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Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER #40 of 80

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This is the Dr. Beter Audioletter, Box 16428, Ft. Worth, Texas

Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 30,
1978, and this is my Audioletter No. 40.

On November 24, 1978, the day after Thanksgiving, the
Washington Post here in Washington, D.C. published a full-page
memorial to the late Congressman Leo J. Ryan of California. A
sketch of Ryan in tones of gray took up the entire page, and
against that background a brief eulogy was printed in bold type.
It began, "In Memoriam, to our good friend Leo J. Ryan,
Congressman from California. We will miss him. He saw hope that
right would prevail." The timing of this memorial page was
ironic. Congressman Ryan had been killed in Guyana nearly one
week earlier, and his funeral had taken place two days earlier.
But Congressman Ryan had been deliberately sacrificed in order to
launch a covert military operation in Guyana; and as it turned
out, the Washington Post memorial to Ryan was printed immediately
after the successful completion of this military operation. In a
display of courage that is practically unknown today in the
United States Congress, Ryan had gone to Guyana knowing that it
might be dangerous. But what he did not know was that he had
been lured into making a trip whose tragic outcome was planned
well ahead of time. Congressman Ryan and those who died with him
at Port Kaituma Airport were casualties in the secret war that is
leading to NUCLEAR WAR ONE. And so were the hundreds of other
American civilians who died in the so-called 'mass suicide' at
Jonestown, Guyana.

For more than two years now the United States and Russia have
been embroiled in secret hostilities in preparation for Nuclear
War One. It began in earnest during the summer of 1976 when the
still secret Underwater Missile Crisis erupted. Then it expanded
into wholesale nuclear sabotage of the United States with weapons
now planted at literally thousands of locations nation-wide.
These range from mammoth hydrogen bombs ready to destroy our
largest dams and reservoirs down to tiny nuclear devices called
'micronukes' by the Russians. For some time now the Russians
have been detonating micronukes in a steady drum beat of
explosions all over America. In September 1977 the secret war
took a decisive new turn. In the still secret Battle of the
Harvest Moon in space, America's Secret Rulers lost their
supposed ace in the hole for the coming war. In a shocking
upset, Russia knocked out America's secret Moon beam-weapons Base
in Copernicus Crater, and since that time Russia has seized the
dominant position militarily in space.

In past Audioletters I have kept my listeners abreast of these
developments, and for the past year I have also been calling
attention to the drastic changes taking place in the leadership
of both Russia and the United States. In Russia, the original
ruling faction after 1917, the atheistic Bolsheviks, have been
overthrown after a progressive struggle for six decades. The
Kremlin is now under the absolute control of a tough band of
native Russians, a Christian sect who consider the Bolsheviks to
be evil incarnate. As a result, the Bolsheviks are being
expelled from Russia and they are flocking mostly to the United
States. They are joining the many Bolsheviks already in powerful
positions here in a sophisticated new Bolshevik revolution! In
the process, they are gradually pre-empting much of the power
that was once exercised by their Secret Allies, the third
generation Rockefeller brothers. As Bolshevik power becomes
greater and greater in the United States, the Satanic fruits of
that power are becoming increasingly visible.

Seven months ago in April 1978, the lives of over one hundred
unsuspecting civilians were deliberately put in great danger for
the sake of an intelligence mission. This was the case of Korean
Airlines Flight 902 which invaded super-sensitive Russian air
space and was shot down. As I explained in detail that month in
Audioletter No. 33, there was nothing accidental about the Korean
airliner episode, and the threat of death to all the innocent
passengers was the key ingredient in the episode. It would have
been far easier for the Russian fighters to blow the Boeing 707
out of the air in a ball of flame than to force it down with only
a few casualties, as was done.

Today the Bolshevik grip on America is even greater than it
was last April, and human life is growing cheaper by the day.
This time it was not a hundred but nearly a thousand civilian
lives, and this time they did die because nothing was left to
chance. The gruesome tragedy at Jonestown, Guyana is only a pale
shadow of what lies ahead for the entire United States if the
cancer of Bolshevism is not stopped. Those who are seized by the
Bolshevik way of thinking are schizophrenic and Satanic and
unable to tell right from wrong. When these tendencies are
allowed to go unchecked and the Bolsheviks acquire power, the
consequences for society as a whole are tragic. Both murderous
and suicidal actions take place on a scale beyond comprehension.
It happened 60 years ago in Russia as the Bolsheviks took over
there; and now, as the Bolsheviks are taking over, it is
beginning to happen here too in the United States of America.

My three topics for this month are:




Topic #1--It is now nearly two weeks since the November 18
slaughter of Congressman Ryan and four other Americans at the
Port Kaituma Airport, Guyana. During most of that time, the
State Department has been under heavy fire from the friends and
staff of the late Congressman, and with good reason. Over a
period of a year and more, the State Department received bushels
of mail from American citizens concerned about friends and
relatives at Jonestown. Congressman Ryan, too, kept urging an
investigation, but the State Department never did carry out an
investigation worthy of the name. It was only after Congressman
Ryan received what amounted to a whitewash report on Jonestown
that he made his ill-fated decision to go see for himself.
Congressman Ryan, my friends, was the victim of deliberate
entrapment, for reasons which I will explain shortly. Careful
analysis of his psychological profile had revealed that he could
be provoked into going to Jonestown by denying him hard
information through normal channels. Intelligence operatives
within the State Department made sure that any reports to Ryan
about Jonestown would not meet with his satisfaction. Right now
State Department spokesmen are trying to act dumb about their
role in the grizzly events of recent days. They wave their hands
and try to look foolish as they explain why they somehow failed
to spot the dangers at Jonestown; but the Jonestown disaster was
actually spawned by a military situation in Guyana which I first
made public over four years ago. And then, as now, the only
response of the Government was cover-up.

