PING! Michael
(too old to reply)
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2024-11-23 22:05:51 UTC
<cross posts trimmed>
Fuckoff Baghdad Bob, you are universally known as a traitor to your
own nation, you exterminable filth!
Not to be a dick but we really should try to
limit the cross posts coming in here, this
froup is one of a few that hasn't been run
over by political flamewars.

No seriously!
I'm guilty of not always checking to see if
it's x-posted, but I'm going to try to trim
them now.
Any chance of you doing the same?
Not until the TDS filth like Janet, Cindy, Bwuthe, Dave Smith, Hank and
the rest of the leftist attack pack retire their hateful and
wrong-minded political rhetoric.

||That happens, I go right back to food-only mode, save for some brief
musical interludes.||

This lot need to know their precious RFC hidey hole can be turned into a
smoking cinder of x-posts and nym warfare.

I do not initiate, but I will, with consummate dedication, terminate.

So mote it be.

(I don't men to be difficult, but anti-Americanism from brain-dead
foreigners and even worse from within sends me into a lather...)
clams casino
2024-11-24 17:24:20 UTC
If parents object to any bible teaching in public schools
or the display of the Ten Commandments they are free to
withdraw their children and home school them. Tens of
thousands of children are home schooled in the USA and a
lot of it has to do with the parents not feeling their
children are getting the education they deserve.  My
brother and sister-in-law home school their two boys.
If they want religious training they should send them to the proper
schools so they get it done right.
If we, as a nation, stand for religious freedom, we should not be
forced to a particular one.  If they teach the bible, why not the
Koran and Hebrew bible and the Book of Mormon?
Personally, I was happy to see them drop the religious stuff out of
public events. I thought it was a good thing, but now they seem to be
pushing Native spiritual crap like sacred fires, smudging, refereneces
to Turtle Island and other hocus pocus.
That being said, I have sympathy for the Catholic school system.  It's
only fair that since they are tax funded they should accept students of
other faiths. However there have been court cases over  demands to
exempt non Catholics from religion classes. The Catholic schools around
here have a lot Muslim students. Going to a Catholic school is an option
for them, but IMO if they opt for a Catholic school education they
should be required to attend the Catholic part of it.
Good one Guts Griping, you finally dropped the "America is our whipping
post" act and said something about your own nation for a change - bravo!

In time perhaps you will even address your Turdeau-led thought crimes bill.
clams casino
2024-11-24 18:22:25 UTC
Not everyone thinks the pronoun preference is nonsense.
It's a form of MIND CONTROL, dear, wakey wakey!
clams casino
2024-11-27 17:47:58 UTC
Mexico is one of the countries targeted for Trump's
tariffs on his first day in office.
You'll be paying a lot more for them in January.
The basement dwellers don't realise these things. Aww...
You truly are a cucked and fucked asset of the deep state and not a
thing more, ya auztarded trollass.
How can I tell if I'm part of the deep state? Does it pay?
You'll _never tell_ which is a day of reckoning merely 2 months hence -
clams casino
2024-11-29 20:12:30 UTC
How are urbanites supposed to grow it themselves?
Excellent point, Cindy. I'm not citing statistics because I can't be
bothered, but in 1924 even the poor employed working class people
living in urban settings had to find a way to buy food, or beg for it
or steal it. Where were they supposed to plant vegetable gardens?
You do hopefully catch that homeowners aren't growing all their food?
As listed earlier. 55% of *home owners* have some level of edibles
growing; That could just be an herb garden in a windowsill, a tomato
pot or two in the backyard. Apartment dwellers _who have a porch
suitable_ may have the same (I think the link said 7%).
Obviously not all apartments have a suitable porch or the complex may
have rules controlling what is allowed and that's why the link laid
that out specifically.
No one said they didn't buy food. I buy food too, but as a hobby I
also grow some of it. Quite common around here.
Have you paused to consider just how much resistance, denialism,
vitriol, and personal enmity you're talking here simply for having a
home garden, sharing it, and promoting them as useful?

It appears certain assets here have a coordinated psyop going to chasten
Americans off from any efforts at sustainability inside their homesteads.

That is disturbing, given our uncertain times and future.

But it is also a very well-documented artifact of the re-toxified RFC
