Was Ramona Bell murdered...by Art?
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2006-04-21 05:25:19 UTC
There is a website i recently found by googling and they have a new article up... I thought some may be interested in reading it.

"Art Bell, founder of Coast to Coast AM has found himself in the midst of a growing controversial conspiracy and one which Bell himself would have covered on the Coast program – were it not his life the conspiracy is revolving around."


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2006-04-21 11:03:38 UTC
Post by Thirsty
There is a website i recently found by googling and they have a new article up... I thought some may be interested in reading it.
"Art Bell, founder of Coast to Coast AM has found himself in the midst of a growing controversial conspiracy and one which Bell himself would have covered on the Coast program – were it not his life the conspiracy is revolving around."
Art Bell remarries and Conspiracy theories abound.
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By Bob Bain, 19 April 2006
© Above Top Secret

Art Bell and his new Wife Airyn Ruiz Bell. Could it be possible that
Art murdered his former wife Ramona? You decide, read the article and
post in the above top secret forum! "Art Bell, founder of Coast to
Coast AM has found himself in the midst of a growing controversial
conspiracy and one which Bell himself would have covered on the Coast
program – were it not his life the conspiracy is revolving around."

On April 15, 2006 Bell announced to the world that on his recent trip
to the Philippians he married a woman “in her early 20’s” Bell kept
restating over and over like a love starved puppy, or perhaps a man
with a guilty conscious that “After hundreds of hours talking through
video conference, I know her better than most Husbands know their
wives; going to and from work and then maybe having 3 or 4 hours a day
together before Bed. She is so beautiful and I am the luckiest man
alive. I couldn’t be Happier; Airyn is the love of my life.” All of
this is after knowing her for a three-month period. Wait a Minute!
Did I say Three month period? You better believe it folks; Bell has
been courting Airyn since January – and his former wife Ramona Bell
died on January 5th, 2006; if you add up the math with his mysterious
saying on January 29, 2006 “Ask me in a year” and his recent admission
on April 15 - that such saying was directly connected toward his
affair and relationship with the now Mrs. Airyn Bell (a mail order
bride)– one might just come to a conclusion that something extremely
weird is going on and it could easily have been an episode of
discussion on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, if it were not the
life of Art Bell we were talking about.

In fact, that is the conclusion reached by a selective group of
Conspiracy Theorists. This selective group says they are dedicating
themselves solely to solving the mysterious and sudden death of Art
Bell's former wife - Ramona Bell, by expeditioning a wave of
investigations into their claim, that Ramona Bell may have been
murdered. "What once was believed to have been an Asthma related
death, may not have been asthma at all; at least not with out a
helping hand. We intend on finding out the actual cause, and if there
could have been another explanation for Ramona's sudden death;
possibly one that wasn't thoroughly investigated by the proper
authorities - due to Bell's high status in the Nevada area." One
source explains.

While the very idea that Art may have had anything to do with Ramona's
death seems farfetched, even to the Author... the facts of events
surrounding the conspiracy makes for a very intriguing case; I would
imagine that goes for the most skeptical of readers as well.

End of Part One.


hm. Anyone found part 2?
What about ther alleged facts in this part, the 3 months thing, is
this true?
not that it matters in any way btw... "selective group of conspiracy
theorists" my ass.
Art Bell Fan
2006-04-21 19:29:19 UTC
I haven't found part two, i think they are still writing it as it says
coming soon.

The 3 months thing, all the proposed facts are in fact, true facts.

I don't want to believe art had anything to so with the murder of
ramona....but one has to look at the actual facts and what this site
wrote makes sense... i imagine the "selective group of conspiracy
theorists" are people who like me were shocked by arts announcement and
sense something is weird about it all. I also imagine they don't want
their names attached at this jecture due to their investigating the
death, or murder of ramona. The police would not help them if they
suspected they were conspiracy theoriests..now would they?

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