and would not
have contradicted him. Again we see Brown is wrong, marriage was not

If Jesus were married it would actually contradict what he preached
about love and commitment. Brown is presenting a Jesus who is married
and leaves his wife to go back to heaven (according to the Bible). It
would make Jesus a hypocrite, and not a teacher that one could
respect. Brown's argument is from the silence of Scripture and the
loud voice of heretics.

Even liberal scholar Elaine Pagel on the ABC TV Special agreed with
the Bible and stated Jesus was NOT married.

Brown's main sources within the text of his novel is from feminist
scholarship such as The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. Yet even
they are not all in agreement with all he has to say. and The Woman
with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail, both by
Margaret Starbird )

And what about the argument in John 20:17 of Mary, when she finds
Jesus holds him. Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have
not yet ascended to My Father.” The Greek word means to attach oneself
to, i.e. to touch (in many implied relations): to fasten oneself to.

Matt 28:8-9 So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great
joy, and ran to bring His disciples word. And as they went to tell His
disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” So they came and
held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.” The Greek word here means to
use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively): keep,
lay hand (hold) on, to restrain.

We see the Scripture recording that they all held him by the feet, not
just Mary. So if this makes Mary married, then it makes them all
married; not just Mary.

Brown doesn’t miss a beat to criticize Christianity for anything
possible that is wrong. In other words Christianity is set up to take
the blame, despite it being God’s revelation of love to the people of
the world, to both men and women alike.

Is the Council of Nicaea where Everything was Decided?
Dan Brown claims the Roman Catholic church created a divine Christ and
an infallible Scripture. p. 233 Teabing states, “Jesus' establishment
as the 'Son of God' was officially proposed and voted on by the
Council of Nicea.” Brown claims “That the divinity of Jesus was first
raised and established at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325, “ prior
to that time, no one—not even Jesus’ followers—believed Jesus was
anything more than a “mortal prophet.” A key character in the book
announces, that the idea of the divinity of Jesus was hatched by the
Roman Emperor Constantine as a political power play. The Emperor led
the bishops to declare Jesus as the Son of God by a vote. “A
relatively close vote at that,” the text elaborates. p. 233)

The council boldly claimed Jesus being uncreated as the faith of the
Church and named Arianism as a heresy and Arians as heretics. This was
NOT a close vote? Only two out of more than 300 bishops failed to sign
the creed. Where is this man reading his history from, a candy-bar

If Jesus is not God then what He said is false, and anything he did
becomes absolutely meaningless, especially the atonement. And that is
message Brown is trying to get through in his book.
Brown feelings are not hidden. He routinely refers to the Church as
“the Vatican.” He systematically portrays it throughout history as
deceitful, power-hungry, scheming and murderous. I’m not going to
defend the atrocities by Popes who indeed made it their business to
remove even Christians and control counties. But almost all the
conspiracies he finds on the church do not exist nor had the influence
he attributes to them.

“The Church may no longer employ crusades to slaughter, but their
influence is no less persuasive. No less insidious.” What the
backsliding Church did in defiance of Christ, Brown and others do by
their pen, and is no less serious. As the cliché goes “the pen is
mightier than the sword.”

In The Da Vinci Code, Brown adopts Arius as his representative for all
pre-Nicene Christianity because of his gnostic loyalty, disregarding
history. Referring to the Council of Nicaea, Brown claims that “until
that moment in history, Jesus was viewed by His followers as a mortal
prophet … a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless.”(p.233) “At
[the Council of Nicea]…many aspects of Christianity were debated and
voted upon – the date of Easter, the role of the bishops, the
administration of sacraments, and, of course, the divinity of Jesus….”
(Da Vinci Code p. 233.)

Brown is irresponsible between distinguishing fact from fiction. The
average reader without any knowledge of history can only assume his
claims are factual. The council was about one thing, the debate of
Arius’ new teaching, that Jesus was created -- not sacraments, Easter
or anything else on his list.

It was around the year 318 A.D. n Alexandria, Egypt that attention was
focused on a man named Arius who began teaching in opposition to the
church. Arius insisted that, “there was a time when the Son was not.”
(Christ must be numbered among the created beings - highly exalted, to
be sure, but a creation). This controversy became very sharp and began
dividing the Church. Bishop Alexander was teaching that Jesus, the Son
of God, had existed eternally, being “generated” eternally by the
Father. Arius wrote to Eusibius “We are persecuted because we say the
Son had a beginning, but God is without beginning.” (Letter to
Eusibius, 321 A.D). Alexander called a synod in 321 A.D. Constantine
did not even attend the council of Nicaea because of his age, (and
because he had no theological knowledge), but was represented by two
presbyters. Almost all the Council consisted of bishop's (estimations
of 300 or more) from the eastern Churches where this heresy was

Neither the church or man “invented” the divinity of Jesus. This was
already the held belief by the Church, because it was claimed by Jesus
himself and proclaimed by the apostles in the Bible. If one reads the
early church documents, the consistent teaching is that Jesus is God
in the flesh these are written hundreds of years before the council.
The 7Q4 fragment of I Tim 3.16 “God appeared in a body” dated to 50-80
AD by leading papyrologists.
How can Brown be right when so many pastors thaught Jesus was God over
nearly 200 years before Constantine. 100 AD Ignatius of Antioch “I
give glory to Jesus Christ the God who bestowed such wisdom upon you"
(Letter to the Smyraeans) “Jesus Christ . . . was with the Father
before the beginning of time”

Hippolytus “For Christ is the God over all” (Refutation of All
Heresies 10.34).

Iranaeus (lived between 120-202 A.D.) “In order that to Christ Jesus,
our Lord, and God, and Savior, and King.”

150 AD Justin Martyr “The Father of the universe has a Son, who also
being the first begotten Word of God, is even God.” (Justin Martyr,
First Apology, ch 63)

Scholar J.N.D. Kelly writes that “the all but universal Christian
conviction in the [centuries prior to the Council of Nicaea] had been
that Jesus Christ was divine as well as human. The most primitive
confession had been ‘Jesus is Lord’ [Rom 10:9; Phil 2:11], and its
import had been elaborated and deepened in the apostolic age.”
Remember Mt.16 – Peter’s confession of Jesus’ deity “he is the Son of
the Living God.

The Gnostics View

Members of the various gnostic sects had a secret knowledge not
available to others; it was given to them by a series of lesser
mediating divinities either called Archons or Aeons; they had a
dualistic view, an antithesis between matter and spirit, body and soul
and a hatred of the physical world that was often believed to have
been created not by God but by a lesser, evil demigod to imprison the
souls of human beings. None of these beliefs are Christian.

The book claims that the gnostic Jesus is far more human than the
divine Jesus of the four canonical Gospels contained in the Christian
Bible. The fact is -- the Gnostics did not believe Jesus was truly
human because of their dualistic worldview. Docetism was a form of
Gnosticism that rose later in the first century. (comes from the
Greek word dokeo, meaning “to seem” or “appear”). Their philosophy was
that matter is inherently evil and that God was not subject to any
human experiences or feelings. Jesus only appeared to have flesh, they
denied his genuine humanity, and said he was really a (spirit)
phantom. In other words he was not human, the very opposite of what
Brown claims is the truth. Since this was the held belief of Gnostics
it would be impossible to reconcile Jesus was married and went off to
have children. Again the sources he used to confirm his theory are
actually speaking against it. What Brown quotes say the opposite, they
deny he was human not divine. All one has to do is read the Gnostic
gospels and the debates that occurred 150 years BEFORE the Nicaean
council to find this out.

The Fact is Jesus being BOTH God and man is not an exclusive New
Testament idea but an Old Testament one that is spoken of by prophets
hundreds of years apart. Isa.9:6 , Jer.25:5-6 the branch who is a man
His name is called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Zech.12:10 God says
they will look upon me and mourn for son whom they pierced.

The New Testament gives clear evidence of Jesus being viewed as divine
throughout the New Testament. Numerous passages affirm the absolute
deity of Christ, such as John 1:1 (“the Word was God” and became
flesh), Mt.1:23) “God with us fulfilling Isa.7:14. John 5:18 (“calling
God His own Father, making himself equal with God”), John 20:28
(Thomas saying “[you are] my Lord and my God”), “Titus 2:13 (our great
God and Savior, Jesus Christ”), Romans 9:5 (“God over all, blessed
forever”), and Colossians 2:9 (“within Him dwells all the fullness of
being God in bodily form”), and many others attribute the Son of God
being the creator. He is called the Lord from heaven in 1 Cor.15:47.

In fact, one would have to remove passages from almost every book of
the New Testament to not have it teach he was divine.

The debate at Niacea was about whether Christ was a created being,
which Arius of Alexander was promoting, or that he was the same
substance (homoousia as God, being God) as Bishop Alexander proposed.
Both sides argued in the council from the Scriptures, expounding with
language and logic. It was a young deacon name Athanasius who joined
in the debate and shined in his biblical expertise and settled the
issue. Arius was pronounced as teaching heresy and deposed from
teaching by an overwhelming vote in the council who were present at
the debate.