As my older listeners all know, I am referring to the Russian
nuclear missile base in Guyana. Beginning in June 1974, I
revealed the presence of the Guyana missile base on radio
programs all across America; and in October 1974 I repeated this
warning in my very first talking tape, Audio Book No. 1 entitled:
WORLD WAR." The following words are a direct quote from that
first tape of more than four years ago: "According to my very
reliable intelligence sources on this matter, the Republic of
Guyana (next to Venezuela in South America) has already been
turned into another Cuba with Atomic Missiles aimed at the Gatun
Locks of the Panama Canal and at our cities here in the United
States. Of course our government, which dances to the tune
called by the Dynasty, refuses even to investigate seriously my
charges on this score." (End of quotation from Audio Book No. 1)
Since then I've repeated my warnings about these Russian missiles
in Guyana in my Audioletters, as you well know; but when I first
made these charges on radio, many of you sent letters and
telegrams to the State Department, mostly by way of your
Congressmen and the Pentagon. You demanded to know if my charges
were true, and for your effort you got gobbledygook and denials.
And many of you sent me these letters saying that you did not
believe the Government. Well, my friends, you were right.

The developments which were destined to culminate in tragedy
at Jonestown began some 13 years ago in 1965. Guyana was a newly
independent country, the former British colony of British Guiana.
At that time the secret Rockefeller-Soviet alliance was in full
swing, and the long range joint plans for a controlled Nuclear
War were moving right along. Both sides were looking ahead
toward an eventual double-cross, but that still lay far in the
future at that time. As I've explained in past Audioletters, the
deliberate strengthening of Russia at America's expense was part
of their joint plan for WORLD GOVERNMENT and conquest. The Cuban
Missile Crisis of 1962 threw a temporary monkey wrench into the
program when President John F. Kennedy intervened personally and
stopped the nuclear arming of Cuba; and for doing that, he lost
his life in Dallas barely a year later. His successor, Lyndon
Johnson, made sure that he followed the script more carefully.
In the wake of the Cuban crisis, Russia needed a new forward base
in the Caribbean area for strategic purposes until the heat was
off in Cuba. To accommodate Russia, Guyana was selected for this
purpose; and David Rockefeller saw to it that a Marxist named
Forbes Burnham became Prime Minister. In return, the Chase
Manhattan Bank became fiscal agent for Guyana, giving Rockefeller
access to the gold produced in Guyana; and as a key factor in all
this, then President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 turned over the
formerly American Air Base, Atkinson Field, to Guyana. America's
right to retain control over the Base for several more decades
was simply thrown away without excuse. Atkinson Field, which was
renamed Temehri Airfield, is south of Georgetown, the capital
city. This is the airfield to which American helicopters carried
bodies to be airlifted to America after the Jonestown disaster
this month. When Johnson gave the Temehri Airfield to Marxist
Guyana, he handed Russia a very large plum indeed. The Temehri
Airfield is the largest in all of Latin America, larger even than
New York's largest airport, the John F. Kennedy Airport; and its
location makes it ideal for ferrying Cuban troops and supplies to
Africa. As a result, Johnson's action on behalf of the
Rockefellers robbed the United States of an important logistic
connection to Africa while opening the door for Cuban troops.
Our troubles years later with the Cuban troops in Angola and
elsewhere in Africa are partly the result.

For a number of years, Russian military activity in Guyana was
heavily concentrated around the vicinity of the Temehri Airfield.
In fact, when I first reported the Russian missiles in Guyana in
1974, they were emplaced in sites that ringed the Airfield.
Within the past two years, however, the missiles were pulled out
from these locations and moved to a separate missile complex west
of Georgetown. In this new complex, the missiles were deployed
at sites scattered over an area some 30 miles across. In the
approximate center was a Command and Control installation
commanded by Russian personnel. After this missile base
relocation was completed, the missile complex was centered at a
point about 70 miles northwest of Temehri Airfield; and roughly
another 70 miles to the northwest lay the Peoples Temple Commune
at Jonestown, an Israeli-type kibbutz. So the missile base ended
up about midway between the Jonestown commune and Temehri
Airfield. It was no accident, my friends, that the Peoples
Temple kibbutz was located so close to the missile base. But the
origins of the Peoples Temple in the 1950s had nothing to do with
government intrigue. It was not until about 1970 that certain
elements of the United States Intelligence community began to
infiltrate and subvert the Peoples Temple. As I have explained
in the past, it's always been standard practice by the
Rockefeller brothers to support not only the faction in power but
also spies and opponents to that faction. In this way they are
always in a position, at least in theory, to cut down anyone who
tries to break free of their control. In the case of Guyana, the
Rockefellers wanted to have such a tool in Guyana as a check on
Forbes Burnham, the Prime Minister, whom they had put in power
with their money. Certain elements within the United States
Intelligence community under general coordination by the CIA were
given the task of finding ways of accomplishing this.

