Intelligent Party
2024-05-29 18:28:46 UTC
Drugs should be marketed as medicine, and sold out of sight, out of
mind; if they have potential for recreational use, and abuse.
Potent drugs are a function of the drug war. No one drinks 151 Rum, nor
99% Grain Alcohol though they are widely available. No one would be
doing Crack, Heroin, Fentanyl, OR Crystal Meth, if Cocaine, Codeine, and
Speed were available. You don't want to inhale or inject potent drugs,
BUT the government leaves USERS no choice, as the government is
criminally negligent and derelict in its duty to regulate drugs.
Drugs should be marketed as MEDICINE, and sold out of sight, out of
mind; if they have potential for recreational use, and abuse.
mind; if they have potential for recreational use, and abuse.
Potent drugs are a function of the drug war. No one drinks 151 Rum, nor
99% Grain Alcohol though they are widely available. No one would be
doing Crack, Heroin, Fentanyl, OR Crystal Meth, if Cocaine, Codeine, and
Speed were available. You don't want to inhale or inject potent drugs,
BUT the government leaves USERS no choice, as the government is
criminally negligent and derelict in its duty to regulate drugs.
Drugs should be marketed as MEDICINE, and sold out of sight, out of
mind; if they have potential for recreational use, and abuse.