In Brown’s book Teabing states “The word heretic derives from that
moment in history” (p. 234) (the time of Constantine, in the early
fourth century). If so how did New Testament authors in the first
century refer to “heresies” 2 Peter 2:1 and “a man that is a heretic”
Titus 3:10. Even Irenaeus in the second-century was able to write a
book entitled “Against Heresies”100 years before this council.
Hippolytus in his “Refutation of All Heresies” 7:22 written in 230 AD.
Again Brown is wrong on his facts, by this time in the book it matters

Teabing states that Constantine “was a lifelong pagan who was baptized
on his deathbed, too weak to protest.” (p. 232)

This is about as close to the truth on church history that Brown gets.
Constantine at first settled the issue by banishing Arius, but it only
proved temporary. Constantine received Arius' friend Eusebius of
Nicodemia on his deathbed, and was baptized an Arian (337 A.D.).
Supporting Arius' view, the Roman church then rejected the Trinitarian
view, and his son who took his fathers place disposed Athanasius and
his followers. For the next 50 years Arianism became a major movement
inside the Church from Rome. So it is nothing like what Brown writes
in his book that the church made Jesus into deity.

According to Browns book “Almost everything our fathers taught us
about Christ is false,” laments one of Brown’s characters. The real
truth was rejected. The word Everything is the fuel that makes his
theory run. Brown takes a negative view of the Bible and promotes a
distorted image of Jesus. He’s neither the Messiah or a humble
carpenter but a wealthy, trained religious teacher bent on regaining
the throne. He makes him into what the Pharisees were like.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The character Teabing referring to Nicea council states that the Dead
Sea Scrolls confirm that “the modern Bible was compiled and edited by
men who possessed a political agenda ….” (p. 234)

The Qumran society was monastic community within Judaism that produced
the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Da Vinci Code claims they are part of the
“earliest Christian records.” But they contain no “Christian
teachings” whatsoever, they are the products of an ancient Jewish
community that was separated. They contain – among other things – some
of the oldest known manuscripts of the Old Testament. The Dead Sea
Scrolls actually confirm that the Old Testament we have today has not
changed and affirms it being accurate. Which does damage to Brown’s
theory of the Bible being drastically changed by unscrupulous men.

What Dan Brown's character goes on to say about the Dead Sea Scrolls
and the Nag Hammadi Library intentionally misleads the reader. He
says: Fortunately for historians, some of the gospels that Constantine
attempted to eradicate managed to survive. The Dead Sea Scrolls were
found in the 1950s (sic) hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Judean
desert. And, of course, the Coptic Scrolls (sic) in 1945 at Nag
Hammadi. In addition to telling the true Grail story, these documents
speak of Christ's ministry in very human terms. (The Da Vinci Code,

The Nag Hammadi texts are incorrectly called “scrolls” in this book
when they are codices. In the Nag Hammadi library contains 13 codices
52 tractates (6 which are duplicates). And the Dead Sea Scrolls were
discovered in 1947 (not the 1950’s). If the author can get something
this elementary wrong, we must question the other historical “facts”
presented elsewhere to see if they too are wrong. This Coptic codex
was acquired in Cairo in 1896 by Dr. Rheinhardt, it was not published
until 1955. It is missing pages 1 to 6, pages 11 to 14 -- these
included sections of the text up to chapter 4, and portions of chapter
5 to 8.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were not in the possession of the Nicene council
so how could they prevent them from being part of the Bible? In fact,
the Dead Sea Scrolls are not Christian documents, they do not contain
any “gospels” nor mention Jesus Christ’s ministry on earth at all.
They were Old Testament scrolls prior to his birth. Brown seems to
lack integrity in his research everywhere one turns. And they
especially do not mention anything about Jesus and Mary Magdalene
having children, or being married.

Over 60,000 scrolls, fragments and manuscripts were uncovered—of which
one-third were Scriptural, mostly copies of Old Testament books
including internal documents for the Qumran community. They contain
portions of every Old Testament book except Esther. They predate the
New Testament, carbon-dated to the second-century BC. prior to Christ.

We find the Dead Sea Scrolls were produced by a community of mostly
male Jewish celibates, precisely the kind of people Langdon in Browns
book asserts couldn’t have existed within Judaism at the time of
Jesus. Once again this goes against Brown’s theory of Jesus must be
married because all Jewish men are married. The very evidence Brown
brings forth to undermine the consistent story of the canonical
Gospels teach contrary to the “secret Christianity” Brown says they

The Bible

In chapter 55. Teabing, answers some questions from the two lead
characters about the nature and background of their quest. To begin:
“…The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven… The Bible is the
product of man, my dear. Not of God. The Bible did not fall magically
from the clouds. Man created it as a historical record of tumultuous
times, and it has evolved through countless translations, additions,
and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the
book.” (The Da Vinci Code p.231)

No, man wrote it ass God spoke to the prophets spanning over 1500
years. The text of the New Testament is comprised of over 24,000
copies or pieces of manuscripts, some dating as early as first century
many more from the second and third century. There is no other ancient
piece of literature with such manuscript evidence. We have manuscripts
dating back to the first century and they are what we hold in our hand
today, no changes. Recently a piece of Matthew was found where
Carston Theide dates back into 60 AD. The Bible has been translated
into many languages; our literal English translated Bibles are often
translated directly from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts so the
argument over so many translations is moot one. Versions or
translations of the New Testament into Syriac, Old Latin, Egyptian,
etc. began far after the completion of the canon of the New Testament
was circulated (the later 4th and fifth century).

Teabing in the book goes on with more specific claims: “Jesus Christ
was a historical figure of staggering influence, perhaps the most
enigmatic and inspirational leader the world has ever
seen….Understandably, His life was recorded by thousands of followers
across the land…More than eighty gospels were considered for the New
Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion –
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John among them…The Bible, as we know it
today, was collated by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine the Great”

Was Jesus a figure of “staggering influence” did “thousands of
followers” write of him? The answers to this is, No. Jesus’ never
traveled outside Palestine, he was known among the Jews, especially
the poor and hurting. There are only a few first-century works outside
the Scripture about Jesus and none compare to the eyewitness accounts
in Scripture.

Were there eighty Gospels out of which four were chosen by
Constantine? This is a completely unsubstantiated claim from his book
and history. again, they weren’t choosing Bible books at Nicaea but
debating if Jesus was created by God or is the creator who is God FROM
the Bible.

“The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman
emperor Constantine’ (Brown p.231).

Again Browns research of history is failing, Constantine was not the
decider of the canon. In fact, he played no role in its assembly; the
church at large was responsible. Church History tells us the Church
had a near complete New Testament canon of Scripture 170 years before
the council of Nicea. Almost all the New Testament books were written
between 45-75 A.D excluding the apostle John’s writings occurred in
80-95 A.D. From the beginning the church copied and shared the
original documents to circulate the apostles writings. These books
were read copied and distributed as scripture by individual
Christians. We have examples of letters in scripture written by the
apostles who said they were to be read to all. “I charge you by the
Lord that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.” 1 Thess.5:27
“to be read to all the church’s” Col.4:16 “read to the church of
Colosse and the Laodiceans” Gal.1:21 “to the church’s of Galatia.”
Paul in jail asks to bring to him the parchments the scrolls. Peter
states of Paul’s letters there are hard things to understand, so it is
obvious they were copied and read even by the apostles. Early church
leaders considered letters and eyewitness accounts authoritative and
binding only if they were written by an apostle or close disciple of
an apostle. This way they could be assured of the documents'
reliability. As pastors and preachers, they also observed which books
did in fact build up the church

And we have the evidence of the church as well proving they had the
New Testament Bible. Clement of Rome, 95 A.D. in his Epistle to the
Corinthians quotes from Matthew, Luke, Romans, Corinthians, Hebrews, I
Timothy, 1 Peter. Many of the church fathers (bishops) quote the New
Testament such as Polycarp (69-155 A.D.) quotes much of the New
Testament (Mt., Acts, Hebrews, 1 Pt. And 10 of Paul's letters) to his
letter to the Philippians. Justin Martyr (100-160 A.D.) quotes all 4
Gospels, Acts and the epistles of Paul and Revelation. Portions of the
gospels were read every Sunday in church. Clement of Alexandria
165-220 names all the books of the New Testament except Philemon,
James, 2 Peter and 3 John. Irenaeus 135-210 quotes from all the New
Testament books except Philemon, Jude, James and 3 John. Origen
185-254 names all the books of both the Old and New Testaments.
Tertullian 160-240 mentions all the New Testament books minus James, 2
Peter and 2 John.

Tatian, about A.D. 160, made a “Harmony of the Four Gospels called the
“Diatessaron,” is an evidence that Four Gospels were generally
recognized among the churches.

When you read the early “church fathers” the one consistent teaching
that comes through is that they are completely convinced Jesus is God
himself from the Scripture that Brown says they do not have. These are
bishops and teachers from the 100 and 200 long before the Nicaean
council (Brown claims) enforced on the church the supposedly minority
position of Christ's divinity.

The proof to counter a decidedly modern edition of the Greek New
Testament is the manuscript evidence. The quotations of the Greek
scriptures by the Greek fathers confirm the authenticity of the
original text. Nearly every verse of the New Testament in Greek can be
recovered from quotations of the New Testament by the early church
pastors (or scholars, apologists) in their writings. In fact all but
11 verses can be put together by collecting the early church writings,
it is the same scripture we have today.

At Council of Nicea in 325 - Athanasius in his debate with Arius
quoted from almost all the books of the New Testament, (not from the
Gnostic gospels) he said the 27 books are the springs of salvation, do
not add or take away from them. So these were already accepted by the
Church need no council to affirm them (though the Roman Catholic
church did have meetings years after to put closure to the canon it
was not necessary).

The early Church did not establish the canon (official set of New
Testament writings) at Nicaea. The New Testament writings were long
since recognized inspired of god because of their authorship and
agreement with what was revealed. We need to understand that the
gospels and letters were written in the first generation of the
eyewitnesses of the facts. Other gospels, not by eyewitnesses were
rejected in the long history of the church because they did not
coincide with what is already written. In the same way today we would
reject the new book of Mormon today, because it does not agree but
actually opposes what is delivered to us in the Scripture.

