(too old to reply)
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
2024-06-17 13:57:53 UTC
On Sun, 16 Jun 2024 19:17:01 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
This is Berlin 1945- remnants of a life once lived. Nothing quite
prepares you, especially if you knew her before. These are people’s
homes, their favorite cafes, their parks, their schools. Gone.
Destruction everywhere—ETC., ETC., ETC.
This is Gaza 2024. And it SHOULD be Tel Aviv, gook!

- -

Wonderfully hungry? Check out this morbidly obese
Asiatic slug:

Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
2024-06-17 15:11:17 UTC
On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:33:32 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
HeartQuack Andrewabout 10 hours ago
Post by Michael Ejercito
This is Berlin 1945- remnants of a life once lived. Nothing quite
prepares you, especially if you knew her before. These are people?s
homes, their favorite cafes, their parks, their schools. Gone.
Destruction everywhere?ETC., ETC., ETC.
The only godly way to win the war against bigotry and terrorism is by
lifting up our LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who is our #1 Example of
living http://WonderfullyHungry.org and Who will destroy
https://AntiChrist45.com with just His breath as it is prophesied
through Scripture.
Indeed, I am http://WonderfullyHungry.org for food right now (Luke
6:21a) and hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a
healthy appetite for food right now too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!

You are anything BUTT hungry, gook. In fact, you are hideously obese!

- -

Wonderfully hungry? Check out this morbidly obese
Asiatic slug:

Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
2024-06-19 16:07:34 UTC
On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 08:05:43 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
HeartQuack Andrew2
While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.
Quack Chung's remote diagnoses are WORTHLESS, gook. You and he BOTH
got COVID!

- -

Wonderfully hungry? Check out this morbidly obese
Asiatic slug:

Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.