In the course of evaluating various options, it was concluded
that the Peoples Temple would prove ideal. The psychological
profile of the leader, Jim Jones, indicated that he could be
converted into a powerful tool of our Unseen Rulers. Contrary to
reports in the controlled major media, Jim Jones was born a Jew,
and he already exhibited tendencies toward kibbutz-style
organization that could be channeled into useful directions.
This would be brought about through a combination of both
conscious and unconscious factors. At the conscious level, money
and powerful political support would be channeled in his
direction; at the unconscious level, the technique of
psychological programming, which I described in some of my early
Audioletters, would be employed. Gradually, Jim Jones would lose
control of his own personality and become what our Unseen Rulers
wanted him to be. The process would inevitably create tremendous
internal conflicts and turn Jim Jones into a troubled and
dangerous man--and that my friends, was what was done.

By 1973 changes in Jones' behavior began to be noticed by his
friends and followers. His conversion into a semiconscious agent
of death and intrigue was underway in earnest. That same year
the mushrooming funds of the Peoples Temple were used to launch
the agricultural kibbutz at Jonestown, Guyana, though only a few
people went there at that time. Guyana is a rigid Marxist police
state, and no one could have launched a new enterprise like the
Commune without its approval by Forbes Burnham; but David
Rockefeller agents made sure that Burnham received all the
assurances he needed that the Jones compound would fit neatly
into the Marxist environment of Guyana. And at the same time,
Forbes Burnham had begun double-crossing David Rockefeller,
exactly as feared. He was playing ball politically but he was
hiding much of Guyana's gold production in caves in the
mountains. David Rockefeller found this out some time later, but
by then the much bigger problem was developing of a double-cross
by Russia so Burnham was left untouched in order to make way for
bigger things.

When I began warning radio listeners all across America about
the Guyana missiles during the summer of 1974, the Rockefeller
brothers were still in bed with the Kremlin. There were already
ominous signs that something was happening in Russia which they
did not understand; but they simply could not imagine that their
old Kremlin allies, the Bolsheviks, were being overthrown. And
so my public warnings about Guyana missiles were denied and
ridiculed by Government spokesmen, who were lying. A carefully
programmed Nuclear War was being planned for the late 1970s and
they did not want the plan to be spoiled by public awareness; but
two years later Russia's all-out military double-cross of America
began with the Underwater Missile Crisis of 1976. Most of you
know about that crisis, which the Government kept silent about,
but which I detailed in Audioletters 14 through 16. Our Unseen
Rulers were badly shaken by that surprise and initially tried to
reinstate their secret alliance with the Kremlin rulers. After
all, they had succeeded in doing so once before after President
Kennedy broke the rules and made an issue of the Cuban missiles;
but meanwhile they also began setting in motion contingency plans
to gear up for a possible real war.

The Guyana missile base was one of the major targets of this
revised planning. When this planning began more than two years
ago, the Space Battle of the Harvest Moon still lay a year in the
future. It seemed inconceivable that America could lose its
secret beam-weapons base which was soon to be operational on the
moon; and so long as they had this Moon Base to depend on, our
Unseen Rulers thought they could not lose. But in light of the
Underwater Missile double-cross, they wanted to be able to pull
as many of Russia's military teeth as possible. In this way,
their destruction of Russia would be even more complete than
originally planned.

The planners of Operation Guyana were given a difficult
problem to solve. The objective was to wipe out the Russian
missile base in Guyana thereby removing the threat it posed to
the Panama Canal and southern American cities; but this was to be
a pre-war operation carried out covertly and with complete
surprise. It had to be covert, because neither the United States
nor Russia could afford to have it known that the base ever
existed; and the surprise had to be complete, because with even
the briefest warning the base could be reinforced and defended by
Cuban troops. From these requirements it was concluded that a
commando-style raid would be necessary, something like the
Israeli raid at Entebbe Airport in Uganda in July 1976. Any
other kind of attack would have required that our leaders do what
President Kennedy did in 1962, and that is: Tell the American
people what was afoot and ask for our support. And at all cost,
the one thing our Unseen Rulers were determined not to do was to
tell you and me anything. The problem then arose--how to get the
joint attacking forces into Guyana in a force large enough and
fast enough to do the job. Wiping out a major missile base like
that in Guyana after all is no small task and it takes
experience. It was concluded that somehow some very sudden,
massive, compelling excuse would have to be provided in order to
enable the secret joint military forces to enter Guyana
temporarily. The excuse, whatever it was, would have to be so
visible as to tie Russia's hands so that Russia could not
retaliate in Guyana without giving away what she had been up to
there; and the excuse, whatever it was, would have to appear
non-military yet require military expertise. Furthermore, some
provision would have to be made for all casualties in the
missile-base attack to be removed from Guyana after the raid,
otherwise their presence in Guyana could have been made the basis
of an international incident trumped up around some different
story unrelated to the secret missile base. For example, the
government of Guyana, following Russian dictates, might have
publicly displayed the bodies of the joint military forces killed
in the attack and said they were killed in an attempted coup
d'etat against Forbes Burnham. It was a very big order, but the
Jonestown kibbutz proved to be the answer. All that was
necessary was to arrange for many hundreds of American citizens
to die suddenly in Guyana and under conditions guaranteeing
instant massive publicity.