By the time of Origen (185-254 A.D.), there was general acceptance on
nearly all of the New Testament we have today. There was a ongoing
discussion on only six epistles to be part of the New Testament canon
in a certain area of the church (Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 John, 3
John, and Jude.) Nobody questioned which Gospels should be included,
they were accepted for along time. New Testament dates they were
written: Matthew, 50-70 AD, Matthew; An eyewitness. Mark, 50-70 AD,
Mark; An eyewitness. Luke, 56-60 AD, Luke who compiled the
eyewitnesses accounts; John, 85-95AD, John; An eyewitness. These are
the dates accepted by conservative scholars who are not liberals.

The distribution of the Gnostic writings are not proportionate to the
acceptance of the Gospels by the apostles throughout the world from
Asia to Africa.

Pagan Influences

Peter Jones who written extensively on the Gnostics says of Brown:
Brown’s “positive” approach resurrects “pre-Christian” symbols and
promotes the ancient spirituality of paganism-the worship of Nature as
god. Brown’s hope for the future of the planet in the Age of Aquarius
is the all-inclusive circle, “the divine feminine” and the figure of
the Goddess. He finds this message encoded in the blocks of the Roslyn
Chapel, which he calls “the Cathedral of Codes” (p.432).

“Each block was carved with a symbol…to create a multifaceted surface”
(Da Vinci Code p.436)“…Christian cruciforms, Jewish stars, Masonic
seals, Templar crosses, cornucopias, pyramids, astrological signs,
plants, vegetables, pentacles and roses…Rosslyn Chapel was a shrine to
all faiths…to all traditions…and, above all, to nature and the
goddess” (p. 434).

The idea of the goddess is a main point in Browns theory. Another
Assertion in the book is about the name YHWH: God’s original name.
“The Jewish Tetragrammaton YHWH— the sacred name of God—in fact
derived from Jehovah, an androgynous physical union between the
masculine Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah” (Da Vinci Code
p. 309).

This is completely false! “Adonai” or “Ha Shem” meaning the Name was
said by devout Jews whenever they came across God’s name in the text
of the Old Testament because they felt the actual name of God was too
holy to be pronounced by human lips. It was to avoid pronouncing it in
vain and be punished. In fact when the scribes were copying the texts
they would wash their hands before they wrote God’s name.

YHWH derived from Jehovah is completely false. The name “Jehovah”
didn’t even exist until the thirteenth century at the earliest (and
wasn’t in common use until the sixteenth century), and is an English
word not Hebrew or Greek. We can trace the name Jehovah to the first
person to use it a Roman Catholic monk from the 1200’s. “The first
recorded use of this form dates from the thirteenth century C.E.
Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, used it in
his book “Pugeo Fidei” of the year 1270.” It was created by
artificially combining the consonants of YHWH (or JHVH) and the vowels
of Adonai (which means “Lord”). The insertion resulted in the hybrid
term [J]YaHoWaH.

Jehovah becomes a 16th century rendering for the King James Version of
the Hebrew YHWH using the vowels for the name.

In the book, Langdon claims that “YHWH comes from the name Jehovah,
which he insists is an androgynous union between “the masculine Jah
and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah.”

If you go to the Encyclopedia or theological dictionary it shows that
Langdon is wrong. The Hebrew, not “pre-Hebraic” word for Eve is found
in the original Hebrew of the Old Testament is hawwâ, (pronounced
“havah”), which means “mother of all living.” There is no androgynous
meaning of this, but Brown formulates his facts never veering off the
Gnostic vein of his novel to diminish real Christian teaching.

The term “Jah” is not even a Hebrew word, Hebrew uses Yah, a
contracted form of YHWH. And throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, “Yah”
is coupled with a masculine verb. In Psalm 106:1, for example, halal
Yah means “Praise the Lord” or “Praise Yah.” Havah has nothing to do
with some “androgynous physical union” with “Jah.” This is from
someone's imagination.

Brown claims that Jews in Solomon’s Temple adored Yahweh and his
feminine counterpart, the Shekinah, “[E]arly Jewish tradition
involved ritualistic sex. In the Temple, no less. Early Jews believed
that the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple housed not only God but
also His powerful female equal, Shekinah” (Da Vinci Code p. 309).

They believed no such thing. The Shekinah is not the name of a
goddess, but a Hebrew words that means “dwelling, or presence.” The
Shekinah glory is the visible manifestation of God’ presence. This
Shekinah in the Old Testament was called the kvod adonai which means
glory of the Lord. Kvod (Glory) in Hebrew and means mean’s weight. In
the New Testament it is called in Greek Doxa Kurion.

God would often manifest himself in glory so the Israelites would know
he is among them. It is used for Jesus in John 1 “The word became
flesh and ‘dwelt’ among us.” Dwelt in Greek is skeinei, which is from
the Hebrew mishkhan, which is the same root as shekinah. It means to
tabernacle as God did in the Old Testament tabernacle. It infers that
Jesus is the God of the Old Testament..

Ritualistic sex was NEVER sanctioned in the temple. this could only
take place at the time of the Temple’s corruption after Solomon when
there was disobedience to the Mosaic Law by priests who defiled the
temple with religious prostitution (1 Kings 14:24 and 2 Kings
23:4-15). Pagan altars were repeatedly torn down by various kings
and prophets of Israel ( Judges 6:25-26,28,30).

Sabbath and Sunday
Written as if this was taken right out of a Sabbatrian book like the
7th Day Adventists, Brown makes another historical inaccuracy part of
his brand of truth. In the book Teabing states “Even Christianity’s
weekly holy day was stolen from the pagans.” Langdon adds,
“Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine
shifted it to coincide with the pagan’s veneration of the sun. To this
day, most churchgoers attend services on Sunday morning with no idea
that they are there on account of the pagan sun god’s weekly tribute –
Sunday” (pp. 232–233).

Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the type of
misinformation people get from cults. Although early Christians met on
“the Lord’s day,” they still considered Saturday to be the Sabbath.

A number of writers from the post-apostolic period confirm the
practice of Christians gathering for worship on Sunday. Justin the
Martyr (150 AD) describes Sunday as the day when Christians gather to
read the scriptures

The Epistle of Barnabas (120-150) The Didache (60-80 AD) and Other
later testimonies from Irenaeus, Dionysius, Tertullian of Africa
Cyprian, Pliney the younger and Melito of Sardis (late 100’s) which
all pre-date Constantine by over 100 years.
In the New Testament epistles there are only 2 references to the
Sabbath (Col.2:16, Heb.4:4). The apostle Paul explains clearly that
the day is not obligatory for Christians, it was a commandment from
God to Israel, not the Church.

Schaff- Herzog Encyclopedia of religious knowledge 1891 Ed., vol.4
Article on Sunday. “Sunday… was adopted by the early Christians as a
day of worship... Sunday was emphatically the weekly feast of the
resurrection of Christ, as the Jewish Sabbath was the feast of
creation. It was called the Lords day, and upon it the primitive
church assembled to break bread.

So Brown’s “lesson in history” fails again.

Teabing asks what would happen if people found out that the greatest
story ever told (a reference to the Biblical story of Christ) “is, in
fact, the greatest story every sold” (p. 267). If Brown is correcting
the story with all these facts, is he not selling his book. Whose
selling what? Most of the Bibles throughout the world have been
funded to be given away. Many churches give away free Bibles. What
has “The Da Vinci Code” done? It tries to keep people in unbelief
having them think his story is the truth and the Bibles history is
not. Its intent is to turns sincere seekers away from examining
Christianity and only bring confusion.

Brown’s attack on our faith may provide us with greater opportunities
for evangelism, but we need to know how to counter it. Hopefully I
have helped to give a few answers to his challenge.

In conclusion the “Jesus” portrayed in “The Da Vinci Code” is not the
Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible. Jesus warned us that there would be
“false Christs.” (Matthew 24:24) false gospels: This is one of them.
We are told they will believe in fables in the last days and not the

How can a book like this stay this long on the shelves and continue
to be a bestseller? It's easy. People would rather believe the lie
than believe the truth.

© 2002 No portion of this site is to be copied or used unless kept in
its original format the way it appears. Articles can be reproduced in
portions for ones personal use, any other use is to have the
permission of the author first. Thank You.

We would like to hear from you. Please send us an e- mail and let us
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is. Please keep in mind, we only have time to answer sincere
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2004-08-25 02:08:14 UTC


Billy Graham <Loading Image...>

Confirmed Mason.

I am not condemning these men or religion. But we need to be careful
and not
put our trust in men. Only Jesus. I am questioning some of their
that are not biblically correct. Some of the following ministers have
identified as members of some not so Christian organizations.

1992 Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. on his radio show called
Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM
Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we
need to
embrace the
<http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/newworldindex.htm> New

McCall Magazine (Jan. 1978) Graham stated, "I used to believe that
pagans in
far-off countries were lost--were going to hell. I no longer believe
that. I
believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of
God--through nature, for instance." Pagans believe that salvation can
obtained through nature.
The Deception of Billy Graham. A Mind Controlled Front

The Deception of Billy Graham


tm> Billy Graham and Norman Vincent Peale believe that Jesus Christ


The Awful Truth About Billy Graham

htm> Jewish Masonic Lodge Awards Billy Graham

During the 1988 Presidential Campaign, a TV reporter asked
Bush if he were a Christian. Bush initially stammered, but then said,
you mean born again, then, yes, I am a Christian". Now we know what
Bush meant by his deliberately misleading statement. Skull
<http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/skullandbones.htm> and

Matthew 24:15 When you therefore shall see the abomination of
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso
readth, let
him understand:) This is when Satan stands in the Rebuilt temple and
proclaims himself as God. then the end shall come!!

