This Track Record Speaks For Itself
(too old to reply)
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-05-01 17:18:07 UTC
On Wed, 1 May 2024 07:53:01 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Jim Kennemur

What about THIS track record, gook?

Roman the Foreskin PEELER

Chrissie Morton

Bill Levinsteen

shabbos Goy McFee

Suzy KKKohen

Debwhorah Sharavi/Nyob

Ed Rosenberg

Mickey 'Mouth' Ben Tovim

leading shabbos goy Kenneth 'Oy vey' McVay
(Order of B'ris Canada)


jew Kerr


Panta Rhei

Riain Y. Barton

paul abeles


B'rian (NEMO) Lambsky

Sarah Schmaltzman


Jim E

Fish Supper

Binyamin Dissen

Tony Ovens

Joke Cooper


Deka Pente



Adam Helberg

FUCK Palestine


R. Goldman

Norma Blankensteen

Tilly Greenboig

Mirjam B'ruck Cohen

Jake Garbage

Joe B'runo

L. Alpert

Bert Hymen

Frank Arthur



Col. Mortimer

'Israeel' is Great

bonzo 'meshugge' de zero

xxarag the jew raghead

Kunt Finnell

David the jewloving Shadow

Felix D.


Join the LIST, you jewloving piece of Asiatic shite!

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-05-03 13:55:08 UTC
On Thu, 2 May 2024 20:12:40 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.
You DO got COVID, gook....ALL gooks got COVID!

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-05-03 13:55:30 UTC
On Thu, 2 May 2024 18:27:06 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry for food right now (Luke 6:21a) and
hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a healthy
appetite for food right now too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!

You are wonderfully obese, you fat Asiatic slug. You can't POSSIBLY
be hungry!

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-05-03 13:55:40 UTC
On Thu, 2 May 2024 18:30:01 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface'
SHEINa day ago
Post by Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
Wed, 1 May 2024 07:53:01 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Jim Kennemur
What about THIS track record, gook
Roman the Foreskin PEELER
Chrissie Morton
Bill Levinsteen
shabbos Goy McFee
Suzy KKKohen
Debwhorah Sharavi/Nyob
Ed Rosenberg
Mickey 'Mouth' Ben Tovim
leading shabbos goy Kenneth 'Oy vey' McVay
(Order of B'ris Canada)
jew Kerr
Panta Rhei
Riain Y. Barton
paul abeles
B'rian (NEMO) Lambsky
Sarah Schmaltzman
Jim E
Fish Supper
Binyamin Dissen
Tony Ovens
Joke Cooper
Deka Pente
Adam Helberg
FUCK Palestine
R. Goldman
Norma Blankensteen
Tilly Greenboig
Mirjam B'ruck Cohen
Jake Garbage
Joe B'runo
L. Alpert
Bert Hymen
Frank Arthur
Col. Mortimer
'Israeel' is Great
bonzo 'meshugge' de zero
xxarag the jew raghead
Kunt Finnell
David the jewloving Shadow
Felix D.
They sure have a track record of dominating you, humiliating you,
and pwning you!
I sure have a track record of kicking their jew/jewloving asses off
Post by Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
Join the LIST, you jewloving piece of Asiatic shite!
I, too, have a track record of dominating you, humiliating you, and
pwning you!
LOL. Subhumans gooks don't GET to dominate, humiliate or pwn Humans!

YOU get mocked here relentlessly and mercilessly every DAY and STILL
you don't have the subhuman decency to loin the LIST!

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