The sheer enormity of the tragedy would require military
involvement, and the location of Jonestown was made to order.
Helicopters commuting between the Temehri Airfield and Jonestown
would naturally fly over the missile complex--whose details were
known in spite of expert camouflage. This meant that joint
special armed forces could be set down near the perimeters of the
missile base and later recovered, along with casualties, with
relative ease. And as the reporters at the Temehri Airfield
watched helicopters leaving to the northwest and return from the
same direction, they were led to assume that all were going to
and from Jonestown 150 miles away. They had no way of knowing
that many of the flights were to and from the Russian missile
base, which lay in the same direction but only half as far away.

When it was decided to use mass deaths at Jonestown as a cover
for the missile-base attack, Jonestown was functioning only as an
outpost of the Peoples Temple. There were not enough people
there to provide a sufficiently major incident to serve the
intended purpose, and so through both direct and indirect means
Jim Jones was persuaded to go to the Guyana kibbutz himself,
taking as many of his flock as would follow him. That turned out
to be about 25 to 30%, and by following him they automatically
identified themselves as the group most highly dependent upon
Jones personally. They were also most susceptible to the
combined influences of exhaustion, intimidation, and isolation
from outside help--in other words, right for brainwashing. And
ever since the days of the Korean war, it's been known
conclusively that brainwashing techniques can force many people
to do all kinds of things. Even hardened American GI's in Korea
fell victim to brainwashing in surprising numbers because they
did not understand what they were up against. But of course the
Jonestown victims were anything but hardened soldiers.

In August 1977 Jim Jones left for Guyana with his large
sacrificial flock. That same month, United Nations Ambassador
Andrew Young carried a message to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham
of Guyana. He said that under certain conditions the United
States and the World Bank would increase its aid to Guyana--that
is, line Burnham's pockets by a factor of ten times more than
previous levels. And so the key disaster of Jonestown was set in
motion in a day shortly before the Battle of the Harvest Moon
last year.

To trigger the whole tragedy in the glare of publicity, the
interest of late Congressman Leo J. Ryan was developed and
programmed; and as the time approached for Congressman Ryan to
make his anticipated trip to Guyana, other activities were set in
motion on the diplomatic and military stage. It was essential
that Russia's attention be diverted away from Guyana until too
late to take action to protect the missile base. Russia's prize
in the Western Hemisphere, of course, is Cuba; and so in the
final days before the Battle of Guyana on Thanksgiving Day 1978,
the trumped up MiG-23 crisis--remember that?--was used to divert
Russian attention to Cuba. Only too late did the Kremlin
discover that the real target was not Cuba but Guyana.

Topic #2--Close aides of the late Congressman Leo Ryan have
reported publicly that his ill-fated decision to go to Guyana was
triggered by a State Department report to him that he found
unsatisfactory. As I have mentioned already, this reaction of
Ryan's had been predicted and, in fact, deliberately encouraged.
With elections coming up, Congressman Ryan decided to schedule
the trip after the election during the Congressional recess.
This was a natural decision, and had also been anticipated by the
planners behind the scenes. And as the time approached for his
trip, the false issue of the Cuban MiG-23 crisis erupted. The
Carter Administration had learned nearly one year ago that the
Russians were going to send the MiG-23s to Cuba and decided that
it would be the perfect pretext for a fake crisis. The MiG-23,
my friends, can carry certain types of nuclear weapons as
claimed; but even in this role it is a tactical weapon best
suited for support of ground or naval forces. The MiG-23 in and
of itself does not threaten America in the same way that the 1962
Cuban missiles did; and so when the United States began playing
up the MiG-23s, it was very obvious to the Kremlin that this was
a deliberate effort to stir up public tension over Cuba. The
question was: Exactly what was the United States up to? Would
the Carter Administration be so crazy as to invade Cuba? Such a
thing sounded irrational, but America's Unseen Rulers are
behaving more and more irrationally. Partly this is deliberate
and is intended to keep the chess players in the Kremlin off
balance, but it is also partly a result of the increasing degree
of control over America by those Satanic schizophrenics, the