We men are not gods. This is New Age crap, the I Am freemasonry,
and Satanic teachings. Read here what the 32nd degree freemason
ritual is.
Freemasonry Update: also
United States Presidents And The Masonic Power Structure

<Loading Image...>

Confirmed Illuminati Mason

What Charles Capps is putting to us here is made crystal clear for us
by his
fellow Faith-teacher Kenneth Copeland when he states quite
emphatically that
"God's reason for creating Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself. I
a reproduction of Himself, and in the Garden of Eden He did that. He
was not
a little like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate
to God
even.... Adam is as much like God as you could get, just the same as
Jesus -
When He came into the earth He said 'If you've seen Me you've seen the
Father'. He wasn't a lot like God - He's God manifested in the flesh.
And I
want you to know something: Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God
in the flesh!" ("Following the Faith of Abraham", part I, side 1).
obtained from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Bath, UK, Summer 1994]

<Loading Image...>

Confirmed Illuminati Mason.


emason.htm> Kenneth Copeland 33rd Degree Freemason Exposed

Kenneth Copeland: "God Is Both Male & Female"

Kenneth Copeland Exposed

<Loading Image...>
Hagin. "Originally, God made the earth and the fullness thereof,
giving Adam
dominion over all the works of His hands. In other words, Adam was the
of this world." (The Believer's Authority, 2d ed. [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth
Ministries, 1991], 19.) Kenneth Hagin gives us his view of Christology
he taught Kenneth Copeland. Hagin believes that Jesus was born again.
Yet in
fact, Jesus was never born again even once, because he never sinned
and did
not need redemption like us. Copeland confuses two completely
concepts of "born again" and "Christ being begotten".

Keepers, Kenneth Hagin and Freemasonry

Such is the message being propagated by Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth
Marilyn Hickey, Charles Capps, Fred Price, Robert Tilton, Doyle
Harrison and Ray McCauley. (These people have international followings
numbering thousands, several having their own TV broadcasts.) Many
who see these ministries at a distance know that something is not
about them, but most see them as the Gospel plus healing and
prosperity on
demand. Research carried out in 1994 among a number of Christians from
different backgrounds has confirmed this. Almost 100% held this idea
the 'Faith' message was only the Gospel plus. None had any idea of the
extent of its error. In fact, a certain well-informed Baptist pastor
expressed real surprise when he read what Kenneth Copeland teaches
about the
Creation, Fall, and Redemption of man. "I never knew it was this bad,"
said. "...This is sheer heresy."

Emmett McLaughlin also wrote another book called The Assassination Of
Abraham Lincoln, where he, again, shows that Lincoln was assassinated
by the
Jesuits. So, Emmett McLaughlin came out of the Catholic Church. To my
knowledge, he never was born again. He never was saved, but he did
tell the
truth. He married a nun, and lived a virtuous and honorable life after
left. The last one was, of course, Alberto Rivera, who was greatly
hated by
the Vatican because he was a very high Jesuit who came out and, in the
'60s, about 1969, exposed the power of Rome in the ecumenical
movement, that
Rome controlled Kathryn Kuhlman; that Rome controlled Billy Graham;
Rome controlled, virtually, our government-Ronald Reagan. Reagan, when
took the Oath of Office, faced the obelisk, indicating that this
will ultimately have a concordat. So, Alberto Rivera converted to
wonderfully, and he started a ministry called The Anti-Christ
Center, out of Los Angeles.

<http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/blackpope.htm> The

By the way, Prince Charles Coat of Arms has another symbol--The Order
of the
Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free
Masonry, world-wide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears
allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles.
The Bible gives us 42 signs of the Antichrist

Several years ago a book was published, entitled Beyond Death's Door
by Dr.
Maurice Rawlings. Dr. Rawlings, a specialist in Internal Medicine and
Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many people who had been
dead. Dr. Rawlings, a devout atheist, "considered all religion
and death nothing more than a painless extinction". But something
in 1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr. Rawlings! He
resuscitating a man, terrified and screaming - descending down into
flames of hell: "Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the
patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified and pleaded with me
help him. I was scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely
alarmed look
on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in
death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror!
pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling - he looked
as if
his hair was "on end."
Then still another strange thing happened. He said, "Don't you
understand? I
am in hell. . . Don't let me go back to hell!" . . .the man was
serious, and
it finally occurred to me that he was indeed in trouble. He was in a
like I had never seen before."
(Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death's Door, (Thomas Nelson Inc., 1979) p.

Dr. Rawlings said, no one, who could have heard his screams and saw
the look
of terror on his face could doubt for a single minute that he was
in a place called hell!
<http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/Dial%20Protected> Is

But it is now becoming clear that for some people, NDEs are far from
blissful. Instead of a feeling of floating upwards, they report being
downwards - towards a pit inhabited by demons. The experiences of
Hazell, a London-based art historian, as she fought for life against
meningitis, are typical. "I had reached a critical stage in the
illness and
was hovering between life and death - I was aware of being involved in
intense and very real struggle for my life," she told The Telegraph.
three-legged being - rather like the Isle of Man symbol - was pulling
my legs down to infinite depths. I knew without doubt that if I
relaxed and
gave in I would be dead. I believe this struggle went on for some
considerable time and I eventually managed to break away from whatever
was pulling me down."
near death see visions of hell

Unfortunately, what many so-called religious authorities fail to tell
arguing against self-defense by quoting this bit of scripture is that
are several words in the Hebrew language which express the verb
"kill." The
Hebrew word used in this commandment ALWAYS means "murder" and ONLY in
would now be called a "pre-meditated" murder at that.

Unfortunately, the word "kill" has changed since the time of King
James when
the first major translation of the Bible into English was carried out.
"kill" would more properly be translated as "murder" as far as modern
English usage is concerned and, in fact, many modern translations of
Bible generally use "murder" in this passage. Check it out in a modern
language translation of the Bible or--better yet--with someone who

This Bible passage deals with murder, not self-defense and it's a
mistake to interpret it as prohibiting self-defense. Thus the
commandment is
simply "Thou shalt not MURDER." (And any religious leader using this
as an
argument against self-defense should be dismissed as a liar or sent
back for
more theological training.) PRAISE
<http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/pass_the_ammo.htm> THE

Jehovah's Witnesses

"The men of Sodom WILL be resurrected" -- WT, p. 8, July, 1879.
"The men of Sodom will NOT be resurrected" -- WT, p. 338, June 1,
"The men of Sodom WILL be resurrected" -- WT, p. 479, August 1, 1965.
"The men of Sodom will NOT be resurrected" -- WT, p. 31, June 1, 1988.

The founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (aka) Jehovah's
Witnesses Charles Taze Russell was a freemason.

Secrets of the Watchtower

<http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/jw_cult.htm> The
Witness Cult

JW's Watchtower Exposed


Astrology and the Watchtower Society
Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, and Free Masonry


Scientology and Dianetics - the truth revealed

Misconceptions are there about Scientology? Why do some people oppose
Scientology? What is the Guardian's Office and does it still exist?
Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind control? Is Scientology
hypnotism, meditation, psychotherapy or other mental therapies?

The Official
Scientology and Dianetics Glossary


BROADCASTING NETWORK The biggest and most evil force of unholy false

Does Jesus Know You?

America Babylon?

'hate group' Quietly, behind the scenes, an assistant attorney general
been, for several years, teaching police across West Virginia a course
hate crimes.

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2004-08-25 02:18:44 UTC

Freemasonry: The Trojan Horse In the Church

By Pastor Pierce Dodson
This article reveals something of the true nature of Freemasonry. You
will see it, not in the abstract, but in the concrete. Its true nature
is not readily apparent as many fine people do belong to this
organization, and of course it is involved in various charitable
activities which also give it an appearance of being an upstanding
organization. But there is a saying that you can't judge a book by its
"cover" (how appropriate a word in this case), and Freemasonry must be
understood not by its cover but by the philosophy, teachings, and
spiritual forces which lie behind it.

What I have to say is not meant as an attack on the men who belong to
the lodge. I am not an anti-mason, but I am against Masonry, a
philosophical system which is opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I
truly love the men of the lodge, and I exhort them to break with an
organization which has deceived them.

My attitude toward the Masons can be found in Paul's words in II
Timothy 2:24-26: "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be
gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing
those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them
repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may
recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken
captive by him at his will."

In Greek mythology the Trojan horse was the means by which the Greeks
successfully brought their army into the city of Troy. It was an act
of subterfuge. The Greeks hid their soldiers in a hollow wooden horse
and then left it on the shores outside the city of Troy.

The people of Troy took the horse inside, not knowing what was in it;
and it became the means to their destruction. The Greeks later emerged
from the horse and took the city captive. Interestingly, the people of
Troy would not listen to some warnings which were given to them. They
thus paid a high price for their ignorance and unwillingness to heed
the warnings.

Keep in mind the above story because it has application to the issue
of . Freemasonry is Satan's Trojan horse, and it is in the Church of
our day, and all too often people won't listen to the warnings which
are being sounded. Hopefully every will take seriously the warnings
being sounded because this really is a deadly issue (See Deadly
Deception by Jim Shaw and Tom McKinney.)

