BREAKING: Luciferian Satanic Cabal Of Homo Faggot Geeks: "Eric Conspiracy"
(too old to reply)
John Higdon
2012-11-30 21:36:12 UTC

Lucifer Satanic Conspiracy Blown Wide Open
At Radio Stations: KFJC & KKUP FM


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"Eric Conspiracy"

KKUP 91.5 FM

KFJC 89.7 FM

The Eric Conspiracy

What Is The Eric Conspiracy?
Around 1987 someone on the newsgroup talk.bizarre
uttered a semi-incoherent rant observing that there
seemed to be an awful lot of hackers named Eric around --
``and have you noticed'' (he said)
``that they all have moustaches and they're all UNIX
system manglers?'' He then opined that these must be
the secret signs of an insidious conspiracy.

Well, there went our deep, dark, ancient secret! No
point in the hooded robes and solemn blood oaths of
silence sworn by guttering torchlight anymore. Usenet
has spoken. Yes, there is an Eric Conspiracy. You,
too, maybe eligible to join, use our nifty logo on
your home page, and participate in our sinister plans
for network and world domination!

2010 brings us confirmation of what we have long
suspected - there are many, many Erics out there in
Unix user-land.

Who Can Be a Member
To become an initiate of the Eric Conspiracy, you
must meet the following criteria:

1. You must be an Eric
You may match on first, last, or middle name(s). We're
not orthography bigots, if you're an Erik or Erich or
Eirik you are also eligible. We're not sexists either,
so Ericas and Erikas are also welcome. We've even managed
not to be speciesist -- one of the qualified members
is a cat.

2. You must have a Moustache
An eligible moustache may be real or virtual. You have
a real moustache if you wear visible hair immediately
above your upper lip. You have a virtual moustache if
(a) you can produce pictures or the attestation of an
initiated member to prove that you once had a real
moustache, or (b) you can fake it.
(Ericas and Erikas are encouraged to fake it.)

3. You must Mangle Unix
You are presumptively considered a Unix mangler if you
are a Unix hacker, developer, or system administrator.
If you are a Unix user, you are eligible if you have ever
(a) run Unix on a home machine, (b) crashed your Unix host,
(c) cracked your Unix host, (d) logged in late at night
because you got tired of getting totally lagged during
the day, thus ensuring that your host
is swamped all the time.

Borderline cases will be decided by the iron whim of
the initiated membership. (Yes, we can be bribed.)

Solemn Laws Of The Eric Conspiracy
When asked if you are really a initiate of a sinister
conspiracy to dominate the net and/or world, silently
leave the room, say ``No comment'', smile without speaking
or otherwise contrive to leave the questioner nervous,
confused, and just a little more paranoid than he/she was
before. At Eric Conspiracy meetings or while on Conspiracy
business, address other
initiates as `Bruce' (just to keep things clear). Always
and everywhere, strive to earn Official Eric Conspiracy
Coolness Points.
How to Earn Coolness Points
Any initiate can award another initiate Coolness Points.
However, the award may be vetoed by any initiate with more
coolness points than the awarder (but it's bad form to do
this often). Here are some ways to earn Coolness

Practice your sinister maniacal laughter for use on
non-initiates. Recruit new members.
Use "Eric Conspiracy Secret Labs" as your Organization
line. For extra sinister effect, add the following header
to your outgoing mail and news: "X-Eric-Conspiracy: There
is no conspiracy". Carrying the logo and a link back to
the Conspiracy page on your home page.
Pull off a particularly neat Unix hack.
Recover bits of arcane Eric Conspiracy lore via your pineal
gland from the akashic records -- new Solemn Laws, sinister
plans for world domination, etc.
Think up more ways for initiates to earn Coolness Points.
The Eric Conspiracy Logo
Here is the official Eric Conspiracy logo, recognized by
paranoids the world over as the sign of a truly superior
world-girdling conspiracy:

Watch for it on our soon-to-be released lines of sportswear,
action figures, and cosmetics. There is also a gray and white
wallpaper version you can use as a background, and a half-size
version you can use as an icon for a web link to this page.

Here are some other variants of the logo:

___ ^
\e/ or /e\
v ---

"Eric Weaver"
"1 coolness point for recruiting himself."

Pictures Of The Luciferian Faggots At KKUP / KFJC FM:
Freedom Man
2012-12-01 18:16:56 UTC
See what RELIGION does to peoples' minds?

Adults no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy - but they still torture and
kill each other over ancient myths and superstitions.

"We all remember how many religious wars were fought for a religion of love
and gentleness; how many bodies were burned alive with the genuinely kind
intention of saving souls from the eternal fire of hell." --- Karl Popper

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion."
--- Robert M. Pirsig

Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to.
If he wants to but cannot he is impotent. If he can but does not want to, he
is wicked. If he neither can nor wants to, then he is both powerless and
--- Epicurus, Greek philosopher, circa 300 B.C.

"Act of God" disasters like the Japanese earthquake expose the myth. Either
God can do nothing to stop catastrophes like this, or he doesn't care to, or
he doesn't exist. He is thus either impotent, evil, or imaginary.
--- CNN Belief Blog, 3-20-11

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and
evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that
takes religion."
--- Steven Weinberg, quoted in The New York Times, April 20, 1999

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false,
and by rulers as useful."
--- Seneca the Younger (4? BC - 65 AD)

"Religion once ruled the world. It was called the Dark Ages." --- Ruth

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." ---
Victor Stenger.

"I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose." ---
Clarence Darrow

"As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of
religion." --- Butterfly McQueen

"Religion was invented when the first con-man met the first fool." - Mark

"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." --- Mark Twain

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in
all fiction." --- Richard Dawkins

"Cult today, religion tomorrow."

The Freedom From Religion Foundation: http://ffrf.org/
The Secular Coalition for America: www.secular.org
Secular Student Alliance: www.secularstudents.org