Cuba is, after all, very important to Russia, for Russia is
looking ahead to world domination after Nuclear War I; and for
that, Cuba is Russia's main beachhead in the Western Hemisphere.
Even more urgently, Cuba is the unadmitted home of Russia's
Caribbean Submarine Fleet. This fleet has repeatedly moved into
attack positions in the Gulf of Mexico over the past two years
and more during periods of tension. And as if that were not
enough, there are concentrations of nuclear weapons in at least
four land locations in Cuba. One is near the north coast roughly
10 miles inland southeast of Cardenas. This location is 150
miles due south of Cape Sable, Florida. A second site is about
150 miles to the east-southeast of that and about 10 miles inland
from the north coast. A hundred twenty-five miles farther to the
southeast is a third concentration 15 miles northeast of Marti,
well inland. And the fourth nuclear site is near the eastern tip
of Cuba, 28 miles north-northwest of the United States Naval Base
at Guantanamo Bay. With all this at stake, American publicity
over the MiG-23s caused worry in the Kremlin. And in early
November the tension increased when the United States began
sending SR-71 reconnaissance flights over Cuba--shades of 1962.
In response, massive formations from the Atlantic, Pacific, and
Caribbean Submarine Fleets of the Russian Navy began fanning out
along America's east, west, and gulf coasts on November 6. They
did not deploy into attack formations but their sheer numbers
signaled a clear warning to Washington. At this very moment they
are still on station, many with neutron weaponry. Then during
the week immediately preceding the tragedies in Guyana the MiG-23
pseudo crisis built to a climax. Beginning on Tuesday, November
14, a huge combined American and British Naval Task Force began
heading toward Cuba. By midweek, Cuban defense forces were on
full alert, and on Thursday November 16 a group of twelve United
States Senators in Moscow--supposedly to discuss the SALT
talks--met with Russia's Kosygin. There they pressed the alleged
issue of the Cuban MiG-23s, and Kosygin flew into a rage. He
shouted, "I thought you were here to discuss Peace!" According
to James Reston's New York Times article of November 26, 1978,
one Senator, John Glenn of Ohio, reportedly tried to defuse the
MiG-23 argument, calling it a "false issue." As a former test
pilot and America's first astronaut in orbit, Senator Glenn knew
what he was talking about, but Kosygin's anger over the other
comments about the MiGs provided the United States Intelligence
community with valuable proof that the decoy action toward Cuba
was working. The next day, November 17, Russia publicly admitted
sending MiG-23s to Cuba, calling them strictly defensive weapons.
The same day an editorial in the Washington Post typified the
crescendo of media attention to the Cuban MiG-23s. It was
titled: "A New Cuban Missile Crisis?"

The very next day, Saturday November 18, Congressman Leo Ryan,
three newsmen, and a woman seeking to escape from Jonestown were
slaughtered at the Port Kaituma Airport. At least a dozen other
people were also wounded, but there was no effort to destroy the
airplane filled with terrified escapees from Jonestown. Instead,
many witnesses were left alive, and a smaller plane managed to
take off right after the airport massacre and report the attack
in the capital, Georgetown. Immediately world attention was
focused on Guyana, and meanwhile the mass murder at
Jonestown--wrongly called a mass suicide--was underway. At this
point, the elaborate decoy action toward Cuba was no longer
needed, so the Pentagon announced that a routine naval exercise
was in progress which would approach no closer to Cuba than 50
miles. Cuban defense forces relaxed, but the real action was
only beginning in Guyana. The methodical executions of
Congressman Ryan and three prominent newsmen had guaranteed that
Jonestown would shortly be in the glare of publicity. Having
guaranteed this publicity, Jim Jones then ordered the mass
executions at the Jonestown kibbutz.

The complete details of the Jonestown disaster may never be
known publicly. I can tell you though that of those who died
there, very few willingly and deliberately took their own
lives--and that is what suicide is. Many were tricked, not
realizing that the death rites were real. Many more resisted,
but they were weak, helpless, and confronted with armed execution
squads. So by various means, several hundred people were
poisoned with potassium cyanide. However there were many others
who did try to escape and who resisted more effectively. Many of
these people were herded off into the jungle and shot without
mercy. Finally, when the mass murder was completed, the
executioners performed their final task of stage-managing the
horrible death scene. In order to achieve the surprise needed in
attacking the Russian missile base, it was critically important
that the first reports from Jonestown described the scene as a
mass suicide. Only in this way could its actual military
significance be hidden long enough to fool the Russians. So all
of the bodies that were free of gunshot wounds were carefully
arranged in neat rows and other groupings, suggesting at first
sight that everyone died willingly and deliberately. This was
the scene that greeted Guyanese troops late the following day,
Sunday November 19. It was more than 24 hours after the kibbutz
victims died and the executioners, including the real Jim Jones,
were long gone. I will return to the matter of Jones himself

The Guyanese troops were afraid of possible disease but
counted the bodies as accurately as possible. The total they
reported was 409 Sunday night. The initial impression of a mass
suicide was seized upon by the controlled major media of the
United States. Without waiting for an investigation, the media
drummed away at the suicide image of Jonestown as if it were a
proven fact. After a few days a few people did begin to raise
questions, but by then the initial image of suicide had served
its purpose of opening Guyana's doors to the United States. For
example, on Tuesday November 21, Jim Jones' surviving son Steven
said in a Georgetown press conference, "There's no way it could
have been mass suicide." And the same day, according to the
Washington Star, a Guyanese source pointed out a serious medical
discrepancy in the Jonestown kibbutz death scene. He said, "If
you die of cyanide, which seems to have been the poison, your
body goes into spasm and contortion death, but at Jonestown
everyone looked relaxed." The reason for this discrepancy, my
friends, was that by the time the Guyanese troops arrived, all of
the bodies had been rearranged, as I have stated. They were also
placed face down for the most part. This was so that the widely
publicized news photos would not ruin the desired impression of
calm by letting us see the victims' final expressions of agony.