I was born and raised in a Southern Baptist home where I was converted
to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of nine. Some years after
receiving a call to the ministry, I attended Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. I graduated with a
master of divinity degree in theology, but there were things I was to
learn later that I did not get in preacher school. God has his own
school of instruction and preparation, and often much is learned about
His ways in the laboratory of life. Also He has a rather unusual
special classroom, the furnace of fire, which is also very useful to
Him. The Holy Spirit is always the tutor and the textbook is always
the Word of God, the Bible.

Before finishing seminary I became pastor of a church in Kentucky.
While at this church, I served on the state executive committee for a
three year term; and during the last year or two of my tenure at the
church, our church used radio in a rather creative fashion to carry
the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community. Also the church was very
supportive of missions during my almost fourteen year ministry at this
church. Missions were and still are a great passion of mine.

After such a long ministry at this one church, I accepted a call to a
church in my home state of Tennessee. It was to be some homecoming! I
did not know what was in store for me. However, God did and He doesn't
make any mistakes. Unknown to me He had been preparing me for what lay
ahead. Soon after going to this new field, I was to step into what I
have described as the twilight zone. I haven't really come out yet.
You'll soon see what I mean!

I took a prominent county seat church in a small town, and things
started off very well. However, I do remember that before accepting
the church there was an occasion as my wife and I drove into town that
I made some comment that I hoped that the church was not full of
Masons. How prophetic, it was!

After leaving Kentucky, I came down to the new field of ministry
without my family. For almost a week I lived in a motel, but an
interesting and prophetic event of sorts occurred the day my family
arrived to join me in Tennessee. A man and his wife came to my office
at the church late in the afternoon and shared with me the account of
how their daughter was being harassed at school by a couple of
Satanists. Now that's some way to get started in your counseling
ministry! It was that same week that I heard the story of a stabbing
which had occurred in that community prior to my coming where someone
into the occult or outright Satanism had been involved. What was going
on in this place? I would find out soon enough.

Some weeks after starting at the church, I was in my office; and I had
just about finished putting my rather large library on the shelves
when I began a conversation with two ladies about the subject of
Freemasonry. I was now aware that a number of my deacons belonged to
the Masonic order. To those who don't know any better, that's no big
deal; but to those who are informed about this issue and really
understand it, it's something to be concerned about. Sad to say, but
Christians of our day, including most preachers, are not very
knowledgeable about this topic, and consequently the Church has
suffered for its lack of knowledge and discernment (Hosea 4:3).

One of the ladies in the office that day commented that her husband
was a Mason, but she did not get angry with me over what I said about
the subject. The other lady eventually read a book about Freemasonry
so she came to learn even more about the subject. Both of them seemed
to take the conversation in stride, and I don't think I really gave a
lot of thought about the possible ramifications of that conversation.
If women only knew the real esoteric meaning behind the Masonic symbol
of the square and compass, they probably could do more to lead men out
of the lodge than preachers ever could.

Some weeks following that conversation with the ladies, the Southern
Baptist Convention held its annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. I
attended that meeting as I had done for years. At one of the sessions,
I was shocked when a motion was made on the floor of the convention
for a study to be done on Freemasonry. There were others present from
my church who heard the motion. None of us knew how that issue was
about to explode in our faces. Certainly I did not know what was just

Right after my return to the church field from the convention, I
learned that the cat was out of the bag. My conversation in the church
office was now known to others. The lady who was married to a Mason
and a part of the conversation weeks earlier in the office had told
her husband what I had said. However, in all fairness to her, she did
not do so maliciously nor did she probably ever in her wildest
nightmares imagine what would eventually transpire. If I am not
mistaken, the husband and wife were sitting around talking one night
when he told her that he felt I would be opposed to the lodge.
Supposedly, he noticed a funny look come over her face, and he then
pulled out of her what I had said about Masonry.

How did he reach such a conclusion? I am not certain, but either he
got such an idea from some veiled reference I had made in regard to
Freemasonry or from a sermon which countered the theology of Masonry.
Actually I never preached a sermon on the subject of Freemasonry in
that church, nor did I even make one direct reference to it by name,
only some veiled references. But I had preached a two-part message on
the exclusive nature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, knowing how that
stood in stark contrast to the inclusive nature of Freemasonry.
Possibly this man had understood enough of the teachings of
Freemasonry to realize that what I was saying contradicted the
theology of Freemasonry. Most Masons never pick up that contradiction.
In fact few do! But the two systems of thought are as far apart as the
east and the west, and they cannot be reconciled. One is a broad road
and one a narrow road, and they don't lead to the same destination.

Now let's get back to the story. The Mason who learned of my feelings
about Masonry did not first call me. Had he done so maybe things would
have gone differently, but who, but God, knows. Instead he called a
lodge brother who was a deacon in the church. From that point things
went down hill and fast. I lasted about thirty days after that time.
My total time on the job was four months. That was quite different
from my previous pastorate, but the church where I stayed so long was
not controlled by the spirit of Freemasonry. And that can make a world
of difference. My story is evidence of that.

There was a regularly scheduled deacons' meeting the next week after I
came back from Atlanta. It came before I fully realized the
seriousness of what was going on, but I did have a sense of foreboding
that night just prior to that deacons' meeting. I didn't know if I had
a premonition of something bad about to happen or if I was just
paranoid. I soon found out!

The deacons' meeting did not go very well. I felt I was treated rudely
by one of the Masons and it was evident to me that he was angry. He
knew my feelings about Masonry, and I was one of the few people
present who knew what the burr was in his saddle. Somehow we managed
to get through that meeting, but I was really upset. The fat was in
the fire!

The following night I received an angry phone call from this man who
began the conversation by loudly proclaiming that he had heard that I
had called Masonry a cult. And to my discredit, I reciprocated and
loudly affirmed that I did and it was. Fortunately, we both calmed
down after that fiery beginning and both of us prayed before we hung
up. But things were now set on a collision course.

Over the ensuing days, realizing that I might have a gigantic problem
on my hands, I decided that as a new pastor without a solid base of
support, I had better take some steps to educate some people. If the
issue became a public one I wanted to have some support. I began to
distribute some literature clandestinely, but I wasn't as discreet as
I should have been as to whom I gave the literature. It later

At some point in all this scenario, something came to my attention
which really drove home the serious import of what I was involved
with. Some of my Southern Baptist brethren will have a problem with
the following account but I don't. Someone revealed to me that some
years earlier she had had a vision. That got my attention! Baptists
just don't have visions unless maybe they had a chili supper the night
before. This person was a respected member of the church and knew the
church very well.

This person claimed to have seen in this vision, Satan holding the
church in his grip. The vision was compared to the Sherwin Williams
paint logo where the can of paint is turned upside down on the globe,
and the spreading paint seems to be gripping the globe. Was this a
revelation from God? Did the Freemasonry connection help explain the
vision? The answer to both questions is in my opinion yes.

By the time I heard about the vision, I knew that about one third of
my eighteen deacons were Masons. I did not know until later that
possibly another two to three dozen others in the church belonged to
the lodge or its women's auxiliary, the Eastern Star. Those numbers
constituted a nice group when you consider that the church had maybe
about three hundred active members.

But Satan's presence and power were manifested in ways other than what
happened in that church. In the town on main street, there was a
liquor store called Lucifer's Liquors. I have never seen a liquor
store more aptly named. So Satan was being advertised with a "neon"
sign on main street in this town. Of course, if folks had known all
the other activity that the devil had going on there, they could have
put some similar signs up other places as well.

Also, had I driven to the cemetery before I went to interview at that
church, I would have been enlightened. For there in the cemetery is a
special section called the Masonic Gardens, and there is laid out a
miniature lodge hall in that special area of the cemetery. It has a
marble altar with a marble Bible on it and the lodge chairs placed as
they would be found in a lodge. Maybe I better check the local
cemetery before I consider any other church in the future.

However, it would probably be fair to say that Satan holds more than a
church in that town in his grip. His influence is pervasive throughout
the entire area, and it will be anywhere that Freemasonry is as strong
as it is there. [Note: See Dr. Peter Wagner's Breaking Strongholds In
Your City].

The next event in my saga was that a piece of literature, a John
Ankerberg booklet, was given to the wrong person who in turn brought
it to one of the Mason deacons. Then I got a phone call on a Sunday
afternoon and was told there was to be a deacons' meeting after the
Sunday night service, and the caller asked if I knew about it. I
responded that I had not been told about it, but that I had a
suspicion that Freemasonry might just be behind this clandestine
meeting. It was apparent that I, the pastor, was not welcome.

Interestingly, we were scheduled to have the Lord's Supper that Sunday
night. Fortunately, one of the deacons had enough moxie to stand up to
one of the Masonic deacons and ask how the deacons could take the
Lord's Supper and then turn around and have a secret meeting behind
the pastor's back. That was a pretty good question! Maybe I shouldn't
have been surprised since Satan had set an earlier precedent of doing
someone in following the observance of the Lord's Supper. Deju Vue!

At any rate, secret meetings are not exactly out of the ordinary for
Masons. This meeting was probably meant to roast me in absentia, but
when the objection was raised, I was issued a last minute invitation
just before the service that night. After the service which included
taking communion, I went upstairs to a room where the deacons and I
sat down. Keep in mind there were deacons who did not even know what
the meeting was about, but the Masons knew. You might say that it was
their meeting.

We were all seated around the room against the walls, but once the
show got going and the literature I had distributed was produced, I
got up when confronted by a Masonic deacon and took a seat in the
middle of the room facing the deacons.

One of the first things I did was to tell how other preachers like
Finney, Moody, and others before me had opposed Masonry. That didn't
go over very well with one of the Masons and he tried to shut me up.
However, he probably wasn't prepared for the way a non-mason deacon
told him to be quiet and let me speak. The meeting was quite a tense
one. Near the end I was asked if I could work with them (the Masons),
and I responded that I could probably give an answer, but I would
prefer to wait and answer at a later time. I closed the meeting with
prayer. The meeting was comparable to nine rounds with Mike Tyson.
Afterwards, one deacon remarked to some of his peers that he would
give up being a deacon before he would give up his lodge membership.
Does that say something about where his loyalty lay? That's what Jesus
meant when he said a man could not serve two masters.

Tensions continued to build, and apparently there was some talk going
on in town about the trouble at church. A prominent community figure
later told me that he had remarked to his wife that things were about
to explode at the church. On the Wednesday following the deacons'
meeting, I was informed by a non-mason deacon that he had received a
visit that day. Possibly he was being checked out to see where he
stood in regard to me. He and I speculated that some effort to oust me
might be in the works, but we did not know for sure. He did share with
me how that area had seen some violence in days past, and of course
you know how encouraging that was to me. Things were heating up!

That Wednesday night I was to speak on a subject that was part of a
series I had been doing. Of all things I was to speak on the subject
of standing alone. Talk about the providential hand of God it was
evident to those with eyes to see. Actually I had some suspicion that
an effort could even be made to remove me that night, but that was not
to be the case. In fact as I looked out over the congregation that
night, I realized that my opponents were not ready to act yet. I stuck
to my planned topic though I knew how nervous I was. I got through the
service and there were no incidents that night. But the bomb was still

The following Sunday morning a Mason deacon took me by the arm and
escorted me into the church office, closing the door behind us. He
wanted to know if I had reached a decision yet about being able to
work with the Masons. I knew the utter incompatibility of Freemasonry
and Christianity, especially among the church leadership, but that is
not very widely understood in our day. I felt that basically these
Masons had two options: renounce Freemasonry or step down as a deacon
in the church. In response to his question I said, "The issue here is
truth". His response was quite revealing to those who understand the
philosophy of Freemasonry. He said that what was true for me was not
necessarily true for him. Had I been talking to New Ager, Shirley
McLaine, the comment would have been expected, but this was a Baptist
deacon who also apparently had ingested the deadly, false philosophy
of Freemasonry.

That afternoon I struggled with my dilemma. I felt intense pressure,
and probably the enemy was beating up on me really big time. At first
I thought that I would try and last thirty days and see if something
could be worked out. My wife and I had just bought our first house and
we have two, young children. We had not even paid the first house
payment. In addition there were guests in our home from my former
church in Kentucky and they were blown away by all that was going on.
But it was again providential that they were there to be with us, and
the dramatic weekend before another Kentucky couple had been down.
Thank God for friends!

I very quickly discarded the thirty day idea, and then gave some
consideration to a two week trial. But right or wrong, I then decided
I would go ahead and resign that very night. I was not going through
this agony any longer. So I made a call and told the deacon chairman
that I would like a meeting before church with the deacons, but I did
not say what was on my mind. When I met with them later, no one tried
to stop me from resigning, not even my supporters. It was that kind of

There was to be a special program at church that night, but I don't
think I exactly knew what the youth were doing, except that it was a
musical. Guess what it was? It was a musical drama entitled "The Big
Picture" and it was based on Romans 8:28. The theme was that you don't
understand your trials when you're going through them, but you have to
wait to see the big picture later. I was about to go through one of
the most traumatic experiences of my life, and there could not have
been a program more appropriate to the occasion.

Again God's providential hand could be seen. He really was in control!
I sat in the pew that night with my wife. A former Mason who had been
a deputy in another town came to be with me, and a preacher friend's
wife came to be with my wife. The youth finished their program and
then I got up. There were visitors there, including a group from
another nearby state. I read most of what I said from a prepared text.
I resigned without anger or animosity and never once mentioned
Freemasonry. I stated that there was a situation in the church which
made it impossible for me to fulfill my calling to the ministry of the
Gospel and my calling as pastor of that church.

About fifteen months had elapsed between the former pastor's leaving
and my coming, and now I was resigning after four months. There were
people in shock; some cried and many came to the front to speak with
me. I sought to be gracious and somehow got through it all. What a
night, I shall never forget it! I stayed up until three or four
o'clock the next morning with friends, but never really went to bed.

I would insert at this juncture what a blessing it was that God gave
us some special friends during those days. Friendships forged in the
flames are the strongest, and I am grateful for Christian friends who
stood with us. We also got much support from our former church members
back in Kentucky, and they really were a great blessing.

Our house then went back on the market before the first payment was
made. However, God came through and took good care of us. Remarkably,
I'm probably one of the few preachers on record who was paid longer
not to be the pastor of a church than he was to be the pastor. That
came about because a non-mason deacon recommended that the church pay
my salary for the next six months if necessary. Praise God! He really
did prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. (This
arrangement was reached only after I was gone and was not arranged
before I left. I left cold turkey.)

This is probably a good place to share another very fascinating story
which has God's fingerprints all over it. Within a few weeks of my
resignation from the church, one Sunday my family and I visited a
church in a nearby, large city. The visiting preacher announced his
main text for the morning service and began to read from Genesis
50:19-21, "And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place
of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me, but God meant it
unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people
alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little
ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly to them."

I knew it was no accident that we were there to hear such a message
though honestly I came with the intention of talking after the service
with the guest speaker. But God wanted to say something first!

But it gets wilder. We drove down into Georgia that afternoon and
visited with a pastor whose church had successfully dealt with the
Freemasonry issue, even to the point of removing a Masonic cornerstone
from the church building. That's what you call cleaning house. But
after that visit, we headed back to the city where we had been that
morning, and were we in for a surprise.

The preacher at the church we visited that night was a friend of mine
who did not know we were going to be present that night. He did see us
and spoke to us shortly before the service, however. Then when he got
up to preach, he announced that he was doing something out of the
ordinary in that he had changed his sermon from what he had planned to
preach (apparently he had done so that afternoon). He then announced
his text was Genesis 50:19-20. Now that's what I call making your
point! God wanted my wife and me to understand that He had a purpose
in all that was taking place and that He would provide for us. Believe
me, he has and is still doing so! He is faithful, trust Him. He'll
meet you in the furnace!

Since the house did not sell right away, we were forced to stay in
that small town. We didn't just run away. We maintained a residence
there for another year and a half. I think God may have allowed that
so that our presence was a constant reminder of what had been done at
that church. God wasn't going to let it be easily swept under the
carpet. But that church's rebellious spirit or at least some of its
members' rebellious spirit against God ordained leadership is not an
isolated problem; it is to some extent found in many of the churches
of the Southern Baptist Convention. Some Southern Baptists don't
understand authority as God has established it. The same spirit of
rebellion rampant in our nation is tragically at work among the people
of God and Freemasonry is its ally.

I might add that in time a new church was formed as some people just
did not feel that they could stay in the church which had allowed me
to leave. Today that church has a new building at a great location. It
has adopted by-laws which prohibit members who belong to secret
societies from holding office in the church. That is the least a
church should do! Personally, I would hold that no one be admitted to
church membership who holds membership in a lodge, but that's not
politically correct thinking in this Laodicean age. Is it?

About six months after I had stepped down, I received a phone call.
The money from the church was about to run out. God surely is never
late, but often He cuts it awfully close. The caller was the chairman
of a pulpit committee back in middle Tennessee, and he wondered if I
could fill in and do some preaching. Of course, I accepted. Again, God
was taking care of us as He had promised in those two sermons.

Later, I was installed as that church's interim pastor without the
church even voting on me. I was the choice of their pulpit committee
to hold that position. The committee all knew about the issue which
had cost me my previous church and that was no problem to them. After
about five months into my ministry there, I agreed to allow the
committee to submit my name before the church as a candidate for its
pastor. But hold on, here we go again!

There were some folks in this church who had ties back to the area
where my last church had been. This link brought some word to the
people where I was now serving. However, I had already told all the
pulpit committee and later others, as well, about my experience. Let's
face it. I hadn't run off with another woman or embezzled from the
church, but some who did have not been treated like I have been.

But with all the hoopla over Masonry surrounding me, the deacons in
this church wanted to meet with me and talk with me about this matter.
I agreed to do so. At the meeting, not only did I share my position, I
showed them a video tape, From Darkness To Light, by Jeremiah Films. I
also answered some questions. None of their deacons was a Mason, but
one was sympathetic to some Freemason friends, and he told them what
had transpired in the meeting. I don't think the Masons cared too much
for the film, but their numbers were much smaller in this church.
Nevertheless, that didn't stop them from causing a stink.

It was like the replaying of a bad movie. Word got out that the church
was going to vote on a date to call the preacher, and the Masons came
out to cut me off at the pass. I still think it was a colossal
tactical blunder on the Masons' part, but they decided they were going
to take a shot at me at that time, instead of just waiting for the
actual vote on me which was to come later.

The Masons had all their number present on that Wednesday night when
only a date was to be set for my trial sermon. Some of them never came
on Wednesday nights, but this time they were there. In fact, one of
their number had not been to church in ages, Sundays or Wednesdays,
and some people did not realize he was even a member of that church.
One member later remarked to me, "Well, the Lord couldn't get him to
church but the lodge sure did."

At a certain point while the moderator was presiding, the Masons all
got up out of their seats and headed to the front. One of them pointed
his finger at me and called me a trouble maker. I'm sure that many
times the Lord Jesus was viewed as a trouble maker, and Elijah was
called the same thing by Ahab. And look at Paul, almost everywhere he
went things were stirred up. But that's just not kosher today. Many
churches had just rather be dead. They wouldn't dare allow a
disturbance even if the cause of Christ would be served.