To continue the nightmare charade to fool the Russians, the
United States at first publicly urged Guyana to collect and bury
the hundreds of bodies. As arranged, Guyana replied in effect
that it was America's problem and that America should take the
bodies back to the United States. To facilitate this huge and
hideous task, Guyana obligingly agreed to waive the usual
Guyanese law that requires any body to be autopsied before
removal from the country. With this arrangement, the United
States achieved the carte blanche military access to Guyana that
was needed. Russian intelligence realized what was afoot by
early Monday, November 20, but it was already too late to stop
it. Russia could hardly announce to the world: "We have a secret
nuclear missile base in Guyana and the United States is getting
ready to destroy it." That would have rallied world opinion
behind America; and although Russian Cosmospheres quickly
converged over Guyana, they too were useless in the covert
conditions of battle there. Their Charged Particle Beam Weapons
could have made short work of the commando-style forces, but in
the process they would have wiped out the Russian base itself.
The Guyana missiles have become only a minor factor in Russia's
military power since the Battle of the Harvest Moon last year.
They were not valuable enough to Russia to declare open war on
their account. And so under these conditions, Russia was
powerless to act once the Jonestown tragedy had been staged.

As Thanksgiving Day approached, huge American transports,
helicopters, troops, and medical teams swarmed into Guyana. In a
remote corner of the huge Temehri Airfield a command post was
established for the twin operations at Jonestown and at the
Russian missile base. As some of the troops began the nauseating
task of cleaning up the Jonestown kibbutz, other joint attack
forces were taking up positions around the missile base in
preparations for the surprise raid. Meanwhile, day after day the
death count reported at Jonestown remained unchanged at 409.
Then on Thanksgiving Day itself, the Battle of Guyana took place.
Crack military forces experienced in jungle and surprise warfare
moved in on the Russian complex, striking all the dispersed sites
simultaneously. Like the Entebbe raid, the battle itself did not
last long. It had to be over quickly to be successful. First
the small crews on site near each missile were overwhelmed, and
then killed. The missiles themselves were quickly disabled.
Next the military forces converged on the Missile Command and
Control Center, where a bloody pitched battle took place. When
the smoke cleared, every single person manning the missile base
had been killed, including the Russian commanders.

When the battle was over, American helicopters from Temehri
Airfield began landing within the ruined missile complex and
flying out the wounded. Then the remaining attackers were left
with two more jobs before they could retire from the area.
First, they were under strict orders to leave no bodies of the
attacking forces on Guyanese soil, and so the entire area was
scoured until every single member of the attacking force had been
accounted for. Their bodies, like those of the victims at
Jonestown, were sealed in Vietnam-type body bags and collected in
clearings where helicopters could land to pick them up. Finally,
the combined forces were under orders to remove the nuclear
warheads from the missiles and take them back to Georgetown for
airlift to the United States. Specially trained members of the
attacking force had set to work on this task immediately after
the initial attacks on the missile crews. By early Friday,
November 24, all the warheads had been removed. They, too, were
placed in body bags, one per bag, with some jungle foliage
stuffed in to give the bag a reasonable appearance. Of course,
none of this was apparent to the reporters at Temehri Airfield,
whose access to the American Command Post there was carefully
controlled. When wounded members of the joint forces were flown
back to the Airfield after the Battle of Guyana on Thanksgiving
afternoon, they were kept out of sight of the reporters.
Otherwise when reporters occasionally saw body bags being moved
from place to place they naturally assumed that all contained
victims from Jonestown. They had no way of knowing that some
contained slain Commandoes and that others contained Russian
nuclear warheads. The continual cargo of death from the
Jonestown kibbutz made the perfect cover for the aftermath of the
Battle of Guyana.

Some reporters have been puzzled at the choice of Dover Air
Force Base in Delaware for the Guyana airlift. Most of the
Jonestown victims were from California, and there is a mortuary
facility similar to the Dover facility at Oakland Air Force Base
in California. Dover was chosen, my friends, to facilitate
transfer of the Russian nuclear warheads to the nearby Aberdeen
Proving Ground and Arsenal. This was done by means of shuttle
flights from Dover to Phillips Air Force Base.

Originally the Guyanese count of 409 had been accepted as firm
by United States officials in Guyana. That had raised questions
as to where the rest of the one thousand or so residents reported
to be in Jonestown had gone. Finally, on Thanksgiving Day, with
the body clean-up operation well under way, a military spokesman
told reporters, "The evaluation that we have made is simply that
there were not many more people in Jonestown at the time of the
suicide." But even as he spoke, the Battle of Guyana was raging
at the Russian missile base. By midday on Friday, the day after
Thanksgiving, 485 body bags had already arrived at the Temehri
Airfield. The 'bodies' of warheads from the Russian missile base
were destined to raise the total far beyond the total of 409
bodies originally counted by the Guyanese at the kibbutz. It was
a bad mistake, the kind of thing that happens in the heat of
battle. Something had to be done, and fast. So, on that Friday
after Thanksgiving, a breathless and nervous Pentagon spokesman
at the Temehri Airfield made a stunning announcement over CBS
television: "The original count of persons found dead at the
Jonestown site has been found to be seriously in error. It now
appears there may be as many as 780 bodies, total, found at the
site. They were found simply buried under other bodies. There
were larger adults that were grouped together, and under their
bodies were found the bodies of smaller adults and children."
Badgered by incredulous reporters, the Government embellished the
cover story later on. The Washington Star quoted the same
spokesman as saying Friday night: "Near the center of the pile of
bodies near the assembly hall they were three deep in some areas.
They were in layers with blankets between them." This story was
so unbelievable that within two days the United States Government
dismissed its own story about the blankets as a "rumor." Still
the basic idea of bodies on top of bodies had to be maintained,
so on Saturday November 25 another Air Force spokesman tried to
make it all sound plausible in the following words: "From what I
observed, the people when they committed suicide would line up in
nice neat little circles, children in front of them, and as they
died they folded into the interior of the circle."