Now back to the O.K. Corral, I mean church. There in front of
everyone, this same man challenged me to meet with all the Masons, a
meeting they had tried once before to arrange; but they had failed to
get their way. Before everyone, I let him know that I would meet with
the Masons but that the deacons and pulpit committee would also be
present. That wasn't what they wanted. They wanted a meeting only on
their terms (sound familiar), and you can bet it would have been used
to try to intimidate me. They never got their meeting. Of course the
atmosphere was tense. You could cut it with a knife. Fortunately, none
of my family was present to see, hear, or feel the shameful affair. It
was ugly!

There was such a foreboding presence there that night that a lady came
up to me afterwards and asked me if I could be in any danger. I
replied that I could be. The history of Freemasonry has had its share
of violence in spite of its denials, and I feel that as this issue
comes more out into the open, violence could occur again. It's the
nature of the beast! Generally when challenged, Masonry will show its
true colors. Masonry can tout its hospitals and charities, but when
you really begin to expose it to the light, often the real god of the
lodge comes out from behind the mask and shows himself. I know. I have
seen it happen twice!

In the days following that Wednesday night service, where I believe
the Masons shot themselves in the foot, the Masons worked to discredit
me. But when push came to shove, they were still unable to get enough
votes to keep me from receiving a call to be pastor of the church.
They did get a lot of no votes; however, many people were just
intimidated by the whole mess. Thus, some voted no, not so much
because they were opposed to me, but because they thought it was for
the good of the church. Of course, I was bothered by the fact that the
vote was not a really good one, and there were other negative factors
to consider, also. I struggled over what to do and finally decided to
decline the call of the church.

The very next day after I announced my decision to the church, one of
the Masons had my name taken off the church sign, thinking I was gone.
But I had only declined the call of pastor; I was still the interim
pastor. The Masons had to live with me for another two to three
months. So, I stayed around until the church called a full-time pastor
and then I stepped down.

I left the church in November, 1992. I have not chosen to take a
pastorate since that time. To some extent I am banned by the Baptists,
though not altogether, a pariah among my own people, branded by this
issue in which my position is the correct one, the Christian one. All
I have been through is a high price to pay and keep paying, but I
don't regret what I've been through. Misunderstood, yes; mistreated,
yes; but mistaken, no; not on an issue where I know that I know I am
right! I thank God for the privilege of suffering for His name's sake.
And very likely there will be more to come.

As I conclude my story, I want the reader to understand that the issue
of Freemasonry cannot be fully understood apart from the subject of
spiritual warfare. Freemasonry is one of the schemes of the enemy, his
Trojan horse, and it is a good one. However, the enemy is not the
Mason himself; it is Satan (Lucifer), "the angel of light", and his
demonic host who assist him. Christians are to love all men, but we
are to expose the works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11), defend the faith
(Jude 2), and call all men to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ (Acts 20:21). Those are my objectives!

In conclusion, read the following words spoken by Adrian Rogers
because they explain my attitude about truth, whether it relates to
Freemasonry or something else, "It is better to be divided by truth
than united in error; it is better to speak truth that hurts and then
heals than to speak a lie; it is better to be hated for telling the
truth than to be loved for telling a lie; it is better to stand alone
with truth than to be wrong with the multitude."

The Southern Baptist Convention possibly has as many, or even more,
than one million Masons holding membership in its churches. That is a
staggering and shocking figure, but the tragedy is compounded when you
realize that thousands are ministers and/or deacons. Sad to say, but
the group now in control of the Southern Baptist Convention has thus
far failed to deal with this issue in a proper manner. The present
position of the convention is to leave this issue to the individual's

But the problem with this position is that the Bible, and not our
conscience, should be our ultimate guide. There are many fine
preachers in this group, and hopefully in the future the S.B.C. will
redemptively deal with this issue. Love would seem to demand that the
truth be told. Jesus said, "and ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free."

However, it should be understood that this problem is not just a
Southern Baptist one as there are Masons in other religious bodies as
well. It is an issue which should concern all Christians who are
serious about revival in the churches of America and a spiritual
awakening in our land. May God lead us in the days ahead to do what is
pleasing to Him.
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-08-25 06:28:23 UTC
The Southern Baptist Convention possibly has as many, or even more, than one
million Masons holding membership in its churches. That is a staggering and
shocking figure, but the tragedy is compounded when you realize that
thousands are ministers and/or deacons. Sad to say, but the group now in
control of the Southern Baptist Convention has thus far failed to deal with
this issue in a proper manner. The present position of the convention is to
leave this issue to the individual's conscience.

But the problem with this position is that the Bible, and not our
conscience, should be our ultimate guide.

An interesting closing line, inconsistent and illogical.

In my opinion, the decision of the SBA does not mean that the scriptures do
not serve as the guide in this matter -- only that the application of the
same is not properly the concern of an ecclesiastical body. To suggest that
the issue be left to the individual's conscience suggests only that the
individual is free to determine for himself how best to apply the scriptures
to his own situation, rather than being dictated to in a matter that is
outside any but personal concern.

While I would not wish for my behavior to have a negative impact on my
Christian neighbor, and so minimize the offense my participation in
Freemasonry might cause him, with Paul, I say: "Why should MY FREEDOM be
judged by ANOTHER MAN'S conscience?" (1 Cor. 10:29).

To that Christian judging the rightness of his Christian neighbor's walk
regarding Freemasonry, I ask with the Apostle Paul: "Who are you to judge
someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will
stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.... Christ died and returned
to life so that he might be the Lord [and judge! -- jsw] of both the dead
and the living. You, then, why do YOU judge your brother? For we will all
stand before God's judgment seat. It is written, 'As surely as I live,' says
the Lord, 'Every knee shall bow and every tongu will confess to God.' So,
then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore, let us
stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put
any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.... Do not allow what
you consider good to be spoken of as evil." (Romans 14:4-13).

Joe Swick, Past Master
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
2004-08-25 11:50:53 UTC
On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 06:28:23 GMT, "Joe Steve Swick III"
Post by Joe Steve Swick III
The Southern Baptist Convention possibly has as many, or even more, than one
million Masons holding membership in its churches. That is a staggering and
shocking figure, but the tragedy is compounded when you realize that
thousands are ministers and/or deacons. Sad to say, but the group now in
control of the Southern Baptist Convention has thus far failed to deal with
this issue in a proper manner. The present position of the convention is to
leave this issue to the individual's conscience.
But the problem with this position is that the Bible, and not our
conscience, should be our ultimate guide.
An interesting closing line, inconsistent and illogical.
In my opinion, the decision of the SBA does not mean that the scriptures do
not serve as the guide in this matter -- only that the application of the
same is not properly the concern of an ecclesiastical body. To suggest that
the issue be left to the individual's conscience suggests only that the
individual is free to determine for himself how best to apply the scriptures
to his own situation, rather than being dictated to in a matter that is
outside any but personal concern.
While I would not wish for my behavior to have a negative impact on my
Christian neighbor, and so minimize the offense my participation in
Freemasonry might cause him, with Paul, I say: "Why should MY FREEDOM be
judged by ANOTHER MAN'S conscience?" (1 Cor. 10:29).
To that Christian judging the rightness of his Christian neighbor's walk
regarding Freemasonry, I ask with the Apostle Paul: "Who are you to judge
someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will
stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.... Christ died and returned
to life so that he might be the Lord [and judge! -- jsw] of both the dead
and the living. You, then, why do YOU judge your brother? For we will all
stand before God's judgment seat. It is written, 'As surely as I live,' says
the Lord, 'Every knee shall bow and every tongu will confess to God.' So,
then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore, let us
stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put
any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.... Do not allow what
you consider good to be spoken of as evil." (Romans 14:4-13).
Joe Swick, Past Master
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
But you are a Mormon Cultist, you have no say in Christian matters.
M. Epling
2004-08-25 13:02:36 UTC
Post by TheWorshipfulMasterCanOnlyBeJesusNotAFreemason
But you are a Mormon Cultist, you have no say in Christian matters.
You are a compulsive liar and a deceiver of the brethren. You have no say in
Christian matters.
Noble M. Epling
AF&AM #95
Beckley WV
A.A.S.R.-SJ 32*
2004-08-25 14:01:14 UTC
Post by JesusIsTheWorshipfulMaster
All lies, the Jehovah Witnesses are a Masonic Cult.
Call me a liar if you wish, but I tell the truth.

I am not with the JWs, but I am concerned about what has been said about
Charles Taze Russell. Russell never believed in such an organization.

Christian love,
2004-08-25 15:09:49 UTC
Post by Reslight
Post by JesusIsTheWorshipfulMaster
All lies, the Jehovah Witnesses are a Masonic Cult.
Call me a liar if you wish, but I tell the truth.
I am not with the JWs, but I am concerned about what has been said about
Charles Taze Russell. Russell never believed in such an organization.
Christian love,
So let's see, are you a member of the "Dawn Bible Student's
Association", the "Millenial Dawn" movement or what? Do you have a copy of
"The Divine Plan of the Ages"?
You come to a Christian ng claiming to be a Christian, yet you defend CT
Russell who was not a Christian; we have a right to ask what you are.
2004-08-23 15:15:04 UTC
Post by Reslight
Charles Taze Russell was not member of the Freemasons Society, nor did he
found any Masonic cult, nor was he the founder of the religious group called
"Jehovah's Witnesses". The Jehovah's Witnesses organization was formed by
Rutherford after Russell died.
Post by Reslight
Christian love,
Um, I'm fairly certain one must be a Christian to have Christian love.
Are you a Christian or are you a JW? HMMMM??????
2004-08-25 15:26:47 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Post by Reslight
Charles Taze Russell was not member of the Freemasons Society, nor did he
found any Masonic cult, nor was he the founder of the religious group
Post by Reslight
"Jehovah's Witnesses". The Jehovah's Witnesses organization was formed by
Rutherford after Russell died.
Of course, Russell never believed in such an organization as Rutherford
formed after Russell died, nor was Russell the founder of any religion.