The Guyana cover-up is world-wide in its dimensions. In
Guyana, Deputy Prime Minister Reid made the first public
announcement to the Guyanese people about Jonestown on Friday
afternoon, November 24, in Parliament. Then he refused to answer
questions, and rushed out to cries of "Shame. Shame" and
"Cover-up" from Parliament members. And here in the United
States on Thanksgiving Day, FBI Director William Webster said
that the: "FBI Disaster Squad has positively identified the body
of James Warren Jones through fingerprint identification
records." But, my friends, they fingerprinted a look-alike.
Jones himself was at that very moment making good his escape from

All of the preparations for Jones to make his escape had been
made well in advance. An ocean-going boat well stocked with
supplies and money was waiting for him near the river town of
Bartica, 35 miles southwest of Georgetown. In order to make his
way to Bartica from Jonestown, Jones had a Safe Conduct Pass. In
the early morning of Thanksgiving Day as the Battle of Guyana was
beginning, Jones headed down stream toward Georgetown. Shortly
after noon Guyana time his boat left the mouth of the Essequibo
River into the Atlantic Ocean. From there Jones followed a
complicated itinerary which was designed to prevent his being
followed; but in spite of that, my friends, he was followed.
From Guyana Jones headed due east for about 330 miles and then
turned south, landing near Ramere, French Guiana, about 5:30 A.M.
local time November 27. From there he traveled by land to the
capital, Cayenne, and took an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean
to Freetown, Sierra Leone, in West Africa. From Freetown he
headed north along the coast to Guinea-Bissau Airport, arriving
at approximately 7:00 P.M. local time November 28. There, less
than two hours later, he boarded a DC-3 and took off. His route
took him eastward to Tambacounda, Senegal; from there onward into
Mali with stops at Segou, Mopti, and Gao; then onward to Agadez,
Niger, and Largeau, Chad. From there his plane continued to
Atbara, Sudan, and then a short final hop to Port Sudan where he
arrived shortly after 4:00 o'clock this morning, November 30,
local time. When he arrived at Port Sudan, Jones found a
Turboprop Executive Transport waiting for him, owned and operated
by Israeli Intelligence. Within 20 minutes the plane took off
with Jones and headed up the middle of the Red Sea toward the
Gulf of Aqaba. At 6:30 A.M. local time this morning, November
30, Jones' plane landed briefly at Elath, the back door to
Israel; then on to a private airport outside of Jerusalem,
arriving at 7:20 A.M. local time. From there he headed to a
nearby location for an intelligence debriefing.

After being transformed gradually into a conscious agent of
the Intelligence Community over the past half dozen years, Jones
has taken part in a joint operation by American and Israeli
Intelligence in Guyana. The Israelis had contributed valuable
expertise and even key lieutenants for Jones in showing how the
Jonestown kibbutz could be set up and used for the intended
purposes. One has only to look at an encyclopedia to see that
Jonestown was, in fact, a kibbutz. For example, the World Book
Encyclopedia under the topic "ISRAEL" says: "In a collective
community called a kibbutz, the farmers share all the property
and combine their labor. The village administration provides all
their needs. The adults eat together in a dining hall, but
married couples and single persons have private sleeping
quarters. All children are raised together in a separate home.
Parents visit their children for an hour or two before supper."

My friends, the word "Communism", which has been domesticated
here in America, means living in a commune. There is no purer
form of commune than the Israeli kibbutz. When a commune is run
by persons with Satanic, schizophrenic characteristics like those
of Jim Jones, murderous and suicidal behavior are forced upon the
people, as happened at Jonestown. And when this example is
expanded to include an entire nation, one has a nation in the
grip of Bolshevism. It is happening now to America, and we
ourselves are being led and forced into national suicide against
our will.

Topic #3--Many Americans today tend to think of World War II as
having started on December 7, 1941. That was the day when open
warfare came to America at Pearl Harbor. But World War II really
began over two years before Pearl Harbor on September 1, 1939.
On that day Hitler's troops marched into Poland unleashing a tide
of events that swept Germany and Japan crashing into ruins. So
from that day onward it made no sense to talk about preventing
World War II. The question became instead: How to end the war.
In the same way, my friends, it no longer makes any sense to
speak of preventing Nuclear War One, because it has already
begun. It began secretly on Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 1978,
with the Battle of Guyana. And while America's nation-wide Pearl
Harbor still lies in the future, all evidence indicates that this
time we do not have two years to wait! As this secret war
continues prior to open, all-out war, we must now brace ourselves
for Russian retaliation against the United States. By destroying
their missile base in Guyana, America and Israel wiped out an
overseas Russian military installation and killed Russian
personnel; and they did so in a way that made any public protest
by Russia impossible. In the past, Russia has often retaliated
in kind whenever injured, and may well do so again this time. If
so, geophysical warfare could well be the ideal tool, destroying
a military installation seemingly by natural disaster.