(this is an anti-JW site; I don't agree with a lot that is on the site)
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Post by Reslight
Christian love,
Um, I'm fairly certain one must be a Christian to have Christian love.
Are you a Christian or are you a JW? HMMMM??????
I am a Christian. No, I am not with the JWs. I am associated with the same
movement that Charles Taze Russell was associated with, that is, the Bible
Students. BTW, the Bible Students movement existed before there was a Watch
Tower Society.


Charles Taze Russell was the main founder of the Watchtower Society, but he
was not the founder of "Jehovah's Witnesses". Russell did not believe in
such an organization, and preached against the formation of such an
until his death.

(the above three written by CT Russell)

Christian love,

Joe Steve Swick III
2004-08-24 01:27:56 UTC

Charles Taze Russell was not member of the Freemasons Society, nor did he
found any Masonic cult, nor was he the founder of the religious group called
"Jehovah's Witnesses". The Jehovah's Witnesses organization was formed by
Rutherford after Russell died. Russell referred to the age (often translated
"world") to come, the new heavens and new earth, as it is referred to in the
Bible. (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Matthew 12:32; Mark 10:30; Luke 18:30;

Generally speaking, Freemasonry eschews political and religious discussion.
Your posting is therefore off topic for ALT.FREEMASONRY. You are politely
requested to keep your postings topical to the subject of Freemasonry if
you wish to continue dialogue in this forum. I understand the desire to
fully respond to a religious detractor, but aside from your comments
regarding Russell and Freemasonry, ALT.FREEMASONRY is not the forum to make
this case.

Thank You.

Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
Bob Hubert
2004-08-24 20:37:06 UTC
Is it true that the Masons intend to kill all people of faith who will not
accept their satanic New Secular Order?
Post by Joe Steve Swick III
Charles Taze Russell was not member of the Freemasons Society, nor did he
found any Masonic cult, nor was he the founder of the religious group called
"Jehovah's Witnesses". The Jehovah's Witnesses organization was formed by
Rutherford after Russell died. Russell referred to the age (often translated
"world") to come, the new heavens and new earth, as it is referred to in the
Bible. (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Matthew 12:32; Mark 10:30; Luke 18:30;
Generally speaking, Freemasonry eschews political and religious discussion.
Your posting is therefore off topic for ALT.FREEMASONRY. You are politely
requested to keep your postings topical to the subject of Freemasonry if
you wish to continue dialogue in this forum. I understand the desire to
fully respond to a religious detractor, but aside from your comments
regarding Russell and Freemasonry, ALT.FREEMASONRY is not the forum to make
this case.
Thank You.
Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
Joe Steve Swick III
2004-08-25 00:40:14 UTC
___Bob Hubert___
Is it true that the Masons intend to kill all people of faith who will not
accept their satanic New Secular Order?

ROTFL! Now, Bob! You know that's like asking me if I've stopped beating my
wife yet.

And, is there any reason you continue to crosspost this kind of silly
question to a good half-dozen or more NGs? I'll be happy to trim this if you
are interested in serious discussion on ALT.FREEMASONRY...?

Joe Swick, PM
Verity Lodge No. 59 F&AM
Kent, Washington
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-21 06:25:54 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 01:12:37 GMT, Gene Goldman
Post by Gene Goldman
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
If your a Christian, and you wish to expose this cult in your town,
please write and I will give you some help on how to do so!
Try learning to write English first. If you think your (sic) helping
anyone with such illiterate nonsense, "your" mistaken.
Satanist Genie, learn to renounce Freemasonry, or prepare to burn in
Judgmental blasphemer, learn to refrain from blasphemy, or prepare to burn in Hell.
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 17:12:26 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?
Usenet, being a largely unmoderated forum, is often beset by individuals
who, for any number of reasons (but typically some form of mental
illness) feel compelled to incessantly subject the masses to their
particular "message".

Here, in alt.freemasonry, we are all too familiar with one such person,
who goes by the handle of "Steve", plus an ever changing list of other
sock-puppet names. He does this "nym-shifting" in order to neutralize
the filters that many users employ to cut down on his kind of noise.

Steve is notorious for his maniacal hatred of Freemasonry. Despite his
claims that he is performing his Christian duty, in trying to "save"
these "lost souls", his actual mission appears to be little more than
spreading hatred and slander.

To bring the alt.freemasonry newcomer quickly up to speed, we offer...

The ever-growing list of utterly undefended lies told by "Steve" (and
his many sock-puppet identities):

Lie: "Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: "Freemasons worship Satan"

Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Members of the fraternity are
taught to worship their own God in their own way.

Lie: "Shriners are all pedophiles"

Fact: I don't know where to start on this one...

Lie: "I have done as much charitable work as the Shriners have..."

Fact: We're still waiting for Steve to provide the details on this one.

Lie: "I have saved many souls..."

Fact: Likewise, no details.

Lie: "Also they claim that freemasons built Solomon's Temple and the
Tower of Babel."

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: "The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to deny
everything Christ accomplished on their behalf."

Fact: The "process" requires the initiate to make no denials whatsoever.

Lie: "Masonry makes a man swear, in God?s name, to doctrines that God
has pronounced false and sinful."

Fact: There is nothing in the Masonic obligation that is in conflict
with the teachings of any recognized religion.

Lie: "That salvation can be gained by man?s good works."

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim. Freemasonry is not a religion and
be such, offers no plan for "salvation".

Lie: "To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally
revered prophets. "

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: " Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the
Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says
Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are
indwelt by the Light of the World?Jesus Christ."

Fact: Freemasonry requires its initiates to swear no such thing.

Lie: " Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true
worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of

Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Are we beginning to see a pattern
Hammond of Texas
2004-08-20 17:11:26 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Freemasonry and Shriners
You CANNOT keep a secret without telling a lie! If a Mason should
Usenet, being a largely unmoderated forum, is often beset by individuals
who, for any number of reasons (but typically some form of mental
illness) feel compelled to incessantly subject the masses to their
particular "message".

Here, in alt.freemasonry, we are all too familiar with one such person,
who goes by the handle of "Steve", plus an ever changing list of other
sock-puppet names. He does this "nym-shifting" in order to neutralize
the filters that many users employ to cut down on his kind of noise.

Steve is notorious for his maniacal hatred of Freemasonry. Despite his
claims that he is performing his "Christian" duty, in trying to "save"
these "lost souls", his actual mission appears to be little more than
spreading hatred and slander.

To bring the alt.freemasonry newcomer quickly up to speed, we offer...

The ever-growing list of utterly undefended lies told by "Steve" (and
his many sock-puppet identities):

Lie: "Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: "Freemasons worship Satan"

Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Members of the fraternity are
taught to worship their own God in their own way.

Lie: "Shriners are all pedophiles"

Fact: I don't know where to start on this one...

Lie: "I have done as much charitable work as the Shriners have..."

Fact: We're still waiting for Steve to provide the details on this one.

Lie: "I have saved many souls..."

Fact: Likewise, no details.

Lie: "Also they claim that freemasons built Solomon's Temple and the
Tower of Babel."

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: "The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to deny
everything Christ accomplished on their behalf."

Fact: The "process" requires the initiate to make no denials whatsoever.

Lie: "Masonry makes a man swear, in God?s name, to doctrines that God
has pronounced false and sinful."

Fact: There is nothing in the Masonic obligation that is in conflict
with the teachings of any recognized religion.

Lie: "That salvation can be gained by man?s good works."

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim. Freemasonry is not a religion and
be such, offers no plan for "salvation".

Lie: "To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally
revered prophets. "

Fact: Freemasonry makes no such claim.

Lie: " Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the
Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says
Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are
indwelt by the Light of the World?Jesus Christ."

Fact: Freemasonry requires its initiates to swear no such thing.

Lie: " Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true
worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of

Fact: Freemasonry is not a religion. Are we beginning to see a pattern
Sovereign Sockpuppet©
2004-08-20 22:37:56 UTC
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Hey blasphemyboi, I just visited Ed King's website, and since it's on the Internet, it mVst be trVe. LOL!
Post by JesusCanOnlyBeTheWorshipfulMaster
Your obsession with obelisks makes me wonder how many times you've been arrested for laying down tar rings on these obelisks (in public, of course), and don't your hemorroids give you fits every time you ride the really rough concrete ones?

<plagiarized boilerplate snipped>

HTH :)
The AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©

Government/Media Sponsored/Supported Disinformation/Mind Control Agent
Chief of Weather Control, Super Secret 34°, Order of the Illuminati
Presidential Puppeteer of the New World Order
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
Sockmaster General

"I can't fight no one" - Joseph "Foameo" Bartlo
Confession ID: <news:***@enter.net>

"I was voted 'Kook of the year'" - Raymond "Fathead" Karczewski
Confession ID: <news:***@news.west.earthlink.net>

"I goofed..." - Ed "Dumb as Rocks" Conrad
Confession ID: <news:***@4ax.com>

"Of Course I am a kook!" - Pietro "Pieboi" Sommavilla
Confession ID: <news:***@posting.google.com>

"I have been drinking like this for 40 years" - Stephen "Varnish" Vanier
Confession ID: <news:7JWKc.99$***@news.uswest.net>
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