In the Battle of the Harvest Moon 14 months ago, America lost;
and the very rules of war were altered. Russia then tried to
force America to surrender through SALT II disarmament, but our
Unseen Rulers instead stepped up preparations for a suicidal
nuclear war. Now, in Guyana, the opening scenes of nuclear war
have already given a preview for the entire war. By the
standards of those who planned it, the Battle of Guyana was a
brilliant success--and yet, at what cost! Many times more
American lives were deliberately sacrificed than were lost by the
enemy in the battle itself. In the same way, the American
first-strike strategy which I detailed three months ago will
cause American deaths to dwarf those inflicted on Russia.

The Battle of Guyana was an exercise in futility, a mere
scratch on the arm for Russia. It was planned before the Battle
of the Harvest Moon, which rendered this month's battle in Guyana
obsolete before it happened. Perhaps the lessons for all of us
were best summarized in the ironic sign that hung over Jim Jones'
throne in the grizzly silence at Jonestown: "THOSE WHO DO NOT

Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless each and every one of you.


ALL 80 Dr. Beter Audio-Letters (about 50 KB each) have
been digitized into ASCII by Jon B. Volkoff and are available

at this web site:

http://www.etext.org/Politics/Beter.Audio.Letter .

I especially recommend Audio-Letters #64, 74, 40, 53,
54, 55, 45, 46, 47, 48, 78, 79, and 80.

Audio-Letter #64 is about the "STS-1 DISASTER/
Audio-Letter #74 is about the "SECRET PURPOSE of the
Falklands War", and includes IN-VISIBILITY Technology and the

Audio-Letter #40 is about the "MILITARY PURPOSE of
Jonestown Mass-MURDER" !

Robert E. McElwaine
Preserve BOTH on CD-R and PRINT-OUTS


"EVERYTHING you know is WRONG."
"The Truth IS stranger than fiction."
"The more things change, the more they STAY THE SAME."
2005-05-18 00:41:23 UTC
So, do you think Jim Jones was taken away by UFO's?

Post by r***@aol.com
Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER #40 of 80
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books,
Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape
recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio
Books, Inc.
This is the Dr. Beter Audioletter, Box 16428, Ft. Worth, Texas
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 30,
1978, and this is my Audioletter No. 40.
On November 24, 1978, the day after Thanksgiving, the
Washington Post here in Washington, D.C. published a full-page
memorial to the late Congressman Leo J. Ryan of California. A
sketch of Ryan in tones of gray took up the entire page, and
against that background a brief eulogy was printed in bold type.
It began, "In Memoriam, to our good friend Leo J. Ryan,
Congressman from California. We will miss him. He saw hope that
right would prevail." The timing of this memorial page was
ironic. Congressman Ryan had been killed in Guyana nearly one
week earlier, and his funeral had taken place two days earlier.
But Congressman Ryan had been deliberately sacrificed in order to
launch a covert military operation in Guyana; and as it turned
out, the Washington Post memorial to Ryan was printed immediately
after the successful completion of this military operation. In a
display of courage that is practically unknown today in the
United States Congress, Ryan had gone to Guyana knowing that it
might be dangerous. But what he did not know was that he had
been lured into making a trip whose tragic outcome was planned
well ahead of time. Congressman Ryan and those who died with him
at Port Kaituma Airport were casualties in the secret war that is
Allen L. Barker
2005-05-18 00:59:32 UTC

Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple


The Jonestown Massacre
CIA Mind Control Run Amok?


Leo Ryan's aide Joseph Holsinger feared that the CIA might have been
running a covert operation there so sinister it would shock even
hardened CIA-watchdogs. In 1980 Holsinger, who'd already discovered
Dwyer's presence at Jonestown, received a paper from a professor at
U.C. Berkeley. Called "The Penal Colony," the paper detailed how the
CIA's mind-control program, code-named MK-ULTRA, was not stopped in
1973, as the CIA had told Congress. Instead, the paper reported, it
had merely been transferred out of public hospitals and prisons into
the more secure confines of religious cults.

Jonestown, Holsinger believed, was one of those cults.



The CIA and Military Mind Control Research:
Building the Manchurian Candidate
A lecture by Dr. Colin Ross


Now according to this book, "Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment?"
by Michael Myers, according to him, Jonestown was a CIA medical
experiment. It was a mind control research site. So that seems
preposterous and impossible to believe. What data and circumstantial
evidence add up to that conclusion?



"Jonestown Tragedy--What the Chronicle/Examiner Won't Tell You"
Kevin Willmann
Monday, November 17, 2003


Remembering the Guyana tragedy
Les Kinsolving
November 18, 2003

Mind Control: TT&P ==> http://www.datafilter.com/mc
Music ==> http://www.soundclick.com/kingflowermusic.htm
Allen Barker | Home page ==> http://www.datafilter.com/alb
Wally Anglesea™
2005-05-18 02:23:32 UTC
On 17 May 2005 16:01:46 -0700, ***@aol.com wrote:

AUK added.

Post by r***@aol.com
And so the key disaster of Jonestown was set in
motion in a day shortly before the Battle of the Harvest Moon
last year.
You mean *this* Battle of the Harvest Moon"?:


Why yes, you do.


'nuff said, kook
Find out about Australia's most dangerous Doomsday Cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down."
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